Truth is Subjective


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The morning found us stilled entwined with the sheets and each other. Fiona was facing me and even though she was still asleep, had an adorable smirk on her face. She was at peace and even in the stark light of the morning, was amazingly beautiful. Her eyes slowly opened.

"Morning, my handsome fella." Her sleepy smile warmed my heart. Fi turned around and snuggled up to me.

"You know, I could get use to waking up with a beautiful woman in my arms." We laid there for the longest time. It was like we had found this unexpected contentment with each other and didn't want to break the magic.

Suddenly her cell phone chirped. After a few moments of conversation she brightened up. "Looks like we can finally breathe a sigh of relief. That was my contact from your state dept. They want us to come in."


Two hours later we were at the designated address. It was a nondescript brownstone that had been converted into offices. We entered the building and were confronted by two very large men of the no neck variety. I thought there was going to be trouble, but it seems they were only security. One stayed at his post while the other motioned for us to follow. We were taken to a waiting room and finally a middle-aged man entered.

"The time has come the walrus said." Fiona simply nodded and sighed, glad to be finally rid of the flash drive.

"Well done officer Hughes." He introduced himself as Anthony Burger from the State Department and was grateful for the work we did. "Hopefully this will put a big dent in Red Crescent's funding."

We were again told to wait. He left the room and almost an hour later returned; his expression was a bit forlorn. "We seem to have a few problems. The evidence you collected seem to indicate that Bengali was actually working a sting with Homeland security and the CIA. He was actually gathering evidence against Red Crescent, locating operatives here in the US."

"Why wouldn't you have known that before?" I asked

He shook his head, a bit embarrassed. "Apparently we were kept out of the loop."

"Ah! Then you still have valuable Intel on those blighters. It's a win all the way around." Fiona piped up.

"Not really, the Princess turned up missing and we think a Red Crescent cell has her somewhere in the city. Her father just notified us of the ransom demands. Apparently they are asking for 10 million dollars for her safe release."

I shook my head. "Red Crescent will never release her. Chances are she is dead already."

"Yasmina might be a bit spoiled, but she's a right trooper. We just need to find her." Fiona determined.

"Well unless you have a crystal ball in your back pocket my dear, she doesn't stand a chance."

Fiona smiled. "I will do you one better Mr. Burger." She handed him a small slip of paper. "This is the frequency of the tracking device I planted on her as a precaution."

The middle-aged man gave Fi a look of sudden admiration. "Young Lady, you may have just saved the day."


We found where the cell was hiding her. Since Fi and I were both police officers, Mr. Burger asked us to come along. I think he was grateful for the extra help, seeing as he didn't have time to call in back up. The three of us, along with the two beefy security men converged on the warehouse where the Princess was being held. We took them by complete surprise. They never found the bug that Fi planted on the Princess.

There were only four Jihadis and they were soon subdued. We broke into the office where Yasmina was tied to a chair, while fifth member had a gun to her head. He was one of Yasmina's entourage from that night at the club. I guess I wasn't the only ringer there.

"You will leave now or I will put a bullet in her brain." His English was now heavy with a Middle Eastern accent.

Fiona took a step forward. "You Danny.... you're Red Crescent?"

"Yes Fiona, seems like I wasn't the only one with a secret." He quipped sarcastically. We kept our weapons trained on him. "Like I said, back off or her 'Highness' gets to meet Allah, now."

"Wait, we have Intel on your group, that we haven't turned in yet. Could we trade that for Yasmina?" Burger started to object when Fiona silenced him with a look. "Matthew here, has it on his cell phone."

The terrorist seemed to be intrigued. "I want the three of you to lay your guns down and back off, or the Princess won't see tomorrow." Burger and his two companions hesitated and then laid down their pistols They started to back away and the gunman stopped them. "Now lay face down on the floor and do not move." The men complied. He still kept a pretty good eye on Fi and me.

"Now lay down your pistols and kick them toward me." The man Fi called Danny yelled and then kicked the pistols behind him. "The cell phone. Lay it on the floor and slide it to me." I pulled it out of my pocket, knelt down and slid it his way.

Suddenly the terrorist brought up his pistol. "Now I'm afraid I am going to have to kill you all."

