Unblended Ch. 03


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"As the morning went on, I got extremely horny to the point where I started overheating, and when I locked myself in a bathroom and jerked off, I felt better. So, that said, I have something to show you, what's a good email address for you?"

She told me and I shot her an invite to my chat server. While she got set up, I showed the video to Nurse Carter, who was very complimentary. She didn't seem to be particularly aroused by it, for which I was thankful.

"What made you want to stream it?" she asked.

"I'm not sure. I was about to start stroking, when I thought I should share it with Tessa and Michiko? Things kind of escalated when they invited the others in to watch."

The nurse looked at me, clearly impressed. "Look at you, Mr. Porn Star in the Making!"

"Honestly? I was about ready to drop my pants and jerk off on the table. I'm glad Michi had her head on straight, Tessa probably would have let me."

"Alright, Ace," Trisha said, cutting into the conversation, "good thinking recording this, though I don't know how much medical merit it may have." I heard the snark creep into her voice ever so slightly. "You said it felt like you were overheating?"

"Yeah, my ears felt like they were burning up? That's usually what it feels like when I get too warm, almost like heat sinks venting."

"That's a neat way of putting it. Emmy?"

Nurse Carter referred to some notes she had been taking when she checked me out. "98.8, it's a little high but nothing serious."

"Hmm. Ace tends to run a little cool. Was there anything else out of the ordinary that you've noticed?"

"Yeah, actually, Nurse Carter smells really good."

"That's a little weird, but thank you!" she responded.

"Not just you, though. Everyone does. I hadn't noticed it until lunchtime, but I keep catching different scents, and they're definitely from people."

"Fascinating," Trisha said. "How's your dick doing?"

"Uh," I said, caught off-guard. "it's fine? Definitely in the refractory period, if that's what you meant. It felt great to cum finally."

"I'll bet. Is it any bigger than yesterday? Or your testicles?"

"I don't think so."

"What are you thinking, Trish?" Nurse Carter asked.

"It's odd. Ace's body is definitely changing, but in a fashion unlike anything that's been experienced with the blend before. The increased libido hitting like that, that isn't very unusual, but the increased scent reception towards blended individuals is a new wrinkle. It also looks like you're producing a lot of semen, similar to when blended people are under unisex influence, that's worthy of note as well. I'm concerned about the overheating, and I'd like to know what your body temp was when it was happening. Emmy, can you loan him a thermometer for a while?"

"Contactless instant read, right?"

"Yes, please."

"Yeah, one sec."

The nurse went to a supply cabinet and withdrew a small, phaser-looking device. She demonstrated it by holding it close to my forehead and depressing the trigger until it beeped. She turned it around to show me the display, which read 98.6.

"Ace, I want you to keep an eye on your temp if this happens again. If you just have to get off and don't have the time to check, don't make any sacrifices, just blow that load, but if you notice it beforehand, it would be very useful to know how much heat you're building up."

"Sure thing, Doc," I said, accepting the device and stowing it in my pocket.

"Anything else we should take care of?" Nurse Carter said.

"Not that I can think of. Ace?"

"I'm good."

"Alright. Keep me posted, otherwise I'll see you on Monday." We ended the call, and I looked nervously at the nurse.

"I apologize if that video crossed a line."

"Don't sweat it. Though, I think we're on first-name terms now."

"Fine with me, M- uh... Emily."

She smiled and handed me a bottle of water. "Good. Hydrate, and stay hydrated. You're gonna need it if you keep putting out floods like that, holy shit."


Our school requires three years of Phys Ed, which usually meant that senior year was optional. I'd actually signed up for it, mostly because it was a nice daily workout and also an opportunity to hang out with hot blended girls in workout clothes. I hadn't had it on the first day of school given the way class periods cycled, so I had no idea who would be in my particular unit apart from the teacher: I had drawn Joleen Traeger, a.k.a. Coach Traeger, Granite Hills' football coach. She was an absolute riot of a PE teacher; whereas other teachers might expect contactless play during a floor hockey unit, Coach Traeger appreciated the more physical aspects of the game and wouldn't look down on some clean hip checks. In moderation, of course.

I got changed in an empty men's locker room, late to class due to my visit to the nurse. I tossed a quick glance at myself a nearby mirror, looking decent but not overly sexy in my workout shorts and tank top. I entered the gym and listened for a moment.

