Unleashed Ch. 02

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Overcome with desire, Tate and Zoe give in to temptation.
6.2k words

Part 2 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/20/2019
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Giving her a squeeze, Tate said, "Now why don't we go find somewhere quiet and have a coffee?"

Zoe nodded, feeling so much better, like the weight of the world had been lifted off her. "Sure, I'd like that."

Lucky for her, and her throbbing feet, they found a coffee shop still open just a few doors down that fit the bill perfectly, blessedly quiet and nearly deserted. And once they were seated Zoe grabbed the menu, studied it for a minute, and grinned at Tate. "Screw my diet. I'm going to have a banana split with a mountain of whipped cream and a big fat cherry on top. After the night I've had, I think I've earned it."

He laughed, surprised with her gorgeous body, that she'd worry about her weight. "Or we could share it, and only have half the guilt in the morning."

Smiling at him across the table, she shook her head. "Gee, you really are the voice of reason aren't you?"

And when their waitress appeared, Tate held Zoe's gaze as he said, "We'll have a banana split, with two spoons and two Irish coffees?" Watching Zoe, he waited till he saw her nod of approval, and with a smile he said to their waitress, "And that'll be all, thanks."

Then he reached across the table, took her hand and covered it with his, and asked, "So, are you okay now?"

Nodding, she managed a smile. "Yeah, thanks to you, I am. And I guess I should thank you for coming out with me tonight, and saving me from that gel-headed creep with the attitude."

"I'm just glad I was there for you." He started to wonder if it wasn't fate that had brought them both here to look after the mysterious little cat he'd yet to see. And thinking of it, he decided to ask her about it. "Hey, completely off topic, have you seen the cat yet?"

"You mean today?"

"Or ever, I'm beginning to wonder if that thing's even real."

Frowning, she said, "So you haven't seen Pussy yet?"

He grinned, green eyes sparkling mischievously. "No, at least not since I've been here."

Groaning, Zoe gave him a dramatic eye roll. "Ugh, remind me to never call her that again."

His eyes danced even more as he leaned closer and said, "So, what do you propose we call it then?"

The waitress arrived just then with their dessert and coffees. Zoe quickly took a big spoonful of ice cream, poised it close to her mouth waited for their server to walk away and said, "I suppose we could call it my hoo-ha," before spooning it in her mouth.

The initial look of surprise on his face was priceless, before he threw back his head and started to laugh really hard. And he was just relieved to see her able to joke again.

On the cab ride home, Zoe sat close to Tate, comfortable with having his arm draped around her shoulder. And when he pressed his lips to her temple, she leaned in even closer, snuggling her face into his neck. Good thing they weren't really family, she decided, inhaling his wonderful masculine scent, or this could be weird. But since they weren't... She looked up into his eyes and smiled, and he smiled right back, a really nice smile too, with so much warmth, she felt it go right through her. So she just snuggled up as close as she could and let her eyes fall shut, deciding she'd let whatever was going to happen between them, just happen. Because really, when as fine a man as Tate was dropped right into her lap, who was she to argue?

Back at the four-story walk-up they were now sharing, Tate let Zoe lead the way until he noticed her begin to grimace, and slow her pace on the long walk up. "Hey, you okay?" he asked her, looking concerned, he came up to stand beside her on the step where she'd stopped to lean against the railing, noticing her face was now contorted in pain.

"It's my feet. They're killing me in these stupid shoes. I know they're called come-do-me-heels, but I'll tell you one thing, they sure as hell weren't designed for walking very far or hiking up all this many stairs."

"Okay, sit," he said, and quickly knelt down in front of her.

Doing as he asked, and dropping her butt on the stairs, Zoe watched fascinated as he patiently unfastened her shoes and handed them to her one after the other. Then taking a foot in each hand, keeping his eyes on hers, he gently began to massage and then kiss the top of each tender toe, making her grin and slightly shiver.

Still crouching, he slipped one arm under her knees and the other around her back then straightened, and easily lifted her into his arms. And as he began to carry her up the last two flights of stairs, he smiled into her eyes, telling her, "Those shoes might be sexy as hell, but I don't think there's much point in wearing them if they're that hard on your feet."

Although she felt kind of foolish having to be carried, it still felt pretty amazing to be held in his arms. "I know you're probably right. But you really don't have to carry me, Tate. I'm probably too heavy for you. If you put me down, I can just walk up barefoot."

