Two Mothers & Two Sons


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When I saw her I was surprised, this wasn't my friend, it was a new woman. Gone were her casual clothes, replaced by a stylish skirt and a blouse that subtly showed off her breasts. And her hair, that was normally untidy, was now immaculate, not a hair out of place. She looked amazing, and two men, that were seated at a table in the corner, were admiring her.

If this was what having sex with her Son had done to her, then I wanted some of it.

"I've lost some weight."

I could tell that she had, and I wished that I could do that as well. I had a couple of extra pounds on my waist, that despite my best efforts, were stubbornly refusing to go.

"It's my new diet. Less food and more cock."

Then she laughed, but I just smiled. She was a good friend and I liked her, but seeing her so happy was making me jealous.

"I never thought that I would ever say this. I'm getting more sex than I really need."

Yes, she was getting my share. And now she was boasting, rubbing my nose in it.

"I think that you should help me out. If you occasionally sleep with Jack it will give me a rest."

Her laughing again told me that she wasn't being serious. It was her idea of a joke, but I wasn't amused. And she had more to say.

"Why don't you and Harry do it?"

She was about to laugh again, but she suddenly stopped. What she'd said had touched a nerve, and I hadn't been able to control my emotions. The expression on my face had betrayed me, and she'd noticed.

"You have!"

I shook my head, and then I said, "We nearly did."

That was an exaggeration, but I didn't want her to know how badly I'd done. Compared to her I was a failure. She'd easily seduced her Son but I hadn't even got past first base. However, eventually, after a lot of persuading, I told her everything.

"You poor thing. We need to come up with a plan. He's only nineteen so he won't be able to resist for ever."

When we left the restaurant I was on a mission. It was one that only Amy could know about. I was determined, by whatever means, to have my Son. And I wasn't going to waste any time, I was going to start in the morning while we were having breakfast together.

I was the first up, but it wasn't long before Harry joined me in the kitchen. Normally I'm fully dressed before I come downstairs, but today I had my dressing gown on.

When I handed him the plate that had his toast on it, I made sure to lean over so that he could get a good look at my impressive cleavage. There is no point in having large breasts if you don't use them to your advantage. It wasn't a subtle gesture, but it was effective, because when I stood up he was still looking at my tits. And when I walked towards the fridge to get some milk, with my hips swaying, I knew that his eyes would be watching my bottom.

Good, I'd got his attention, but that was just for starters. What I was going to do next was the main course.

He was drinking coffee and I had a glass of blackcurrant juice. When he wasn't looking at me I poured some of the juice onto myself.

When I shouted out, "Oh no," he turned to look at me.

While examining the dark purple stain on my dressing gown, I said, "It's going to ruin it. It needs to go straight into the washing machine."

It was made of cotton and it was white, so if the stain wasn't quickly dealt with then the garment would indeed be ruined.

It was now being washed, and I had got what I wanted, to be in front of my Son with just my underwear on. Amy had suggested that I do this.

She'd said, "You have a good figure, you've got curvy hips and big tits. When he sees you in just your bra and panties then he's going to get excited. Trust me, it will work."

And to make sure that it would happen, I'd carefully chosen the underwear that I now had on.

My bra was small, it only just covered my nipples, but because the fabric was sheer, the outline of them was clearly visible. And because I was wearing matching panties, made from the same material, they were also small and semi-transparent. I was being as daring as I could be. The only way that I could show my Son more of my body would be for me to be naked.

I was making no attempt to cover myself up. I was acting as if it was no big deal for me to be with my Son when I was so scantily dressed. And if Harry didn't like what he was seeing, and he was embarrassed, then there was nothing stopping him from leaving the room.

But he didn't leave, and his eyes were all over me. The silly grin on his face told me that he liked what he was seeing. He was definitely excited, but what should I do now to make the most of it? When I'd discussed this with Amy we hadn't planned this far ahead. It was now up to me to quickly think of something before the opportunity passed.

Normally I'm quick-witted, but now, when I really needed that skill, it had deserted me. I didn't know what to say, or do, to get my Son to want me. I turned my back on him because I didn't want him to see me cry. The sound of his footsteps told me that it was over. He was going to his room.

I gasped when he tenderly kissed my neck. I'd been wrong, he'd got up from his chair so that he could come behind me. And now, while he gently nibbled on my right ear, his fingers were trying to unhook my bra. He was struggling, but I didn't help him because I was enjoying what he was doing to my ear, and his hot breath on my neck was exciting me. I wanted it to last for as long as possible. When my bra was off it would end, because he would then just want my tits.

But I was wrong again, because when my bra was off he stayed behind me, and with his hands cupping my breasts, he was now back to kissing my neck. We'd only just started but my pussy was already gushing. It was yearning for cock, and this time it knew that it would get one. And it would be a special one, my Son's!

This time he wasn't groping them, he was caressing them, and he was also teasing me because he was deliberately keeping away from my nipples.

When he whispered into my ear, "I love your big tits," it made my pussy tingle.