"Alright, ladies, drop and gimme twenty! Come on, we don't have all day!"

I smirked and headed towards the sound of Coach Traeger's voice. I could see her standing in the middle of a semicircle of about 14 other girls, whose backs were to me. She was more masculine than the average blended person, with a very square jaw and a muscular, squat frame. That didn't stop her from developing a pair of very nice boobs, but you generally didn't see them due to her wearing a letter jacket constantly.

"WAYNE!" she shouted, finally noticing me. "Get your tight little ass over here, you're late!" Coach Traeger also had a rather lax approach to sexual harassment, even before she'd transformed, but she got away with it because she was also the most honorable faculty member in the school: to think that she might go too far with a student was completely beyond the realm of possibility. I recognize how that sounds and that I'm likely too naive, but if you knew her, you'd know it too.

"Sorry, Coach!" I said, running over and handing her my late pass from the nurse. "Coming from the infirmary, Coach!" She snatched the pass from my hand and read it over before crumpling it up and dropping it on the floor. She looked at me from behind her gold aviators for a moment, and I detected the trace of a smile at the corners of her mouth.

"I expect you on time from here out, Wayne. Form up and give me 30 pushups, you need to catch up." She indicated a gap in the semicircle and I headed over, dropped down, and started counting. I took the opportunity to look around at my fellow students, and I suddenly realized I was in deep trouble: I had Phys Ed with the football team's defensive squad.

I finished my assigned punishment and joined in on the rest of the calisthenics session, and Coach also joined us for the stretching portion. I noticed that all of the girls were wearing sports bras with no shirt and yoga pants, so there was a lot of flesh on display. My heart caught in my throat when I met eyes with Tanya, who gave me that dazzling smile of hers. I also marveled at the engineering of her athletic support garment, I assumed there was rebar in her bra the way her mammoth breasts stayed perfectly in place without so much as a jiggle.

"Okay, ladies. Five laps, starting now! Not you, Wayne, I want a word." Coach gave a quick blast from her whistle, and the other students started running the perimeter of the gym.

"Something you need, Coach?" I asked. She took off her aviators, and for the first time, I noticed she had eyes a startling shade of violet.

"The principal filled me in on your condition, I'm sorry you're having a rough time of it." Her voice lost the commanding growl, and sounded incredibly feminine and vibrant.

"Thank you, Coach, I'm just trying to deal." She nodded.

"If you start having any problems with my girls, you let me know, I'll set them straight."

"I will, Coach, thanks for looking out for me."

She scoffed, returning to her gruff persona. "You? I'm just making sure my starters don't catch an assault charge because they couldn't keep in in their pants. No matter how much you might be asking for it, dressed like that. I'll expect you in proper uniform next time."

"I mean, I can get yoga pants, but I think a sports bra would just be tacky."

Coach snickered as the d-squad returned from their laps, and I fell in with them, lucking out to stand next to Tanya. "Okay, ladies," Coach started, "normally, we'd be starting a fall unit of a field sport, but if it's okay with all of you," she paused, making it clear we didn't have a choice, "we're going to use our time together to shore up some deficiencies. Now, I'm sure you all know Ace Wayne, here. He'll be at cornerback when we run formation drills, and he'll also be our ball carrier stand-in. Unless you have a problem with that, Wayne?"

"Happy to help out, Coach," I said, but I sure didn't sound it. Personally, I was terrified, any one of these highly athletic and, it must be said, insanely hot women could hit me so hard, I'd fall apart like a crash test dummy. From the predatory looks I was getting from the assembled football players, they weren't going to make it easy on me. Still, running for one's life was an excellent cardio regimen, or so I'd heard.

"Glad to hear it. Alright, practice field! Now! *TWEEEEET*"

On the jog over, I kept pace with Tanya. "You know, I could think of worse ways to die than crushed by football players."

She laughed, her voice lyrical and bright. "I bet you'd just love that, pinned to the ground with a face full of tit or girldick."

"Don't forget ass, and promises, promises. Hey, seriously though, you write?"

"Yeah, it's a lot of fun. You really want to read my stuff?"

"Absolutely! Even if it's nothing like what you wrote on channel today, I'd be interested to see it."

"Holy shit, Ace, that was intense."

"Yeah. I hope we can do that in person sometime." I smiled warmly, and Tanya's face instantly turned an adorable rose color as she blushed.

