Unbalanced Load


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I threw the hamper in the corner and stripped off my towel before practically launching myself on the bed. It felt like an electrical storm in my body - little zaps stimulating me all over. My weighty, fully-erect nine-inch cock was towering in the air as I lay on my back. I frantically started jerking it with a fervor I hadn't felt in years.

It wasn't a long wank. I was so keyed up from all the excitement that had built during my painfully awkward interaction with Luke that I ended up exploding in less than a minute. I shot buckets of hot, sticky jizz all over my defined abs. There was so much that it created a large pool in my navel.

I cleaned myself off with one of the pairs of boxers I'd supposedly just washed. I collapsed back in the bed, feeling a post-orgasmic bliss. I started replaying the event again in my head as I drifted off to sleep.

The next week passed by fairly normally. I went to college, worked at my internship, lifted weights at the gym, and met up with friends. I did, however, linger by the mailboxes when I'd come home since it seemed like the most obvious place to run into Luke. I was hopeful that seeing him again would re-trigger the same feelings from that night. Alas, we didn't cross paths.

One week after that titillating evening, I was ready for more. The memory of the experience was still arousing, but it was ever-so-slightly losing its power. I kept thinking about things I could have done differently - how it could have been more embarrassing and higher-stakes, thus offering greater stimulation.

I waited until about 11:30 p.m. before I jumped into the shower. I tried to enjoy the sensation of the warm water as I waited for the time to pass. Eventually, I finished up and dried myself with a towel.

I took a moment to look at myself; it felt like a reprise of sorts in the symphony of my unique sexual deviance. I tussled my blond locks and made sure they weren't sopping wet. I wrapped my towel around my waist and headed for the door to the hallway with my hamper.

I didn't hesitate at the door. I was feeling bolstered by a mixture of excitement and memories of my past success. I did pause at the laundry room door, though; it was silent inside. A wave of ennui washed over me as I entered. I more clearly realized that I had pinned my hopes on Luke returning.

I walked over to the washing machine, since I had decided to actually do laundry that night. I emptied the contents of the basket into the front-loading machine. It was one of those kinds that locks shut once it's latched.

Then, it was as if something came over me - a force outside of my control. I ripped off the towel and maniacally shoved it into the washing machine. My anxiety shot through the roof as I forced myself to press the sequence of buttons on the top of the machine. I heard the clicking of the latch locking shut; my heart stopped.

What the hell did I just do? I asked myself. How could I be so impulsive? I urgently grabbed at the door to the washing machine as it filled with water. As I already knew it would, it refused to budge. The excitement started to take center stage again as I realized that I would have to walk back to my apartment naked. It was that first time I had been completely exposed on purpose.

I was blankly staring at the washing machine as my mind raced, thinking about whether someone might catch me in the hall. Suddenly, I noticed a small empty mesh sack on top of one of the dryers.


Panic overtook me as I realized that the door to the room was opening. I continued to stare straight at the washing machine; it was my hope that whoever had started to enter would reconsider once they saw my naked backside. It was thrilling to think about the shock of someone seeing me naked being enough to cause them to bolt.

The door swung shut, and I heard what sounded like a muffled chortle. There were a few soft footfalls as the person made their way into the room before stopping a several feet behind me.

"Did you run out of towels this time too?" Luke asked in a playful tone.

My face turned beet red, as did the normally fair-hued skin on my backside. I turned my head so I was looking at him over my shoulder.

"It's stupid," I said. "I just kind of threw the towel into the machine on autopilot. I guess I totally spaced."

"Sure," Luke skeptically replied.

I carefully looked at him from the corner of my eye. He was wearing a sleeveless gray T-shirt, a pair of black nylon basketball shorts, and white sneakers. I realized that he had a cast covering most of his left forearm and wrist.

"You must be wondering what happened," he said as he took a step closer. "My sister and I decided to rent some bikes while she was in town. I got clipped by some asshole who wasn't watching where he was going. It sent me flying. I ended up fracturing it."

I grimaced as I imagined the accident. Luke took a few more steps before sidling up next to me at the washing machine. He deliberately looked right into my eyes; I could tell he was making a concerted effort to not let his eyes wander.

