Unblended Ch. 03


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"Donna Mulgrew and Tanya Peterson," Jamie clarified, and the nickname became clear. Tanya was a defensive end, and she'd bulldoze through an o-line like it was tissue paper. Donna played under center and was a mountain of a woman: 6' 10" at least and looking very much like a female version of the Kingpin. Who better to stop the onrush of opposing defenders and buy Stacy the time she'd need to complete passes. I actually knew Donna pretty well, she was D&D Club secretary and an ardent cosplayer. Suddenly, the playoff picture looked very bright indeed: I'd previously heard bits and pieces about Stacy's skill at QB, that she might be the next Toni Brady someday, and I was very relieved I hadn't caused her any lasting damage.

"So, you're looking tasty tonight," Jamie said, giving both Tessa and me a once over. That seemed to be this year's accepted shorthand for "I would like to engage in sexual congress with you".

"You, as well. You spinning at Tanya's tomorrow night?" I asked casually.

"Of course. You available to keep me company under the console?" she replied, grinning.

"Rude!" Tessa said, barely restraining a giggle.

"We might be able to come to an accommodation," I said, waggling my eyebrows.

Michiko returned with a box full of snacks and greeted Jamie as the pep band started up a rousing rendition of the Monday Night Football theme. The crowd had gathered in the stands and exploded in cheering as their Granite Hills Dragons stormed the field. I could pick out Tanya easily, bracketed by her co-captains Stacy and Donna in their striking maroon and hunter green uniforms. I glanced at Tess and Michi before wrapping my arms around their waists for a brief hug.

"This is awesome," I said, and they both kissed me in response. Supposedly, word was already getting around that the Queens finally had their King, and while I didn't enjoy the prospect of being called that, at that moment, I sure felt like one.


If the first half was any indication of that season's prospects, they might as well just send the championship trophy over and save everyone a lot of time. It wasn't even close. Stacy's command of the ball was peerless, snapping quick passes and connecting on long drives effortlessly. Donna definitely lived up to her job description, often blocking multiple defenders at once and even gaining ground on them. This left the rest of the o-line to harry other defenders, giving our running backs and receivers the chance to run roughshod over the field. On the one occasion where a defensive end broke through and menaced Stacy, she deftly juked the poor girl practically out of her cleats and turned it into an 11-yard run for a first down. Seven touchdowns in 28 minutes. Seven. Jesus.

On the other side of the ball, Tanya and her crew stopped the opposing offense dead in its tracks. I could see her calling out defensive looks to her teammates before dropping down into her stance and shredding her way through the o-line. It was clear she was just as interested in generating opportunities for her teammates as she was in making her own, punching holes and occupying other blockers while her fellow defenders slipped by and made trouble. By the end of the first half, they had accumulated 3 sacks, 2 forced fumbles, and had allowed maybe 80 offensive yards. Offense wins games, but this defense would win the Presidency, for crying out loud.

Halftime finally arrived, and we were on a twenty minute break. Michiko pulled me over to whisper in my ear. "Hey, you want a double blowjob under the bleachers while we jerk off? You're driving us crazy."

"Of course!" I responded. There was a prime spot under the main grandstand, directly under the broadcast booth, that was partially walled off and secluded, a perfect secret make-out spot.

"Okay, go scout it out and report back, we'll join you down there."

I took my leave and made my way through the crowd, taking care to be as unassuming and inconspicuous as possible. Weirdly, it seemed like me repeating "don't notice me" in my head did the trick, and I was able to sneak past the concessions stand to the rear of the bleachers without attracting attention. Once I was out of sight, I hustled along the rear of the structure to the target area, but stopped in my tracks when I heard a loud gasp.

"Oh god, Lexi, give it to me!"

I crept up to the structural partition and carefully peeked around it, immediately clamping my hand over my mouth to prevent any sort of noise. The cause for my shock was evident: Lexi Foster currently had her twin sister Laurie bent over and braced against the wall while they fucked. Laurie looked to be in absolute heaven, and Lexi was doing an excellent job keeping a steady pace pounding Laurie from behind while stroking Laurie's cock. Laurie's tits bounced wildly, having escaped their confinement at some point, and she would occasionally grope at one of the large orbs. I was absolutely entranced by this highly erotic, incestuous display, and I decided I would watch for a bit before sneaking back to the girls and reporting that the area was currently off-limits.

