Two Hundred Dollars Ch. 07


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As Bailey tied the scarf behind Kent's head, Laura explained, "You find us by touching us, you lift up our skirts and you..."

"Spank us," Bailey firmed up the knot.

"When you get to five," Laura said. "That's your dollar."

Kent exhaled. The scarf, made of some extremely fluffy material, didn't even allow him to cheat the way scarves normally did. He saw nothing at all, even looking straight downward past his nose. Lack of sight forced him to pay a lot more attention to what he heard. His skin tingled and he noticed every shuffle of their feet. He listened quietly as -- he supposed -- they finally discarded their jackets.

"Wa-ait," he warned.

"Hm?" Bailey asked.

"The deal with taking off your pants -- or your skirt -- was the part where I see you, remember?"

"Right," Bailey said. "But when I was bare in the dark, you said it was five, remember?"

"You had no panties on in the dark, and it was still five, remember? As if you still had them on?"

"Oh," Bailey let out a short gasp of realization.

Kent got the vague sense that the girls were gesticulating to each other in some fierce, sign language based negotiation. He heard a whisper or two from behind him.

"Okay," Laura said. "How many more do you think it should be, since you can't see us?"

"Two more," Kent put as much firmness into his voice as he could, holding up two fingers that he couldn't see.

"How about," Bailey replied. "Find us five times, then we'll let you do one more with the blindfold off?"

"Deal," Kent answered.

He heard Laura's boots thump as she came off the bed.

"Oh," she paused after one stride. "We gotta lose the boots or he'll hear us."

"Right," Bailey said.

"Full Ninja mode, then," Kent sat back in his chair and patiently listened to the girls stripping off their boots.

"Oh," he said, "Don't go up the stairs, eh? I'm blind here."

"I wouldn't go up there anyway," Bailey said. "In case Carson comes home. We also aren't using his room."


"Okay," Laura said. "We're ready."

One of them opened his bedroom door and he heard their stocking feet swish out of the room.

"Count to ten," Bailey said, then added sarcastically, "Slowly."

The door closed and Kent began counting in his head, but realized he really ought to do it out loud, as if they were kids playing hide and seek.

"One, two, three," he pitched his voice to fill the apartment.

He wanted to make sure that not only could they hear it, but also that he drowned out the sound of them scurrying around the place.

Once he got to the end, he announced, "Ready or not, here I come!"

He slipped out of his room and listened carefully in the hallway. If either of them hid nearby, he couldn't hear her breathing. Kent used his hand to find the doorway into the bathroom and leaned his left ear into the space. He heard nothing.

With his left hand on the wall, he walked down the hallway and into the living room. In his head, he imagined the layout. He checked the nearest corners of the room first, then the back of the couch, feeling along it's edges to where it butted against the left wall. He moved around it to the right, worried the girls might move while he searched.

With his arms spread, he swept over the surface of the couch and the table in front of it at the same time. Walking carefully, he came around the side of the table toward the television.


Laura, trembling, watched Kent slowly sweep toward her. She'd thought about trying to move when he first came into the room, perhaps slide past him while he checked the corner behind the couch. But she'd found him too wary, and so stayed pinned in the corner standing with her face to the wall, pressing herself in as far as she could.

Watching over her shoulder, she inhaled as his left hand snaked along the walked, hissing against the surface.

He paused, just a hand's span from her, and she saw a smile on his face.

He heard me breathe, she realized.

Kent's hand resumed moving, now with greater certainty, and met her elbow.

"Gotcha," he said.

"Okay," she acknowledged. "Just don't smack your T.V. by accident."

Hiding in the corner next to the screen had not, she realized, been all that great an idea.

Kent reached down to the ankle length hem of her skirt and lifted it up.

Up and up and up, Laura shivered as he bared her flesh. He couldn't see anything, but she could see her naked cheeks in the pale light from the hallway.

I should have dropped my panties, she thought, this was a perfectly good chance to try that again.

Instead, she pushed her hips back into his hand, telling herself she did it to keep his television safe.

No one can see this but me, Laura felt a chill go up her spine as he squeezed her left cheek. His fingers sank deep and hard into her and then released. She determined that she would watch the whole thing happen.

