Trouble Brewing Ch. 02


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"Now what?" came from Janet. Her eyes light with a certain soft haze.

Mindy took a swig. "Well, we should finish the game last night. I still need a dare," she said with a grin as she licked her straw.

"It's just going to become another game of 'truth' after that," Jeff stated.

"I have an idea," came from Syd. "Why don't we kinda spice up a different game so as to keep the fun up."

"What do you have in mind?" Eric slurred. For a big guy, he was taking quite a punch from the booze.

"Well, we could play poker..." Syd started.

"That's not fair! I'm horrible at poker," cried Janet as she stumbled to her feet. Through my experience, Jeff was too.

"Well then, what about 'Bullshit?'" She replied. "All you need in that is to be able to bluff, or count."

"So where is the spice?" Asked Mindy. She had the look like she knew.

"You see, I was just thinking, because we can't play for money... How about we play for clothes?"

This really hung in the air. We all looked round each other trying to hide our levels of intoxication.

"You're serious aren't you?" I asked. I'm not sure what it really sounded like.

She shrugged her shoulders. "Sure. Why not? We all are adults here, right? I just thought it would be an interesting change."

"But wait a minute," started Janet. "I've never played that before."

"Well it's been a while for me too, Jan, but I think I'll be there with you," came from Mindy. "Come on, let's give it a shot." She looked around at the rest of the group.

"Well, I'm fine with it if the you guys are," Eric said. His eyes not truly focusing.

"I'm in!" Cried Janet who began to laugh profusely.

It was just Jeff and I.

Jeff looked at me. "We're adults, right?"

"I'm pretty sure," I muttered.

"It's just a game anyway... I say I'm in."

Just me. I looked down into my drained Margarita glass. I could feel all the eyes of the group awaiting my response. I think it's time to call some bluffs.

"Let's do it."

"So how exactly do we play?" Janet inquired.

"Okay. This is the game..." Syd began. "We deal out every card in a deck. No Jokers though. Once everyone has their hand, you get a minute to organize them if you want. Just putting them in numerical order in your hand. Aces up to Kings..."

The group was clued.

"The first card to be played has to be an ace. To decide who goes, The Ace of Spades must be it. So that person starts us off and places that card face down. They could put as many aces as they have with it as well, but it isn't necessary. When you place a card, you call out what it is and the number. For example; if I was doing threes and I had two, I would put them down and call out, 'Two Threes'. You all with me?"

Most of us knew the rules, yet still listened and nodded.

"So once the ace is played, the person to the left goes next. Their card must be deuces. Same thing goes. They can place as many down as they like, yet must call it. After that are threes, and so on and so forth. All the way up to kings. Now obviously at one point or another, you will be required to play a card you do not have. Say you are supposed to play a Jack but have none. This is where it gets fun..." She looked around at us.

"You will have to be sneaky in this situation. Use as many as you want but put any other card down. Like a Five or a Seven. Doesn't matter. You are substituting it. So you have one seven and play it for a Jack. You place it face down and call out; 'One Jack.'"

"So you bluff?" Came from Jan.

"Yup. You bluff. Or try to. You just better hope no one calls it."

"And what if they do?"

"Well, at any point in time, after a card, or group of cards is played, anyone can call 'Bullshit'. If they do they must check the last cards played. If it was a bluff, the one who did it takes the entire pile. If it was the truth, the one who called 'Bullshit' takes the pile. Your goal is to run out of cards first."

"So when do we... you know," Jeff stuttered.

"If you get caught in a bluff, you take the pile and lose one piece of clothing. If you falsely call a bluff, same thing," Sydney smiled that cunning smile of hers. "Here's the catch though. The other person takes the clothing off."

There was a brief pause.

"Still want to play?" She teased.

We all looked around at each other. One by one, we each nodded to continue.

"Wait a minute. The score looks a little uncertain here, some have more articles then others, isn't that a little unfair?" Janet asked.

"Well let's even up things some. Everyone strip to four pieces of clothing," Mindy stated.

The guys took mental notes. With our shorts/pants, shirts and boxers, that left our socks to count as number four. We were already set.

Thee girls took off their socks. All except Syd. She just stood unmoving.

"Just one sec," she started, then grabbed a bag and ran to the bathroom.

"What's that about?" asked Eric turning to me.

I had my suspicions but kept them to myself. Counting her socks, she only had three pieces of clothing with her top and bottoms. She went to add one.

