Unbidden Pt. 03


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I could see the considerable effort she was exerting just to keep her hands there and I was awed by that knowledge. She could have moved them at any time, but she didn't. Just because I asked her not to?

Shaie's eyes slowly opened and I saw no pride in them, only need.

"Please, Jamie," she softly implored. It was unusual for me to see Shaie in such a humbled state, but I felt my chest swell up with all sorts of emotions as I realized that I had the power to give her what she asked for. And that I wanted to.

I acted swiftly, entering her with two fingers as I bowed my head and took her clit back into my mouth. I sucked on the erect little nub while I began to fuck her in a deep and steady rhythm. Shaie's moans grew louder and I drove in and out of her faster, my fingers curling and pressing on the spot that I knew would give her the most pleasure.

Her right leg wrapped firmly around my head as her thighs stiffened and Shaie finally came. Soft sounds of pleasure streamed out of her mouth while I kept my fingers still within her, enjoying the way her pussy clenched and unclenched quickly around me.

I slid up when her thighs started to relax, her cries turning soft. I eased my fingers out of her but kept them on her mound, soothing her clit as I placed my knees on either side of her and settled on her lap. Her climax had pushed me past arousal. I needed to come, and I wanted to feel Shaie's fingers inside me while I did.

I took her hand and pressed her fingers against my cotton-clad pussy, trying to rub the ache between my legs. I gazed deeply into the golden orbs of her eyes as I spoke.

"Touch me, Shaie." I told her as I pushed the crotch of my soaked panties aside and placed the tips of her index and middle fingers right at my sopping wet entrance. "Fuck me."

When Shaie merely looked back at me, still dazed from her own orgasm, I urgently added, "Now!"

She didn't need any more prodding after that, her fingers pushing into me swift and hard as she sat up and positioned herself so she could freely move. I sighed in satisfaction as I sank completely into her fingers.

"Yes, fuck my pussy," I hissed as she began thrusting, each stroke harder and deeper than the last. "Own my fucking pussy!"

I gasped and moaned mindlessly as I rode her, unable to remember a time when I had ever been this wet or uninhibited. I could feel my own juices coating her fingers and slickening her knuckles, and Shaie moaned with me as I slipped the strap of my dress off my arm and bared my left breast.

"Oh, fuck, yes!" I breathed as I felt Shaie's hot mouth close in immediately to suck on my nipple. Her fingers fucked my pussy with the same wild abandon that I was feeling and I cradled Shaie's head closer to my breast, my fingers tangling in her curls as I placed my cheek on the top of her head and held her tightly.

My breaths came in faster and my heartbeat quickened, but I felt in control, fully aware of each and every movement of Shaie's mouth and fingers. Biting my lip, I lifted my head and Shaie's gaze locked into mine once again as my hips matched her pace. There was an intensity in those amber eyes that I could not look away from, and I watched them darken as Shaie spoke.

"Come." She said as her thumb found and pressed on my clit and all sense of control that I had been feeling disappeared into her soft command as I instantly exploded around her fingers.

"Oh, my God. Oh, my fucking God," I whispered over and over, my pussy uncontrollably pulsing around her fingers as I gave myself to Shaie one last time. I dug my nails into the backs of Shaie's shoulders, dragging them down her arms where I clung as I pressed my hips harder against her hand in the throes of such wondrous pleasure.

When my breathing started to return to normal, Shaie eased out of me. She laid me down on the bed beside her and rolled over as I propped myself on one arm, tracing a finger lightly up and down her bare stomach. How could I not be anything but grateful for this woman who had given me the most amazing orgasms I had ever had over the course of the last two weeks?

"Thank you," I told her softly, kissing her cheek. Shaie had her eyes closed, and I watched freely as her lips curved into a smile. Again, I felt that subtle ache in my heart and knew I couldn't stay there any longer. I needed to get back to reality, and reality was downstairs where Shaie's girlfriend and the rest of the world existed.

"Oh, you're fucking kidding me!" Shaie exclaimed, staring at me incredulously as I stood up and made quick work of fixing my dress. I looked at her as I picked up my purse and knew I needed to say something. Anything.

"We can't just keep on doing this. I can't keep doing this." I told her, hearing the tremors in my own voice.

Shaie scrambled off the bed to find her dress but I was not going to stand still and wait for her. I moved swiftly towards the door, locking it safely behind me as I left. There was nothing else to say.


