Turnabout Institute


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There was, I realized, here was fat lot that I could do. If I reported the incident, what would I say? Even if it was Mr. Football, he could always claim that I consented. Then, I realized that whoever had done it left their DNA behind in the condoms. But what did the condoms actually prove? Maybe not even that I had sex. It could be argued they jerked off while wearing rubbers so as to not make a mess. Most disappointing, I wanted Linda to be my first intercourse partner. Angry, hungover, and helpless, I flushed the evidence stepped into the shower and made the water as hot as possible.

The shower drove most of the hard edges of my hangover away. I had never seen Linda hung over so I did not know what she did to drive the toxins from her body, but as for me, I always found a vigorous workout followed by some time in the steam room always set me right. I dried, Linda's hair as best I could, formed it into a ponytail with one of her scrunchies and took a look to see what she had picked to work out in. I found it. It was pink, every bit of it! Vivid pink with matching socks and sneakers. I knew she had chosen this get up especially to get a rise out of me. Well, I was no going to take the bait. I slid on the matching sports bra and panties and slid on the unitard. I was one man who would refuse to be humiliated!

I made my way to the gym, obvious to the stares. Make no mistake, Linda's attire would have drawn gawkers no matter what circumstances it was worn under. The gym was well apportioned and moderately populated. Being very conscious to not over do it, I selected the kind of apparatus that Linda usually used when we worked out together. I'd not really tried spinning before, man does it give you a workout. My body was suffused with perspiration. Women even smelled better when they were all funky! The exercise banished most of my hangover jag. I made my way to the locker room, stripped, wrapped a towel about myself and headed for the women's steam room. The heat and humidity were just what I needed.

Midway through my steaming, Fatima strode in. Even through the fog, she recognized me.

"Hello, Linda!"

I returned her smile with a scowl. This did not go unnoticed. Fatima asked me what was wrong and I found myself opening up to her. I told her everything I could remember of my "encounter" On the other hand, I told her how much I enjoyed my sexual encounter with her and how wonderful I thought she was, but I also expressed anger at her for leaving me alone.

"That sucks, Linda. I had a bad feeling about that guy from the beginning but I tried to ignore it. I'm sorry I left you, Linda but you were sleeping so sweetly and I didn't want to break the mood. I sneaked out for a smoke. Big mistake! Smoker's brain in a non-smoker's body! I ended up getting sick and had to walk around outside for a while to clear my head and lungs."

We shared a laugh at that and Fatima asked, "Have you eaten yet, Linda?"

"I didn't feel up to it before but now I'm famished."

"Why don't you join us for brunch? I met a guy a few hours ago who invited me to brunch. I don't really want to go alone. I'll phone him, maybe he can find a fourth and we can play some mixed doubles tennis? The weather promises to be beautiful. What do you say, Linda?"

"Sounds like a date, Fatima," I replied.

I ALWAYS adored Linda in her, oh so cute, tennis whites. It felt really strange staring in the mirror wearing the same dress in the same body. I twirled and elevated the skirt. I could see the practical advantages to playing in a skirt over shorts. I slid a pair of nice white sweat pants over my legs and set off to meet Fatima in the restaurant. One wall of the eatery was all glass, opening up to the pool, the tennis courts and the rolling Adirondack mountains in the distance. It was indeed a perfect day.

Fatima was sitting with two tall and rather handsome guys. They both smiled at me and shook my hand. Their names were Jeffery and Payton. I ended up as Payton's partner. Brunch was fabulous and Payton was a hoot! Really funny with a seemingly unlimited string of stories and jokes. We got along famously. We all could have dawdled over brunch to chat some more, but all of us were anxious to try out our new selves on the court. The team ahead of us finished and we strode into our places on the clay surface. When I doffed my sweat pants Payton said, "You really are quite beautiful, Linda."

I replied very sincerely with, "Thanks, you're quite handsome yourself Payton." And he was, tall and well built but not over muscular, with dark hair and brilliant brown eyes. I thought to myself if I HAD to pick a new male body for myself, Payton's would be the very sort I'd select.

