Undercover Stripper 06

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A couple go undercover to investigate a crime syndicate.
7.6k words

Part 6 of the 10 part series

Updated 08/22/2023
Created 08/20/2022
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Chapter 11 - Consequences

Tom had poured their drinks and was in the process of ordering a pizza when Jessica eventually joined him in the living room. Having slipped on clean panties and a long baggy t-shirt after showering and cleaning herself up she felt a little better about the afternoon's events.

Not wanting to interrupt his conversation she dropped on to the settee next to him and snuggled in against her husband waiting until he had finished.

"We've got a 45-minute wait." He informed her as he disconnected the call.

She didn't answer and just sat quietly studying him, thinking about his reaction to Markov fucking her. He had said he still loved her but she couldn't help but wonder if things had gone too far.

'Did he really still want her?'

'What if she had to do it again?'

'Had he meant it when he told her how much it had aroused him?'

"It really turned you on like you said?" Finally, she spoke, her voice little more than a whisper as she gazed at her husband questioningly.

"What did?"

"Watching another man have me like that. Watching me cum on his cock like I did. It really turned you on?" She continued, her eyes never leaving his face.

"Yes, it did and I'm sorry. I was angry and jealous too but most of all I was aroused." Putting the phone down he looked at her and nodded miserably, "You were right when you said we should never have started this."

"Don't be sorry. We said we had to be honest about it all and it's important that we are." Jess reminded him, "And there's no point crying over it now, we're committed for better or worse."

Tom paused and thought about it for a second.

"What about you? You enjoyed him fucking you, didn't you? You certainly came enough." The question was delivered with more venom than he intended.

"Yes, physically it was amazing. But it was still just sex, it could have been anyone." She snapped at him, a little taken aback by his tone, "I was so turned on by the time he had me I would have come like that whatever."

"Sorry babe. I'm still... still processing everything that's happened." Her husband responded quickly.

Jess smiled, "It's ok, me too, it's all been a bit of a shock. How I felt and everything."

Tom took a sip of his beer, "And what about tomorrow? He won't let it go with just the one shag. He thinks you're his girlfriend now, he'll probably want you to spend the night."

"You're right." Jess agreed with him, picking up her glass and taking a mouthful from it, "But hopefully I'll have a plan, and anyway, we got the information that we wanted."

He smiled, "You did. But that just raises another question, exactly who the hell is Frank Harwood?"

"That's one for tomorrow, tonight it's just about us. Please?"

"OK." He agreed with a grin, "But what about tomorrow evening?"

"If I can't think of anything else I'll phone in sick. Tell them I have my period or something." Frowning she thought about how she could get out of working the following night if she had to, "I can't strip if I have a tampon in me. Can I?"

"And me?" He looked at her, raising an eyebrow inquisitively, "If I don't go in, they'll suspect we're together and anyway, after you left, he warned me off you."

"That's true." Jessica looked thoughtful, "I guess you'll have to go in if I don't but I'm not sleeping with him again. Ever."

Tom grinned again, this time with relief, "I'm pleased to hear it. I wouldn't want you getting fucked like that every day, you'd go off me."

"Never. I love you." His wife told him, meaning it, "I've told you that. But there might be... others."

"I love you to and I guess we'll have to deal with the others if and when they occur."

"It's more likely to be when rather than if, I think." Jessica leant up and kissed him.

"Probably." Tom reluctantly agreed with her, his heart sinking slightly at the thought of what else they might have to endure.

"So, I think that maybe we need to go out for a drink tomorrow lunchtime. Then I can have a word with Danny Brookes."

He looked at her with a puzzled expression on his face, "Why? Have you got a plan?"

Jess tapped the side of her nose, "Just wait and see. But there's no way I'm going to be Gregor Markov's girlfriend and whore."

'Maybe not his but you might be someone else's. Someone like Danny Brookes.'

Tom thought but didn't say it.

With the discussion over for the moment they cuddled up on the sofa to spend the rest of evening together in front of the television. The only interruption the delivery of a large deep pan pizza which they consumed along with the rest of the bottle of wine.

Jessica woke first the following morning feeling quite stiff and more than a little sore between her legs. She couldn't remember ever having been fucked like she had the day before, first by Gregor Markov in the club and then by her husband when they got home.

