Turned Out Wrong


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Anyway, I needed to recuperate from last night, and I would be having a 'long, hard' day at work tomorrow. I had to laugh at that. I made a simple dinner, drank a glass of wine, then went to bed.

Friday Morning:

I hadn't heard from Jack all week. Mary convinced me that it wasn't that unexpected. She was sure that I would hear from him soon. Besides, the longer he was gone, the more conditions I could put on his return. I had met Larry, Josh, and a couple other good-looking guys in the Storage room every day this week. I was even scheduled to double team Larry and Josh there this afternoon. It was mid-morning on Friday. Larry, Josh, Mary, and I were hanging around the coffee maker chatting during our break, when we noticed a rather attractive younger woman approaching. She was dressed very professionally.

"Kayla Adams, Mary Morgan, Josh Johnson, and Larry Jones?" She asked in a sweet southern drawl.

We each identified ourselves, then she handed us each an envelope and took a quick picture with a small digital camera.

"Y'all have been served." She said as she turned and walked over towards our boss's office.

"What's this?" I called after her.

"Honey, I'm jest paid to d'liver em, not read em." She drawled over her shoulder.

She walked right into the boss's office without knocking. She walked out less than a minute later.

"Y'all have a nice day, now." She said cheerfully as she walked out the building.

We all simultaneously opened our individual packages. PETITION FOR THE DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE. Oh, shit. Reading further, ADULTRY was listed as the cause. I was frozen in shock. About that time, Josh and Larry's cell phones went off.

"Oh, shit!" they whispered.

It would be too confusing to try and write the two simultaneous conversations here. Instead, I'll summarize. It was their wives. They had been given all the evidence of their affairs moments earlier. All their possessions were about to be thrown out the front door, and they would need alternate sleeping arrangements from now on. They were to also expect to be served with divorce papers at the earliest convenience.

"WHAT THE HOLY FUCK!!!!" was bellowed from the interior of our boss's office. He suddenly appeared at his door. Spying the four of us, he yelled loud enough for the entire office to hear, and it wasn't a small office. "ADAMS, MORGAN, JOHNSON, JONES! GET YOU ASSES IN HERE -- NOW!"

I had a really bad feeling about this. Heads down, we filed past him into his office. He slammed the door shut behind us. Bad doesn't even begin to cover it.

"Do any of you idiots want to explain this to me?" He demanded as he waived the manila envelope in front of us. None of us dared to speak. "Well then, let me enlighten you morons. Apparently, the company is being sued for not enforcing the moral code we have in our employee handbook. Any idea why someone would want to do that?" Again, we were unable to bring ourselves to speak. "I will explain it to you then. We are being sued because apparently, MRS. Adams can't seem to keep her legs closed, Mr. Jones, and Mr. Johnson can't seem to keep their johnsons in their pants, and MRS. Morgan has decided to turn our store room into the company whore house. Now, would any of you dimwits be so kind as to assure me that ANY of these claims are invalid? Can any of you brainless morons confirm for me that, at the very least, none of this shit happened on company time and on company property? Anyone? No? ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS? WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU GODDAMN IDIOTS THINKING? AND DO YOU JACKASSES WANT TO KNOW WHAT THE REAL KICKER IS? THIS FUCKING COURT ORDER WON'T EVEN LET ME FIRE YOU ASSHOLES UNTIL THE CASE IS SETTLED! NOW GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY OFFICE UNTIL I FIGURE OUT WHAT THE HELL TO DO WITH YOU FOUR NUMBSKULLS!"

Heads lowered, we shuffled out of his office and back to our own offices. I didn't get much real work done after that. At least I still had a job. I decided to go through the divorce petition and see just how bad it was going to get. It was bad. He had pictures, video, audio, and even some notarized letters. I was about to get royally fucked -- in the ass -- without lube.

An hour later, there was a companywide email sent from the boss.