After about fifteen minutes of practice, each of us taking turns lobbing the ball back and forth until we felt comfortable, Fatima served and there was blood in the water. I'm a tyrant on the court and I HATE to lose. Fatima seemed as intense as me. The guys only needed a little needling from the two of us to match our intensity. The game was a thing of beauty, sparkling serves, miraculous saves, close calls at the line. Payton and I quickly established a rapport. We played as though we did this every day. Before long he was "Pay" and I was "Lin" and that was all we had to say to each other. My loud grunting did not bother me at all. Still, it came down to the final point. I had the ball and I dropped it just out of the reach of Jeffery. Payton and I hurdled the net in victory and then he scooped me up in his arms and planted a big sloppy wet one on my lips. I was too stunned to react, but I knew it had been an instinctive reaction on Payton's part because I kissed him back.

We stood there a moment, lost in thought. Then we hugged again and quickly parted. A short time later, the four of us we sitting on the patio of the restaurant, enjoying a well-deserved iced-tea. Everyone else complimented me on my playing and we chatted until it was almost dinner time. Both Fatima and Jeffery had to be some place, so they made their exits. Payton and I talked a bit more before Payton asked me the question that would really change my life,

"How about being my date for dinner tonight, Linda?"

I could not think of a reason to say no. I knew for certain I did not want a repeat of last night's excesses. Payton eased my mind by saying, "This is just as strange for me, "Linda." I've only been a man for as long as you have been a woman. In my real life in my normal body, I'm a children's entertainer and occasional professional clown. I've also done mime and stand-up. My husband is a pharmacist who is very active and fit as you can plainly see. Like you, I made a hash of things last night. Tonight I just want a friend with an open mind, what happens or doesn't happen stays between us. I can tell you are an honest guy, with a beautiful wife and a big heart. It's clear that we have a lot of chemistry and could be truly good friends. My name is Grace.

"I'm Jim or James, Grace" I returned, "My wife is a very brainy accountant with a mania for fitness. In the real world, I'm six foot three and I move heavy objects all day long in a warehouse. I love my wife more than life itself and don't want to do anything to hurt her or our relationship. I like you, Grace. I want to spend time with you. Maybe I could be better prepared for my wife's return. Make it special for her by learning how to relax around a tall, handsome guy."

Payton smiled, and stated, "Now that we have got that out of the way ..." and then he leaned across the table and kissed me. It was gross this time for some reason and I kissed him back. And then we kissed again.

"I'll pick you up at eight. I'll be wearing my husband's best suit. Why don't you put on your wife's prettiest dress?"

I was in a weird twilight zone when I made it back to my room on the third floor. I wasn't going to wear Linda's prettiest dress, I was saving that for our reunion. There was an electric green gown which was almost as pretty. I came with a matching clutch purse. Inside the purse was nail polish. I figured doing my nails would be like any paint job. I was wrong. The effect was blotchy but I was not about to take it off, especially as I could not find the acetone to clean them.

After my nails dried, I took a shower, shaving my legs and underarms was a snap, even with the funky woman's razor. I stroked my face. I really missed my stubble, even as I admired the softness of my cheek. Linda made hair care seem so simple! It took me a while but I was finally ready. The big question was what wear under the dress. I slid on a pair of aqua panties with a matching bra. I slid a nylon stocking up each leg. These were the kind that stayed up on their own. No way was I going to try a garter belt without Linda helping me. The shoes that went with the dress had modest heels. I tromped about like a miss-shod horse before getting the hang of it. I like the height it gave me, even though it wasn't much. I reflected, that just maybe, Linda's dressing delays were more legitimate than I wanted to believe. I gazed at my reflection. Linda would have done a much better job, but I thought that I looked pretty good. I had just finished applying my blusher and the lipstick was pressed against my upper lip when I heard Payton ring the bell.

I opened the door with a flourish. Payton eyed me head to toe and stated "Damn!" From behind his back, he produced a bouquet of flowers.

"You can lie and say that you bought them for your wife when she returns in your body." he stated with a soft laugh.

I inhaled deeply of the lilacs and roses, as it so happened these were Linda's favorite flowers. I stuck them in the ice bucket with some water. I took a moment to appraise Payton in his suit. It was an expensive one, the kind you see covered in "Esquire" Grace's husband had fantastic taste and a very fat wallet! Our lips briefly touched and then he threw his arm over my shoulder and led me to the elevator.