"Hey!" Coach shouted at us, blowing her whistle RIGHT NEXT TO MY EAR. "Stop lollygagging!"


The question of changing together with the girls was answered when Coach called me into the athletic office that bridged the men's and women's locker rooms. Since I was the only unisex student scheduled for PE during that period, I would be allowed to use the private coaches' facilities there.

"Good hustle out there, Wayne," Coach said as I got cleaned up and changed, "shame you didn't try out, you might have made a half-decent receiver."

"Coach Andrews said the same thing, only she said I'd make a great center forward," I said, recalling the soccer coach's repeated attempts to get me to try out. "I'll tell you what I told her: I'm no athlete."

I heard her laughing as I shut off the shower and started toweling off. I returned to the office as I was buttoning up my shirt to find Coach giving me an appraising eye. I still had a few minutes before the period was over and made to wait in the locker room.

"Hey, Ace," Coach said, again using her normal speaking voice, "could... would you do me a favor real quick?"

"What's up, Coach?"

"Don't tell anyone I asked for this, okay?"

I had kept my distance from her, but I remained on guard. "Of course."

"Would you sing a few bars of Space Oddity for me?" She gave me a pleading sort of look, and I had to wonder what brought this on. Still, I always fulfilled reasonable requests, and this was more than reasonable. I smiled and started singing, almost immediately losing myself in the song.

I'd first listened to The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars when I was like 9, and it did something to me. Mama used to say that, if she and Mom ever needed a break, they could put that record on and leave me to listen with rapt attention. By the time I was twelve, I'd listened to Bowie's entire catalog and started branching out into other similar artists and genres, but the Goblin King was deep in my blood first and foremost. I could rattle of most of his songs without any effort, and it only took a line or two for me to remember the more obscure b-sides. It also felt really good to belt out a few bars sometimes, and it was a surefire way to get my way with Mama.

The bell rang, signalling the end of the period, just as I reached the middle of the third verse. I gave a short bow and a wave goodbye to Coach, who looked happier than I'd ever seen her, and headed out through the locker room. I kept on singing through the chorus (too far in to stop now), and didn't notice I'd had the rapt attention of everyone in there. Michiko was waiting for me at the junction between the athletics wing, the cafeteria, and the halls into the school proper, and she started harmonizing with me as we headed for English class together. It sounded really good (Michiko had been taking voice lessons since she was practically a baby), and it made me wish I had a guitar handy for the instrumental section at the end of the song.

"What brought this on?" Michi asked as we got to our classroom.

"The spirit gets in me sometimes," I replied.

"You sure it wasn't Tanya's dick?" Michi said with a smirk. I refused to deign that question with a response and turned away in a huff.


The rest of the school day passed pretty quickly, and we linked up with Tessa to head back to my place. We decided to hang out for a bit before heading back for the football season opener. I'd never been much for school spirit, but I now had a very good reason to show my support for the Granite Hills Dragons.

"Are you ready for this?" Tessa asked me, holding my face in her hands. We were all naked in my room, and Michiko was lining up to stake her own claim on my ass.

I nodded, kissing Tessa deeply before she pulled me into her soft bosom.

"Do it, Michi!" she said, and Michiko started pushing her cock into me. While she wasn't much longer than Tess, she was definitely much wider, and I could feel the difference immediately as she slowly pushed her head into my widening rear entry. I moaned directly into Tessa's boobs, and her body shook a little bit as my pleasure seemingly transferred into her.

Michiko was already shaking with pleasure, and she moaned loudly when her head finally broke through all the way. This didn't hurt nearly as much as my first time with Tessa, but there was still a twinge of pain as my ass started to widen further than before. I could feel Michi slathering her cock with more lube as she started making slow inroads.

"How is it, baby?" Tessa cooed.

"So good..." Michi and I both said, not knowing who Tessa was asking.

"He's tighter than you are Tess!" Michiko added.

"There's a big surprise," I said, groaning as Michi suddenly pushed another inch of her thick cock into me. Tessa guided my mouth to one of her nipples, and I hungrily started sucking on it. She was clearly giving my mouth something to do so I wouldn't be able to say anything, and that was fine by me.

"You keep that up, you won't get a special prize when she bottoms out," Tessa teased me. Suddenly, I felt Michiko push herself all the way into my ass in one smooth motion, and we both started screaming wildly.

