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Then the video ended, and the lights came back up to full intensity. As my eyes adjusted I realized that everyone in the room was looking at me and their expressions were all different. Bob was looking at me as if I'd done something to him. The lawyer was looking at me with that "I told you so" look. My dad was clearly shocked, but the one that hurt me the most was Steve. The man I loved, the man I thought I'd live out my life with was looking at me like I was just an object. He showed no emotion, no hurt, and most notably no love.

Then Steve started talking, he didn't stand up so we could see him, but I could now see that though he was trying not to show it, he was hurting. I was in shock because before I stepped into the room, I had no clue of how much I stood to lose.

"I guess you guys all think that I'm a pretty cold fish for the way that I handled this," began Steve. "Actually nothing could be further from the truth. Right now I am in a lot of pain. What I saw on that video shocked me and hurt me so badly both physically and emotionally, that several of the people I ran into thought that I was having a heart attack. I actually did have a problem with my heart because Stacy, you broke it." He looked directly at me as he said this.

"I thought that we had a great life together, I loved you more than I thought was possible given my history, and I really believed that you loved me too. But Stacy you more than anyone else know my history. My father although he wasn't an Eagles fan was a victim of love. He served a life sentence loving a woman who was simply not capable of being faithful to him. He gave her chance after chance, but she always reverted to type. For her part I really believe that in her own way, my mother really loved my dad too, but she was simply not capable of being faithful, she simply was not monogamous. And she tried, but cheaters are always going to cheat eventually. And every time she did, I had to watch my dad die, a little bit more each time until there was nothing left of him. His own capacity for love and forgiveness was his undoing." Steve's words had actually given me hope. As bad as this was maybe he'd give me one more chance.

"I am not my dad," he said, "So unless one of you can give me some reason to do otherwise, two marriages will end today, because I won't go through what he did. Not for anyone. While it's true, I'm hurting right now, I'm a big boy, I'll get over this and move on. Eventually, maybe even sooner than I dare dream, I'll find someone else and..." My thoughts exploded blocking out Steve's next few sentences, this was suddenly all too fucking serious. He couldn't just replace me. I couldn't live without him, every marriage had its ups and downs surely he wouldn't throw away what we had for what wasn't even serious, it wasn't even a fling. When I came out of my thoughts, I could barely breathe but Steve was still talking; he looked at his watch and then at us.

"The clock is ticking," Steve said coldly.

"Well I guess I'll go first," said Bob, "First off I want to say that I'm really sorry, I never set out to hurt you or anyone else. I've felt awful about this ever since it started. I never initiated it, and had decided to just not dive with you guys any more. I also thought that you knew about it, at least that's what Stacy led me to believe. But when we were on the boat I noticed how you held her and looked into her eyes, and I kind of knew that someone who loved her that much would never want to share her with anyone else. I don't have any flowery words or convincing arguments that will make you see my side of this. Hell I'm not convinced that you shouldn't tell my wife anyway. I mean I'd really like it if you didn't. If you could maybe let me tell her in my own way in my own time, because eventually I will. It's going to eat at me until I do any way. But I'd like to do it in a way that maybe she'd give me a chance to hold our family together."

He took a deep breath and started talking again. "Steve you're a great guy. For someone with some money, you're a real guy just like I am. You're not some stuffed shirt pretending to be like everyone else. I wish I had made some of the career choices you did. I wish I had done better in school and had those opportunities. When I signed up for the dive class, it was more than a dream come true for me. It was something I'd wanted for all of my life, but never been able to afford. My class was my Christmas present from my wife and family and even a few of our friends who all chipped in to try and give me a taste of my dream. Without their kindness I'd have never been able to afford it. I work 50 plus hours a week and it's barely enough to pay the mortgage, and keep food on the table. We have very few extras but we're happy just the same. Now I feel like I let all of those people down because my actions were not worthy of the sacrifices those people made for me to be happy. I'll take any test you want, a lie detector or anything else that can prove I'm telling you the truth. I never approached or pursued your wife, in fact I tried to avoid her. But she made it pretty clear that she could always get another person to dive with her who was willing to do what she wanted. I guess the thrill I got from being able to experience that world down there, made up for the few minutes of disgust I had for what I was doing to get it. But lately it's been eating away at me. It finally got to the point where after this dive, before we were even topside again I'd already decided to quit. That's why I was so mean to Stacy after the dive and avoided her before it. I really am both ashamed and sorry for my actions, and whatever decision you make, I'll do whatever I have to in order to make this up to you."