It was still early and the sun was barely up so she slipped quietly out of bed and, after a visit to the bathroom, she headed to the kitchen. She was seated at the table working on her laptop with a mug of coffee when her husband finally emerged from the bedroom.

"You were up early." Standing in the doorway he leant against the frame.

Looking across at him nervously when he entered the kitchen, she felt her pulse rate jump several notches. Despite what he had told her the previous evening she was still terrified that he might not want her any more.

"Hi." Jess hesitated, biting her lip anxiously, "Are we still... you know... ok?"

Tom leaned over and kissed the top of her head, "We will be when I get a coffee."

She gave an audible sigh of relief, her heart rate slowing, "I just wondered that... maybe you... you might have... you know... changed your mind."

He sat down opposite her with his coffee, "Jessica, I will never change my mind about you. If anyone is going to do any changing it will have to be you."

She looked at him with total relief in her eyes and started to cry again, a few tears running down her cheeks until she wiped them away, giving him a small grin.

"I'll never change the way I feel about you."

"So, what's the plan for today then?" Tom thought he needed to change the subject before he ended up dragging her back to bed.

Jessica turned back to her laptop, "I've been looking. There's not much at all about any Frank Harwood online. No social media, no references, nothing at all."

He frowned thoughtfully, "I guess I'll have to check on the police database. How about the other guy?"

"Ah, yeah, Danny Brookes. That's different. He's the licensee at the three bars DeLuxe entertainment own. Again, no social media but he was arrested a few years back for GBH but not convicted."

Jess sipped at her coffee as she updated him on what she had found and waited for him to reply.

"Well, none of that helps us with Gregor Markov and you working tonight." He stated with concern, knowing that the strip club boss would want to fuck his wife again if she went in to work.

"As I said I have a plan." She grinned at him, "But I think I need to find Danny Brookes for it to work."

Tom gave his wife a slightly puzzled look and sipped his coffee but didn't ask her to elaborate.

"Let's get some breakfast sorted first? We have a few things to do today so we're going to be busy." Finishing the last of her coffee Jess pushed herself up from her chair and declared resolutely.

You going to tell me what is going on?"

His wife shook her head, "Nope, you'll just have to go with me on this one."

After they had eaten, showered and dressed Tom put in a quick call to the station to check on Danny Brookes and Frank Harwood. The response from Lisa confirmed Jess's findings that Danny Brookes had been arrested for GBH but the case had not gone to court when the two witnesses had declined to give evidence. However, as far as Frank Harwood went there was nothing, not even a speeding ticket on record.

With that done they set out to visit the rest of DeLuxe Enterprises business acquisitions. They had three bars to check, all belonging to the company; The Sportsman, Maxwell's and a wine bar called Pinot Noir.

The closest was The Sportsman and thirty minutes later he was parking up a short distance from the bar. Turning off the engine Tom went to get out of the car with his wife.

"It might be best if I went in alone." She suggested hesitantly, knowing her husband would be concerned about her safety, "If he's there he might be more willing to talk to me."

'On the chance he might get in your knickers.'

The thought immediately sprang to Tom's mind as she said it.

Fortunately, he could also see the sense in her proposal so he, rather reluctantly, agreed that he would just wander around outside in case he was needed.

Jessica paused before opening the door to the pub and quickly unfastened the two top buttons on her shirt to show a lot more cleavage than was decent. Then, taking a calming breath, she went into the bar by herself.

Tom could see through the bar window that she was the only woman in there and every pair of male eyes turned to follow her tight denim clad backside as she walked up to the counter. Outside, watching as discretely as he could he saw her speak to the man serving.

They talked for a few minutes, Jess shaking her head at first then nodding briefly before, a short while later, she emerged smiling broadly.

"The barman was very helpful. He said Danny Brookes should be at 'Maxwells' this lunchtime." Jess informed him succinctly refastening the two buttons on her top that she had undone.

"Was that all? You seemed to be chatting for a while."

"Well, he did ask me what I was doing tonight?" Jess laughed apprehensively, "When I said I was busy, he told me Danny would be more than happy to get a visit from a looker like me."