His grin was teasing as he carried her up the last flight. "No way you're too heavy. But I'm sure glad we shared that dessert."

When she lightly smacked him on the chest with one of her shoes, for teasing her, he laughed. And he kept an arm around her, holding her even closer to his chest while he felt in his pocket for the apartment key, all the while keeping his heated gaze locked on hers. Once they got inside he let her slowly slide down his body against the wall, sending her heartbeat into overdrive. Trapping both her hands in his, he raised them over her head, her sexy heels dropping to the floor with two thuds as he bent and crushed his mouth to hers.

Squeezing her trembling thighs together, Zoe knew that she'd never experienced anything hotter in her entire life. God, did this man ever know how to kiss. As he pulled back, her hands still trapped in his, she wondered if he also lectured on the fine art of kissing, because if he did, she knew she'd give anything to be teacher's pet in that class.

"You ready for bed yet?" he murmured, dropping little kisses over her face, his heated breath matching hers.

Zoe swallowed hard, her voice breathy, knowing that in truth, she never been more ready in her life, but unfortunately there was still the cat to consider. "I am, but I think we should probably check on Puss first, to make sure she has everything she needs."

Dropping one last kiss to her lips, he sighed, and reluctantly released her hands. "You know I'd actually like to see this mysterious little cat, just to know it exists."

Closely following Zoe through the apartment, Tate rolled his eyes at the sight of her backside in leather so tight, it had to have been spray-painted on her with the way it lovingly caressed her perfect backside and long lean legs. Whew, he had to let out a breath and adjust himself before she noticed the raging hard-on he was fighting to control -- which was why he'd kept his gaze averted on the stairs -- she was just so tempting.

When Zoe called out, "Pussy," as they walked through the apartment, Tate let out a groan, the mere thought of it clenching his nuts. Already hard enough to pound nails, he could hardly wait to find the cat, so he could finally take Zoe to bed.

"Come out, Puss, Puss. It's your Auntie Zoe and Uncle Tate. Come on, pet, come out and see us." Then she stopped and said excitedly, "Oh, hang on. I just remembered." Darting into the kitchen, she reached up on tip toe to feel on top of the tall fridge and returned smiling with the bag of cat treats she'd found there. Holding it out to him, she said, "Here, shake this bag and watch what happens. Your brother swears it works like a charm every time."

Eager to get it over with, Tate took the bag from her and shook it up and down. And within seconds the little black and white fur ball was meowing and winding herself around his legs, big puffy tail standing up straight as an arrow, purring for all she was worth. "Hey, there," he said, bending to rub its little head, "where you been hiding, Pussy?" And he looked up at Zoe and smiled. "She's a cute little thing."

"I know, isn't she? Okay now, open the bag and give her a treat, since she did come out to see us."

He chuckled. "I'm pretty sure she only came out for the treats, and not to see us."

"Well, it doesn't matter. She did come out like we wanted her to, so now you have to give her a treat."

He rolled his eyes. Of course he had to give her a treat.

Tate looked up at her and shook his head, still petting the cat. "Sounds like you're going to be one of those permissive parents, rewarding your kids for everything little thing they do."

She shrugged. "I don't know maybe I will be, maybe I won't, providing I ever meet anyone I'd want to marry and have kids with."

Opening the bag, Tate fished out a few little morsels, and held them in the palm of his hand for the cat to help herself, closely watching Zoe as he did. "Oh, I think you'll meet someone, in fact I'm sure you will." How could she not, with her looks, brains, sex appeal and charm, she was the whole package, that any guy would want. Hell, look at him, he'd only known her for a day and already knew he wanted her.

Zoe smiled watching Tate with the cat. "So do you have any pets, Tate?"

For a second, he thought she was going to ask if she had any kids, which he didn't. And he'd never thought of having any either, at least not until he'd met her... Finally he remembered her question and answered, "Me? No way. With my work I'd never have time for a pet. And to tell you the truth I've never been crazy about cats, either." But as he rubbed the little things head he said, "But I have to admit, I do like Pussy."

Zoe laughed out loud at his choice of words. "Oh, I'll just bet you do. And would you please stop calling her that."