"You smell very nice, Linda. My wife loves that scent as well." He winked at me. It seemed like it was just the two of us in the elevator as we rode down. My stomach was full of tiny butterflies, like just before a major event or anticipation of a big job at work. Payton made reservations for us at one of the tables under the open air. Our waiter showed up and Payton ordered for both of us. I was about to protest but Payton cut me off, "Trust me, Linda. I had it last night. It was the best part of my evening. It's to die for!"

Conversations came incredibly easy. It was like we were old friends. We talked about our real selves, our partners, our jobs, even a bit of politics and religion. We wondered if Doctor Melanie Wang got a vicarious thrill from seeing so many naked people every day.

"She is one handsome woman!" opined Payton

"Yes, I wouldn't mind seeing HER naked!" I replied. We both laughed with equal intensity

I had ONE drink. Beer was clearly too potent for my much smaller frame so I bought the bullet and ordered one of the candy flavored things Linda was fond of. I found it delicious and it gave me only the most gentle and benign of buzzes. Dinner passed as one pleasant memory after another. Payton signaled for the check. I made a move for my purse but Payton waved me off.

"My treat, Linda, I insist." He left an impressive tip, stood, pulled my chair out for me and took my hand when I offered it to help me to my feet. We stepped outside for a moment. The summer air was thick with the aroma of nature. The mountains cut off the view of the horizon and a quarter moon dominated the sky. I clasped Payton's hand a bit firmly and asked,

"A penny for your thoughts, Payton."

"That's easy, how profoundly normal all of this is and how profoundly strange all of this is."

"I feel the same way," I replied wishing that Linda's voice was deeper.

Our eyes locked, leaned down, and we exchanged our first real kiss. A brief one at first and then a deeper, more satisfying one. Payton embraced me and stated,

"This part of being a man, of being large and being able to really hug another person completely, is really, truly, amazingly nice."

"I'm not sure that I'll ever adjust to being this tiny and vulnerable," I answered, "But I trust, you Payton, and being in your arms feels nice. Knowing that I can trust you makes it so much better."

We kissed for a very long time after that. Kissing Payton was not like kissing the blond terror from the previous night. Payton had shaved, not well, but at least adequately. He was also clearly no bully. I know that he didn't have a mean bone is his body. Or a transitory moment, I wondered what Grace looked like in her own body. I quickly decided that it did not matter, she could never be as beautiful to me as she was in her current male form.

"Let's go inside, Payton, and find a nice place to chat and relax. I make no promises to do anything other than talk, but whatever we end up doing, I just want it to be me and you. No noise, no distractions, just one soul to another."

"Your mind is every bit as beautiful as your body, Linda."

He was going to say more but I cut him off with my kisses.

We ended up in his room, first on a couch and then, after taking off our shoes, on the bed. Mutual desire was in the air, but neither of really knew how to proceed. Like a gallant gentleman, Payton breached that issue as well.

"Why don't you start by taking off my jacket, tie, and shirt, Linda. We don't have to go any further than that."

His torso was very nice. Well muscled but not some testosterone generated freak. I sat with my back pressed against his chest. It felt very good. And this close he smelled very good indeed. I leaned my head back and said softly,

"I guess I can let you see me in my underwear, Payton. Unzip me."

"Enchanting, Linda. Your James is a very lucky man."

"He knows," I said with a wink.

It was my turn to be mischievous, "Boxers or briefs Payton?"

He had on very expensive silk boxers imported from England. To the surprise of both of us, he was soon tenting the silk with his pole.

"I remember they told us that desire is desire and that your brain works with the body it has. I t took me a while to work myself erect before, but you darling, Linda stimulate me in so many ways."

I met Payton's intense gaze with my own. Slowly and levelly I stated. "I sincerely hope, Darling Payton, that you not cause me to regret uttering the following sentence. You're getting lucky tonight!"

"Not on your life, Linda. Come here, let me unwrap you the rest of the way."