"Everyone ready?" she asked as we all sat in a circle in the living room.

"More than I'll ever be," answered Jeff as he too sat down. And so a circle was formed. First with Sydney, then me, then Mindy. Next to Mindy was Jeff, next to whom was Janet, and next to her was Eric.

As we settled down as Sydney produced the cards. She dealt them out. Because of our numbers, four of us received nine cards and Janet and Eric only got eight. There were no complaints. A moment was given to allow people to organize their cards. Neither Syd nor I did however. Just one of the ways we like to be able to prep for a bluff if the need arises. She and I have played this before, obviously, but never would I consider these stakes.

"So who goes first?" asked Jeff.

"Who ever has the Ace of Spades," Syd Replied.

"One Ace," came from Eric as he set down a card face down. He looked to the rest of us. Who am I to call on him. No offense, but I'm gonna let the guys bluff all they want.

"Two deuces," called Syd as she laid two face down. I looked at my hand. Threes to me. I had one. I could add another card and go for the bluff, but I'm gonna let things warm up a bit first.

"One Three," I laid the card down.

"Two Fours," Mindy laid down two cards.

Eric looked at his hand. "Bullshit!" He called with a big grin.

"See for yourself," she countered.

Eric smile began to fade with concern. He reached out his hand and flipped the cards. There lay a Four of clubs and a Four of Diamonds. The girls erupted in hoots and hollers

"Shit! I had two in my hand, I was certain someone had one at least," pouted Eric.

"Well now you have four. Come on Big Boy!" Syd taunted. "Take it off."

"Alright, alright. Keep your pants on... for now. I'm just losing my socks. Mindy, you need to do the honors," Mindy's face shriveled in playful disgust. She crawled across the floor and stripped his socks off, then tossed them out of the circle. Eric picked up the pile.

Thus the game continued.

"Fives to you, Bro" Mindy said as she playfully slugged his arm.

"I've got it. One Five." Jeff reached out to lay his card down.

"Bullshit!" came from Mindy.

"Shit! What are you doing? Watching my hand?" cried Jeff. He just got caught in a bluff. He reached out and picked up his card.

"So what will it be?" She teased.

"What do you think?" Jeff said. Mindy reached out her hands and grabbed the waist of his shorts.

"The Socks! The Socks! Jesus Mindy," Exclaimed Jeff.

"I was just kidding, baby bro," and she stripped his socks off.

Janet was next.

"Two Six's," from Jan.

"One Seven," from Eric.

"Three eights," from Syd.

"Bullshit" from Jeff.

Syd looked up. "Go ahead and check."

"Don't have to. I have two." Jeff responded.

Syd began to glare at him, but her glare turned to a smile. "Socks please," she beckoned.

Jeff crawled across the floor and into the center of the circle. Syd leaned back and uncrossed her legs and spread them slightly as she held herself up with her elbows. She looked to Jeff as he looked to her from between her legs.

"Well?" She asked as she lifted a leg up pointing the toe.

Jeff reached out for her foot and slid his hand along her soul from the toes to the heel. He pulled it off and then the second. Syd remained in her position but coked her head to one side and with her big eyes, stared right at Jeff. "Thank you" she almost seemed to purr.

My turn.

"One nine," I bluffed

"Two Tens," Mindy

"One Jack," Jeff

"Three Que--," began Jan, but as she brought her cards out, one fell. We all looked to see a Nine of Hearts."

"BULLSHIT!!!" All three guys said at once.

"Wait! That's not fair," defended Janet. "It slipped. It's a do over."

"You bluffed and got caught. Come on Jan, what piece?" Jeff teased.

Janet looked to the other two girls for aide. They offered none. Reluctantly, she looked back to Jeff. Looking down she said, "My Shirt," Jeff reached out to take it off.

"Hold it!" came from Syd. "You all three called it. So all three of you take it off."

Eric, Myself, and Jeff all turned to Janet. Her eyes went wide, but then there was another look in them. She nodded. Slowly three sets of hands reached out and began to unbutton her blouse. Jeff's hands slid under her shirt and up the sides along her skin to her shoulders. Eric slowly opened her shirt exposing the yellow bikini top to all. It lifted her chest up exposing more flesh than a top should. Eric's hands trailed over the edges of her breasts as her brought the shirt up to her shoulders. For the first time, we all noticed the sliver at her stomach. There was a piercing in her naval. Janet's wild side at play. This only encouraged our brief exploration. Thirty fingers were sliding over her flesh, over countless goose bumps until the shirt was off her arms leaving her in nothing but her yellow top, jeans, and the glimpse of a bikini bottom.