His fingers were now close to my swollen nipples, another inch and he'd be playing with them. The anticipation was heightening the experience, but it was now time for him to act.

"Squeeze them, I like that."

He did, but only after making me wait for a few more seconds. When he did it again, but harder, I purred with pleasure.

Not that long ago, my Son putting his hands on my body would have appalled me. I'd have forcibly pushed him away, and then he would have got a tongue-lashing from me. Now, it was what I wanted, and I didn't want it to stop. And fortunately for me, Harry wasn't giving any indication that he wanted to end it. He was as eager as I was, so I knew that we would continue, getting more and more intimate, only stopping after we had fucked

His fingers were now moving faster and he was being rougher with my nipples. It was time for a change.

"Suck them."

I didn't have to ask twice, with a speed that almost made me lose my balance, he was turning me around so that I was facing him. And then, without any delay, he was sucking my nipple deep into his mouth. It made me gasp, and that spurred him on to do it again.

He was now greedily sucking on me, like a baby that hadn't been fed for hours. And while he was doing it his cock was prodding my leg. As good as this was I wanted more. I wanted his stiff cock in my hand and his fingers deep up my dripping pussy. And I wanted to be more comfortable, standing up was making my legs ache.

"Let's go to my room."

He didn't say anything, but he stopped feasting on my breast, so that told me that he thought it was a good idea.

Hand in hand, like two teenagers that were madly in love, we were now bounding up the stairs. And as soon as we got to my room we were ripping each other's clothes off, and while we were doing that we were laughing.

When we were both naked, the laughing stopped and we were serious again.

Harry and his Father are like two peas in a pod. His Son is him when he was nineteen. Because of that, I was expecting him to have the same manhood, and I was delighted to see that I was right. It wasn't the monster cock that men want, but most women find uncomfortable, or even painful, it was six inches with a nice girth. His Father's cock had been perfect for me, so his would be as well.

When we'd been downstairs it had become frantic, but coming to my room was if we were starting again. We were on the bed together. I was slowly stroking his cock and he had his hand on my thigh. But when I opened my legs, as wide as I could, so that he could see my pussy, it became urgent again.

His fingers had entered me with a speed that had taken me by surprise, and it had made me gasp. And he was now fucking me with them. This was good, and I wanted to just close my eyes and enjoy it, but that would be selfish, so I upped my game. I was now giving his cock the attention that it deserved.

His Father always said that I was good with my hands, and he wasn't talking about my DIY skills. And from the look on Harry's face, while I was stroking his cock, I'd say that he'd agree with him. It was good for me as well, but it was taken to another level when he started to rub my clit. I needed to be careful, much more of this and he would make me come. I desperately wanted that to happen, but for our first time together I wanted it to be while his cock was deep inside me. After another minute had passed it was time to fuck, but before I could tell him that, he said something that shocked and surprised me in equal measures.

"I want to lick your cunt, like Jack does to his Mother."

Shocked, because that was such a crude word, one that I didn't like him using. His Father always called it a sweet pussy, and he should do the same. And the surprise was because he knew that Amy and Jack were lovers.

"Can I?"

I'd prefer to go straight to the main event but he wanted more foreplay. If he was to go down on me then I would almost certainly come, but I wanted that to be while he was fucking me. Isn't life a bitch, I was going to have to come twice!

When I said yes, but without much enthusiasm, his response was to kiss me tenderly on the cheek. That amused me, it was as if he was thanking me for letting him do something that was innocent, for example, borrow my car. But what I was letting him do was something that most men can only dream about, it was eating his Mother's pussy.

He started tentatively, as if he was in awe of my pussy, or that it might bite him. A gentle lick in one place, and then the same again somewhere else. It soon became clear to me that he hadn't done this before. I would have to teach him.

"Start with my opening, probe it with your tongue."

He did, and it made me squirm. It wasn't long before I was enjoying what he was doing. And he was getting better at it. However, as good as this was, there were other things that he could do to my pussy that would excite me more than this. It was time to give him another instruction.

"Nibble on my lips and then suck them into your mouth. I like that."

His Father was good at this, the best I've ever had, but despite being a novice, Harry was a close second. I was impressed. A few minutes of him feasting on my meaty lips should take me a long way towards my first climax.

And I was right, because after only a couple of minutes I was nearly there. My breathing was now ragged and there were some intense feelings in my pussy. It wasn't going to take much to make me come.

When, without me instructing him, he suddenly licked my little jewel, it took me by surprise, and so for a brief time my body went rigid. That startled him.

"Are you OK?"

I was, and now that I knew what to expect, I wanted him to repeat it.

"Yes, and do it again," then, to make sure that I was going to get what I wanted, I added, "And don't stop until I come."

He was a good Son, always eager to help his Mother, so he was now doing what I'd asked and with the utmost enthusiasm.

I'd wanted to skip this and go straight to fucking, but that would have been a mistake, because his tongue ferociously lapping my swollen clit was about to make me come, and it was going to be a big one.