To all employees:

It has come to the attention of management that there have been multiple occurrences of employees planning, scheduling, and performing acts that directly contradict the moral code of conduct detailed in the employee handbook -- ON COMPANY TIME AND ON COMPANY PROPERTY. As this was unfortunately performed by MULTIPLE employees, with the likelihood that this issue is more widespread than what is currently documented, drastic action will be taken. Unfortunately, Management cannot be sure who or how many employees are guilty of these acts, so the following actions are being taken:

  1. All employees are required to review the moral code in the employee manual. IT will be working this weekend on an online class for this where each employee will be required to successfully pass this class. All employees are required to complete this by next Friday.

  2. Security will be performing random checks of all secluded spaces throughout the day. This will occur multiple times per day until permanent security cameras can be installed to monitor the locations.

  3. From this time forward, the storeroom will be locked. The key will be held by the head of security. Any supplies necessary will need to be retrieved using a security escort.

  4. IT will be closely monitoring all computer use to ensure that no personal use is being done using company assets. Banned activities include, but are not limited to:

    1. Scheduling non-work-related meetings with coworkers or others during or after hours.

    2. Using personal e-mail accounts on company computers.

    3. Viewing non-work-related websites.

    4. Text messaging that is not work-related.

  5. Socializing with co-workers is to be strictly contained to the break room during scheduled breaks and lunch times. Security officers will be roaming the building to monitor this.

Per company policy, names of those responsible for these actions will not be released. I'm sure it won't be necessary anyway.


Two minutes later, my email blew up with hate-mail from fellow employees. I met the other three after work at the bar across the street. We got a small table in the corner. There were several other coworkers there for Friday Happy Hour as well. Yeah, their glares at us were not pleasant.

"At least, we still have jobs -- for a while anyway. That was kind of nice of him. Why do you think Jack included that in the court order, anyway?" I asked.

"Oh, please." Josh responded. "It's fucking obvious. He wasn't trying not to hurt you too badly, he did it to hurt you more."

"What do you mean?"

"Alimony! Now, it might not matter because he is using adultery as the reason, but this is just insurance against that. If you are gainfully employed and have a decent income, there's no way in hell that a judge will order alimony. If, however, you had been fired and couldn't get another job, a sympathetic judge may be convinced that you would need financial assistance until you get back on your feet. So, you keep your job until the divorce is final. Yay you. As soon as the divorce is final, a settlement with our company is reached, and all four of us are suddenly bouncing on our asses in the parking lot after being fired. Then what happens? No alimony, and suddenly no job. Your fucked in the ass, and, unlike I do it, without the benefit of lube. No, this was definitely not about helping you in any way at all."

"Shit. I'll just resign on Monday, then."

"Jesus. You really are a natural blonde, aren't you?" Larry asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Resigning is where you leave the job of your own free will. If you even attempt to ask for alimony after you freely quit your job, the judge will have to ask why you left a good paying job right after being served divorce papers. Good luck convincing the judge that it wasn't done to force your ex to provide support for you. All the judge will see when they look at you is a gold-digging slut. No, your best option is to hold onto the job as long as you can and save every single penny you can.

"It's going to be worse for Josh and me. You can bet that our wives are going to get awarded alimony, as well as child support, since we both have kids. What do you think is going to happen when we suddenly get fired and can't find other jobs that pay nearly as much? Keep in mind that alimony and child support are based on income at the time of divorce."

"Shit." This FLM thing was not sounding nearly as good right now. I realized that I needed to talk to Jack and try to sort things out. Sure, I wanted to help my friends, but I simply couldn't lose my husband. What the fuck had I been thinking? The hell with my friends, if I needed to throw them under the bus to save my marriage, let the tossing begin. I quickly pulled out my phone.

"We're sorry, but the number you have dialed is not accepting calls from this number."


"Mary, give me your phone."


"Because Jack blocked my number. I need to talk to him and get this shit-storm fixed."

She handed me her phone as my three companions looked at me dubiously.

"We're sorry, but the number you have dialed is not accepting calls from this number."

Shit! "He blocked yours too."

"Try Larry or Josh's."