I was halfway through Marnie's driveway when I heard Shaie calling out to me. She sounded a good distance away, but still I picked up my stride, refusing to let her catch up.

"You know," Shaie continued to yell, sounding a bit out of breath. "This disappearing act is starting to get old. Not that I ever liked it in the first place!"

I continued walking, not even bothering to look back at her. Why was she even trying to have a conversation with me anyway?

"I've thought a lot of things about you since I've known you, Jamie, but I never pegged you to be this much of a coward!" She called out again, screaming out the last word as loud as she could.

I stopped myself from turning onto the sidewalk and whirled around. How dare she?

Shaie had stopped a few yards away, slightly bent over with both hands at the top of her knees. Her dress was a bit wrinkled and her short curls were bedraggled, and she looked at me while she tried to catch her breath. She was still the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

I strode over to her angrily until I was close enough so that I didn't have to shout like she had been doing.

"Better a coward," I bit out. "Than a cheat!"

"What the fuck?" Shaie straightened and caught my hand before I could start walking away again. "How am I a cheat?"

I stared at her, unable to believe that she would act as if she didn't know exactly what I was talking about. "Are you sure you want to do this right here?" I challenged.

"Yeah, I'm sure," She nodded determinedly, infuriating me to no end.

"Fine, Shaie! Your girlfriend is right there in that fucking house, waiting for you while you're out here talking to me!"

Shaie looked genuinely confused.

"Girlfriend?" She asked and, suddenly, I didn't feel so sure. Still, I held my ground, having already said the words.

"Lucy." I told her, folding my arms over my chest. Shaie stared at me blankly for a moment before she laughed.

"Lucy isn't my girlfriend," she said. "Who told you she was?"

I couldn't remember. "It's kind of common knowledge in our group though." I shrugged.

"Is that so?" She asked. And then she started laughing again.

"This isn't funny," I gritted through my teeth. Shaie sobered a little but her smile still contained all the mirth she was now trying to hold back.

"Actually, it is." She said. "Last Monday, Lucy was the one who told me to stop acting like a petty child and just ask you out already so I can find out why you kept sneaking out on me every time we had sex. And now you're telling me that Lucy's the reason you're running away from this?"

It felt as if the steam had been taken out of me, and I did not like it one bit. "Not the only reason." I answered sulkily. "And I wasn't running away."

"No? So how come where having this conversation in a driveway?" Shaie asked pointedly before her brows belatedly furrowed. "What other reasons?"

"Well, for one, we have nothing in common." I quickly threw at her.

Shaie grinned. "I know at least one thing we both enjoy doing together very much."

"That was sex!" I countered, feeling my face heat up at the reminder. "We barely even know each other!"

Shaie cocked her head to the side, her confidence back in full force. "Well, you see," she began. "There's this thing called dates where two people go out and talk—maybe over dinner or coffee—just to get to know each other. I'm sure you've heard of it."

I stared at Shaie incredulously. "Why would you ever want to date me?"

"Why not?" She bit back.

"Have you seen yourself?" I asked her, gesturing my hand up and down at her form to prove my point.

"Okay, let me stop you right there, Jamie." Shaie shifted and held up a hand."We can go all night back and forth like this, but the truth is you're the only one here trying to come up with reasons not to be with me."

I stood there silently, watching her, unable to refute what she said.

"It's like you're always on the defense and, for the life of me, I can't figure out why. All that's clear to me right now is that you're afraid," she told me. I opened my mouth to protest but Shaie put a finger up so that she could finish.

"You're so afraid," She continued, taking a step closer as her eyes stared into mine. Instinctively, I took a step back. "Of actually getting what you want that you would cling to any excuse not to have it. And I know you want me."

I breathed deeply, suddenly feeling close to tears. I took another step backward as if adding distance equaled safety.

"So, what," I said, tilting my chin up and curling my lip in defiance. "I should give you a chance? Is that what you're saying?"

Shaie shook her head no.

"I'm saying give yourself a chance, Jamie." She answered softly. "You keep putting your walls up to shut people out, you'll only end up boxing yourself in. Alone."

I stared at her squarely, my body tensed against the words she was telling me.

"Well, maybe I am a coward." I told her. "Maybe I am just so fucked up that I think being alone is better than taking risks. Why would you want to date someone like me? You shouldn't want someone like me."