"Anyways, it hurts like a bitch," he said. "The doctor says it'll take at least six weeks to heal."

As he continued to hold my gaze, my heart pounded in my chest. My throat felt dry and my head was spinning. It felt as if time had slowed down. I was certain that if I looked at the clock the second hand would be stuck in place.

"I decided to do a quick load tonight since I was running low on clean clothes," he said, with a playful laugh and a slap of my firm ass, "but I must not have been as bad off as you."

I startled as his palm thwacked against my pert behind. My nipples immediately hardened; I'd never had that reaction to someone touching my ass. My breathing became more labored.

"So, what have you been up to?" he asked as he turned to more directly face the side of my body.

"Um, not much," I said. "Just getting ready for finals and stuff. I'm pretty behind in studying."

"You go to U of T?"

"Yeah, I'm a junior."

I felt so unmoored; I struggled to accept that he was just talking to me as if the situation was completely normal. It was like he was pretending we were in a locker room instead of the laundry room in our apartment complex. My mind was trying to figure out if his casual attitude was spurring or deflating the fantasy. My body clearly didn't care; it was taking the ride - spurred along the path by that strong smack, to boot.

"Nice," he said. "Well, I don't want to keep you from getting back to 'your studies' so I should probably just grab my clothes."

Luke slowly walked behind me in order to get to the dryer on my left side. He picked up the mesh bag that had been placed on top. He let out a yelp as he pulled the machine door open. I watched as he failed to pull a few items from the inside; instead of ending up in his bag, they scattered down onto the tile floor. He took a step back.

"Do you think you can help a brother out?" Luke asked with a sheepish grin.

Before I could respond, he pushed the mesh bag into my left hand. It started to click that he wanted me to empty the contents of the machine into his bag.

"Sure," I said.

I side-stepped over to the machine so that his main view was still my famed backside and a sliver of my left flank. I expected him to step further out of the way as I moved over, but he didn't.

I easily emptied the remainder of the items into the mesh bag; it was pretty simple with two working wrists. I looked down at the few items scattered on the floor. I knew I had a decision to make: safe or risky. I haphazardly chose the latter.

I slyly looked over my shoulder to ensure that Luke was still watching. I bent down at my waist, rather than crouching, so that I was practically touching my toes. I spread my legs apart into a wider stance. I could feel air kissing my tight pucker as my cheeks spread apart just enough.

I felt so humiliated. It was like I was presenting myself for Luke, although it wasn't clear if I was presenting myself for inspection or something more lascivious. My knees trembled a little as my fingers scrambled to collect the scattered socks and boxers.

"The least I can do is shut the dryer door," Luke said as he stepped forward. He used the fingertips from his cast-covered hand secure the door while he nonchalantly planted his other hand on my muscular right cheek. I froze for a moment, unsure of how to respond.

"Sorry about that," he said as he removed his hand. "I've been a little unsteady on my feet since the accident."

I returned to a standing position and pivoted to face Luke while holding the sack of clothes in front of my crotch. It was my first time standing chest-to-chest with him that evening. It felt exhilarating.

Luke's eyes were twinkling; he seemed to be getting something out of the experience as well. He reached forward with his cast-laden hand and slowly took the bag. The weight of it made him wince. My cock jostled as the fabric pulled away from where it had been pressing against it. I had to resist my overwhelming urge to cover myself.

Luke and I both looked down at my thick, flaccid member. He gave the smallest nod of approval before looking back at my eyes. I thought he must have been impressed by either my boldness, my size, or perhaps both.

"You sure you're going to be able to carry that?" I asked, still thinking about his painful reaction.

"I'm not sure," he said. "How about you help me out and carry it for me?"

My eyes went wide as I tried to comprehend what he was asking. Does he really want me to carry the bag up to his unit on the third story without any clothes on? Is he completely mad?

Am I?

"It's not like you'd be alone," he said. "I'd be there too, and you'd be helping me out."

He was offering me a coded reassurance of sorts: strength in numbers during a bizarre sexual adventure. But he wasn't willing to label it for what it was; nor was I.

"Okay," I said with a large gulp.

