Under Mom's Bed: Temptation

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Chapter 04 Mom gets tempted.
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Disclaimer: All characters in this story are above 18 years of age.

Note: This is chapter 04 of the series 'Under Mom's Bed'. Please read chapters 1 to 3 first.

I stood outside Mom's bathroom and watched sadly as my painting got disfigured. The blue of the water, green of the leaf and pink of the lotus fell on the white ceramic of the washbasin as Mom splashed water on her breasts and wiped the colors off. The two colors mixed in the water and dark purple droplets trailed down Mom's breasts and belly. The droplets reached her red panty and got absorbed by the cloth.

While I was sad that I didn't get to watch my painting on Mom's body as long as I wanted to, I was mesmerized at the effect created by the mixing of colors on her torso. The carefully painted borders between blue, green and pink disappeared and my painting morphed into wild splashes of a mixture of the three... like an abstract modern painting.

The noise of Dad's car pulling into our parking shook me from my trance. My heart sped up and my toes twitched, for my mind was warning me... to get the hell out of there before dad came up. But my feet didn't move. My heart beats sounded like explosions in my head as I heard the main door open downstairs and dad's footsteps in his hard office shoes. Mom seemed unaware of dad's arrival. She continued rubbing and wiping the paint off her body.

Close the Bathroom Door! a part of my mind was yelling at me. As dad's footsteps approached, getting louder by the second my body leapt in action.

Instead of closing the door, I entered the bathroom and closed the door behind me. Mom was startled by the sudden movement. I closed the distance between me and her and held up two fingers on her lips shushing her.

"Dad's home," I whispered and witnessed her face contort in panic. We stood close to each other, our ears sharply focused on the sounds coming from the bedroom. We heard his footsteps as he walked inside the bedroom. His briefcase landed on the bed in a thud.

"Shanu?", he called for Mom. I felt Mom tremble with fear. She was too scared to answer.

"Shanu... are you in the bathroom?" Dad called again. I took my fingers off her lips and shook her gently by the shoulder.

"Y... Yes," Mom stuttered, "Just taking a bath." Mom's brain seemed to have restarted. Her left hand reached out and turned on the shower knob. The spray of cold water hit the floor tile and splashed onto our feet. Thankfully, we were not standing under the shower.

"What all this? Paint and brush?" We heard dad's voice again and realized that he was talking about the brush, palette and the paints that I mixed to paint on mom. My eyes locked with mom's, nervously waiting to see what she'd say.

"Oh that... Ajju was here earlier doing some painting." I couldn't help but look at the splotches of color that still remained on Mom's torso.

"Why can't he paint in his own room?" dad said, sounding a bit annoyed.

"Ram, why don't you change and go down... I'll come down and make you some tea in a few minutes." Mom spoke, desperately trying to find a way out of this sticky situation. She was breathing heavily.

"No... I'm really sweaty... I'll take a bath first." Dad replied. Mom's eyes met mine again and I could see the panic written large on her face.

I gently shook her again and whispered, "Mom, don't panic!" I was surprised at the unnatural calmness in me given the situation. While mom spoke to dad, my mind was working on a solution.

However, mom had started to hyperventilate.

"Mom... Mom! Calm down!" I whispered again but she continued breathing heavily. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead and she seemed unsteady on her feet. Seeing no other option, I pushed her under the shower to bring her back to her senses. The shower spray hit her head and water flowed down her body. In a few seconds, the cold bite of the water brought mom back.

"Mom... listen, wait for five or ten more minutes... when dad asks again, ask him to shower in my bathroom." I whispered to mom. The plan took a couple of moments to register in her mind due to the nervous state that she was in but her breathing slowed down once she considered what I'd said.

By this time mom was completely wet from the shower and her red panty was soaked through. However, the paint still remained on her body. Stuck as we were inside the bathroom with dad right outside, there was nothing to be done but get the paint off her body.

I reached over to the little compartment in the wall where the soap was and picked it up. I handed it to her and gestured to clean herself. She took the soap and standing out of the shower spray, started rubbing it on her breasts and belly, her eyes vacant in a fear induced trance.

I stood back, away from the water splashing from the floor, and watched mom. Flesh on her large breasts rippled as she dabbed and rubbed the cake of soap on them. The flowery scent of the soap spread through the small damp bathroom. There is something ethereal about the smell of soap on a woman's body. It never smells so alluring on a man. My cock hardened in my shorts.

