Unexpected Threesome Ch. 13


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Then as Ned and I still lay there side by side, she sheathed Ned in it.

My heart was pounding in my chest. What do I do now? How do I start this and get what I want? I rolled onto my side to come face to face and body to body with Ned, who had done the same. The tip of Ned's shaft pushed between my legs and I wrapped my upper leg over his thigh to open up his access to me. Ned took the hint and I felt his wondrous shaft slide effortlessly into my all too ready body.

His fingers slipped down between our stomachs and wrapped themselves under my mons; squeezed between that and his pubis. As his shaft started slowly thrusting in and out of me his fingers stroked my already swollen and highly sensitised clit.

A sharp intake of pleasurable breath captured my words before they could even leave my mouth as my body was flooded with the erotic sensuousness of his pleasuring of me. I hung there panting open jawed, unable or unwilling to do anything that might make him stop. Amy's fingering of me, Ned's fingering of me, my own anticipatory arousal and that brought on by watching Amy and Ned at it had combined to raise me to a plateau of excitement that left me vulnerable and helpless to his actions.

With ridiculous speed, I climaxed, my thighs squeezing his balls as my sex contracted against his hardened manhood.

It was fear that Ned would take that as a signal he could take his own release that overwhelmed my reticence and uncertainty. My eyes closed, I could hear the words flow from my mouth before my brain had even formed them.

"Ned, take me. Go the animal on me. I know your reservations but please, please, just do it."

I opened my eyes to see a benevolent smile form on Ned's face.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Please, please just do me."

"You know you can ask me to stop at any time?"

"Yes, yes. I need you. Please, just let yourself go."

Half pulled by me, half pushed by him, I rolled over onto my back with Ned on top of me; he supporting much of his weight by elevating himself on his haunches and elbows. He started thrusting; slowly at first as I arched my back up to better meet the crash of his pubis against my clit as he maxed out his penetration, and with a bit of repositioning, have him rake my g spot on the thrust. It seemed our bodies were made for each other; the turn of his pubis onto the base of his shaft perfectly fitting the turn of my own mons so that every time it felt like he slipped his flesh up into my crease, caressing my clit with its warmth and human contact.

I looked up to his eyes and was almost glad to see they were focused on my breasts. They may not be large, but they were tidy orbs; perky and well formed. I wanted them to raise his level of excitement.

Like a steam train picking up speed, the rate of his thrusting increased. A passion came into it; communicated as much by his eyes and the movement of his body as his grunts. I could feel his passion like my own; like it passed into my body every time the firm tip of his manhood slipped across my g spot and the base of his shaft penetrated into my crease and against my clit. Yes, the contact with my own erogenous zones was beautiful; but there was more to it than that. The way I was absorbing his passion -- like I was feeling what he was feeling - was exciting me too.

He bent in to slip his tongue against my jutting nipple and almost with the additional stimulation of that first contact I came; a beautiful orgasm that formed in my loins and washed through my whole body; tensing it, arching it, shortening my breath and causing me to moan unlike I ever could remember doing before.

Still he thrust, time after time; prolonging my orgasm. It was like I was in his body, could feel the pleasure he could feel as his shaft moved within the warm embrace of my sex, the tightness of my orgasmic contractions against his hardness, the lust he felt from looking down on my swollen breasts all while his stimulation of my clit and g spot drove me into an apoplexy of arousal. I was frozen in an orgasmic arch; my legs tight and elevated, quivering with uncontrolled pleasure as I hyperventilated. Desperately I felt the need to throw my body back at him; thrusting upward as much as my quivering legs would allow to meet his pubis in a grinding crash of bodies.

Before the first had even finished I experienced a second orgasm, more intense than the first. I could sense myself writhing with the pleasure of it, my head thrown back and my eyes closed as my legs remained stiffened to curve my back up and raise my hips to throw them at Ned's pounding manhood. My arms were frozen by my side, helping to raise my back as all my senses were focused internally at the ecstasy overwhelming my body; not just my ecstasy, but that of Ned's too which seemed to be permeating into my body like an alien presence. Breathe Ellen, breathe I kept telling myself as my short taken breaths left me gasping in an oxygen deprived state of enhanced arousal.

Ned's grunts were getting louder, shorter and more intense; but it was as much as what I felt as what I heard that told me his own climax was near; his body and endurance were at its limits of being able to hold back his release. He pushed hard into me and I felt his cock surge as it pumped out his precious seed. I screamed a prolonged cry of uncontained rapture as another orgasm, more powerful than anything I could have imagined, exploded in my brain.

The next thing I knew was regaining consciousness. Ned was lying on me; still now. I could feel the last vestiges of my orgasm still contracting against his manhood inside me; even sense from the shuddering of his body that it was still discharging the last drops of his cum.

He was gently stroking my cheek.