The room was silent again as Bob stopped talking and sat back in his chair. Everyone started looking at me again.

"Steve," I said, getting up and heading for him. My intention was to wrap my arms around him and let him know that we would make this all go away somehow. But with one look from him, I stopped in my tracks. "It isn't what it looks like. Okay maybe it was a little bit like what it looks like. But I was not in my right mind. Each and every one of us has a crazy switch, that gets flipped over something. With you it's fucking Mustangs. How many times have we taken your car to do one of the shows and you just flipped out. Remember that little blond bitch that followed you all over the HIN show in Chicago? What about that Asian woman at the NOPI show? Surely you remember that woman with the Orange and Green Mustang at the Woodward Dream Cruise in Detroit? every one of them had you so worked up that you fucked the living shit out of me after the show was over. So I've got my crazy switch too. There's something about being underwater, and I'm not talking about the shower, the bathtub or even a hot tub, but being far beneath the surface in a large body of water that just makes me so horny I just have to act on it."

I took one step closer to him and he didn't move away from me so I thought that some of my point was sinking in. "I know that you love me Steve, and I'm sure that this has hurt you but you have to know that these were the only times I've ever even been tempted to cheat on you. I don't actually know why, there's nothing wrong with our sex life. After 10 years I still want to fuck you every time I see you, but being underwater just makes me incredibly horny, and you can't be there with me. If you want me to I'll just give up diving. But you also have to remember that just like with your car shows, every time I came back from a dive we've had some of the best sex of our lives. Last night, like all of the other times you would've had trouble walking after it. I would have drained all of your fluids until you had nothing else to give me. You are the only man I have ever loved, and the only one I ever will love. This is just my crazy switch. I'll give up diving, it won't ever get flicked again, and I know it's going to take some time for you to forget this or forgive me, but I think that we can get over this and be happy again. Isn't what we've had over the past ten years worth one mistake? It's the only one I've ever made, it's the only one I'll ever make, I promise you. You've always done everything you can, and given me everything you could to make me happy, so please give me this one mistake. I know I hurt you but I was not in control of my faculties. It will not happen again. If you love me as much as you say you do, If you love me as much as I love you, you'll give me one more chance."

For a while no one said anything then I looked at Steve and saw one tear roll down his cheek. "Bob, you and I might've, as you've said been friends, but we can never be that now. For the rest of my life every time I think of you I'll see you underwater, fucking Stacy. For that you have to be punished. But I'm also not a fool. From the video I think everyone here saw that you heart really wasn't in it. I've always heard that men can't be raped, but what I saw on that tape was pretty damned close. You can tear up the papers in the file. I won't be taking you to court. I also won't be telling your wife about any of this either. I'm not the judge here Bob, It's not up to me to punish you or decide what you do in your life but I do have a suggestion for your punishment. For your punishment, don't you tell your wife either. You said not telling her would eat away at you, well let it. Telling her would only hurt her, and she doesn't deserve the kind of pain I'm feeling right now. I've heard it said that the truth shall set you free, well maybe it would set you free of your guilt, but it would hurt your wife who has done nothing to deserve it. So for your punishment, you live with the guilt eating away at you."

"Thanks Steve," said Bob and he got up and walked away slowly. Then Steve turned to me. He motioned for me to join him at his table near the screen. He took my hand and he hugged me. Then he pulled me in for one long passionate kiss. I responded to him as I always did my nipples got as hard as rocks and I could feel my pussy moistening as he squeezed me but there was something wrong. I ran my hand over the front of Steve's pants and noticed that he wasn't getting hard at all.

"Stacy, you made a lot of good points," he said. "Before you spoke I was so angry at you I was ready to just write you a check for the amount of money outlined in our pre-nup and walk away from you. But you spoke so logically and so emotionally at the same time. It really touched me. When you spoke about the crazy switch and how we all have one, you hit that one out of the park. You were dead on in most of the things you said about me. I am kind of crazy about Mustangs, and I do get a little bit heated up when we go to a show and I get to see all of the new stuff. But the part you missed was that even when I did get all heated up, the person I shared that passion with was you. Yep there were lots of hot little women at all of those shows, but the only hot little woman I touched was you. You were also correct at the end when you talked about how much I loved you, and how I always did anything I could to make you happy, but Stace that was all I have to give, I couldn't do any more for you if I tried and I guess it wasn't enough."