With every breath I took, the heavenly mixture of the soap and the scent of mom's body exhilarated my olfactory sense. Time seemed to be stuck for us inside the bathroom. I was seeing each minute move of mom's body in a much pronounced manner as though in a movie. In a few seconds her entire torso was covered in frothy white lather. I extended my hand to take the soap back. She gave it to me and then stepped under the shower. Water fell on her body and washed off the soap revealing her fair and smooth skin devoid of the splotches of paint. She remained under the shower for a few more seconds to thoroughly wash off the soap. By the time she was done cleaning herself, I had put away the soap and picked up a dry towel. I extended it to her. She took it from me and stepped away from the shower spray.

While mom dried her body with the towel, we could still hear dad pacing about in the adjoining room. We could not turn off the water and give him the impression that mom was done with her shower. So we let the shower run.

Once her upper body was dry, mom turned her back to me and wrapped the towel around her waist. Even while doing this, I could tell that a hundred percent of her focus was in the sounds coming from the other room. With the towel wrapped around her waist and her back to me, she inserted her hand inside the wrap. When her body bent and hands started moving downwards, I realized that she was taking off her wet panty. The vision aroused me immensely. She took the wet red fabric off her. I felt my already hard cock lurch.

Conscious of my erection, I suddenly felt an unexplainable urge to expose myself to mom and let her see the effect she has started to have on me. With her back turned to me, it gave me the perfect opportunity. I pulled my t shirt up and over my body and placed it on the clothes hanger. I then unbuttoned my shorts and removed it. The last item of clothing, my underwear soon followed and I stood there naked behind mom. My hard cock stood up proudly in front of me. She had no idea about it.

It was ridiculous... what I was doing. Making a bad situation worse. The danger of dad finding me and mom naked in the bathroom receded into some corner of my mind. Instead, my mind was conscious only of the mom's nakedness and proximity to my naked body. Gently I stepped under the shower. The cold water hit my head and flowed down my body. Small sprays of water hit my cock. It tingled when water fell at the tip of my engorged cock.

The slight modulation in the noise of the shower spray as I stepped under it didn't escape mom's ears. Curious, she turned around. Her eyes bulged big like saucers at the unexpected sight in front of her... her son, naked. Her eyes darted down to my cock. The red panty fell from her hand in shock. Her shocked reaction did not induce any response from me. Holding my stare on her despite the shower water falling on my face, I took the soap and lathered myself as if I was alone and enjoying a pleasant unhurried shower. I applied soap on my chest and under my arms covering every inch of my torso. I soaped every body part gently. Her eyes ran over my nakedness and there was no sign of aversion in them at seeing me naked. She didn't look away.

A subtle change came over mom's expression. The fear filled vacant stare vanished and was replaced by something equally intense... yet I sensed they were distinctly different. She was simultaneously fighting the temptation of a new emotion and also being consumed by it. She never looked away. Her eyes were frozen on my nakedness.

Once my upper body was done, I spent considerable time lathering my groin carefully wrapping my hand around my cock and running my hand up and down its length. It was a struggle to restrain myself from jerking off while looking at mom's naked body.

When I was satisfied with my shower and with mom's reaction to my nakedness, I washed myself clean and stepped away from the shower and towards mom. With water dripping all around me I stood in front of her. The one wrapped around her waist was the only towel in the bathroom. She seemed unaware of it.

The cold water was sending chills up my spine. I stretched out my hand asking for the towel. I stood shivering a little waiting for her reaction. She took a few seconds. I saw goosebumps on her hand as she brought her hands down and unwrapped the towel from her waist.

To me it felt like a present was being unwrapped. Her pussy came into view as she handed me the towel and stood completely naked. I did not make any effort to hide my stare on her pussy and I took the towel. While I used it to dry myself, I glanced at her pussy a few more times. Every time I did that, I saw her shift her feet and squirm. I looked up at her breasts and saw that her pink nipples were hard as a bullet.

The time-freeze sort of bubble Mom and I were in was broken by dad's knock on the bathroom door, "Are you almost done?"

It jolted fear back into mom's eyes. I held up my arms gesturing to her to remain calm. She replied a couple of seconds later.


"Make it fast please!" dad said, a tinge of annoyance in his tone. Again, mom took a couple of seconds to compose herself.