I shifted a little bit to get more comfortable, but that was enough to attract Lexi's attention. She glanced over, our eyes met, and she gasped in surprise. I quickly raised a finger to my lips and then made a "carry on" motion. This caused Lexi to moan and drive herself deeply into her sister, who returned the moan. I mouthed the words "is this okay?", and Lexi vigorously nodded her head. Before long, she leaned over and whispered in Laurie's ear, and Laurie looked over. When she saw me standing there with a warm smile, it sent her over the edge and she started cumming, Lexi clamping a hand over her mouth to dampen the sound. It wasn't long before Lexi started cumming deep in her sister as well, which caused more jets of cum to shoot out of Laurie. As they started to come down from their climaxes, I caught their eyes and gave them a brief wave goodbye before leaving them to their post-coital bliss.

I swung by the concessions stand for more nachos and soda, then returned to the girls, clearly impatient.

"What happened?" Tessa asked.

"It was occupied, unfortunately. Maybe next time."

"Yeah?" Michiko asked, glancing around. "Who was down there?"

I handed off the snacks to her and pulled my phone out, texting them the answer rather than saying it aloud. Their eyes went wide as they read my answer.

"No fucking way," Tessa hissed at me as we closed ranks to keep our conversation somewhat private.

"They looked like they were having a blast," I said, and Tessa bit down on her knuckles.

"That sounds so hot," Michiko said. "Oh my god, you guys, twincest!"

"Ace, I will consider it a breakup-worthy offense if you don't find a way to invite them over so we can all have fun together," Tessa said matter-of-factly.

Remembering their apparent comfort with me watching them, I shrugged. "I'll see what I can do."

"Hey, Ace!"

I looked over at the pep band and saw their drum major, Kat Unger, calling to me over a microphone. "Hey, what?" I responded.

"We've got a new song we're trying out, we need your help!" she said, waving me over. I looked at the girls, who seemed as confused as I was, and decided to hell with it. The teams were slowly returning to the field as I joined Kat at the front of the bleachers. She handed me the mic before turning to the band. "Here, you're gonna need this." I was starting to realize I had a problem of just doing anything someone asked of me when they had me on the spot.

I took the mic and gave it my usual "testing testing one two sibilance sibilance sibilance". This caught the attention of the crowd, and they started cheering right before the band started up. It was a slow buildup of an intro with which I was very familiar, and I found myself starting to dance as the band kicked into Let's Dance. I popped a few buttons on my shirt to get the look just right, and the band joined in with a resounding "LET'S DANCE" at the appropriate moment. I started singing on cue, and my voice seemed to carry across the grandstand incredibly well. Tessa and Michiko had come to the front of the bleachers, and I directed my gaze at them as we reached the first chorus. Tessa clutched at her chest and swooned, falling into Michi's arms dramatically, and the crowd loved it. The band sounded awesome, their field show-style arrangement was punchy and had just the right amount of swing to it.

As we started the second verse, I turned around to see the football team cheering for us on the sideline. My eyes immediately found Tanya, smiling at me without her helmet on. She looked so beautiful under those lights, and I felt myself lose a piece of my heart to her in that instant. When we reached the second chorus, I extended my free hand to her, making my intent as clear as possible. Tanya's face broke out in a giant smile as her teammates cheered. I caught a glimpse of Stacy giving me a big smirk, and I nodded to her in deference before spinning back to face the crowd for the big finish. I sang through the last few lines, the band ended strong, and the crowd went absolutely nuts. I handed the mic back to Kat with a short bow and returned to my seat with the girls.

I'll be honest, I got a huge rush out of the whole business. I generally didn't make a huge habit of singing in public. In fact, I hadn't performed in front of a crowd in years, and I suspect if Kat hadn't put me on the spot, I would have declined to do it. Yet, twice today, I found myself singing my heart out for everyone to hear, and it felt awesome. I'd also livestreamed myself jerking off to completion, which also felt incredible. It made me wonder if the blend was actually changing me, just in vastly different ways than most.

The air had taken on a bit more chill for the second half, and the girls snuggled in to me for warmth. Tessa sighed contentedly, but Michiko was giving me a mischievious look.

"What?" I asked.

"You're gone," she said with a smirk.