"So who's next" came from Mindy.

"That would be Eric. Kings to you" Sydney responded.

The game continued for a little bit longer. I called Mindy out and it cost her the tank top. My theory of her gray sports bra proved true. Unfortunately I made a wrong call after that and lost my socks to Janet. Jeff lost again leaving him in his Boxers and shorts, which Syd had a great time with.

As we played my eyes traveled the bodies of the ladies. Janet's skin looked so delicate. Paler than Syd and Mindy. Yet soft nonetheless. Mindy's form looked more chiseled in the light from the fireplace. He abs casting shadows and her belly button perfectly placed. And Sydney looked anxious. I could tell she was really getting into it. Especially when she called me on one she knew to be true.

"Four Sevens," I called.

"Bullshit," Syd said.

I looked over at her. She looked into my eyes with those deep pupils of hers. "Did I get it?" She asked knowing all to well.

I flipped the cards showing all four sevens.

She leaned back. "My pants," she said and looked dead in my eyes. I scooted over to her. She turned so as to block my way. She wanted me to go from the front. I looked back to everyone else to see their unblinking eyes focused on my task.

I grasped the edges of her waistbands and began to pull them down. I heard shuffling behind me as everyone positioned themselves closer. Inch-by-inch, I was exposing her flesh. Her tattoo greeted me again.

"Don't you think you're skipping a step?" She asked. I stopped and looked up at her. "You have my panties too."

I looked down and realized that I was taking everything off. Just a centimeter lower and I would be completely exposing her. My fingers relaxed and a red strap fell from them. I grabbed the strap on both sides and pulled them back up until they felt snug against her. I traced my hand along the strap around back and found where they met. Then placing a palm to her flesh, I held a cheek in each hand. Slowly I lifted her up. My right hand held on to her ass, while the other pulled at the pants. I couldn't stop myself from pulsating my grip on her cheek as I rested her down. Then sliding the pants all the way down, some of the most gorgeous legs were presented. I slid the pants off and tossed them outside the circle. Sydney smiled at me as she brought her legs up next to her keeping them tightly together. I looked back to the circle seeing it has gotten closer. The game continued.

As it progressed, I lost again losing my shirt which Mindy enjoyed taking off. Her hands roaming over my chest and stomach as she did so. After that, Janet lost her jeans. She wasn't fazed much by it but Jeff seemed a bit nervous taking them off. Next went Eric with his shirt. Then he made a bad call and lost his shorts. It was actually Mindy whom he made the call on. He stood when she went to take them off. She stood up right in front of him and reached down inside his pants. The looks of which suspected that she grasped his tool. The hungry look in her eyes and the smile of his face was all we needed in confirmation. Then in a flash, she separated his shorts from his boxers and her was left with one article of clothing left.

Calls on bluffs were now being made, not for the game, but for the carnal desire we were all falling victim to. As each person shed an item, it felt like the circle got smaller. Soon, we were all so close that our body heat could be felt by the people adjacent to us. Small dots were on all of the girl's tops from nipples that betrayed them. The guys had bulges that there was no point in hiding.

It didn't take long after that until everyone was in his or her last line of defense. The Guys in just their boxers, and the Girls in their bras and panties. The next call, one way or another, was going to reveal some skin.

Everyone was serious now.

Sydney "Two tens."

Me "One Jack."

Mindy "Two Queens." Could that be a lie?

Jeff "Two Kings." Don't care

Janet "One ace." She has to have that one.

Eric "Three Twos." Don't care

Syd "One Three." Could go either way. SHIT! My turn.

Me "Two Fours." Please don't call it. Please don't call it.

Mindy "Three Fives." YES! I'm safe!... Wait a minute.

Me "Bullshit!"

Mindy looked up in shock. I had her. I know I did. I reached out and flipped the cards. One Five. Two Five. Oh Shit... and the last card... Jack of Clubs. A hush fell over the group. She was busted. Mindy's blue eyes settled on mine. She pointed to her top.

"Do you want to stop?" I asked gazing at her. She shook her head.

"My Bra," she said.