"Go to Ajju's bathroom if you're in such a hurry! Don't bother me like this!" she spoke in an irritated tone, the lack of genuineness in which was apparent only to me.

We waited in silence, except for the noise of the shower, for any response from outside the door. We could hear dad pace around a little and then stop. A few seconds later, his footsteps moved resolutely away from us.

After about a minute, Mom opened the door a crack and peeped outside. With an audible sigh she turned to me.

"Go!" she spoke with a relief as well as an urgency. I hung the towel on the hanger and retrieved my clothes from it. Before leaving mom in the bathroom, I couldn't help but take one last look at her pretty pussy. When I looked up at her face after a couple of seconds, there was the unmistakable recognition in her eyes as to where exactly my stare had rested. Abnormally content even in the middle of such a volatile situation, I walked out of the bathroom and then out of mom's room. I was still naked and clutching my clothes in my hands.

I wore my clothes and left home. My T shirt and shorts were a little damp from the shower sprays. I walked aimlessly along the neighborhood streets. My mind was in disarray. The farther I walked from home... from mom, the more I realized how reckless I had been. If dad had caught me and mom in the bathroom, that would have been the end for our little family. I think I knew that very well even when I decided to go inside the bathroom with mom, but there was some inexorable force deep within me pushing me... making me want to be closer to mom. What was curious was how strong the force had become when I heard dad come up the stairs. More than being naked with mom, what was infinitely more exciting was the fact the dad was right outside. The fact that I was doing something forbidden aroused me immensely.

As far as I could tell Mom was starting to feel a similar pull towards me. It was not just a rekindling of the mother-son closeness of my childhood. The way her face changed after seeing me naked... after seeing my hard cock, the sexual undertone was unmistakable despite her obvious effort to mask it. The way her eyes had caressed my body and especially my cock, I could sense that her feelings for me were undergoing a transformation in her mind.

It was dark when I reached back home. I slipped in without being noticed by dad. He was watching TV. I went to my room and lay on the bed. I closed my eyes trying to clear my mind but soon I was interrupted by a knock on my door. I opened my eyes and saw Mom come in. She locked the door behind her and leaned back on it, as though keeping a safe distance from me. She had changed into a yellow color churidar. We stared at each other, neither of us speaking for a while. I could see she was forming words in her mind.

"What were you thinking Ajju?" she asked me finally. I remained quiet. I honestly had no idea what I was thinking. I could not explain my actions.

"What would have happened if dad had seen us like that?" mom continued. Her tone revealed that the question was meant for herself as much as it was for me.

"I can't even think about it!" she said. Her mind was in turmoil.

No matter how much I tried, I couldn't form the right words to put her mind at ease. Only if there was a way to let her into my mind and reveal how exactly I felt about what had happened.

She looked at me expectantly. The room fell quiet except for the noises coming from the TV Dad was watching downstairs.

Dad... thinking about him stirred something in me. It made me aware that Mom and I were together now, while he was downstairs... only a few steps away. I looked at Mom... at her bosom rising and falling with her breath, the yellow fabric of churidar contouring her curves.

Dad is right downstairs! I heard my own voice in my ears. My cock started to grow in my shorts. I stared at Mom, trying to imagine her body underneath the churidar. I wanted to know what bra she was wearing.

Dad is right downstairs! The voice kept repeating... but instead of dissuading me, the fact only served to excite me. My cock became rock hard.

"Mom... I can't explain what I was thinking when I came into the bathroom with you," I started speaking while I sat up on the bed, "it was reckless... it was dangerous... but I couldn't help it... I just... just wanted to keep watching you... watching your body for some more time."

I stood while continuing, "I can't help that I'm starting to see you more as a woman than my mother... you are beautiful mom... your body looks amazing."

I walked towards her with a tent at the front of my shorts. Her eyes became fearful as I approached.

"And... and that dad was right outside, while we were both naked inside the bathroom... it aroused me greatly," Mom's eyes were wide open, struggling to comprehend what I was saying.

"Even now... thinking that dad is right downstairs, while you and I are together here... I'm getting an erection." Her eyes quickly darted down. Her breathing quickened seeing my cock stretch the cloth of the shorts.

I stepped close to her and unlocked the door. I then gently grasped her wrist and led her out of my room. We stopped right outside my door. If we took a couple more steps on the corridor towards the railing, dad could see us if he looked this way. We remained just outside that zone.