He'd been holding my hand while he said all of this and he gently put it down. "You picked the wrong guy to try this on because you know about my parents and their relationship. You sounded just like my mother in a lot of the shit you said. Unfortunately I'm not my Dad. I got to see first-hand that no matter how good their intentions, cheaters are always going to cheat. If you take away their reason, they'll just find another one. If you change the situation, they'll find other motivation. Unlike my Dad I can see how this ends and I will not walk his path. He loved my mother so much that he gave her chance after chance, and it just eroded his self respect until he had none left. I loved you as much as he loved my mom, you probably love me as much as she loved him. But it can't work for us, because I will not follow their path. As I said before I was going to just write you a check, but now I'm thinking about using the video and dragging your ass into court to see if I can break the pre-nup and give you even less." I couldn't believe that Steve was talking to me like that, I started crying but he was unmoved as he stood up and got ready to leave me.

"You say that my Mustangs are my crazy switch, and that water is yours. I guess I just see you as being some kind of H2 hoe, and I'm not going to stay married to you. I loved you Stacy but unlike my mom and Dad I fail to believe that there is only one fucking woman on the planet that I can be happy with, I'll find another."

Steve walked out of the room leaving me alone with my dad who just sat there shaking his head. A few months later we went into court and I had to settle for half of the agreed on amount. That meant that I was going to have to get a job and there were few high paying opportunities in our small town. I lost everything, The man I love, my cushy easy life, my house, I even lost the respect of my parents. The worst part about it was that in order to safeguard my reputation I can't even get any revenge on Bob. I had considered going after him by telling his wife, but I was informed that if Bob's wife ever found out, the video of my underwater fuck would be on the internet. I even have to sit back and watch as one by one all of the single women in town make their play for the man I love.

I took all of the hopes and dreams for the life I wanted, and I fucked it all up, underwater.

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MythicArjunaMythicArjuna2 months ago

H2 Hoe 🤣🤣 StangStar06, my friend you are a scholar and a gentleman. 🤣

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos4 months ago

I think that the phrases "everyone deserves a second chance" and "once a cheater, always a cheater" are both wrong. Life doesn't fit into self totalizing axioms. In this case, Steve had to make a decision based on his own morals and life experience and I think he made the right one because instead of looking back in anger or hurt, he was looking forward - he'll find someone who will love him and treat him right. That's the attitude of a winner and while I might be reading too much into this story, it may be one of the reasons why he is so successful.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

This author still has some of the craziest reasons for the wife cheating. Batsh$t crazy.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

4 Stars on a good story . I hope that the guilt eats at Bob for his whole life . I doubt if anything will bother Stacy .

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Not a fan if the cheaters perspective.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

An interesting and sweet twist on the LW, thank you for your time and talent. DMW

rn2711rn2711over 1 year ago

He is right. I don't believe there's only one crazy switch. She would have found another crazy switch next time.

NitpicNitpicover 1 year ago

Who paid for Bob's flight home?.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

once a cheater , always a cheater is the truest statement known to man .

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

What was glossed over in my opinion, was their past dives. In the video the 'got it on' very quickly so they were used to doing it. Whilst this would have had an impact on the conclusion of the investigation it would have been nice to know, when the started and how many times they did it. Whilst I understand him leaving them in the sea he should have arranged a boat to pick them up as if they had died it would have been murder.

rbloch66rbloch66almost 2 years ago

A cheater will always have been a cheater, even if they do it again. There’s a lack of respect, and such a display selfishness that can never be forgotten. Good story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Would've been 5 stars but he let Bob off the hook. I feel sorry for Bob's wife.

TajfaTajfaover 2 years ago

I still don't get how someone who proclaims to love someone thar much could do what she did. Her explanation doesn't cut it for me. She knew before she started the dive what she wanted and probably did so on previous dives as well.

I think she got off lightly.

AbctoyAbctoyover 2 years ago

That old cliche "once a cheat always a cheat" is so stupidly wrong. It is ingrained into society at a cost to the many who over come their infidelity. The saying should insult most peoples minds who don't dwell in the gutter. Many who cheat go on to a life of monogamy. Steve needs psychological help to overcome his flaw. BTB is appropriate sometimes but not all the time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Huge plot hole….his evidence was on the video taken by the water scooters….that were left out in tne middle of the ocean.


Unless the video was from a previous dive…but wait….when he showed Stacy and Bob the scooters, they didn’t know what they were!


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