Ultimate Assassin Saga: Woodlands


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Breal lay beside his partner, snuggled up against him and wishing the man was awake. If he were, he would be deep inside of Tide and rutting inside of the man. They enjoyed their time together whether they were in bed or out, though they spent most of their time together in bed with one another. However, there were the times that Tide had to go out and work so they couldn't be together all the time.

Sighing, he slid his hands away from his partner and he rolled onto his side. He was tall, over six foot tall, and slender though packed with muscle. He had nape length blood red hair and blood red eyes set in an alabaster, boyishly handsome face. He looked down at his own body, seeing just what the other man saw in him. His arms were toned as well as his cut stomach, long legs, and a descent sized cock.

Rolling over to his side, the Blood Demon pulled back his comforter and he slid his legs over to the side. He pushed to his feet, and butt naked, he walked into the dark of the room he shared with his partner. He stopped at his dresser, pulling open the drawer, and reaching inside, pulling out a pair of dark linen pants. Quickly pulling them on, he snapped them and he turned back around to look at his partner.

He smiled as the moonlight spilled through the window of their shared room and spilled across the face of his partner as he slept. He was tall, taller than the Half Demon, and heavily muscled with broad shoulders, large biceps, pronounced stomach muscles, and legs that could choke a horse. His eyes were closed right now, but he knew the cobalt blue depths of those eyes and they went perfectly with his ink black hair that fell to the middle of his back unrestrained.

Feeling his cock stirring in his pants, he knew that he would have to turn away from his partner or wake him up to have sex. Considering that they'd fallen asleep after a night of passion, he didn't know how his partner would feel about that. They'd been together for little more than a year now, but they'd spent every night together, making love to one another. They seemed to never grow tired of one another's bodies and he hoped that they never did. He enjoyed sex with the man all too much.

Tide was tall, over six foot four, and heavily muscled with thick bands of muscles around his arms, shoulders, chest, stomach, legs, and everywhere else. He had long jet black hair that billowed out around his head as he slept and cobalt blue eyes set in a tanned, roguishly handsome face. Normally, he wore a short sleeve black shirt, a black leather breastplate over the top of it with silver embroidery on the chest, tight black pants, high black leather boots, and a heavy black leather belt with a broadsword sheathed at his left hip, but at this time, he was butt naked.

Breal preferred him naked, but he knew the man couldn't walk around naked all the time. His mother and sister wouldn't be too fond of that idea. After all, he was the Heir to the throne of the Amazon people and such a thing the Amazons would never accept. It was hard enough for them to accept the fact that their heir was gay and would probably never have a child, but they had over the past year and a half.

The Half Demon sighed and he turned away from the seen of his partner laying in bed, naked. He walked over to the window and he leaned his hands in the window, staring out at the large Amazon village. The village was huge with all one hundred thousand Amazons living within the village limits and not one of them would ever dream of leaving unless to protect the village. They were that devoted to the village and he knew that each one of these people - man and woman - would defend their village with everything they had.

Despite what the rumors said about the Amazons, they were a society of equality. Men were not treated as slaves and they could hold high ranking offices as long as they earned it. The rumors of the Amazon people painted them as a horrible female supremacy people who treated their males as slaves, punishing them for the least little things and keeping them as virtual slaves. In these rumors, the males were only granted the right of being a father if they were judged worthy by the woman who wished to give birth. Not one of these rumors was true and he wouldn't be here if they were.

In the year that he'd been among the Amazons, serving as the Liaison of the Blood Demon clan, he'd seen no tension among the men and women. In some Kingdoms, he knew there was tension between the two genders based on politics and personal beliefs. There were horrible governments based on male supremacy, but as horrible as those governments could be, there were female supremacy governments could be just as bad, if not worse. In his mind, equality of the sexes was the only way to go.