My hands began to raise from my sides as I knelt in from of her. Mindy's back slowly began to arch, thrusting her chest out. I grasped the fabric hem at the bottom of her sports bra. Her hands found mine as they slipped up her skin. We lifted together. Exposing her flesh. The bottom of her breasts came into view. Shaped like a perfect circle. Up it went until her nipples greeted the eye. Small, round, and erect. Perfect accents to perfect mounds. The bra was removed completely. Once her head was through, my hands fell back down but tracing a path along her skin. Down they went, through the divide of her cleavage raising an intake of air from this beauty. Coming back to my senses, I sat back down.

"Wow, Mindy. They're great," came from Jeff.

"I'm glad you approve little brother," she glanced down to see his bulge in his shorts. "But I guess I'll be finding out soon whether you're little or not. It's Sixes to you and I have all four. I'm calling your bluff," she said

Jeff looked at his hand. Then down at his boxers. "Shit."

"Stand up Jeff. Stand up right here in front of me," Mindy called.

Reluctantly, Jeff stood up. Syd was now sitting with her legs crossed and squeezing her thighs with her fingers. The light began to shimmer in the depths of her red lacy panties as her eyes were glued to Jeff's bulge. Jeff took a step into the tightened circle and turned to face Mindy.

"Mmmmmm." She purred as she rose up onto her knees. Her head was just at his belly button as she looked up at him.

"I think..." she began as she reached grasped his waist band. "...That it's time to say goodbye to my little brother..." With that she took his boxers down in one flash of an eye freeing his engorged cock. "... and hello to my BIG Brother." She almost whispered as her eyes instantly fastened themselves to it. A slight smile started at the corners of her lips.

Jeff's tool was definitely impressive. It was a solid length with girth to match.

"Now you see what I like," cooed Janet. A massive smile across her face. Both her hands in her lap as she too sat crossed legged. One of her fingers could barely be seen stroking the outsides of her thin bikini bottoms.

"I most certainly can." Mindy exhaled. Her breath caressing Jeff's throbbing member. With a sparkle in her eyes, Mindy began to stand up, close to her brother. As she rose, the head of his cock fell against the crook in her neck. Up she went until it rested between her tits. She stopped for a moment.

"Who would have ever guessed that someday you would have your swollen cock in between your sister's titties, huh Big Brother?" She cooed. She continued to rise as her nipples rolled against his stomach.

"I think you should sit down," she whispered.

Jeff nodded as they both took a seat. He looked down at his cock and then out at the group.

"Hold on a moment. I have nothing more to lose. What happens now?"

"We keep playing," came from Syd rather firmly.

I quickly became aware of Mindy's leg pressed right up against mine. Her hot flesh so pressing into me. Feeling daring, I placed a hand on her bare knee and gently squeezed. Jeff looked at me and did the same. It was now Janet's turn.

Janet looked down at her cards. She was beat red and breathing heavily. The poor girl, here she is watching her brother and sister strip each other, and it turns her on. As I looked to Eric, his thoughts must be the same. Janet played her card.

"One Seven..." Janet began.

"Bullshit." Syd stated.

All eyes went wide as they turned to Sydney. She had that wicked smile of hers as she crossed over to Janet. She didn't give her a chance to respond as she reached around Janet and pressed her up against herself. Their breasts crushed against each other.

"It's true..." Janet whispered weakly in Syd's ear. Too late. Syd already had her fingers on the ties and began pulling. One around the neck, and the other in the center of the back.

"I know," breathed Sydney. "You're just going to have to even the score." Her breath falling into Janet's ear.

"What? I can't!" Started Jan just loud enough for a few ears.

"Do it," said Syd as she sucked into her mouth Janet's earlobe. She gave it a gently bite.

"Ahh!" Gasped Jan.

"Do it!" Syd said again still in a whisper yet through gritted teeth.

With shaky hands, Janet reached around to the clasp of Sydney's bra. A soft 'click' was heard and the bands fell to the sides. Janet brushed her hands up to Syd's shoulders and brought the shoulder straps down to her elbows just as her yellow ties fell from her back and neck. The two women crushed together was all that kept their tops on.

Slowly they separated as the clothing fell to the floor. Syd did not let go of Janet nor did Janet of Sydney as the circle looked upon the new sight. Janet's nipples looked soft and pink. Her areolas were rounder than I would have thought. Her breasts as a whole were very round and looked to float on air. A slight tan line framed the picture of her chest completing the masterpiece. Then my eyes beheld Sydney's naked tits.

The breasts of my sister were nothing short of what I would fantasize. Perky, and full. Enough for a hand and just a little bit more. Her nipples were as dark a color as a cherry looks in the twilight. Luscious, and wonderful.