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Trusting her with her secret desires.
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This story depicts mature lesbian sex, if this is not to your liking, please visit some of my other submissions, otherwise, I hope you enjoy it.


Linda was sitting at her desk enjoying the tranquillity that came with a Friday afternoon. Many people found an excuse not to be in the office on Friday, especially today with the sun shining. It meant she could get on with tying off several loose ends without the usual distractions. The complex had several offices rather than the open plan scheme found at many and the lady who shared Linda's office only worked three days a week so Linda was able to enjoy this kind of tranquillity regularly. Not especially tall at 5 4, the early fifties blonde mum of two grown-up kids was something of an agony aunt come mother hen to the other women of the company, all of whom were younger than her, who made up the majority of the office workforce.

One of the few in the office this Friday was Amanda who appeared in the doorway, slumped against the door frame and sighed very heavily. Linda turned her chair slightly and pulled a sulky face "Well that doesn't look like someone who is looking forward to the good weather forecast this weekend." The young woman gave another heavy sigh and cast her eyes to the ceiling which prompted Linda to pat the chair that sat at the side of her desk and say, "Come on, you know you can tell me anything and it won't go anywhere."

Amanda slowly pulled herself up from the door frame but instead of taking the offered seat, she came up to the desk and perched herself on the edge saying "I really don't want to go home tonight. The prospect of another two days doesn't thrill me."

"What on earth is making you so glum?" the older woman asked as she placed her hand on top of Amanda's.

"I'm not sure how to phrase this" Amanda started but then paused eventually saying "We had words last night... and... and I'm not looking forward to resuming hostilities this evening."

"Oh dear, can I ask what the words were about?" asked Linda.

Another deep sigh preceded Amanda rubbing her hands together "I'm still coming to terms with how to phrase it out loud to another person... He wants to try another woman joining us in the bedroom department if you get my drift."

Linda was momentarily floored, of all the things she was expecting, that was not one of them. Trying to be analytical about Linda quizzed "I take it you aren't into women?"

Amanda was still looking down at the floor as she remained slumped over "It's not so much being into women; I am curious if that makes a difference. It's just the thought of him trying it and finding her more interesting than me."

As floored as Linda might have been originally, it was nothing compared to how she felt now. "Do you know this woman?" she asked for clarity.

Amanda shook her head "No, not yet. It was him floating the idea."

Linda started to regain her composure "What on earth are you afraid of? How could anybody outsmart you?"

Amanda shrugged as she lifted her head to look at Linda with half a smile "It's not so much the smarts. What if she's prettier than me or has longer legs or has bigger tits than me or perhaps more to the point, does things that I'm not willing to do?"

Linda smiled up at Amanda's sorry face and replied "So it's not fear of being with another woman? It's if they are better than you. Why would it matter if they have bigger tits; I'd say you are beautifully proportioned, lovely legs and very beautiful. I can't see any category where anyone would trump you."

Amanda gave a tired smirk "That's so nice of you to say so" as she placed her other hand over Linda's. "You're bound to say that though, aren't you?" she half asked.

Linda used her free hand to lift Amanda's face upwards so that she stared the younger woman square in the eye "I'll admit that sometimes I may say things to lift a person's spirits but believe me on this one; you are a fabulous human being and your partner should be glad of that fact. You're one of those people who are as pretty on the inside as you are on the outside." She sat back hoping that she had said enough to convince the younger woman.

It didn't appear to have worked though as Amanda simply shrugged and looked down at her lap once more "I just don't feel very beautiful at the moment."

Linda decided to turn Amanda's argument on its head when she said "Have you ever considered that he might be feeling insecure that you and this new woman may hit it off and decide to exclude him? Is this maybe the reason he wants another woman included rather than another man? How do you feel about being intimate with someone else full stop, let alone with another woman?"

Amanda shrugged once more "It's not something that sits comfortably with me if I'm being honest."

Linda's tone changed to one of resolution "Well then just come out and tell him that."