"Holy shit!" Tessa said. "Are you okay?"

"Fuck, yeah," I moaned. My cock was rock hard, and I was a little surprised I didn't cum on the spot. This felt completely different from my first time: I could squeeze down on Michi's cock, making her moan even louder, and I felt so sensitive. I could feel Michi's every twitch inside me, and I was already riding the edge of a very big orgasm.

"This feels so amazing, baby," Michiko said, "are you ready?"

"Yeah, Michiko, fuck me."

She growled and slowly started pulling out. Just as she was about to pop out, she rammed back in to the hilt, and I felt her cock pulse a bit, depositing some precum deep inside me. I looked into Tessa's eyes, and she looked so happy for all of us.

"You love it, don't you?" she said, and I nodded frantically. "Oh, fuck, this is going to be awesome." Without another word, she stood up and presented me with her hard girlcock. I licked my lips, which drew a deep moan from Tessa, and she plunged herself into my waiting mouth.

I came. HARD. I felt my dick spasming as it spilled a huge torrent of cum all over my bedspread. I felt so full, so close to my lovers, it was pure bliss. Tess and Michi stayed right where they were, fully buried in me, as I rocked through my climax. Michiko ran her hand under my cock, presumably to catch some of my issue, and I heard the girls moan. I assumed she had fed my cum to Tessa, who was now sharing it back in a kiss.

They started fucking me then, a steady rhythm in unison. Their girldicks pistoned in and out of me in sync, and the sensation blew my mind. Their moaning filled my room, and Michiko started speeding up. The asymmetry she introduced in their thrusting was interesting, and it felt so good to suck on Tessa as Michi railed me. I would have laughed if I could and wasn't horny as fuck: not three days ago, I had severe reservations about anyone knocking at my back door, and now I was completely sold on it.

Tessa came next, surprisingly. She started that breathless gasping that presaged her climax, and I grabbed her ass and pulled her deep into my throat. She started screaming as she exploded down my throat, and I found it much easier to swallow her huge load. She smelled so good, and her cum tasted amazing. If I hadn't cum so recently, I probably would have. Even then, it was a near thing.

Tessa fell back into the bed when she was spent, but quickly scooted underneath me, pulling my head down to make out with deep kisses. Michiko really started pounding me, and between her and Tessa, I was primed for another orgasm. I suddenly felt my cock enveloped in an incredibly soft warmness, and I realized Tessa figured out how to get me inside her soaking pussy. Every time Michi drove into me, the force drove me into Tessa, and we all started screaming.

Michiko finally exploded deep in my ass, flooding me and setting off my orgasm. As Tessa felt my cum filling her up, she started shaking, and her cock started spitting jets of cum between us onto her tits and my chest. Michi and I started grinding our hips against Tessa and each other, milking all of us for every drop we could. Our shared orgasm lasted at least a full minute, and we collapsed on top of one another when we were finally spent.

"Well, I think I found something else that changed," I said, finally.

"His ass wasn't this elastic when you fucked him, was it?" Michi asked Tessa. "I just slid right in there!"

"Yeah, it took a while to fit last time," Tessa responded, her hair a complete mess. She looked so beautiful that way.

"How much time do we have before we need to get ready?" Michi asked.

"Gate's at 6, kickoff is at 7."

"Okay, nobody move for thirty minutes."


If you've never been to a high school football game on a brisk, early autumn evening, you are missing out. It was early enough in the season such that twilight was only just starting to fall, and the field, grandstands, and concessions stand were all cast in that bluish-purple light that foretells the onset of the evening. I realize that sounds a little more formal than you're used to in this narrative, but believe me, with two amazing girls on my arms, I was definitely feeling it. We grabbed a spot in the stands near the pep band, and Michiko went to collect snacks and drinks for the first half.

"So, what's the outlook?" I asked Tessa, but before she could answer, a mellifluous voice behind us answered.

"Stacy and the Smash Sisters are going to take us to the championship this year."

We turned to see Granite Hills' resident EDM expert grinning at us. "Jamie Jay!" I said, exchanging our usual fist bump arrangement. Jamie was a wizard behind the turntables, though she usually dressed to fit in with the 80s punk crowd: short pink hair styled in a fauxhawk, studded leather jacket, ripped jeans, and plenty of hardware in her ears. I noticed she'd added a septum ring since last I'd seen her. "The Smash Sisters?"