He'd never had to worry about that with the Blood Demon clan. Even with such a huge difference between the male and female population, women were still treated as equals though they were protected a little more than some people might've been able to handle. The women understood it however. Without the women, the Blood Demons wouldn't be able to reproduce and keep their blood pure which was what the Lord of the clan, Shido, wanted above all else.

He frowned at that thought.

That wasn't exactly true.

After all, he'd been allowed to live despite his impure blood. Because of the mandate from the Blood Demon Lord many centuries ago, he should've been killed along with his mother while still in the womb. For reasons unknown to him until last year, Lord Shido had allowed him to live and had even trained him in the art of battle. Last year, he'd learned the real reason why he was allowed to live: Breal's father was Lord Shido's only son.

Shido, because of his own mandate, had been forced to kill his own son and to this day he expressed his regret over that, but he hadn't been able to bring himself to kill his grandchild. So, despite the protestations of the clan, he'd allowed his mother to live until she'd given birth to him, and after promising her that he'd take care of her son, he'd killed his mother. The Half Demon didn't know how to relegate that image in his own mind while thinking of all the kindness he'd shown him over the years, but he knew that he would never be able to settle that.

The Blood Demon clan made their home only a few miles south of the Amazon people. Shido had wished for him to come and stay with him, but he'd turned him down. By that time, the Blood Demon had already partnered with Tide and he wasn't going to leave his partner. Even though he hadn't known it, Tide had been vulnerable in those first few days after he'd been marked, his lifespan extended to match his own. He was vulnerable physically, mentally, and emotionally, but he'd remained at his new partner's side, protecting him.

Breal turned away from the window and leaned up against it. He searched out in the darkness, his blood red eyes glowing as his eyes lit upon his partner once again. He'd rolled over onto his side and the cover had slipped down further past his hips, revealing his muscular buttocks. He licked his lips as he felt his body react, his cock beginning to grow and harden in his pants. What would the Emperor think if he could see him now? He'd been brought to his knees by a mere Human man and the lust he had for the man, but it was more than just lust: it was a deep affection that Humans referred to as love.

Thinking of the Emperor brought up the reasons why they'd betrayed the Empire in the first place. The Blood Demon clan had been unwilling to go against the man that they'd served under when expanding the borders of the Empire when the two Chaos demons had first come to the Mortal Plane. The Demons had fought side by side together, going through much blood and gore without second guessing the person at their side would protect their flank. It was because of this that the Blood Demons were loyal to Acheron in the first place and not even an order from the Emperor of Dalkia could break that loyalty.

Shido had sent him to reach out to the Amazons for asylum. He'd gone willingly and happily to do so. He'd spent a very short time in the Amazon village before they'd granted him asylum and an even shorter amount of time after that before he and Tide had ended up in bed together. At that time, they hadn't been partners because he hadn't explained what it was to the other man. When he had, Tide had just smiled and stripped off his clothing, spreading his legs, practically begging him to make him his.

Breal had done so willingly.

Turning away from his partner once again, the Half Demon sighed softly and he made his way across the room, heading for the door. They shared a house, and while the Amazons were still a bit touchy about the subject, they knew that the Half Demon lived with their Heir and that wasn't going to change. The house was just as much his as it was the Amazon, but they both had their duties outside of the house and they took care of the house together when they were home. Not that it was difficult though. Blood Demons were notorious clean freaks after all and his speed helped him to clean up anything that might've collected in the day that they hadn't cleaned.

The Blood Demon opened the door to the room quietly and he looked over his shoulder to make sure that his partner hadn't moved or woke up. Seeing that he was still laying where he was before, he turned back around and he walked out of the room, shutting the door quietly behind him. Using his superior sense of sight, he navigated the hallways and rooms until he found himself in the kitchen.

It was a small kitchen, but they didn't need all that much. All they really needed was the small table in the middle of the room, the four plates in the wooden cabinet attached to the wall, the four glasses settled on a shelf beneath the plates, and the utensils that were in a drawer below the washing basin. Still in darkness, he walked across the kitchen slowly and he opened one cabinet, reaching inside to pull out a small biscuit that was made earlier in the day, but was still good.