"Uuuummmm. Not a real good idea. I'm trying to fix things here. What do you think he will do if he finds out that the first call I make to him is with the phone of one of my lovers?" Yes, I know. You already think that I'm stupid. At this point, I can't even refute that. Given what happened at the office today, I can only say that I had a massive wake-up call.

I was panicking. How do I find my husband, who doesn't really want to be found, on a Friday evening? Camping out at his work doesn't do any good, since it is also closed, and he doesn't work weekends. Since my cellphone, as well as Mary's are blocked, I'm pretty sure that he has also blocked our home phone and my work phone. I decided that talking over the phone wouldn't work well, anyway. I needed to do this face-to-face. I needed to find out where he was and ambush him. The hell with this whole Female Led Marriage shit. Right now, I would gladly submit to him completely just to get my husband back. My, how the tables have turned. Just this morning, I was thinking of how I would make him beg and grovel to come home. Any guesses at who would be begging and groveling now?

I picked up my phone and began going through my contacts. Surely, at least one of his friends would know where I could find them. Spoiler alert: none of our mutual friends knew anything. Well, that wasn't entirely true. None of the mutual friends from before that remained friends with me knew anything. The multiple mutual friends that now hated me knew plenty. Unfortunately, while they had no reservations about letting me know that they knew exactly where I could find him, they also defiantly refused to divulge that information to me. I was met with laughter when I asked if they would please give him a message from me.

I had just dejectedly ended my last call and my fourth drink. That's when Josh showed his intelligence. Yes, that was said sarcastically. Maybe it was just my mood at the time, or it could just be the result of the differences between how a woman thinks vs. how a man thinks. Perhaps some of you will actually think that what Josh suggested was really brilliant. Me? Not so much.

"Well," Josh began. "Since our lives are pretty much fucked anyway, why don't we go to Kayla's house and have an all-night foursome? We're already fucked, so we might as well take advantage of it and fuck all night long."

He believed that it was sound logic. Maybe to him, but I had just gotten a heavy dose of sense knocked into me. Sure, if there was nothing left to lose, perhaps it would be something to think about. Personally, I thought that there might still be a miniscule chance for Jack and me. That miniscule chance would evaporate faster than a drop of water on the surface of the sun if I took everyone back to the house and had an all-night orgy with them. I politely begged off and suggested that Mary take them home with her. I had a husband to try to win back.

I tried everything I could think of to find Jack over the weekend. I spent hours driving around the parking lots of motels looking for his truck. I drove past all of his friend's homes at different times to see if his truck was there. I even tried to follow his best friend when I saw him leaving his house, hoping that he would be going to wherever Jack was. It was all to no avail.

Monday morning, I was camped out across the street from his work. I watched everyone come in that morning, but Jack never showed up. I waited for another hour. Still nothing. Even though I was already late to my job, I didn't care. Fuck it. They weren't going to fire me right then anyway, and I would be fired after the settlement regardless. It didn't matter. I got out of my car and walked into the office. I saw that the door to Jack's office was closed, so I asked the receptionist if Jack was in. I was told that he was off for the next two weeks. Shit.

The boss gave me an evil glare as I walked in two hours late. I didn't care. Joke him if he can't take a fuck. OK. All phones that I could use are either blocked or not a good idea to use. His friends refuse to help. I can't even get a message to him at work. I have no idea where he is, so I can't show up at his doorstep. Snail-mail is out, because I have no fucking clue where to send it to. What are my options? Email!!!! He always checks his email. I just need to hope that he isn't blocking my emails. No harm in trying.

Jack, I have no excuse, so I won't waste our time trying to give you one. All I will say is that I somehow contracted a case of the stupids. I'm not blaming this on Mary, because I was the one that made my own decision, but it just seemed so wonderful to hear her talking about having a Female Led Marriage. I have no idea what made me think that there was even the slightest chance that you would accept that in any way. Yes, I should have known better. I'm sorry that it took getting metaphorically hit upside my head with a 2X4 to wake me up. I am awake now. I need you to know that I am deeply embarrassed and sorry for my actions. I understand that you will still not accept that. Jack, despite my recent actions, I truly love you with all my being. Don't think for a moment that you did anything wrong; this was just me being an incredible moron and extremely selfish.

