Two Hundred Dollars Ch. 03


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"Hm," he said, his voice rendered temporarily high pitched.

Bailey exhaled hard, blowing air up through her hair in frustration, and fixed her towel back in place.

"Get a good look?" sarcasm dripped from her voice.

"Not good enough," Kent answered.

"Fix the board."


He used the eraser to wipe away her three tick marks and erase the dollars remaining. Into the space, he wrote "$178".


"Yeah..." Bailey stood next to him, staring at the board in confusion.

"Something wrong?"

"No," Bailey stammered. "I just, um, yeah. Anyway. One seventy eight. Right. Later."

She listened at the door before opening it and then tiptoed through the hallway back to her room.

Kent's erection strained at his pants and, as soon as he had assured himself Bailey had made it to her room, he locked his door and undid his pants.

Christ, Bailey, he thought, the image of her naked body, bent over to reach for her towel, racing through his mind, the whole scene replaying itself over and over again in glorious slow motion.

In his memory, he saw the full detail of her red ass cheeks, her slim, taut muscles and the little bit of breast she'd left visible despite her best efforts.

And never mind her insistence that, having made a mark on the board, she had to go through with it.

Kent took a hold of cock and looked around the room for something to jerk off into. Anything would do at this point. As his eyes scanned the room, the doorknob rattled.

"Kent, let me in," Bailey hissed through the door.



"Ugh, fine," he tucked himself back into pants, most uncomfortably, and walked, more uncomfortably, to the door.

The moment he unlocked it, Bailey opened the door and pushed past him to step inside the room, still wrapped in her towel.

"What the hell?" she asked, pointing at the board.


"I was at one eighty three," she said. "How'd it get down to one eighty one before I even got here?"

Kent raised an eyebrow. Is she angry because the count had dropped an extra two dollars?

"What?" Bailey asked, emphatically thumping the white board. "I don't need your pity. I can pay off my debt."

"Right," Kent agreed.

"So what gives?"

"Uh," he let his voice carry sarcasm, "Laura did those for you? On Monday, remember?"

Bailey froze completely, all expression vanishing from her face. Kent wondered how Bailey could have forgotten getting a text message from Laura about something like this.

"She told me about your arrangement," Kent reminded her, "That's she would 'fill in' for you when you were too busy."

"Oh," Bailey said. "Right. I, uh, forgot she'd already... started that."


Bailey paused, looking at the board. Kent, standing behind her, watched her eyes scanning out into nothingness, maybe making some calculation.

"I guess maybe you owe her one, now?" Kent asked.

"Yeah, maybe," Bailey looked distracted. "Alright, I'll go change."


"And you can," Bailey looked down at his crotch. "Get back to what you were doing."


She opened the door as he walked away.

"Oh, Kent?"


"Just, uh, out of curiosity," Bailey said. "How did she do it?"

Kent raised his eyebrow again.


"Over? Under?"

"Can't you just ask her?"

"Just tell me, please?" Bailey begged. "I just wanna know."

Kent shrugged, "She lifted her skirt up. No panties."

"Eight spankings," she nodded. "Thanks. Just wondering."

With that, Bailey left and Kent got back to taking care of himself.


Bailey returned to her room and found herself so completely confounded that she couldn't masturbate. She didn't even want to. Standing in front of the cheap little floor length mirror she had leaned up against the wall, she dropped her towel on the floor. Looking over her shoulder, she bent down to pick it back up.

That part had gone perfectly, shocked Kent just as she'd hoped. It also broke the ice, just a little, on being naked.

Goddammit, Laura. What the hell?

She'd had no business horning in on the deal Bailely had with Kent. Sure, sure. She had drunkenly invited the other girl in the one time. One time! That was it. She should have stopped at that point. She had no right to come in here and -

Bailey took a deep breath.

What are you so angry about? a voice chided her. She took spankings for you, didn't she? That's called a favour, you stupid girl.

But the fury had already seized her. She'd worked everything out so perfectly. Yes, her stupid period had taken her out of the action for a few days, but she'd planned to come back all extra.

Letting him see that little bit of her through the gap in the bathroom door? That had worked just right, putting him on the edge so his striking hand would be ready and eager. And then, at the end, loosening the towel so it would 'accidentally' fall off.

Christ, that was just how I imagined it.

But the numbers? They never lie.