'Here we go again.'

'How many of the gang will she have to fuck.'

Tom kept his thoughts to himself and didn't comment as the two of them made their way back to the car.

It was about twenty minutes' drive to the next bar where they hoped to find who they were looking for. This time Tom parked outside and went in with his wife although he did hang back when she went across to talk to the barman.

"Hi, I'm looking for Danny Brookes." Jess went straight up and asked the man behind the counter.

He looked her up and down for a moment, smiling lustfully, and then shook his head, "Sorry love he ain't here."


His smile changed to a frown, "I just told you, he ain't here."

Standing back Tom was just beginning to wonder if their search was going to prove fruitless when a customer went over to join in the conversation.

"Hey I know you. You're that stripper Sapphire, you work at Sin City don't ya?"

Jessica blushed.

"Err... yeah, I am." She reluctantly admitted.

"Fucking hell, I saw you the other day. You were amazing." The stranger continued, "And you're fucking gorgeous."

"Thanks." She giggled, her cheeks going even redder.

His intervention seemed to change the tone and after exchanging a few more words the barman nodded and went off into the back.

"What was all that about?" Tom asked immediately Jess came over to join him while they waited.

"Well at first, the barman didn't want to talk to me at all. He just said Danny wasn't here. Then that other guy came across because he thought he recognised me." She said with a rueful smile, "He wanted to know if I was Sapphire who danced at Sin City."

Tom's expression was one of concern.

"It's ok, I don't think he was trying to pick me up. He just wanted to say he'd seen me stripping and thought I was really good. Anyway, that seemed to change the barman's mind. He's gone to find Danny."

She couldn't help but grin letting her husband know how much she had enjoyed the compliment.

Before they could continue Danny Brookes stepped out from the back of the bar and walked towards them.

He wasn't a big guy, maybe around 5' 10" and a few inches shorter than Tom, but he was stocky with a lot of tattoos on his arms. Jess guessed him to be in his mid to late forties with very short cropped grey hair and dark, menacing eyes.

"You the stripper who was looking for me?" He stared at Tom but spoke to Jess.

She nodded, "Yeah, I'm Jessica or Sapphire if you want to use my stage name."

"Who's the muscle?" Nodding towards her husband he enquired turning his attention back to her.

"Oh, this is Tom. He works security at the club." She informed him nonchalantly, "I asked him if he would come with me. Some moral support."

He shrugged letting his eyes wander unashamedly up and down her body while he smirked lasciviously at her, "Fair enough darlin, what is it want?"

"Can we sit?" Jess asked him moving towards an empty table, "I need to talk to you."

"Sure." The bar manager eyed her up unashamedly as they sat down.

Tom noted that Danny Brookes didn't offer either of them a drink.

Once they were seated Jessica started to disclose the details of her conversation with Gregor Markov the previous afternoon. Leaving out the fact he had been screwing her, she told him how he had openly declared that he was running prostitutes without the knowledge of his boss, Frank Harwood.

"Why would Gregor tell you this? You're just another tart taking her clothes off for money."

Jess paused wondering just how much she wanted to divulge to him before deciding she would have to admit everything that had happened if she was going to get him to believe her.

"He was fucking me at the time, trying to recruit me to work as a whore for him." She finally admitted, blushing again as she glanced momentarily at her husband.

"Can't say I blame him for that." He leered at her, "I wouldn't say no either."

"If you aren't interested..." Jessica went to get up.

"I didn't say that, but why are you telling me all this?" He seemed more than a little bored.

"Because he tried to recruit me and I'm not interested in getting involved in swindling the business owner." She tossed her hair back away from her face and stared at him.

"Very commendable sweetheart but what do you want me to do about it?" There was the same indifference in his voice but his eyes showed that he was more than engrossed in what she was saying.

It was Jessica's turn to shrug, "That's up to you, it's not my business he's cheating, is it?"

With that they got up to leave.

"When are you working next darling?" His question surprised the both of them.

"Tonight possibly. Why?" She twisted back to look at him.

He shook his head and smiled a little unnervingly, "No particular reason. Just curious."

Jessica looked at him for a moment as if trying to read his mind and then turned to leave again.