His hand reared back and she heard a squeak of trepidation escape her mouth a moment before that hand came cracking down, stinging her flesh and sending a harsh echo through the silence of the basement.

"One," she murmured, then louder, so Bailey could hear it, "One!"


A wave of satisfaction ran through Kent as his hand struck Laura's flesh. He'd worried that his ability to deliver a solid swat to their asses might falter under the blindfold. But the strike had felt good and Laura had gasped as if he'd done it right.

"Now what?" he asked, releasing her skirt.

"Now I hide again," she said. "You count."

Kent counted as she slipped away.

When he'd finished, he swept out of the room, checking the end of the hall where it went up the stairway first, wondering if Bailey might hide right next to the stairs. Nothing met his hands. The little niche under the stairs proved empty as well, so he tried the bathroom next.

He waved his hands in the air over the toilet and counter top, making sure neither of the girls crouched on top, then checked the corner. He pushed the shower curtain out of the way and waved his hands over the space in the tub.

Something sounded wrong, though, like the tub didn't echo properly.

Kent realized suddenly what that meant.

He knelt down and reached into the tub and immediately ran his hands into a soft, velvet like material covering someone's skinny ass.

"Dammit," Bailey groaned.

With a quick groping scan, he realized she'd curled up in a ball at one end of the tub.

"Here," she said with resignation, and lifted her hips up into his hand.

That made it easy for Kent to pull up the soft fabric of her emerald green skirt and push it over her back. A quick caress of her cheeks told him that, first of all, she'd lain herself out left to right, making the spanking awkward for his right hand. Second, she'd worn a narrow pair of underwear for the occasion and he let his hand go back and forth across her ass before he settled on the farther away left cheek.

A quick, hard snap cracked out across her cheek and Bailey hissed.

"Two!" she called out loudly. "Bastard."

He hadn't been able to get the most force on the slap because of the angle, but the way she'd bent her hips had more than compensated.

Kent listened to her crawl out of the tub and he counted to ten again so she could find a new hiding place.

The first place he had to check, he knew, was his own bedroom. One of them had to imagine herself very clever, thinking that doubling back would make a good place to hide.


Bailey watched Kent enter his bedroom.

Dammit, why is he checking here?

He hadn't even paused in the hallway, just rushed directly at her as if he could smell her or something.

She realized instantly, by the speed of his progress, that Kent knew his own bedroom far better than the bathroom. She could only remain standing on the corner of his bed, up on her tiptoes, pushing her upper body into the ceiling.

Watching him work his way toward her, she saw him check the far corner of his bed, nearer the desk where his head usually rested. He then went down on his knees to check the little bit of space in the corner of the floor between bed and desk.

This is my chance, she thought, and carefully stepped over, tiptoeing to the part of the bed he'd already examined.

As fortune had it, Kent stood up and moved around his bed, ignoring the spot where she now stood in favour of the part he hadn't checked.

His head turned side to side, though, as if he'd somehow felt her presence. He started to move back toward her, rechecking the corner.

In the hallway, Laura whispered by, moving into the bathroom.

Kent stopped suddenly and turned around, listening intently.

Ha! Bailey shouted triumphantly in her mind. She was too loud. He heard her!

She watched Kent, moving like a particularly intent ghost, glide across the room, through the hallway and back into the bathroom.

Laura, realizing he'd marked her movement, stood in a frozen panic right in the middle of the small space.

A moment later, Kent had her in his grasp.

Bailey watched as Laura turned her body to face the hallway. Their eyes met as Laura bent over and put her hands on her knees while Kent lifted her skirt up. From her vantage, Bailey couldn't see Kent squeezing Laura's cheeks, but she could hear the small moan it elicited and see how Laura closed her eyes.

When did we all decide he got to grope us this much before the spankings? Bailey wondered, although it does seem kind of fair, since he's blind.

Disregarding that, Laura's eyes opened the moment Kent's hand moved off her rear and locked with Bailey's eyes.

Kent's hand reared back and landed a mighty slap on Laura's right cheek.

Bailey gasped with delight at the same time Laura cried out in shock, "Three!"