Standing in the middle of her room, naked, furious and impotent, she took up her notebook.

This is royally screwed up.

She wrote "2018 10 01 Mo" in the left column, but had to leave the right side blank. Then she went down a line and wrote "Laura" on the left side. Beside that, she wrote out her abbreviations to show that Laura had paid off two dollars with eight spankings on her bare ass.

Bailey frowned.

Favour, she thought. It was a favour.

She didn't like it and she couldn't say why. She still had one hundred seventy eight left to pay off. Laura hadn't denied her anything of which she didn't have plenty.

She frowned even harder.

Shaking herself off, she swept her hair back, digging her nails into her scalp in frustration, and finished her notes.

"2018 10 04 Th", she wrote, adding, "$3 12 sp (bare)."

She put on a nightgown and slouched down in her chair. With a deep breath she tried to focus, remembering how she'd given him that perfect little look at her naked ass across the hallway. She pushed her finger down on her nightgown pressing her clit towards her vagina.


Bailey crawled into bed and stuffed her pillow between her legs, getting the corner right where she needed it.


All she could picture, every time she tried to remember Kent spanking her, was how Laura must have looked, her pale, round cheeks exposed for Kent's hand.

Why did I even ask him how she'd done it? she wondered. Wouldn't it have been better not to know.

Knowing how she'd done it, she could even picture which skirt Laura had worn that day. She knew what Laura's ass looked like because they'd seen each other naked. She could picture the whole thing exactly as it must have happened. Instead of Bailey imagining her own spanking, Laura's kept popping into her head.

But if you hadn't asked him, a voice chided inside her head. You'd have imagined all sorts of things. This isn't actually worse this way.

That truth rested in her brain as a small comfort.

Bailey gave up on her orgasm and turned to her homework instead, knowing sleep wouldn't come.



Kent recognized on Friday morning that something had changed. Bailey met him at breakfast, which usually didn't happen on Fridays. While they ate their meals, she chatted with a strange tension in her voice, even as they spoke of completely normal things. She stood up to leave and paused just as she passed him, asking him when he finished his classes in the afternoon.

"Usually get back at one thirty," he mumbled.

"Alright," her voice betrayed some urgency as she pressed her hip into his shoulder. "I'll see you then."


He couldn't really feel horny right then, given how hard he had fought just to get out of bed, but at least he had something to look forward to in the afternoon.

The change in Bailey's attitude struck him, though. The strange bubbly enthusiasm of the day before had disappeared, replaced by a different sort of energy. It felt to Kent as if some form of desperation had taken a hold of his house mate. She watched him now. He wondered if he had done something wrong, something that made her wary, but he couldn't figure out where he had erred.

Even as he walked to school, he went over everything that he could remember. She'd made her marks on the board. He'd spanked her pretty hard, but nothing out of the ordinary besides the fact she'd done three dollars in a row. Had she taken too much damage? That seemed unlikely.

She'd come back into the room, thinking he'd pitied her and given her two extra dollars. But he'd straightened that out, and Bailey had to remember the text from Laura.

Was it the towel falling down? Was it the temporary belief she'd been the beneficiary of pity?

Kent shook it off and tried to concentrate on his morning classes.


Bailey managed to get home on Friday afternoon at two o'clock. Breathless from the chill in the air, and possibly from a brisk walk, she popped into his bedroom doorway with her backpack still on.

"Hey, there," she gasped. "Ready for one?"

"Whenever you are," he turned in his chair. "The schedule is up to you."

"Then I choose now," she sauntered into the room and closed the door before making a tick mark on the board.

"Hm," she thought out loud, "One or two?"

"You're well caught up," Kent pointed out, sitting only a step behind her, "Neither of us is going home for Thanksgiving, so unless you're planning on missing a day somewhere -"

"No," Bailey interrupted immediately, "One is fine."

Kent shrugged. "How do you want it this time?"

Bailey dropped her backpack on the floor stood in front of him. She reached around her back to test her cheeks.

"I think on top," she said.

"Still pretty sore from last night?"

Bailey nodded. "You wanna see?"

"See your ass?"

"Yeah," she said, pausing to peer at him. "I have a proposal."

"All ears," Kent, slouched in his chair, interlaced his fingers and laid them over his stomach.

"I show you my ass, so you can see where all the red spots are," she said. "Then I pull my pants up and you can do the spankings."