"So, that arsehole Markov really did fuck you?"

The quietly spoken question made Jess stop and started her heart beating faster at the thought of how she had been taken by the strip club manager.

The way Danny Brookes had spoken about it, making it sound like she was just a cheap slut, annoyed Jess immensely.

"I told you he did although I can't see why that's relevant to what I told you and, anyway, it's really none of your fucking business."

The anger in her voice was obvious from the way she spoke.

Brookes chuckled and winked, "I think that answer's my question. He obviously gave you a real seeing to. I might see you tonight."

Danny Brookes was still grinning knowingly as they left the bar to walk back to the car.

"Let's get a coffee, I need to calm down." Jess pulled her husband away from their vehicle and they made their way to a coffee-bar just up the street.

Seated in the café with their drinks Tom finally got to ask his wife what her plan was for getting Gregor Markov off her back.

"It's simple really. I have Plans A, B and C." She giggled.

"Well perhaps my genius wife can tell her idiot husband how they are going to work." He frowned back at her.

Enjoying herself Jess started to explain to him.

"Well plan A is simple. I've told Danny Brookes, now he tells Frank Harwood and the gang decides to deal with Markov who is ripping them off.

"Plan B, they do nothing and I have to tell the odious slug I'm not going to sleep with him or plan C, I do sleep with him and today has been a waste of time."

"What about phoning in sick?"

Jess chuckled, "Oops, forgot that one. Ok I have a plan D as well."

"Wow, let's hope plan A works then." He laughed and picked up his cup.

"Of course, there's always the chance Brookes will pass the information on to Harwood who it was who told him and as a result I might actually get to meet our man." Jessica added biting her lower lip knowing what that might mean for her.

'And then he fucks you as well.'

Tom sighed to himself he couldn't fault his wife's thinking although he did have a few reservations about her plans.

She had let Gregor fuck her to get the information she wanted and now it appeared the gang were into a lot more than running a scamming operation. Extortion and prostitution were also, very obviously, ventures they had deep interests in.

However, it was what they might do to Markov that bothered him. It was clear the sleazy strip club boss deserved whatever they did but Tom wondered if he would be condoning a crime with what he knew.

In the end he decided he wasn't. All they had done was to pass on some information.

What the gang did with it wasn't his problem.

Finishing their coffee, they walked back to the car and set off home.

"So, what are you going to do tonight?" He asked his wife tentatively as he drove.

Jess stared out of the car window and thought for a minute before answering, "I'm going to go in."

"And if he's there?"

"Then I'll tell him that I don't want to sleep with him." She declared trying to sound determined but failing miserably.

'Sure, that's going to work.'

Tom didn't answer and kept his thoughts on it to himself.

They still had a few hours to kill before getting ready to head off to the club so Jessica went back to the internet, looking for anything more she could find while Tom tried to just stay out of her way.

Starting her preparations early at just after 5 o'clock Jess went for a long soak while Tom had to wait until she had finished before he had the opportunity to grab a quick shower.

After cleaning up they ate and then, while he cleared away the dishes, his wife went to get her make-up on and pack her bag. Following her to the bedroom he stood in the doorway and leant on the jamb smiling as he watched his wife put on her cosmetics.

Settling in front of her mirror she started with her false eyelashes first, these were then quickly covered with a heavy layer of black mascara extending and blackening them. Eye-liner, a deep blue eye shadow, foundation and lip gloss completed her make-up, although she knew she would touch it up once she was in the changing room at the club.

By the time they were both dressed and she had re-checked her bag it was almost time for them to leave.

Their journey was conducted mostly in silence, neither of them wanting to voice their concerns that the sleazy manager of Sin City might well be there to greet them, despite Jess's best efforts to get the gang to remove him.

As usual, they took one car and parked a short distance from the strip club, walking separately to complete the journey so that they again arrived independently of each other.

Daryl was waiting for Tom as soon as he walked into the club and immediately pulled him to the side.

"We've got a bit of a problem tonight. Gregor's not here, apparently the big boss wanted to see him. So, I'm gonna be extra busy and that means you will be to."

He breathed a sigh of relief as the news confirmed that Jessica's plan had worked at least in part.