I opened my mouth to respond, but I couldn't find the right words. Michiko put her hand under my chin and pulled me in to a deep kiss. We stared into each other's eyes for a moment, and Michi giggled.

"You're gonna ask her if you can share her, right?" Michiko asked.

"Absolutely, I think we're going to be one big, happy, horny polycule together."

I felt Tessa sneak her hand down my pants and start caressing my cock. "Fuck yeah, we are," she said.


I dropped the girls off and headed home after a similarly brutal second half. I was exhausted and also super horny; Tessa and Michiko took turns stroking my cock surreptitiously throughout the second half, but never for long enough to get anywhere. Still, it had been a great night, and I looked forward to a long night's sleep after some relief.

When I got home, there was a black Silverado parked in front of the house. My parents hadn't said anything about expecting company, so that seemed a little weird. I pulled into the driveway and headed inside, meeting Mom in the kitchen.

"How was the game?" she asked, offering me a glass of water.

"A complete rout, it wasn't even close." I took a drink from the glass and sat down. "What's going on? Mama entertaining someone from the office?"

"No, she spent all day cleaning, she zonked right out after dinner."

"Then whose truck is that outside?"

"Oh, that's your friend's truck. The girls said she'd be coming by after the game, she's waiting upstairs for you."

I scrambled to figure out who would be here to see me so late, and I nearly knocked the table over standing up. I chugged the rest of the water, put the glass in the dishwasher, kissed Mom goodnight, and then, for the second time this week, dashed up the stairs to my room. This was getting to be a real habit.

I knocked on the door before entering, and Tanya was there waiting for me. She'd changed into a t-shirt and jeans, but the simple outfit did nothing to detract from her beauty.

"Hey," she said, smiling nervously.

"Hey," I replied, stepping inside and closing the door.

That was all the preamble we needed, and we practically collided in the middle of the room, wrapping ourselves around each other and frantically kissing. Our shirts were off in a flash and we retired to the bed, Tanya pulling me on top of her as we made out. Her skin was so soft, and her tits were beyond heavenly, so huge and squishy.

"You decided not to wait to steal my heart, huh?" she asked in between kisses.

"First off," I replied, "I didn't plan that, and second, you struck first. I was only returning the favor."

Tanya gave me this goofy grin. "Really?"

"Tanya, I am completely smitten with you. I only wish I knew about your feelings sooner."

She laughed, a warm rumble that made me feel gooey inside. "I honestly didn't think the Make-Out King would be interested in a 300-pound gay black dude."

"You're probably right, but, if I'm being honest, I probably would have been very flattered and a little intrigued. I think we're both a little dumb for not at least talking to each other."

Tanya nodded. "Yeah. There's one good thing about having waited, though."

"What's that?"

"I've got these now." She hefted one of her gigantic tits and offered her huge nipple to me, which I gladly accepted in my mouth. She responded with a deep moan and crushed me into her bosom, and I moaned as I sucked and teased her tit. She did likewise with her other breast, and I just had to watch her suck herself. She looked so hot, and she started watching me as well as I mauled her boob.

My phone buzzed, and I took a moment to pull it out of my pocket to silence it, but I saw it was a text from Michiko: you should stream again.

"Who is it?" Tanya asked?

"Michiko." I showed her the text.

"You wanna?" she asked. The smile on her face told me how she felt about it.


"Hi, everybody! Thank you for joining us tonight! You're in luck, I'm really, really horny, and so is my friend! Say hi to everyone!"

"Hello! Thank you for having me, I've wanted to do this for a long time!"

"Mmm, so have I. Now, we're going to get to know each other a little better, and then we'll move on to more interesting activities. You should all know up front, though, that we're not going all the way tonight, but that doesn't mean we aren't going to get nasty."

By the time I'd gotten the streaming gear set up on my computer, there were at least 15 people in the channel. Michi had warned me that Tessa had sent out a few more invites, and I wondered at the wisdom of letting her keep admin privileges. I recognized Becky and Stacy in chat, and it was easy to guess at a few of the others based on their usernames: SoundRaver was definitely Jamie Jay, PepMistress99 would be Kat Unger, and SexyThing1 and SexyThing2 were likely the Foster twins. DocSlut69 was Dr. Schneider (because of course it was), and I was a little surprised she was watching, especially given that her niece-in-law was here and as naked as I was. I hoped to high heaven that DominAdmin and BigMama28 weren't who I thought they were. The others I would need to puzzle out later.