Kent backed into the bathroom and covered his ears while he started counting to ten again. Laura ran off down the hall towards Bailey's room and the kitchen.

I don't know if I'm safe here, Bailey thought, is he coming back?

She hesitated and, before she knew it, Kent had already counted to six. Bailey knew she had no chance of slipping past him in the hallway at that point, so she just stepped off the bed into the little corner between the bed and the desk and backed up as far as she could.

Unbelievably, Kent came directly back into his bedroom, that magical nose of his leading him directly to her. He swept through the room in reverse order this time, first checking the top of the dresser, then the bed corner and catching her right on the hip on his way over to the desk.

"Dammit," she hissed. "How did you even find me?"

Kent let out a good imitation of a super villain laugh, a noise she'd not thought him capable of making, as she crawled out over his bed and then planted her feet on the floor so she could bend over the bed properly.

He followed this without difficulty and pulled her skirt up to expose her.


"Ye-es," she intoned angrily.

He let her have a solid slap on her right cheek and dropped her skirt back into place.

"Four!" she shouted out.

"Ten more seconds," he warned her, and she darted off immediately.

In the hallway, she looked left and right. Knowing which way Laura had gone, and the thoroughness of Kent's searching, she basically had a fifty-fifty chance of taking the last spanking. Even if she went to the right, she'd have to see whether Laura had taken the kitchen or the bedroom, and then take the other.

That's still a fifty-fifty chance, based on which room Kent hits first.

Keeping her sigh on the inside, Bailey went to the laundry room and developed a bold idea. The laundry machine itself rested under the stairs. Beside it, a small counter for sorting clothes ran the width of the small space. But, just above its surface, a small ledge supported several containers of mostly empty detergents and fabric softeners.

Acting on impulse, Bailey pulled herself up on the counter, turned to face the room and spread her legs across the small space. Her right foot rested on the laundry machine, while her left supported a smaller amount of her weight on the ledge, hidden behind several containers.

Kent finished counting his ten and she watched, from the ceiling, as he immediately went to recheck the bathroom.

Moment of truth now, she thought, who is he going to catch?

He turned toward her, running his left hand along the wall, passing with a couple of steps of her, and going to the living room. Bailey wondered if she could jump down quickly and quietly enough. Her best chance now lay in moving somewhere else. Kent would surely check the laundry room next, the moment he left the living room.

She tried to shift her weight, but heard a squeak coming from the little ledge.

Dammit, did Kent hear that?

He evidently hadn't, for he finished his search of the living room and came out carefully and patiently, running his hands through the air next to the stairway. Bailey counted her blessings, because she'd considered hiding right in that corner, but Kent hadn't overlooked it.

Kent paused and inhaled deeply through his nose, his head turning left and right.

She watched him move then, taking another strange, deep breath.

Son of a bitch, she thought, he is smelling us!

Bailey saw him start to move, coming toward her. She realized that, if his hands started waving around in the laundry room, he'd catch her skirt. Since she needed her right hand to brace herself against the railing of the stairway, she used her left to yank the front of her skirt up all the way to her chin, which served to lift the back of it above her waist.

At least that makes the air space safer, she thought, although he'd now be eye level with my crotch if he didn't have the blindfold.

Kent's hands ran along the side of the stairway and then over the laundry machine, but she'd tucked her right leg in so far back under the stairs that he missed it. His hand passed directly between her legs. Bailey held her breath, watching those hands scanning the air just inches away from her crotch. She felt herself wanting to pant, seeing how close he came to touching her. He swept the entire counter after that, touching several of the bottles on the ledge, but missing her ankle and foot which she'd hidden behind the bottles.

A moment later, he finished his examination and went down the hall.

Bailey quietly exhaled in relief.


As he passed his own room, Kent caught a stronger whiff of Laura's perfume.

She went down here somewhere.

He'd thought he had Bailey, having caught what he took for the distinct, floral scent of her deodorant, but all the cleaning products in the laundry had probably fooled him. One of them must have matched it too closely. He had Laura now, for sure. He skipped Bailey's bedroom, but kept his ears open in case she tried to slip out of there the way she'd tried to sneak into the bathroom behind his back.