"Ellen, are you OK?"

There was a look on his face of unconstrained concern. I smiled at him.

"Yes. I just got so excited I forgot to breathe. I'm fine. Can we do it again? What happened?"

Ned grinned.

"I don't think I'm up for more just yet.

You screamed as though you were having this incredible orgasm, threw your hips up at me and then just collapsed motionless on the bed. You were only out of it for about 10 seconds. It took me nearly that long to realise you'd actually lost consciousness. Fortunately you came to almost as soon as I stroked your cheek.

Are you sure you're OK?"

"Yes, absolutely sure. I was just hyperventilating. That was pretty intense Ned. I feel like I've missed out on something in life for never having experienced it before."

"I think it would be safe to say that sort of sex is the exception rather than the rule. We just seemed to gel together."

Ned's manhood was starting to shrink. He slipped a hand between our bodies to pin the condom on his cock as he withdrew it, flopping over in an exhausted state onto his back between Amy and myself.

Amy. I'd forgotten all about her. Was she just lying there watching all that? What effect has it had on her? What does she even think of such a performance; although her own are nearly in the same league?

Ned and I just laid side by side in a completely spent state staring at the ceiling; the hands of the arms between us wrapped sensuously together. From the corner of my eye I could vaguely sense that Amy had raised herself on an elbow and was twisting Ned's chest hairs around her finger.

We managed to maintain a group silence for maybe five minutes before Amy broke it.

"Ned, after having me watch that, you're not just going to leave me are you?"

Ned's cock wasn't going to be up for anything for a while, but I knew from the girl's stories that Amy was essentially asking Ned to finger her. I figured it was time for me to get up. Leaning over and kissing Ned I said...

"I'll go and start breakfast."

I climbed out of bed being none too careful to hide anything from Ned and deliberately passing my still wet pussy as close to his face as the dynamics allowed. Then I donned one of my new 'fuck me' bikinis before exiting the room; closing the door behind me.

Issie was already at the galley, cutting up the morning fruit.

"I hope you haven't worn him out. Where's Amy?"

Issie's question was quickly answered as Amy started moaning out her sexual arousal.

"Oh, OK, she wanted a bit more. Typical Amy!"

It was only a few minutes of continuous noises before the sounds of Amy's orgasm permeated the galley. Issie's comment was direct.

"Thank goodness she got that out of her system."

A few minutes more and Amy and Ned emerged from the cabin; Ned walking up to Issie and giving her a good morning kiss.

I was interested to see how the rest of the scheduled sex for the day would play out. It wasn't hard to guess that Issie would demand her entitlement; but I was unsure how it would all start -- especially since my turn to do it would come soon enough.

It was after lunch. Issie just walked up to Ned, took his hand and said...

"My turn." Before leading him into the aft cabin.

Then it was the turn of Amy and myself to sit it out while the noise of Issie getting herself fucked permeated the whole boat. I tried sitting up on the bow, but it didn't help and only left me exposed to the looks of those aboard an adjoining boat staring across quizzically at the noise and leaving me only able to answer with a shrug as if there was nothing happening.

There was some pretty unusual stuff associated with the sex Ned and I had shared that morning. Just the fact that it could be so passionate when we'd only known each other such a short time defied what Ned had said about it. But stranger still was the way I was sure I could feel what he was feeling; like I was inside his body or he was inside mine. It was almost unnatural and certainly outside any previous experience and was part of what blew my mind at the time. I tried all day to get a quiet word with him to talk about it. But nobody was scheduled to go into town and the other girls were in no hurry to give him free time.

It was sunset when it happened. I was sitting up the bow enjoying the view when Ned came and sat alongside me.

"Are you completely OK after this morning? No more dizziness?"

"I'm fine Ned. I just forgot to breathe."

A few moments of silence passed before I gained the courage to talk about it.

"I thought you said it takes time for that sort of passion to develop. That was pretty intense; let me say in a fantastic sort of way. Was your passion real?"

Ned stared towards the setting sun for a little while leaving me wondering if he was trying to find a way to let me down gently.

"Ellen, in a way I knew all along that I'd have no trouble finding the passion; I just thought you might.

I've been attracted to you from the moment you stepped aboard. It's not just that you're beautiful and have this absolutely compelling personality; there's just this delightful, loving aura about you. Just being near to you makes me feel like I'm already making love to you, or at least violating your body by being inside the aura without even touching you.

I know it sounds weird. But my body just reacts to you; being inside the aura field is enough by itself to make me feel aroused, like my erection is already feeling the warmth of your body. And I have to say, although it had nothing to do with this morning and I hope you'll forgive me for saying so, but that bikini you've had on all day doesn't make it any easier to avoid growing a boner when you're near.

But that doesn't explain why you could find the passion with an old geezer you've only just met."