"How about you let me decide what I should and shouldn't want for myself?" Shaie said. I could tell that she was getting frustrated but was choosing to be patient with me instead.

"Funny thing," I deflected with a sad smile. "You keep saying you want to go out with me but it's been four days since Monday, and you haven't even tried to contact me."

Shaie relaxed, realizing she had already won the argument.

"I was going to call you tomorrow," she explained, grinning sheepishly and taking another step towards me. "I thought I should wait until the decision on the ad campaign was out, you know? I didn't want you thinking that you have to go out with me."

Just like that, I was out of excuses. Shaie took another step forward, emboldened by the fact that I didn't take a step back this time.

"Jamie—," she started, her hand again reaching out towards me.

"Shaie!!" We both heard the shouts loud and clear, and we turned towards the sound. Two of Shaie's friends were tipsily making their way over to where we stood.

"We've been looking everywhere for you!" One of them yelled.

"Shit!" Shaie cursed before turning back to me, but I was already backing away. I raised a hand up slightly and let it fall to my side as I turned onto the sidewalk and started moving away from Shaie. I didn't want to continue that conversation in front of an audience.

I didn't hear her follow, but her words continued to run through my mind while I walked. It was something else, really—to find yourself completely figured out by someone and still be wanted. Shaie was right. I was terrified.

She was also right about how I was boxing myself in, but then, what was the alternative? They say the greater the risk, the greater the reward but past experiences had shown me just how bad the consequences could also be. Besides, I had been doing just fine being alone for the last couple of years.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sudden ringing of my phone. I fished it out of my purse and picked up as I absently hailed a passing cab.

"Would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow?" Shaie's voice sounded through the receiver and I turned to glance at her. She looked back at me with her phone against her ear while her friends continued talking around her.

"Or coffee. We can do coffee if you'd like. Pick you up at 7?" She added, giving me a smile that was both incredibly gorgeous and incorrigible. I shook my head and looked away.

I mean, would I dare risk the safe and uncomplicated life I had worked so hard to get back? Could I ever be brave enough? Was Shaie even worth it?

"No," I told her as the taxi stopped in front of me. "Pick me up at 8 instead."

I hung up as I got into the backseat, finally allowing the smile to spread across my lips.


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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Nice story, but...

Shaie’s character underwent a big change. In the first two chapters she was a very dominating character and now suddenly she isn’t. Seems a bit off.

ramblin2020ramblin2020almost 4 years ago

Loved it. My feedback would be that the intro felt a little chaotic. I think a little more background on Jamie and her state of mind would have painted a more compelling picture. With that said, it was sooo good as it was. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Soo good

Amazing, pleeeeasse write more, not necessarily this story I just love your writing. Nothing Insanly cheeeey that rips me out of the story, it's completely immersive.

ArmyGal33ArmyGal33almost 4 years ago
Too short

The actual pacing and plot itself was wonderful. I only say too short because I was thoroughly and happily engrossed in this series and could easily keep on reading. This was a fun and sexy journey. Well done and thank you for sharing it with us.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

more please... pls contnue ths one. thanks

JamieHunter326JamieHunter326almost 4 years agoAuthor
More Is Coming

Thank you! I'm so happy you guys liked this one.

Writing Shaie and Jamie had been such a pleasurable experience (in many, many ways) for me so, I wanted to journey with them some more, too.:)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Well written... Omg just wow!! Cant wait to read more ❤️

_island ph girl 🏝️

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
More Please

Tense and so erotic; characters knowable in so few “pages”. You write well and the story lines are captivating. Looking forward to more while rereading posted stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

This has been one of my favorite reads on this site. It's incredible how you're able to craft something so real in only a few pages. I have found myself rereading the entire series over and over. I'm sad this is the last of their story, but I'm looking forward to more of your work.

JamieHunter326JamieHunter326about 4 years agoAuthor
Thank you!

It's been a great learning experience writing and publishing this one and I appreciate all your votes, feedbacks, and comments!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Your story is so fresh and well-written, I love all its details — that slow burn and the chemistry between two opposite personalities. I look forward to what you have in store for us! Thank you so so much and Good Luck xx

Candy_Kane54Candy_Kane54about 4 years ago

Very nice finish. I'll be looking forward to more stories from you.

jameson57jameson57about 4 years ago
So good

Love the story! More, please...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

You have a gift for writing; please provide us with more stories

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