He pointed his weapon at Fiona. With no time for any other decision, I leaped in front of her as the pistol barked. I felt the impact on my back and a searing pain in my right shoulder. As he went to take another shot, the sound of a loud police siren coming from right outside, made him change his mind. He made a grab for the cell phone. The fifty thousand volts that suddenly coursed through his body gave him something else to think about for quite a while..


The clean up was quick. Not only was princess Yasmina safe, but we managed to bust up a small terrorist cell. Of the five members of Red Crescent, only two survived; Danny and one of the others. Of our group, I was the only one that was wounded. The state department was cleaning up the scene while I laid on the gurney in the back of the ambulance. Fiona hovered over me like a momma bird over her chick.

Fiona's eyes were glassy. "You took a bullet for me Matthew. You didn't have to do that. I was wearing a vest too."

The attendant returned. "Actually his vest took the bullet for you. The blood is from a bit of shrapnel that his shoulder took when the bullet fragmented.

"So he's going to be alright?" Fiona asked the attendant.

The paramedic smiled. "I think he has a few more miles left in him."

"Looks like you are stuck with me girl." I remarked.

Fiona smiled and kissed my forehead. "You better not leave me alone, you wanker." She giggled as tears ran down her cheeks. "What you did means that I can really trust you. After all the shit I have went through with my transition, I thought I would never be able to trust another man, ever again."

I looked up at her. I could see what she felt in her eyes. I started to tear up myself. I looked away. "Oh ....this is stupid!"

"What?" Fiona sniffed as she knelt next me in the back of the ambulance.

"I remember a day years ago when, I was talking with my Mom. I asked her how I would know when I would find the right girl for me. She smiled and glanced at Dad in the other room. She told me not to worry, because when the time came, I would know and there would be no question in my heart. That moment came for me the other night Fiona. The night when I held you so close that I could feel your heart beating in time with mine."

Tears fell on my shirt as she leaned over me. Her lip quivered as she whispered. "What did you know Matthew?"

I smirked. "You want me to spell it out for you, don't you girl." Fiona repeated her little nod, all of her attention was now fully centered on me.

"You're actually going to make me say this aren't you?" I asked again.

From outside the ambulance I heard the attendants' voice. She stayed back to give us privacy, but by the remark, you could tell she was somewhat annoyed. "Just tell her you love her and lets get going, ya big dope."

As if on cue, I gazed into Fiona's eyes. "I love you Fiona. With all my heart, I love you."

"I love you too Matthew." She declared as she hugged and kissed me.

"Hallelujah." The attendant remarked as she rolled her eyes and started to pack equipment away. "Now let's get you to the hospital."

"You coming with me Fi?" She then nodded emphatically.

"She better be Honey. Because you need all the watching over you can get and as soon as I get you to the hospital - we as in you and I - are history." The attendant drawled. The three of us laughed and soon the ambulance was on the way to the hospital.

"But, Matthew. What are your parents going to think---- with me being---you know?"

I smiled. "Dad and Mom are going to love you Fi."


My wound turned out to be simple, as these things go, a bullet fragment just grazed me. But I also had a pretty good bruise on my back where the flack vest stopped the slug. Fiona and I became inseparable. The next day, Mr. Burger and another gentleman stopped at the hospital for a visit. The man from the State department complemented us on our quick thinking and thanked us for our fine service. He said that he was putting us both up for commendations. They then granted Fiona a permanent visa, so she could stay in the US as long as she liked.

The second man stepped forward. Turns out that he was a representative of Sheik Bengali. He made a most eloquent speech on how the Sheik was so grateful for saving his daughter's life. We were to have an open invitation to visit him and his family when ever we wished. The man then handed me a leather valise and said it was a small token of appreciation from Sheik Bengali. The two men then exited and left us alone in the hospital room. I opened the valise. Inside was more money than I had ever seen outside of a bank vault. Fiona and I gaped at each other in amazement and then broke into rolling fits of laughter.


A while later, my Dr. came in for one last checkup and it was his duty to give me enough bad news to rain on our little parade. Seems I had a lovely little staff infection in the shoulder wound and would have to stay for a while longer. Fiona thought it would be a good idea to get our 'little' retirement nest egg into a bank. She said she had some errands to run and would be back later.

They stuffed me full of antibiotics and told me I could probably leave in a day or two. After a while, my Dad and Mom came to visit and they both fussed over me like all parents do. They brightened up when I told them about Fiona. They were anxious to meet her, but while they were there, she called and said that she couldn't return to the hospital until the following day. They both talked to her on the phone briefly and both were quite smitten with my Fiona. I asked them to do me a favor.