And then I was naked and he was naked. I did not feel self-conscious in the least. I felt desired and valued and most of all, I felt like I was with a friend. We slid into bed and began to make out, slowly at first, but desire was clearly building in each of us. I felt a sudden dampness in my pussy and realized I was getting wet. I remembered Polly telling me that much of human sexuality, even after all this time, was not well understood scientifically. Large parts of our brains seemed devoted only to intimacy and sex. Brain switching did not alter these areas of the brain, but mankind being a uniquely adaptable creature, the brain used whatever body it had handy to complete the task of fulfilling the most basic of human needs. Whatever was going on, I liked it. A lot!"

I climbed on top of Payton and pressed my body against his. Taking the lead, I began kissing down his body. It was, in many ways, just like when I kissed my way down Linda's body, yet it was also vastly different. I stroked the tight muscles of his stomach and Payton's cock throbbed. He was respectably sized and cut. The disgust I felt last night was not present now. Knowing it would change my life in ways I could not even anticipate at this moment. I tentatively and very gently licked Payton's cock.

He virtually purred in appreciation. I envisioned all of the things Linda did to me. I tried to emulate my wife's fantastic technique. I know that I didn't come close but Payton did not seem to mind and that is all that mattered. Really getting into it, my lips encircled his shaft and I began sliding my head up and down, while also gently masturbating him. I figured I had gotten him about half way. I know this is going to sound gross, but I really wanted him inside me.

I told him to not move a muscle and then I tried to figure out how to impale myself on his rod. It took three awkward, and for Payton, painful attempts until I felt his manhood work its way into me. Man did it feel good! I began pumping slowly up and down. After some trial and error, Payton figured out how to mirror my thrusts. Felt the first signs of orgasm coursing through my body, then I felt him unleash his load deep inside me and a moment later I gasped for joy while Payton exclaimed, "Linda!"

I felt him soften inside me and then experienced the sensation of his semen and my own juices spilling out of me. OK, THAT feels weird! We lay there in silence for a very long time, unable and unwilling to do anything other than lie in wonder.

At last Payton spoke. "Let me do you, Linda."

I replied, "No, Payton. Nothing else we could possibly do tonight would equal what we just had. Let's just go to sleep and hold each other all night long." And is just what we did!

Alarms built into the walls of the hotel woke us early the next morning followed by an announcement of the intercom that in two hours everyone had to be back in their own rooms to prepare for the return of everyone's partners at the re-integration dinner at five P.M. Half of us would be moved to the other wing while half of that wing moved here. Polly or her equivalent would also come by to give a briefing about what to expect during reintegration.

Payton ordered from room service and we reclined in bed and ate breakfast. Instead of talking about what had transpired between us, we could not stop gabbing about our spouses! The night had been a very good thing for both of us, we were now ready to really relax and enjoy the rest our time at the Institute and be really inventive with our partners.

Payton and I shared a shower. We helped each other dress and exchanged a final kiss.

"If you and "James" ever find yourselves in Lansdale, Pennsylvania, why don't you look "Grace" and myself up"

"That's very tempting, Payton, but I don't want to take away from the magic of what we had."

"That's probably true, Linda. I'm also afraid that Grace, while a very beautiful woman in her own right, can not compare to your Linda. Payton has enough temptations as it is.

"As well he should, he's a mighty handsome guy, a true gentleman, and an amazing lover."

"You bring out the best in him Linda."

"No, Payton. It must have always been there for someone like me to find it."

He laughed and ushered me out of the door. As I strode down the hall, my mind quickly transitioned to a state of anticipation of my reunion with my wife in my body. I knew that I would give her anything she asked for. I wondered what anal would feel like on the receiving end. My pace down the hallway to hasten to my room rapidly increased. I could not wait to see Linda again!

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Good start, love to see how the story(s) progress, as you could have Linda's point of view during the swap as well. Plus if Linda and James get revenge on the abusers of the first night!

sbabsbabover 7 years ago

but i want to see her side and if she was faithful...more please there was a vignette with the main characters of Star Trek going through the same thing on a pleasure planet with Spock being the Alpha male and Kirk and McCoy as women, but they did not play like this.

i wonder about the two condoms in the commode

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
5 stars

Very good beginning. I'd like to see more details for the sexual acts. Make them last longer, at least in words. And some kink would be nice also, like maybe Fatima's fingers explore Linda's rosebud. Just explore, not necessarily go into. As an example. But great job so far.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Bring on part 2!

You're off to a good start.

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