Amanda scrunched up her face as she tried to find the words "It's just that I so want to please him. We have spent too many years together for me to let this fail. It's just..." Amanda faltered temporarily "Well what I mean is... oh god, how do I say this? I'm curious about what it's like with another woman but I don't want to leave it to chance on the day and they both be disappointed in me."

Linda was struggling to find words to advise Amanda, this was so far removed from any of her own experiences but just then she had a thought "Why don't you say that you're not averse to the idea but you want to meet her first? If you don't get a good feeling, you step back and not commit to a course of action you'll later regret."

Linda could see from Amanda's expression that she was mulling the idea over in her head "I don't want him to go to a lot of trouble of finding someone to join us only for me to turn around and rain on his parade."

Linda was at a loss to suggest any further action and confessed "I really don't know what to say. It sounds like you need to experiment in a safe environment before committing to proceeding with the next step. Do you know anyone who is either lesbian or bi-sexual?"

Amanda shook her head, looked up and asked the ceiling "Oh god what am I going to do?" looking back at Linda she added, "I don't know anyone I could trust with that kind of secret -- other than you, of course." Just then a tear formed in the corner of Amanda's eye and Linda's heart went out to her young colleague. Amanda barked a mirthless laugh and added "I don't suppose you've ever done anything with another woman have you?"

Linda sat back straight and immediately blurted out "Oh no." Her face flushed immediately "I doubt anyone would want me based on my husband's lack of attention of late."

Amanda lifted her free hand and brushed Linda's cheek "You're very beautiful, your smile lights up any room and there is a reason that you have so many visitors; people want to spend time in your company. You always seem to have the right words for anyone's problem and I've seen the younger guys look as you pass by; you still turn heads so don't let me hear you say no one would want you."

"Really?" Linda asked as she leant back in her chair genuinely shocked at Amanda's words.

"Absolutely" the younger woman replied, adding "You'd be the perfect candidate to help me if you were that way inclined."

Linda just sat there with her mouth silently opening and closing" I... but... err... I...but" she stuttered for some time until Amanda placed her free hand over Linda's once more and Linda looked down at the delicate hand placed atop hers.

Amanda smiled down at the older blonde woman, so obviously cast out of her comfort zone. She lifted Linda's hand and placed it on her thigh curious to see what her mentor would do. Linda's cheeks reddened again but more importantly, when Amanda removed her hand, Linda did not snatch hers away. Instead, she looked up to Amanda's smiling face, back to her hand and repeated the gesture a couple of times. She could feel the soft silk of Amanda's stocking on her fingers and palm.

For her part, Amanda was enjoying the touch and felt compelled to say "I think that feels very nice. Does it feel nice to you too?" She was enjoying both the touch and the fact that it was her leading Linda and not the other way around.

Linda absent-mindedly nodded her head while focusing her attention on her hand and Amanda's leg. Speech appeared to be the most difficult process for her to master, all logical thought had gone from her head and her singular focus was where her hand sat on Amanda's leg. The way she sat meant that Amanda's skirt was held tight across her thighs and she rocked from side to side to free up a little fabric meaning that she could lift the hem slightly to expose the darker bands of her stocking tops. During this Linda didn't move her hand an inch so Amanda placed hers above Linda's once again but this time drew the fingers upwards slightly so that the fingertips grazed the soft flesh just above the silk "Does that still feel nice; I hope so. I feel safe with you, I don't think I could comprehend doing anything like this with anyone else. I hope I'm not abusing your trust?"

Linda switched her gaze to look Amanda square in the face as the younger woman nodded to her "I... I...I... well, what I mean is... feels very nice."

Amanda's heart leapt at this sentiment "Would you like to explore further?" Linda stayed silent and so Amanda added "I'd certainly like you to; you have such lovely soft hands."

The first change was in Linda's fingertips which traced a slow line across the tops of Amanda's stockings. Amanda's heart began to race at the change in the contact and her breath caught in her throat. Ever so slowly the stroking increased until they were spanning the full width of the top of Amanda's thighs. The younger woman emitted a long "Mmmmmm" by way of encouragement.