"With you so far," he said. "Go on."

"In exchange," she said. "It's only eight instead of ten."

Kent inhaled.

"Interested?" Bailey teased him.

"I'd be lying if I said 'no'," he replied. "I assume the panties are going down too?"

"Of course. You get to see... everything."

"And how far down are we going?"

"Just far enough to see...everything you need to see."

"For how long?"

Bailey shrugged, "I'm not putting on a show but, y'know, I'll give you as long as you need to... check out your work."

Kent inhaled again, seriously considering the offer. He assumed that she needed jeans because her ass had taken too much of a pounding the night before, so he didn't begrudge her that. He still intended to get his dollar's worth from her skinny little butt.

"I'll agree on one condition," Kent said.

"What's that?"

"You show me before and after."

Bailey smiled and looked around the room. "Deal. How do you want me?"

"To pose?"

"Yes," she smirked at his choice of words. "How shall I pose for you?"

"Bent over," Kent said, "Hands on your knees."

"Oh," Bailey twitched strangely. "Laura's way. Sure."

That had felt distinctly weird, but Bailey unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans while facing him, then turned around and pushed her jeans down below her cheeks. Even with the black panties still in place, he could see the faded redness on the underside of both cheeks where he's focused last nights spankings.

Bailey pushed her panties down next, revealing all of her flesh from her waist down to her thighs. The redness didn't look nearly as pronounced as the underside. In fact, she'd basically healed everywhere except for her seat.

When she put her hands on her knees, the act forced her hips back and Kent saw everything more clearly.

"The question is," Kent looked her over carefully, "What do I do with this information?"

"What do you mean?" Bailey asked without looking at him.

He reached out with his hand and caressed the untouched flesh of her cheek.

"I mean," he clarified as he cupped her right cheek, "Do I go high, where there's no redness?"

His hand wandered south, "Or do I go low?"

"If you go low," Bailey shivered as he made circles with his fingers. "It'll get even redder."

"True," Kent moved his hand up. "Depends how you want to look afterwards."

"No," Bailey continued to tremble as his fingertips moved from cheek to cheek. "It depends how you want me to look after."

His hand left her flesh for a moment and she pulled her panties and jeans up in one move.

"Alright," she said dryly. "Show's over."

After she buttoned up her jeans, she moved over to the desk and rested both her elbows on it, then laid her head on her forearms.

"Ready," she announced.

"Wherever I like?" Kent taunted her.

"Your dollar," Bailey replied patiently.

He put his hand on her right cheek, exactly in the middle.

"Count fast," he warned.

Bailey inhaled in trepidation. "Okay."

Kent then began a continuous stream of slaps to the centre of her right cheek. She could just keep up with the pounding, sounding out, "One! Two! Three! Four!"

He paused there a moment, his hand still resting at the exact same spot he'd struck four times.

"Not going to alternate?" she asked.



He slapped her right cheek again.




Two more quick, hard spankings echoed through the little room.

"Seven! Eight!" Bailey announced.

Kent watched as she stood up and rubbed the one spot he'd torn into.

"Wasn't sure what you'd do," she admitted. "I guess you wanna see now?"


"Like before?"

"However you want to show me."

Bailey considered that for a lot longer than Kent imagined it needed thinking about, but she eventually pushed him onto the bed and knelt down beside him -- on his left this time. She unbuttoned her jeans again and started pushing them and her panties down, but laid herself across his lap before she showed him the front of her body.

Kent felt awkward because Bailey had set things up with her body facing the opposite way to every other time she'd done this. Previously, she'd gone right to left so he could use his right hand to spank her. But, with the spankings all done, that didn't matter. Instead, he watched as she pushed her clothing aside and revealed her cheeks.

He saw the faded redness in the lower part of her cheeks, as before, but that now literally paled in comparison to the fresh, circular area on her right cheek where he'd taken out all of his payment today.

"How's it look?"

"A nice red circle," he said, "But at least you can sit down."

"Gee, thanks."

His left hand slid up her thigh, over the gathered waistband of her jeans and onto her right cheek. He made gentle circles there, to moans of approval from Bailey, and starting massaging her a little harder.

"Trying to be the healer, now?" she asked. "Or just groping me?"

"Uh... yes?"

"Funny man," Bailey turned to glare at him over her shoulder. "Alright, you've had a good look?"