The massive dose of antibiotics did their job and in two days, I was deemed well enough to leave the hospital. Fi had returned and was back to her mother hen self, grousing at everyone she felt wasn't helping me fast enough. I asked her what she had been up to and she remained a bit evasive, but I could tell she was happy so I just let it slide. My parents found her quite adorable and the three of them chatted for a while, almost surreptitiously. It almost seemed like I was being purposely left out of the loop.

I got my discharge papers and my young male nurse rolled me out the front door. He gasped at what was parked at the curb and my gasp wasn't far behind. A huge stretch limo was taking up most of the parking area. As we approached, a driver popped out and ran to the rear door to open it. Everyone watched to see who would emerge, but I looked at Fiona and realized that no one was getting out; we were getting in!

"Wow," I said, "Top notch service, what's this all about?"

"Compliments of Sheik Bengali," Fi replied, "All for the hero who saved his daughter."

"I had plenty of help, Fi. It really wasn't...."

"Just go with it Luv," She interrupted. We stepped inside the huge Limo's back seat and Fi ran her hand across my chest and tweaked my nipple, making the purpose of this trip abundantly clear.

"So we have a date at the Waldorf?" I asked in a higher pitch than usual.

Fi laughed and then said, "Well in a way, I suppose, but much more mobile!"

More and more mysterious; she definitely knew how to turn me on. The Limo made it's way down to one of the piers where the cruise liners were all docked. I thought I had guessed our destination.

"Ah ha! A cruise?" I queried, "or maybe a whole ship?" I laughed at my own little joke. I was quickly silenced by the arrival of a large ocean going yacht. I looked at her. "You're kidding?"

She shook her head. "You're not kidding! You mean this is," I swallowed, "for us?"

"This is your ride, Luv." She put her arm around my waist. "This is the Diana 190, Sheik Bengali's personal vessel; the most incredible yacht on the seven seas. All for you."

I stood there in awe and I think she was finally satisfied with the effect of her surprise. This was luxury at the top of the scale and the helipad on the aft deck, said it better than anyone could. A large gang plank was lowered and we were graciously escorted by crewmen that had obtained our luggage from the cab.

A well appointed skipper welcomed us. "So good to see you again, Mistress Fiona. It will be an enjoyable cruise with you aboard. His Highness sends his highest regards."

"Oh Phillip, you smooth talker you. This is our special guest, Mr. Trent. Please make sure that Matthew wants for nothing on this voyage."

"Welcome aboard Sir!" he said as he snapped to attention. "If there is anything that 'The Diana's' crew can do to make this voyage more pleasurable Sir, you need but to ask!"

"With your permission, Mistress, we will be casting off soon and departing for the Bahamas in a few minutes."

Once again my jaw dropped as I heard our destination. "So we are on our way to..."

Now Fi was beaming, "Yes, three weeks of doing nothing but wandering around the beautiful islands of the Bahamas. And the only thing you have to concentrate on mister... is lil ol' me!"

"Wow, what away to go." I pulled her close. "Fi, honey; should it concern me that a man like Phillip calls you Mistress when he obviously makes more money than the two of us put together?"

"No worries Luv. We sailed from England to New York, when I was part of Yasmina's entourage."

"And you were...a...?" I squeaked, trying to find a good way to phrase it.

"A Mistress," She said simply, "You couldn't really expect I'd let just any bloke tie ME up in my...position. So I had to be the one tying the other people up." Fi cast her eyes downward and drew an imaginary picture on my chest. "That required be to make myself out as a ... well a ...dominatrix." She locked her sexy eyes on me. You could almost feel the lust in the air.

"That doesn't bother a big, strong police officer like you, does it? I wouldn't want you to get your knickers in a bunch."

"M-M-Me?" I squeaked. "I guess as long as I don't have to wear a dog collar or anything." I tried to act nonchalant and failed miserably.

"Wow, that might be hot!" She laughed. "Maybe next time Baby." She teased.

Eventually our purser came up with some wonderful fruit and rum drinks, that went straight to my head, after several days of hospital food. Fiona left me on the aft deck as we continued to sail southward. The sun started to set and seemed to dip into the ocean. I felt a gloved hand on my shoulder.