This encouragement was exactly the type of feedback that Linda needed at just the right time as she had started to doubt herself. For something like five minutes, her stare never wavered from her left hand and sat purposefully on the younger woman's thigh while Amanda's stare concentrated on Linda's attention. "I... I... I mean I've... you know... never felt... well, anything quite like... this" Linda absently mumbled low but loud enough for Amanda to hear.

"It feels very nice, you have such a tender touch" Amanda replied as she smiled down at Linda.

Linda looked up into the younger woman's deep brown eyes "You don't mind. I mean this is okay with you, right?"

Amanda's smile didn't waver as she replied "I don't mind at all. I was nervous to try something with an unknown woman and yet this here with you feels so very nice. In fact, I'd like to go as far as to ask would you mind inquiring further?"

Linda still looked like the proverbial rabbit in the headlights as she responded, "I've never done anything like this, how will I know I'm doing it right?"

Amanda's smile remained as she replied "Oh don't worry on that front. If it makes you feel better, I have no idea what to do either but somehow, I think we could work it through together." This was the point that Amanda tipped the scales; she took hold of Linda's left wrist and pulled it towards her at the same time as she widened her legs apart. The fingertips moved upwards and Linda jumped as they came into contact with Amanda's lacy panties; warm from being next to her. As the younger woman hadn't relinquished control of Linda's wrist, she ensured that the inquiring hand remained where she intended it to be. Amanda used her hand to guide Linda's as the older woman's fingertips grazed and danced on the front of Amanda's panties which is when she gave an approving "Mmmm, that feels so very nice."

Amanda wanted to see how willing Linda would be so she tentatively lifted her hand away from the blonde's wrist. Her heart beat rapidly as Linda continued the motion with her fingertips. Time she seemed to draw out until Amanda lifted her leg and tilted to the side so that Linda had a larger area to play with in front of Amanda's panties which the older woman made full use of. Amanda knew at that point that not only was Linda a fully paid-up participant but Amanda was keen to ensure she pampered Linda as the older woman was currently pampering her. The sensations shooting around her generated from her crotch area were simply nothing like she had experienced before.

Linda turned her hand slightly so that she could apply more pressure through her fingers. Amanda's immediate reaction was a groan and pushing her hips forward to intensify the pressure exerted by the older woman. For her part, Linda couldn't get over how hot the front of Amanda's panties were, how delicate the lace felt and how much she was enjoying making another woman squirm with her actions. She had never even looked at another woman and had a desire trigger inside her and yet it felt like she was being carried along on a wave; a wave she wanted to see where it would go. Maybe with any other woman, Linda wouldn't have batted an eyelid and yet because she had known Amanda for some time, and combined with Linda wanting to help her out of her predicament this seemed the best course of action.

Amanda shifted so that she could fully lift her skirt and tuck it behind her so that she could further open her legs providing Linda with unhindered access to her groin but a couple of minutes later that proved not enough for the younger woman. She shifted again so that she could reach up and remove her panties returning to her previous position and providing Linda with full unrestricted access to her pussy.

Linda was temporarily taken aback at being presented with a cleanly shaved pussy but quickly recovered to work her fingertips to trace down the cleavage of Amanda's labia. The skin inside was softer and moister than Linda had felt before; she rarely played with her own pussy and so this was a completely new journey of discovery.

Amanda gasped as Linda's fingers worked their magic "Oh god, that feels so nice to me. I hope it does for you too?"

Linda smiled back as she replied, "As long as you'll let me know if I hurt you, I'm really liking the way you respond to me touching you. I still can't believe I'm doing this; this will remain between the two of us?"

Amanda was quick to respond "Trust me, this will be our secret but I do think we had better close and lock the door. There may not be many of us around on a Friday afternoon but you never know who will walk past next."

Linda reluctantly stood up as it meant removing her fingers but she still made her way over to the door to close and lock it as Amanda had suggested. As she returned to the desk Amanda shuffled forward so that she was leant against the edge and pulled Linda into an embrace. Linda could see the red paint lips heading her way but felt powerless to act as the lips engaged hers. This was the point where her automatic reaction kicked in and she kissed back at the soft fragrant lips before her. She still kissed her husband - occasionally -- but this felt very different. Amanda moaned approvingly into the kiss encouraging Linda further still. The younger woman's perfume sat heavy in Linda's nostrils as she drew the scent in further. Her world had effectively stood still and her sole focus was her pretty colleague.