I'm good at polishing my little pebble, years of practice have made me an expert. I know where its sweet spot is and how much pressure to apply. The end result is always a nice climax, but it can never match the one that I get from a man. I'd been on my own now for so long that I'd almost forgotten that, so when his tongue eventually took me over the edge, I was surprised, even shocked, by how strong my climax was.

It started in my toes, but it didn't stay there. In an instance it was everywhere, and it was so intense that I thought that I was going to faint, but somehow I managed to stay conscious.

I'd closed my eyes when it had reached its peak, and I'd kept them closed until now, when it had ended. The first thing that I saw after opening them was Harry, and I could tell that he wanted to ask me something, but before he could do that I answered him.

While smiling, I said, "Yes, you made me come and it was wonderful!"

He was grinning like the Cheshire Cat, pleased with himself because he'd done a good job. It was now time for us to fuck. My climax had been a big one and it had taken a lot out of me, but I was greedy, I wanted another one. I was making up for all those long nights when I had been alone in my bed, with just my own fingers to pleasure me.

When I got onto all fours his eyes nearly popped out of his head. I had to stop myself from laughing. Had he really thought that this would end without him putting his cock into my pussy?

He was in front of me, but when I wiggled my bottom he got the message. He was now going behind me. When I felt the head of his cock touch my opening I gave a little shudder. This was going to be good.

When he pushed into my wet pussy I purred with pleasure, and when his cock was fully in me I gasped.

"Are you OK."

That got a quick yes from me, so he started. At first, with slow strokes, but unsurprisingly, he soon upped the pace. He was a young man, only nineteen years of age. His cock was where he wanted it to be, deep up a juicy pussy, so he was never going to hold back. I wasn't complaining, it was what I wanted as well.

Fast had become furious, and every stroke was now a long one. Sometimes when I'm being fucked I have difficulty coming, but today was not going to be a problem because my climax was on the horizon, and it was approaching at speed.

"I'm almost there."

Perfect, we were on the same page.

But not quite, because he'd suddenly stopped, and I could feel him emptying his balls into me. Another couple of strokes would have finished me off. It wasn't the ending that I had wanted, but I wasn't too disappointed. His tongue had given me an intense climax, one that I would remember for a long time. And hopefully, the next time when we fuck, our timing will be better.

The next day I met up with Amy, and I was eager to tell her what had happened. I told her everything, and she listened attentively, not saying anything until I'd finished.

"So it ended without you coming?"

I nodded.

"What did Harry say about that?"

"Nothing, I told him that I'd come and that it had been wonderful."

She then laughed and I joined in.

While we were eating she'd suggested something, but I'd said no. However, on my way home I thought about it again. I was going to agree to it. I was now calling her to give her the good news.

"Hi Amy it's Jess, I've changed my mind. When do you want to do it?"

When the call ended I was smiling. On Tuesday we were swapping, but just for the day. She would be fucking Harry and I would be fucking Jack!


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sbmcruisesbmcruise3 months ago

The story is good, but I'm looking for the rest of the story.

OseekerOseeker8 months ago

I had some trouble following this story but it sounded exciting. Harry bailing out the 1st time brought me down.

I gave it 3 stars

NesticNestic9 months ago

More than 5 stars. Very well written. I enjoy your subtle choice of words. Please, please go on with a second chapter. Can’t wait what happens next.

lovedefactolovedefactoover 1 year ago

YES!!! Now I, for one, am looking forward to the next chapter!

Gym52Gym52almost 2 years ago

An interesting and enjoyable read, a plausible scenario.

Crusader235Crusader235about 2 years ago

Hurry Hurry Hurry get part two out. We have to read about the swap. 5*****'s

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This story was great, it showed a true dynamic in this type of relationship. The 19 year old son is still inexperienced. So the disappointment in the mother's orgasm at the end was expected. But without a doubt mama bear will give baby bear an education, and they will be lovers for years to come.

WhitewaterbumWhitewaterbumabout 2 years ago

An enticing story. I found the lack of family history lacking. How did Harry’s father die? Illness,car accident, etc and how long ago? Never mind the time Jess had gone without sex,, Harry had gone the same time without a father. Harry would have seen and heard his parents making love to have a clue about sex and he could have asked Dad. Same for Amy history. A follow up story is needed Thank you for writing this story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Great story, now you need to tell us what happened with the swap

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Can either son have a bit of chest hair for his muscular chest? That would be a good sight for his mother!

KittyLover80KittyLover80about 2 years ago

Great story. I am looking forward to the continuation.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Nice story. I hope there is a follow-up. I am looking forward to reading about the swap.

AngstIgnoredAngstIgnoredabout 2 years ago

A decent I/T story gets ruined by turning it into the awful harem/swap/everybody knows model that completely ruins at least 80% of I/T stories. The whole thing about I/T is the taboo part. When you treat the love interest like a commodity to be traded on the stock market, and it's no longer a forbidden, secret relationship you might as well go the full trip and have the moms end up as working street hookers while their sons use the proceeds to by them drugs. It couldn't be much more disappointing than what you just did.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

good story. cant wait to read about the swap

jay1459jay1459about 2 years ago

Fantastic story - wished I was there.

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