The black kidskin opera length gloves made my dick seriously twitch, but it was the rest of her outfit that brought my world to a screeching halt. A calf skin corset just barely covered her magnificent tits and a calfskin leather miniskirt was just barely able to cover her ass, till she bent over to kiss me. It quickly gave up the fight and I took the opportunity to cup her beautiful naked derrière.

Fi crawled into my lap and kissed me passionately. She wore black fishnet stockings and thigh-high calfskin boots with a least 5 inch spiked heels.

"So mister," she whispered into my ear, after licking it tenderly' "you think you're ready to take care of your mistress tonight?"

No words were really necessary, and my answer stood out plain and proud as she stood up. I was too horny to wait even a millisecond more. I let her lead me to our stateroom, watching the way her ass moved as she walked ahead of me. 'Hubba, hubba' I thought. Her bottom end seemed to have more moves than a bagful of bobcats.

As we reached our stateroom and as I lock the door, Fi slipped into my arms. Now I could get serious about this woman, who had taken my heart so fully. I captured her against one of the king-sized bed posts and pulled her breasts out of the corset, licking one while tweaking the other. I then sucked on her other nipple and continued the torture with it's counterpart. Fi writhed against the bedpost till I bodily picked her up and tossed her on the incredibly soft bed.

"I need you in me NOW, Luv!"

I made a quick grab for the bottle of lubricant, that was conveniently setting on the nightstand. I brought her legs up onto my shoulders so we could go at it in missionary style and I would be able to take my time and make love to this beautiful woman. I warmed the lube and took my index finger and gently swirled it around her 'pussy'. The lube allowed it to slide in and she gasped approval. I added another finger and then a third. Fiona moaned and even shook with anticipation. I finally lathered up my cock and slid into her an inch at a time, making the experience a sweet, torturous pleasure for us both. As I heard her make more and more, sighing moans, I knew it was time to start long dicking her and she was most responsive.

"Oh, Darling!" she cried, "I need you... ALL of you, fuck me sweetheart! Oh God ogodogodogod I...I'm going to...AHHH!!!"

As she started to scream, I knew I couldn't hold out much longer. My own orgasm hit hard and fast, knocking the wind out of me. I then simply collapsed next to Fiona.

"Baby, you are all woman," I finally gasped out and meant it, "and I never want you to be apart from me!"

A smile that was half elation and half ecstasy graced her features. Now that she could get her own breath back, she noticed a small box on the pillow next to her head. She made a grab for it and paused looking into my eyes.

"Matthew....for me... are you...?"

She never got out anything more as I kissed her and took her shaking hands and helped her open the box. A five-carat engagement ring, perfectly sized, looked back at us from the little box.

"Well, you better see if it fits, I may not..." I started to say, but never finished as she slipped the ring on and kissed me so deeply that I almost forgot where I was!

"Oh, Matthew," she was crying again, "but what about your parents? I love them, but is this what they would want for you?"

"Who do you think pick up the ring while I was in the hospital? The jewelry store doesn't really deliver." I laughed.

"Oh, my love," she said, "and my hero!"

Fiona and I spent the next three weeks wandering around the Bahamas. We explored the islands, snorkeled and frequently made love, not necessarily in that order. We were married in high style, with the Sheik and all of our relatives in attendance. In fact the Sheik himself, gave the Bride away. His daughter, Yasmina was thrilled to be Fiona's maid of honor and surprisingly enough, Anthony Burger stepped in as my best man. He was the one that sort of got us together in the first place. Everyone had a grand time and we soon set out on our honeymoon... but that, as they say, is another story.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Red Crescent?

If the belligerent group is "Red Crescent", the heavily-armed opposing force should be "Salvation Army". :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

more of this story i love it

griffin57griffin57almost 11 years agoAuthor
So sorry

I had no Idea about that. My deepest apologies. I never knew that Red Crescent was a real organization. I even made up the name of the country. But while I am here I would like to thank Joscelyn for co-writing this story with me. You are a class act girl!

SlyTranslatorSlyTranslatoralmost 11 years ago
Minor point of fact

"Red Crescent" is, in fact, the name of the Islamic equivalent of the Red Cross. Using it for a terrorist organisation is Not Good.

juan2forkjuan2forkalmost 11 years ago
Wonderful tale!

As is your norm.

DavidEverestDavidEverestalmost 11 years ago

New to Literotica. Curious. Love it

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