Breal weighed the biscuit in his hand and he smiled softly. Full blooded Blood Demons couldn't eat solid food. Their diet consisted solely of the blood of another, but they only took from the willing. Once a Blood Demon had a Mate or partner, they took blood from them and left everyone else alone. He wasn't a full blood Blood Demon though. Being only half Blood Demon, Breal could consume solid foods though he didn't like to. However, on nights like these when he couldn't sleep, he liked to have something in his stomach. Something solid.

His eating habits were strange to his clan, but it was something that they dealt with. After all, they tolerated his existence which put a black mark on their clan - or so some of them thought - so why shouldn't they put up with his strange eating habits? It wasn't like they had to go and hunt down his food for him. From the age of five years old, he'd been hunting his own food and he discovered that he enjoyed it immensely.

The Half Demon walked across the kitchen towards the table and he pulled the chair out. He sat down in the seat and he scooted up against the table before taking a bite out of his biscuit. He chewed on the biscuit, and while it wasn't the best thing he'd ever eaten, he couldn't complain. It was a lot better than having to hunt down his own food when he was hungry. No, there was nothing to complain about when all he had to do was go to the kitchen to get something to eat so he could sleep.

He choked down the biscuit and took another bite, chewing just as thoughtfully on this bite as the last. He sighed and tried to banish his hard cock, but he couldn't seem to manage it. It seemed that his cock would be hard forever unless he went back into his room and woke up his partner to have sex. He didn't think that Tide would mind, but he was merely a Human and Humans got tired a lot faster than those with Demon blood. Besides, one never knew when Dalkia would attack and they needed to be well rested.

At that, the Blood Demon's thoughts turned to his clan and their effort to protect the High Forest. Lord Shido had ordered more than a dozen of his best Blood Demons to patrol the outer edges of the High Forest to make sure the armies of Dalkia didn't come across them unprepared. Because of Blood Demon speed, they didn't need all that many keeping the borders safe, and because of their alliance with the Wood Elves, they didn't have to worry about them attacking them either.

Breal had thought the Wood Elves were a strange lot. They had much the same coloring with their golden or dark brown hair, their green or blue eyes, and most of all their slender builds. Also, there was there weapons. While it was true they carried swords on their person, it was well known that they used their bows and arrows more than they did their blades. They preferred the long range, hidden attacks from the trees on their enemies, and because of this, they were formidable enemies.

He was just happy the Blood Demons didn't have to fight them.

The Blood Demon remembered King Aden best of all. The man had been very austere and seemed quite dangerous. He didn't doubt that if he had to, he would knock an arrow and shoot without a second thought. He was about protecting his people, and as long as the Amazons continued to prove they were allies, he would have his people protect them as well. Not that the Amazons really needed the level of protection they had with their level of might in their warriors and their level of magic in their Mages, especially their High Shaman.

Thinking of the High Shaman, he smiled softly. The High Shaman of the Amazon people was a woman by the name of Twister, but more importantly, she was his partner's younger sister. Tide had been groomed from the beginning to be King because he was oldest. Not because he was a man, but because he'd been born first. However, Tide was a warrior too and he proved to everyone that he deserved to be the next King of the Amazons based on what kind of warrior he was, not just on luck alone.

The High Shaman was the top Mage of the Amazon people, considered to be more powerful and more influential than even the leader of the Amazons. The High Shaman could convene with nature and pull its magic around her to make herself even more powerful than she'd been primarily. As long as there was a High Forest, the High Shaman would be the most powerful person in the High Forest and there was no getting around that. From what he knew of his partner's sister, she was a kind, supportive person who never judged and greeted everyone with a smile, but she could kill you with a single strike.