Linda was shaken from her daze by Amanda reaching up to cup the older woman's breast. Neither had large breasts but to Amanda's mind Linda's were the perfect size to sit in her palm and they flexed just enough for the flesh to follow the contour of her fingers. It was now Linda's turn to moan into the kiss as Amanda's fingers flexed and accidentally worked over her nipple which had engorged in response to the treatment she was receiving. Amanda disengaged her mouth but only slightly as she tilted her head to kiss Linda's neck just below her ear. Linda gasped "Oh god" in response and cradled Amanda's head so that she wouldn't remove her mouth any time soon.

Amanda kissed further down the blonde's neck and started to leave a trail of goosebumps; this was the point when Linda realised her panties were saturated. She had enough rationale not to expect this to be an overnight sensation, she had obviously been working up to this point for some time but this was the point when she realised it was a scenario that she was very much enjoying and wanted to see what other joys lay ahead.

Amanda pulled at Linda's top to extract it from her skirt waistband and then wrestled it upwards so that she had to remove her mouth and Linda -- very willingly -- raised her arms to speed its removal. The younger woman then returned her mouth to Linda's soft silky skin, working her way down to the cups of the plain white bra. Amanda kissed her way down the skin as it bulged to Linda's delicate breast and downwards further to where her cleavage disappeared. The next sensation Linda felt was the younger woman reaching behind her for the clasps of her bra. 'Oh god she wants to see my tits out' was the thought that popped into her head quickly followed by 'and I want it too' just as she reached behind her own back and quickly unclasped the fastenings so that she could pull on the band in the middle to throw the garment aside.

"Oh yes" encouraged Amanda on seeing Linda so willingly participating. Linda's breasts had a slight sag that enhanced the younger woman's enjoyment. These were the first breasts she had seen close up other than her own; yes, she had seen other women in communal changing rooms but they weren't in close proximity. Linda's nipples sat erect and just begging for attention and so Amanda leant forward to take first one and then the other between her lips. The moment she proved pivotal for both.

Amanda's epiphany came once her lips touched the firm rubbery nub; she occasionally did this to her partner but male nipples were a very different prospect than a woman's whose were far more responsive especially when she used her teeth to gently nibble at them. Linda's head was spinning from the sensations emanating from her breasts; she couldn't believe she had left it so long to try this. Amanda produced a very different sensation than her husband had ever been able to generate.

It took a determined effort from Linda not to just stand there and let her younger colleague continue to lavish this kind of attention but with a conscious effort she pulled on Amanda's shoulders to stand her up straight saying "I want to try some of that" as she pulled Amanda's top up and over her head. The front clasping bra was quickly dispensed with and Linda was able to gaze at Amanda's perfectly proportioned tits. She had never seen them in the sexual sense previously but now - knowing what she intended to do -- their appearance made her clit give an involuntary pulse. Repeating what Amanda had done was easy as Linda bent forward slightly and clasped the tiny, pointed nub between her lips to suckle on.

Amanda reached up and cradled Linda's head so that her face remained stimulating the young woman. "Oh god, that's so nice" Amanda cooed, spurring Linda to explore further. The trust both placed in the other was being rewarded at every new touch and sensation. Amanda pushed slightly on Linda's shoulders and the blonde instinctively knew what Amanda wanted; it was after all what she wanted too. Linda slipped down to kneel and started to push the hem of Amanda's skirt up her thighs. It was when the material cleared the top of Amanda's stockings that the breath caught in Linda's throat. The image that burned into her mind meant that the pussy she had been previously playing with was just inches away from being revealed.

Amanda felt the skirt being pushed up out of the way and then stop, this went against what Amanda wanted so she reached down and lifted the material the rest of the way so that it sat bunched at her midriff. This exposed Amanda's shaved pussy to the older woman's scrutiny and Linda considered 'It's beautiful. Why is it I've never tried this before.'