It was on the tip of his tongue to say, who says I was talking about the cat, but he decided against it.

"I'll just check her food and litter box," she told him.

Tate gave the cat one final stroke and stood up. "How about you check her food and I'll see about her litter."

"You sure? I mean if you've never had a cat, dealing with something like that might gross you out."

"Hey, I mucked out stalls at a riding stable to put myself through college, so I'm pretty sure I can handle a litter box."

Zoe shrugged. "Okay, fine. Then I'll check her food and water."

And once they were done, and he'd cleaned up, Tate wandered into the kitchen where Zoe stood at the sink refilling the cat's water dish. Considering what she'd shared with him tonight, he knew he shouldn't take anything for granted -- like that they'd still be sharing a bed. He cleared his throat. "You know, I was just thinking, if you'd prefer that I sleep on the floor tonight, I really wouldn't mind. I can just grab a pillow and a blanket, and let you have the bed." Then he mentally crossed his fingers, held his breath and waited.

After she'd put the cat's dish on the floor, Zoe turned to face him with a sultry grin. "I don't want you sleeping on the floor." Smiling into his eyes, she tipped up her face and whispered close to his lips, "Actually I think I'd much prefer you in bed... with me."

He returned her smile with a crazy sense of relief washing through him. And just to be sure there was no misunderstanding, he asked, "If you're sure."

She ran her hand down over his chest, stopping at the waistband of his jeans, her gaze hot and sultry, murmuring against his lips, "I'm very sure." Then she stood on tip-toe and pressed her lips to his. And when his arm came around her waist, she snuggled against him and let out a sweet little sigh as he claimed her mouth in a heart-stopping kiss.

Tate's hand stayed around her waist as he walked them back to the bedroom. And the kiss he placed on her lips beside the bed was so tender and warm it literally had her melting in his arms. When he tipped her head up to gaze into her eyes, she smiled and said, "You know, I really am glad now that you came to stay, too."

Brushing his lips to hers, he murmured, "Believe me, so am I." And was he ever, especially right now with how wonderful it felt to have her in his arms. When he'd first agreed to stay and look after the cat, he'd never dreamed that he'd be rooming with Becky's incredibly hot sister. And despite what they were about to share, part of him still couldn't believe it was really happening.

As Tate ran his trembling hands over the silky softness of her black bustier, sweeping a finger over the swell of her soft, warm breasts, his pulse pounding in his ears, he wondered how in the hell one went about getting something like this off.

Zoe grinning coyly, reading the confused look on his face, turned in his arms, and lifted her long dark hair, allowing him to see the black laces that ran enticingly down her back. "It also clips down the front, or you can untie me, slipping the laces out one by one," she explained.

His eyes nearly pop out of his head, sure he'd never seen anything sexier in his life. Just the thought of untying her to get at her body was getting him hard like he couldn't believe. Pretty sure he'd be hard as steel by the time he was done, he tried to focus not only on what he had to do to unwrap her gorgeous body, but also on where the hell he'd put the damn condoms that he knew he tossed in his bag when he'd packed in Oxford. Feeling his cock straining hard against his fly, all he knew was that when he was done un-wrapping this particularly enticing gift, he was sure as hell going to need them.

Pressing his lips to her bare shoulder, slowly uncovering the soft smoothness of her back, inch by intoxicating inch, as each lace unravelled, he smiled as he felt her shudder. And once he managed to peel the silky top away from her, he couldn't resist running his damp tongue from her nape to the base of her spine, just to hear her moan and feel her shiver even harder. Oh, man, she was every bit as responsive as he'd hoped she'd be. And how lucky was that?

And when he turned her in his arms, she let go of the small scrap of black silk she was clutching, allowing it to fall to the floor, exposing those perfect breasts that he'd only caught a glimpse of the night before. Blowing out a breath, he murmured, "God, you're gorgeous." Lifting his gaze from her full, luscious breasts to her incredibly pretty face, he wondered how he'd ever gotten so lucky to find himself with her.

Awed, she cupped his face in her hands. "And I can say the same, since I've never seen anyone quite like you before, either, Tate."

He actually felt his heart constrict in his chest. He wanted her that badly, but was so overwhelmed at the sight of her he could barely tear his eyes away. She was simply perfection. There was no other way to describe her. And he couldn't wait another second to have her.