The Blood Demon was drawn from his reverie when a throat cleared from in front of him. He raised his eyes, blinking as he tried to focus on the here and now, staring at the person who was in front of him. The Guard Captain was standing there, leaning one shoulder up against the doorway and a small smile on his face. Instead of putting on some pants like the Blood Demon had, he'd chose to come to the kitchen naked and he couldn't blame him. It was his home and he had an expectation of privacy.

"What are you doing in here?" Tide asked, his voice pitched low and questioning. He pushed away from the doorway and he walked slowly across the kitchen floor towards the table. The Half Demon nearly choked on the biscuit as he looked down at the other man's sex and saw that he was rock hard. With each step that he took, his rock hard cock bobbed from one side and then the other, slapping his thigh with each step. His own cock grew hard in his pants, pressing up the front of his pants and creating a rather large bulge.

The Amazon stopped at his side and lowered his hand to his shoulder, his large, masculine fingers kneading the flesh there. Choking down the rest of the biscuit, the Demon turned in his chair so that he was facing his partner and he looked up at him, though all he wanted to do was lick and kiss his partner's cock. He smiled at the Amazon, thinking that his smile wasn't nervous, but he was just getting use to showing his emotions and he wasn't sure that he could hide his own nervousness correctly while trying to assure his partner that he was okay.

"It's not important." Breal replied in a husky, lust filled voice. The Human stared at him for a moment, his brow furrowed up. Then, he smiled, obviously knowing what he was doing, but not willing to call him on it right now. After all, they were both aroused and both wanted sex right now so why ruin the mood with a conversation? Breal slid his hands up and caressed his partner's hips, smiling up at him a little wider. "Why don't we go back to bed?"

The Guard Captain stared at him for a moment and he felt his heart drop. Would his partner turn down his proposition and leave him in the cold? Would he want to sit and talk this out first before they had sex? He didn't know if he wanted to do that, but if that was what his partner chose, he knew that he would have to. Relationships were about give and take after all, not just sex.

Then, Tide's face softened and he smiled. He winked at the Blood Demon and he turned around, walking across the room with an arrogant sway of his arms. He watched his partner's ass tightening with each step and he licked his lips. He blew out a breath, glad that he'd managed to avoid talking for right now, but there was more important things for him to take care of right now.

Like making love to his partner.

Cock hard in his pants, Breal rose to his feet and walked after his Partner, following him into their bedroom for a night of passion together.

Acheron sat at the table with the Elves eating with them, but he wasn't laughing jovially like them and talking with other people. No, he was too cautious for that. Also, there was the fact that he didn't know anybody at the table and had no one to talk to. King Taro, Leera, and Acre weren't here, leaving him alone to the rest of the Star Elves, but to their credit, they hadn't said a word or cast a dirty look at him when he'd joined their table. In fact, they hadn't even seemed to notice him when he'd sat down and begun to eat.

The meal in front of him was unlike anything he'd ever eaten before. There was thin strips of ham that had been fried, referred to as bacon with eggs sitting next to the bacon and cut up chops of potato that were cooked much like the strips of ham. Sitting beside his plate was a clear glass cup that was filled with red liquid which he'd been told was cherry water. Of what he'd eaten, he found that it was quite suitable and quite possibly the best breakfast that he'd ever eaten. There was also the manner of what he was eating off of and drinking out of.

The plate of which he was eating off of was circular and bone white with a flowery design around the rim, bigger than any other plate that he'd ever seen. Also, it wasn't made of wood or stone like he was use to, but from what the Elves had told him, it was made of thick porcelain though he wasn't sure what that was. The eating utensils he used - the fork, spoon, and knife - were all made out of silver metal. The cup was simple glass with no real design, but still it was something that he found himself amazed by.

Their technology had given the Star Elves this sort of finery just when they ate. What kind of weapons could they make with the same technology? He found himself coming up with all kinds of ideas in his head, machines and weapons that he couldn't even fathom filling his mind. However, he was sure that no matter what kind of crazy images he might come up with, the actuality of their technology would probably be far more out there than he would've thought of himself.