I'd opened the livestream with what I thought would be appropriate patter, and the chat filled with greetings and encouragement. We'd be able to read it from the bed, but I suspected we'd be distracted.

I crawled up to meet Tanya's lips, and we started a slow, sensual make-out session. I really enjoyed kissing her, and I'd hoped we'd be able to make time for a lot more of it in future. I leaned into her and sank a little into her soft, yielding flesh. Tanya moaned at the extended skin-on-skin contact, and we took turns sucking on each other's tongues. Tanya's was long enough that I could actually blow it, bobbing my head as I sucked it into my mouth. That really set her off, and she pulled me in tightly, crushing me into her mammoth tits as I fellated her tongue.

Eventually, Tanya guided my head down to her tits, and I started lavishing them with attention. Her moaning increased in volume and frequency as I sucked on as much huge nipple and areola as I could. As I enjoyed myself, Tanya started replying to the chat.

"Mmm, yes, PepMistress, it feels amazing, they're actually super sensitive and I've gotten myself off just by sucking on them, but it's so much better when I have a friend to do it for me... DarkGoddess wants to know how big my tits are, they are size 38M... oh, fuck, baby, just like that... no, BigMama, this is our first time together, but I've been dreaming of it for so long..."

Tanya was a natural at this, her voice purring as she engaged with our viewers. I heard my phone buzzing and assumed that one of Tessa or Michiko was texting me photos of what they were up to. I put it out of my mind as I did my level best to devour Tanya's amazing tits. Her body started tensing up, and I was beside myself that I was about to get her off.

"Ah, I'm gonna cum, baby... where do you want it?"

I turned to the camera, gently continuing to tease her nipples and keep her right on the edge. "Well?" I asked, "where do I want her to cum?" The chat filled with responses, and I was a little surprised at the near-unanimous answer. "Looks like they want you to give me a big facial, baby."

We both stepped off the bed, and I kneeled in front of Tanya. Her cock was rock hard and, unless I was vastly mistaken, almost exactly the same size as mine. I looked up at her and licked my lips as she started stroking herself, and I didn't have long to wait.

"FUCK, YEAH!" Tanya cried, and her first shot hit me right on the nose, splashing onto my cheeks and forehead. I closed my eyes and opened my mouth wide as she made a complete mess of my face. A lot of it ended up in my mouth and, while I'd enjoyed Tessa and Michi's respective products, Tanya's cum tasted incredible, sweet and savory and creamy and hot. I started moaning along with Tanya, ane before long I lost complete control and leaned forward to suck her head into my mouth. She had plenty left to feed me, and I greedily swallowed it all.

"Oh, baby," Tanya said, her orgasm finally winding down. I stood up and we kissed furiously, Tanya cleaning my face and chest off with her tongue and feeding the remains to me. I was about ready to climax myself, and she could sense it. Looking deeply into my eyes, she asked: "May I taste you?"

"Of course!"

She dropped to her knees and swallowed me whole with a deep moan. Her lips felt divine wrapped around my cock, and I tried to hold off for as long as I could to enjoy it. She switched between my cock and balls, sucking them into her mouth as well and rolling them around on her tongue. "I'm gonna suck you dry, baby, gimme that nut," she growled before deepthroating me again, and my defenses crumbled. I grabbed her head as I exploded in her throat, and she grabbed my ass to pull me in as deeply as possible. She moaned wildly around me as she swallowed every drop I had for her and probably more besides. When I was done spurting, she sucked the length of my cock a few times to milk the dregs out of me, then released me. I fell on the bed with a sigh as she turned to the camera and licked her lips.

"I hope you all enjoyed that, he is so yummy. Good night..."

She reached over and stopped the feed, and we looked at each other.

"Holy shit," we said in unison, laughing as she got beside me and nestled into my arms.

"You are amazing," I said, and the sparkle in her eyes took my breath away for the thousandth time that day

"You, too, I kinda want to taste you every day, it's so good!"

"Same!" We kissed and cuddled as we started winding down.

"May I stay here tonight? I don't want this to end yet."

"I insist. You're the best body pillow ever."

"You're just saying that because I have giant boobs."

"Yes, and?"