I then turned to mom and whispered, "I want to see your breasts!"

She was shivering like a scared dove.

"He can't see us here... show me!" I repeated quietly. She was still shivering but made no move to stop me as a grabbed the hem of her churidar at the sides. I pulled them up and over her. As I discarded the churidar top, my eyes bore on her large breasts ensconced in a pretty black bra. Meaty flesh of her breasts were oozing out of the bra cups. I brought my hands up and cupped them. She had goosebumps all over her body as I felt her soft tits.

Looking deep into her eyes I spoke aloud, "Dad!"

She flinched in fear hearing me call Dad. She tried to retreat into the room, but I held her in place.

"He can't see us!" I whispered to Mom.

"Dad... what are you watching?" I called out again.

"What? Where are you?" he replied aloud. Mom was still very scared but I caressed her breasts gently, trying to distract her from the fear.

"In my room... what are you watching?" I asked.

"A movie... why?"

I kept fondling Mom's breasts and the stimulation started to have an effect on mom. I could feel a slight poke on my palm. Her nipples were becoming hard inside the bra.

"Whose movie?" I kept up my conversation with dad.

"Dileep's" he replied.

I slid my palm outwards from Mom's tits and going between her arms, reached behind her. Almost in a hugging position, my fingers unhooked her bra.

"Is it any good?" I asked dad as I pulled the bra away from mom's breasts. I could see a pool of lust fill and dilute the fear in her eyes.

"Yeah... it's a comedy... come down and watch with me."

I cupped her bare breasts in my palm as I replied, "Oh... No, I don't like him."

I squeezed mom's breasts before continuing, "But... could we go see the new Mohanlal movie at the theatre tonight?"

"Tonight? Uhh... I guess we could catch the 9 PM show... but ask your mom first," dad said.

"Shanu?" dad called out for mom. Mom almost jumped, startled by his booming voice. She froze like a deer caught in headlights.

"Answer him." I whispered to Mom, but her mouth remained closed.

"She's here." I said aloud, trying to spur mom to answer.

"Yeah," she suddenly found her voice, "uhh... yeah I want to watch it too. Let's go tonight."

I couldn't help but smile deviously. I then decided to add to her trouble by lowering my head towards her right breast.

"Mmm" she let out a breathy moan as my lips enveloped her pink nipple.

"Alright then... it's 7.30 now, there's still some time... we'll leave at 8.30 PM." Dad said and continued watching TV.

Sensing the end of the conversation I focused entirely on Mom, sucking her nipple into my mouth. In the last few instances, I had only sucked on her tits for the breastmilk. Now, I sucked single-mindedly to give her pleasure. I ran the tip of my tongue around the nub of her nipple and wetted her areola with my saliva. I then used my tongue to flick the nub around.

"Oh!" mom moaned again, a little louder than a whisper this time. I kept using my tongue on Mom's nipple as she squirmed with pleasure.

"Mmm" she moaned once more quite loud.

"Shanu?" Dad's voice from downstairs startled us and I froze, with my mouth on Mom's nipple.

"Uhh... I'm here!" Mom took a couple of seconds to find her voice and reply.

"We better have our supper now." He said.

"Yeah... okay." Mom replied. Reluctantly, I straightened up. I stood back and watched as she hurriedly picked up her clothes and wore them. I stared at her shapely ass as she moved past me and went downstairs to serve supper. I stayed in my room for a few minutes and waited for my hard-on to go down. Then I joined Mom and Dad at the dining table.

It was 8.50 PM when we entered the dark movie hall. Dad walked ahead searching for the seats corresponding to our tickets. We found our seats on the top right corner of the hall right above the entry way into the hall. There were only four rows of four seats each in that zone. Ours seats were in the penultimate row. Dad sat down on the seat next to the aisle, Mom on the next and me on mom's left.

Soon the movie started and all three of us focused on the screen. The last seat beside me remained unoccupied. As minutes went by, I was the first one to lose interest in the oft repeated plot of the movie. I glanced at Mom. She had worn a nice purple saree and blouse. Seated right next to me with her sling bag on her lap, I couldn't help but admire her beauty as the flickers of the movie screen painted her face in different hues. I wanted to touch her body and feel her breasts but with dad seated right next to us, I had to bite down my urges. Minutes went by painfully slow. Thankfully, the intermission came as a respite.