A victorious smile appeared on Luke's face; it was like he was suddenly very excited. He rushed next to my side and wrapped one of his arms across my broad, bare shoulders as he leaned into me. He pushed the bag back into my hands, and I re-positioned it in front of my dick.

"Such a pal," he said as he squeezed me.

Luke hooked his arm with mine and quickly guided me towards the door. He practically made us sprint across the room. He peeked out the door before nodding at me. My nipples perked up at the thought of entering the hallway; I pulled the bag tighter against my crotch. The nylon mesh was tickling my smooth nuts.

Luke pulled me into the hallway and softly shut the door behind us. I looked at my apartment door just a few feet away. A lightning bolt shot through me as I realized that I was so close to safety, but would be opting to swim into stormy seas instead. I starting to think about of all the people I could run into in the hallways.

"Is that your apartment?" Luke asked.

"Yes," I said in a quavering tone.

I looked down the corridor in both directions. I was partly terrified and partly excited by knowing that one of the doors could open at any moment. Luke must have been able to sense my nerves; he placed his working hand on my back.

"Oh, shit," he said. "We didn't put the dryer sheets in the bag. I left them top of the machine. Can you grab them really quick?"

It seemed incredibly trivial to worry about dryer sheets, but I nodded in agreement. I darted into the room; I felt a small sense of relief to have another moment to collect myself before we started our journey. I walked over to the dryers; there was only discarded lint on the tops. I scanned the washing machines as well in case he had put them there - empty too.

I walked back to the door and listened for a moment before opening it. To my relief (well, probably not exactly relief), Luke was still standing there waiting for me. The slick white tile floor felt cold below my bare feet as I stepped back into the corridor.

"They weren't there," I said.

"That's weird," he said. "I was sure I hadn't brought them back earlier. Maybe I did?"

Before I had a chance to reply, he looped his arm through the crook in my elbow again and started guiding me towards the set of stairs at the front of the building. It was the riskier option since the back stairwell was less traveled.

The fifty feet to the stairwell felt like walking through quicksand. I was hypervigilant that something bad could happen at any moment. Gooseflesh appeared on my forearms as we stopped at the first step; my shoulders tightened.

We both paused to listen for voices or the echoing sound of shoes on tile. Luke looked at me and nodded that he'd determined that the coast was clear. My eyes were wide with fear; Luke seemed to like that. He gave my ass a small smack, and he chuckled when I startled. He reached back to the same spot and cradled my muscular right bun with his healthy hand; he was trying to direct me onto the stairs. A little Canadian goosing? I thought to myself with a wry smile.

Luke's fingers digging into my skin, the prospect of mounting the stairs, and the feeling of the nylon mesh bag rubbing against my crotch were the perfect combo. Blood began flowing into my dick. I knew it was starting to get hard, even if I couldn't see it happening.

I jumped onto the first step without thinking. I felt emboldened as Luke took the hand that had been on my ass and grabbed me by the bicep. We gazed at one another before bounding up the rest of the stairs leading to the ground level. We stopped, giddy with excitement, as we listened for any sounds in the foyer. It was silent.

All we had to do was round the corner in order to keep ascending to the second floor. It would leave me out in the open for perhaps five seconds. On the left, there was the small entryway with two sets of doors that created a vestibule between them before connecting with the corridor. To the right, there was the nook with the mailboxes.

I knew that it was the main thoroughfare of the building. There was a good chance that someone could be coming home from a late dinner or heading out to a bar. The danger had never been greater, and I was exhilarated

I glanced over at Luke; he was using the tips of his fingers on his injured hand to fish something out of his pocket. His supple lips curved upwards the slightest bit at the corners. I waited to see what he was retrieving.

"Keys," Luke said as he dangled a keyring from his index finger. "I thought we could grab my mail on the way up."

My face must have conveyed my disbelief, and Luke seemed tickled pink. He'd figured me out. He knew that I liked being pushed, and he liked pushing me. I'd been caught in more ways than one. I extended my right hand, and he dropped the keyring into my large palm.