But, no, the scent of her perfume ran stronger toward the kitchen. Unless they'd figured out how he tracked them, that had to be her hiding place.

A cursory check of the kitchen found Laura curled up on the small amount of counter space the kitchen offered, squatting over the dish rack.

"Get down off there," Kent chided after he made contact with her thigh.

"Shoot," she said, and dismounted. "Alright, let me have it."

He heard her moving around and picked up a strong, fresh waft of her perfume as she came down beside him. He had to find her body again so he could lift her skirt up and bare her ass. After a quick squeeze, he chose the left cheek and slapped her hard and low.

"Ow!," she shouted. "Five."

With some relief, and feeling a flush of success, Kent pulled the scarf down from his eyes immediately. This quick action rewarded him with a brief glance at Laura's reddened cheeks, taut from her bent over position, threaded by a narrow pair of black panties.

After dropping her skirt, Laura rubbed her cheeks. Kent noted that her sweater, a beige v-neck, fell past the waistline of her skirt, and covered a white blouse of some type underneath.

"Alright," she said. "We're done with that."

Kent smirked and the two of them walked back down the hall to his room where Bailey already waited, wearing a black sweater over her velvety skirt.

Where was she hiding? he wondered.

"We're not quite done," Kent said. "Someone owes me one more."

"Oh, right," Laura's eyes widened. "That'll be me."

"Why you?" Kent raised an eyebrow.

"Because I lost," Laura sighed and rolled her eyes. "Three to two."

Kent puffed out an, "Oh," then added, "I didn't know it was a contest."

She turned her back on him, lifted up the front of her skirt far enough to put her hands on her bare knees, and waited.

"The last one is still a bare-ass spanking," Kent pointed out.

"Oh, yeah," Laura nodded, as if this was obvious, and her chin ticked at Bailey.

Her friend came over and reached down to gather up her skirt until she revealed her cheeks.

"There ya go," Bailey's triumph sounded clearly in her voice as she held Laura's skirt. "Spank away!"

Bailey watched eagerly as he squeezed Laura's cheeks, first left, then right, then left again. Kent caught a smile on her face as he chose the left, and reared back his hand.

He struck with solid force, watching the undulation spread down her thigh.

Bailey let out an, "Ooh!" of admiration as Laura shouted out, "Six!"

Kent paused a moment after that, looking over Laura's cheeks, and was surprised to see that Bailey performed the same eager inspection.

"Alright, alright," Laura shoved Bailey away with her hips and let her skirt fall back over her cheeks. "You won that one. No need to gloat over my butt."

Laura turned around and sat on the bed while Bailey leaned up against the desk. Kent, standing in the middle of the room and folded his arms, looking at the two girls.

"Oh, not yet," Bailey glared back at him. "You owe me a drink. Hell, you both owe me a drink."

"I don't buy alcohol," Laura's voice came back loaded with indignation. "It's against my religion."

This forced a laugh from Kent as he went to his closet and pulled out his bottle of Crown.

"The hard stuff, eh?" Bailey lined up the three glasses so he could pour three generous shots.

The girls took their glasses they clinked all three together.

"To victory!" Bailey announced.

"Haha," Laura retorted, but it served as a good enough toast for all three of them to drink. "What the hell!?"

Laura held her mouth open and gasped in horror before fanning her throat with her hand. Her voice stammered hoarsely before she hissed out, "What was that?!"

"The very finest whisky," Kent replied, slamming his glass down on his desk.

Bailey went first to the board to make a mark while Laura followed, still making faces regarding the taste in her mouth.

"Panties on or off?" Bailey put her left hand on her hip and faced Laura.

"On," Laura retorted instantly, "I told you-"

"Uh-uh," Bailey waved a finger, "Kent told me what you did when you came here. You have done it without panties before."

Laura's eyes bugged out and she looked at Kent, "Oh."

Kent shrugged in reply. "Didn't know it was a secret at the time. Sorry."

Laura inhaled and exhaled very slowly.

"That was different," she explained. "It was just me and you and ..."

Bailey waited patiently, her arms folded.

"Look," Laura started again, raising a finger in Bailey's face. "It was different. He couldn't really, y'know, see me. Not the way we could see you that time."