"Ned, you're too hard on yourself and maybe don't really recognise what's going on here.

First of all, watching you drive Amy to an uncontrollable upward spiralling pinnacle of orgasms was enough to arouse any girl's passions. Just wanting what she had was enough to drive me crazy with desire.

But don't think from that that the fact it was you wasn't critical to it all. You've got three women on the boat who adore and lust over you. And while until recently it might have only been two, the feeling of those two were very contagious. I wasn't aboard for long before I felt exactly the same way; indeed it might have even preceded my arrival somewhat just from what they'd told me about you.

But it went way further than that. I'm almost frightened to tell you this because it sounds ridiculous and you'll laugh at me; but while you were ravaging me it was like I was inside you; feeling what you were feeling as well as what you doing to my own erogenous zones. It was why I climaxed so hard and often. It was just all this stimulation coming at me from all directions; in my head and from my body all at the one time.

I've never felt anything remotely like it before and that's not something you can feel with someone unless you're pretty close to and passionate about them."

I stopped and giggled sheepishly as a thought entered my head.

"Maybe when you come within this aura you talk about you're entering my brain waves!"

I looked at Ned and raised my eyebrows challengingly at him; as if to say "top that" with an even crazier theory for improbable things.

Ned just grinned that all knowing, head nodding look he sometimes uses.

"It's funny you say that because in a way I'd say the same thing was happening to me. I can go the animal on the others for much longer than I could hold it with you and that's because it was like this other stimulation was happening that had nothing to do with my cock. I can't say as precisely as you that I was in your body feeling what you were, but every time you went off there was this flood of something into my head and whatever it was it was pretty beautiful."

Having spilled our guts about the sort of things you don't usually admit to in public, we fell silent for a moment. I couldn't help myself. Even as I did it I felt like a child seeking praise from its parent; but Ned had raised the topic and I wanted to draw him out on it. With a challenging rising inflection, I enquired...

"So you really, really like my new bikini do you?"

"I knew I shouldn't have said that. Now you'll be looking for my reaction every time you wear it and think that it's just all about sex."

"Ah Ned, us women are a bit more discerning than that about men's reaction to us. Yep, there are some for whom we'd think 'bloody pervert' and others we'd think 'you little beautie, he loves it'. Let me assure you, you fall completely in the latter category. You're welcome to grow a boner any time I wear it. I might even help you by wiggling my butt at you a bit."

I half turned towards him -- as much as my sitting position would allow -- and casting my hands out wide and spreading my legs a bit, asked...

"What do you like about it? Be honest!"

"It looks nice on you."

"That's not really telling me why it gives you a boner. More detail please."

Ned looked at me like some sort of crazy women. I could see his brain contemplating whether it was really safe for him to even go down the path of answering the question; like some male who'd been damaged by a prior interaction on the topic like that. You could actually see him swallow hard before he opened his mouth to address my enquiry.

"OK, you asked for it. It's just nice the way your breasts spill out of a slightly too small triangle top and your nipples are so obvious underneath it. And the pants just drive me wild with desire; the way they sit so tightly on you, the way the ruffle cause the high cut legs to mould around your butt cheeks, the way its tight fit highlights your mound, just the way it sits at just the right height on your hips with just a little bit of bum crack. And it's a nice colour that compliments your skin tone. You've got a gorgeous, sexy body and the bikini just draws attention to it."

Even as Ned said that I could see he was eyeing me up and down. I didn't want to put him off but a quick glance down told me that even as he was talking there was movement I his swimwear; a good part of the boner was on its way back. I'm also mentally going "tic, tic, tic" as he lists all the things that I thought about when I chose it. The only thing missing was the slight hint of a crease down the front of my mons that it nearly always shows; and I could see why he might not go there even with me.

I finished the conversation with a...

"Well, I'm glad you like it. I was hoping you would."

I left him alone with his thoughts and boner as we both looked back at the sunset. As dusk set in I couldn't help but think about the sleeping arrangements for the night and what the morning would bring. Tonight I was to share Ned with Issie. Was I allowed a "go the animal" session two mornings in a row? I was still working out the rules about all these things.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Great chapter

I really liked the chapter from Ellen's viewpoint. It really helps understand Ellen, what she likes, what she wants and needs and how she feels about the other girls. Being a male it provides a chance to identify with a female that is exciting and rare. I am loving this story. Joanmcarthy you are doing a wonderful job managing these wonderful characters. Easily Hall of Fame material. But no more men, please.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Nice change of pace.

I would encourage you to continue to develop Ellen's (or the other girls') perspective.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

I love reading your work on here and scan daily to see if you have added any new material. You write to my taste and offer so much more. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Damn this is good

Best series I’ve read for a.while - easily!

I really like that the characters care about and for each other. Not just raw sex.

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