I stuck my head around the corner. The mail nook and hallway were empty. The glass window on the upper half of the door connecting to the entryway vestibule showed that nobody had entered through the main door. The coast was clear, but I wasn't ready.

Luke stepped out into the corridor. The mail nook was only fifteen feet away from where he was standing, while the vestibule was less than ten feet in the other direction. He beckoned me to join him. I took a big gulp as I stepped forward, even though my mouth was bone dry.

I could see to the other end of the corridor past the eight or so doors leading to various units. Looking toward the main door, I peered through the window into the entry chamber. I could see the large wooden door leading to the street. Holy shit, I thought as I realized that I was only twenty feet from being outside completely naked. It was a terrifying, thrilling thought, and perhaps a goal for much further down the road.

"It's number three-oh-two," Luke said. "I'll wait here to act as a lookout for anyone who might be coming home."

My head was foggy with delight; it was akin to being intoxicated. I nodded, feeling disoriented with pleasure. I took a tentative step towards the nook when Luke reached out and gently pulled the bag of clothes from me.

"I can hold these so that you have both hands free for the mail," he slyly explained.

I looked down at my cock, as did Luke. It was a rock-hard nine inches; there was a small pearl of pre-cum glistening in the slit. Without saying anything, Luke dropped the bag of clothes to the floor. He reached out and glided the fingertips on his working hand along the length of my shaft as if he were petting it before quickly pulling his hand away.

There was a large bulge in Luke's basketball shorts; I wasn't sure how long it had been there, but touching my dick seemed to move him into full pitched-tent territory. He took the hand that had been on my cock and used it to rub his in the same way through the fabric.

We smiled at one another for a moment. I couldn't believe that a relative stranger was getting off on joining me in my bizarre fantasy. It was incredibly fucking hot.

"Get going," he encouraged me. "I'm excited to watch."

Hearing him command me felt so good, as did knowing he'd be observing. Without stopping to reflect on the situation any longer, I began to amble toward the mail nook. Each footfall shot a jolt of energy straight into my cock as I moved further from the relative safety of the stairwell.

I tried not to look back as I walked those fifteen feet; I wanted to show Luke how confident I was. When I finally reached the collection of mailboxes, I gave myself permission to glance over. He was still standing there, but he had picked up the sack of clothes again.

I scanned the mailboxes. It took me a few seconds to find the one with the number he had told me. I looked at the key ring; there were two larger keys and three smaller ones. I realized that any one from the latter group could potentially open the mailbox.

The butterflies in my stomach took to flight. I chose one of the small keys at random while looking towards Luke and the entryway. I simultaneously tried to fit it into the lock while scanning the entrance. It fit in the opening, but the lock refused to turn.

I removed the key and started to try with the next. Suddenly, I heard noise coming from Luke's direction. I watched as the main door leading to the street opened and two young-looking guys entered into the vestibule. They appeared to be around my age; one of them was wearing a baseball cap from my college.

Luke was frantically motioning for me to come back. I tried to yank the ring of keys from the lock, but it was stuck. I was trying to do too many things at once and I couldn't think what to focus on. I pulled at the key with such force that I'm surprised it didn't break the lock.

Right as I heard the doorway to the hallway opening, the key pulled free. I used both of my hands to cover my throbbing dick and positioned myself to face the opposite direction of where the young men were entering.

"Yo, what the fuck?" said an amused voice.

"Bro's out here naked!" the other drunkenly laughed.

I thought I was going to have a panic attack. I was certain that Luke had saved himself and fled into the safety of the stairwell. I thought about making a run for it towards the other end of the hallway, but my feet remained frozen in place.

"Well, that's what happens when you bet against the Leafs," Luke's voice said. "He was stupid enough to bet me that they'd lose to the Oilers. Loser had to get the mail naked."

Both of the young guys started drunkenly cackling. I started to worry that their boisterousness could cause someone to come out into the hallway to see what was happening. The idea was mortifying and exhilarating.

"Wave to the camera, Beau!" Luke commanded.

Camera? I quizzically asked myself. I turned my head to peer over my shoulder. Luke was holding up his phone to either snap a picture or film. I figured it must have been a decision he made to sell the guys on the fact that this was typical bro-ish hijinks.