As she unbuttoned his shirt, spreading it open to expose his broad chest, Tate held her darkening gaze, his desire climbing with every touch of her hands.

Slipping his arms around her waist he pulled her close, the feel of being skin to skin with her, nearly sending him over the edge, he still whispered into her hair, just to be sure, "Are you sure about this, Zoe?"

"Hmm, very sure," she murmured, pressing her lips to the hollow in his throat, smiling as she heard him let out a muffled groan.

And that was all he needed to hear. Leaning back slightly, his hands went to the zipper of her leather pants, as her hands worked at removing his shirt, pushing it off his shoulders.

And the way he smiled into her eyes as they undressed each other had her feeling even closer to him. She already knew that Tate was someone special, not only hot as hell, but definitely more caring and thoughtful than any guy she'd ever known.

Once their clothes were scattered around them on the floor, Tate cupped her face in his hands, captured her mouth and kissed her senseless. Carefully, he backed her up to the bed, supporting her with his arm as she fell onto her back. Gazing up at him, the smile of anticipation lighting her pretty sapphire blue eyes, only made him want her that much more.

His gaze never leaving hers, he took hold of her legs, supporting them on his shoulders as he crawled up her body, coming to rest at the apex of her thighs he gazed at her pink glistening flesh, smiled and said teasingly, "Hey, look, I found pussy."

Laughing loud she ruffled his hair, stopping just as quickly, her breath catching in her throat when he reached out to slowly stroke a finger along the slickness of her tingling sex. She'd never laughed in bed before, or been made to feel so happy and unbelievably aroused in the same breath. Two weeks they'd have together, and she realized then it would be two pretty incredible weeks.

Dropping his head he pressed his mouth to her hot little pussy, brazenly lashing his tongue back to front, before he took the tiny bundle of nerves at the top of her sex between his lips and gently began to suckle and tease it till it was tingling hard. Instantly, she began gasping and violently squirming -- which got him wondering, from her startled reaction, if she'd ever experienced the pleasures of oral sex before.

As he lapped at her flesh, Zoe's eyes flew open and she began to softly whimper, her breathing ragged, hips bucking wildly, her heart beating out of control, hands clutching his hair in a death grip -- she had to fight so hard not to scream her head off. It all just felt so overwhelming. Pretty sure she'd never experienced an orgasm before, she knew from the startling tingling sensation racing up her spine, sending shock waves throughout her entire body, firing her sex like a deliciously arousing sting, that she was sure as hell having one now -- and a pretty powerful one at that.

But as he continued to torment her, drawing her clit between his lips, sucking and releasing, over and over, she had no idea, with the way her heart pounded, pulse leapt, and the breath in her lungs nearly seized, that achieving an orgasm could be so all consuming or last so incredibly long.

When Zoe finally began to relax and felt herself beginning to sag, thinking he was done with the sensual onslaught, he surprised her, sliding a finger into her body, stroking deeply in and out of her tight little channel, before pleasuring her with the addition of a second teasing finger. Deftly curling his long fingers inside her, locating and massaging her toe-curling g-spot, he soon sent her crashing completely and helplessly over the edge all over again. Shivering and quaking uncontrollably, his name a broken gasp on her lips, she cried it over and over, her entire body quivering with an unbelievable feeling of elation as he brought her to an even more surprising climax.

Pressing his lips to her pulsing sex, he looked up at her and smiled at the look of sheer pleasure washing over her flushed face. Pulling away, stroking her thigh, he quietly asked, "You okay?"

"Are you kidding me?" She laughed. "I think I found the promised-land, rocketed back down, shot up and found it again. Wow, Tate, all I can say is, wow."

Softly chuckling, his masculine pride felt stoked at being able to give her so much pleasure. Eager to hold her in his arms, Tate allowed her legs to slide off his shoulders so he could make his way up her body. And as he made his way, he took his time savoring every inch of her, dropping damp little kisses first to her sex, over her tummy, her ribs, each beautiful breast, her slender neck and chin, before he finally took possession of her lips. Lost in the taste of her, he desperately claimed her mouth. Revelling in the feel of her wrapping her body around him, with her heels digging into his spine, her body was an absolutely perfect fit for his, just as he knew it would be. And all he could think of was how much he wanted inside her, probably more than anything he'd ever wanted in his life.