"Yeah, we're good."

With a heave that pressed down on his groin, she got herself back on her feet without ever showing the front of her body to him. The panties and pants came back up and she crossed the room.

"Don't forget," she reminded him as she tapped the white board.

She buttoned up her jeans, snatched up her backpack and disappeared into the hallway.


Kent had surprised her.

She admitted that as she lay on her stomach, hips jutting up in the air, pillow clenched between her thighs.

The whole point of letting him have a look ahead of time was to encourage him to hit the parts of her butt that were already sore. She'd tried to snap at him to get him in just the right mood to go the hardest way possible.

But instead of striking her sorest sport, he'd started pounding at her right cheek, over and over.

Bailey pushed her hips down, grinding the edge of the pillow into her clit.

He'd surprised her with that furious assault, shaken her right up and down her spine.

And when it ended...

Oh, making me to wait for my orgasm by lying there on his lap, letting him look me over.

Bailey shuddered just thinking about it, thinking about herself, open to his inspection, naked and red all over. Shuddered not just because she'd done it, but because he'd refused her initial offer and demanded more of her -- demanded an extra display.

She gasped as her hips pushed down, forcing the corner of the pillow to push her panties into her vagina as her clitoris rode the hard edge right into orgasm.

Her body shook and trembled, seizing and gasping until the tremors ended.

That was right. That was what I needed.

At the very least, she had banished all thoughts of her friend from her brain.


Hello loyal readers,

I regret the delay in delivering this chapter to you, but a tornado wandered through my city and shmucked the power and Internet service for a few days.

I'm back in business though, safe and unharmed.



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4phr0d1te4phr0d1tealmost 4 years ago
A pleasure to read

As a few other people have mentioned, this is a really clean read with no typos which is really pleasant.

It's also just... So we'll characterized, I can't get over it. I can see everyone else on this site agrees that it's an excellent piece of writing. Honestly, even if there wasn't an erotic context, this is just a very enjoyable read. Believable, charming, well paced.

You are an extremely talented writer, and prolific too from your profile. I hope you do this for a living, because I'd probably happily read anything you wrote. A definite new favourite.

xtorchxtorchover 4 years agoAuthor

Thank you for noticing.

My editing procedure isn't too long:

1. I finish a chapter "n"

2. I start writing chapter "n+1", just to make sure I can glue them together

3. I re-read chapter "n", cleaning up spelling and grammar

4. Bae reads chapter "n" while I'm continuing to write, and we clean up any poor wording (especially around body positioning, as that really makes the story, in my mind)

5. One last grammatical run-through

6. Publish!

AlarickAlarickover 4 years ago

Another chapter that is well done. I haven’t mentioned it before but this Author writes very clean. No noticeable errors. That shows that Xavier cares about the work and puts the time in to make it right. As an author myself, I know the time and effort needed to do this.

drseaknightdrseaknightalmost 5 years ago
Glad you survived

I love your pacing and back and forth between the couple. I am glad the you survived the tornado that came through. Please keep the story going....

maddictmaddictabout 5 years ago
$ 178

Xtorch, your story takes a back seat to know one. Baily be inclusive of Laura you will sit better in Kent's eyes.

May we have another ?

Horseman68Horseman68about 5 years ago
Just Gets Better.....

..... and better, hotter and hotter. Waiting for him to make a calculated move. Enough said.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Number two.

Number two on the "Hall of Fame" list...soon to be number one.

arrowglassarrowglassover 5 years ago
This has bcome a favorite story!

Now you have me waiting for "what's next?"

xtorchxtorchover 5 years agoAuthor
Thank you, readers!

I'm enjoying writing it, so I'm glad I have you all along for the ride.



AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Great story line - discovery and exploration

I really like the additional elements of the story with Laura, and the 3rd flat mate, who has yet to interrupt proceedings! Looking forward to more chapters as they come around! One to watch!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Greatest literotica ever

this is the greatest series i've read on here. Please never stop!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Love this story

It definitely reminds me of how in college I had my roomate also owe me a good amount of money, but I wish I could've had this scenario with her instead.

samsayssamsaysover 5 years ago
Yes please...

Keep it up. You had a tornado, I had Florence. I can't wait to see how far she has to go by the $100 dollar mark. Chris

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I'm really enjoying this series.

Keep up the good work, and keep your head down in the event of another tornado.

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