Jack, my love, even though I don't deserve this, I'm begging you to forgive me. I need you to let me back, and I am willing to give you anything for that to happen. I have seen how stupid it was of me to try to create a FLM, but I would be ecstatic to become a part of an MLF. Yes, Jack. I am offering my very soul to you for you, and you only to command. I will literally do anything you wish to be back where I belong. With you. Yes, I do know the definition of the word 'anything'. Please, Jack. I am offering you everything.

You know that I have never had even the slightest interest in women, yet I will eat your cream pie out of another woman for you. I will serve you and any of your friends at a Superbowl party while only wearing a garter belt, stockings, and sky-high heels if that would get me back to you. You want to take my ass? Just tell me to bend over the closest chair, regardless of who else is watching. Would it help to whip my ass with a leather strap? Just tell me when and where. I will even bring the strap for you. Since you have absolutely no reason to trust me, I will gladly wear a chastity belt and have you hold the keys. Since it was already a condition of me returning to you, I have already had blood drawn for STD testing. The results should be back withing a couple more days. Just tell me where to send the results, and I will get them to you.

Jack, I know that whatever happens, you are the best man I have ever known. I know that you could never bring yourself to actually injure me, even though I probably deserve it. You may whip me, fuck me, humiliate me in front of all our friends, treat me like nothing more than a slave, have my nipples, clit, and any other part of me pierced, even give me tattoos. I accept all of that. I'm not asking you to forget, or even trust me again. All I ask is the chance to be yours in any capacity that you wish. I ask for nothing more than to be back with you. Forever. Even if that requires me to accept the divorce or watch you have sex with other women. I pray that it doesn't, but I understand that will not be my decision to make. I am the one who is at fault, and I will accept that you may want to even the score. Goose, Gander, all that shit.

As for Mary, Larry, Josh, and the suit against my company? Mary manipulated me and convinced me to go along with this plan. Josh and Larry took advantage of that. As you know, I will be fired as soon as the lawsuit against the company is settled. We are all guilty. Do with them as you please. I will even help if you wish. After all, from this point forward, I am your willing slave.

Your loving slave, Kayla


Thankfully, Jack had not yet blocked my email. Even more surprising is that he actually read it. No, he didn't trust what I said. After all, I had already broken the biggest vow I had ever made. You know, the one about 'Forsaking all others'. Since I broke that one, what would possibly make him think that I wouldn't break any other promises. All I could do was prove it to him one action at a time.

It's been two years since I sent that email. Josh and Larry were pretty well raped in their divorces. All four of us were summarily fired the day after the suit against the company was settled. Josh and Larry eventually managed to get other jobs at a much lower pay. They had to move into a small two-bedroom apartment in one of the worst areas of town. Since no reasonably decent woman wants anything to do with a guy that can barely afford to pay their rent, their social lives have become mainly nonexistent. Their ex-wives have used the opportunity to turn the kids against them. I understand that both women are now in much better relationships.

Me? Right now, I'm kneeling naked beside the bed wearing a butt plug and chastity belt while Jack finishes up. This is my penance. All that stuff I put in the email? Yeah, Jack wanted to test me and see if I would honor those words or not. If I wanted him back, I really didn't have much of a choice. It was a pretty rough 6-months, but he eventually backed off a bit. He still has me do some of that occasionally, such as now, but it's gotten better. He only brings other women home every couple of months now. I have grown to enjoy licking Jacks cum out of another woman's pussy. I've even gotten quite good at it. I'll even go down on them and give them an orgasm or two before Jack fucks them.

After getting fired, I stopped working. Jack got a promotion and makes enough that we are doing well without my income. I pretty much stay home and take care of the babies and the house. We have two-year old twins. Most of the time, I'm naked, although Jack has said recently that I will need to start wearing clothes at home soon. The kids are getting old enough that it will get weird otherwise. For now, though, I only wear clothes when I leave the house, or we have guests over. I still answer the door naked for deliveries.