Unlikely Breeder Ch. 11 - Sequel


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"How's your Arabic, Hindi, German?"

"Oh now I understand." She smiled.

I fell asleep with a happy slave clutched onto me.

The following morning I met with the doc. He first confirmed the pregnancy was still progressing, (as if I couldn't feel it in my colon, I mean SERIOUSLY, I would know when I stopped dropping deuces). Then he ran tests.

"THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!" He said after reading a chart.

"Whoa! What is the issue?" My body guard asked.

"Everyone out! I have to talk to the Imperial Frask alone." The Doc's green skin grew lighter. His emotions must have been off the scale, as I had only seen that once when Nuphies fell in love with me.

My guard looked at me. I nodded. They left the room.

My Ob gyn, of sorts, walked straight up to me and whispered.

"A natural frask is growing inside you, and human DNA has been integrated into it." He looked down at me.

"Well....this is my fifth pregnancy, should it have happened before?" I asked.

"Possibly, as it feeds from you. Your blood supplies the carbon dioxide and white blood cells to protect it. Normally the frask gives about 1/3 of the DNA to a child. You've managed to do that, for the first time." He looked away from his tablet and back to me.

"This will save our race, and possibly get the human race out of slavery." His eyes opened wide.

"No." I said.

"My Frask?"

"This is just one. Your job is to figure out HOW this happened. Then you have to find a way to replicate it." I reached up and poked his green chest. "This news is not to get out on any planet understood?" I warned. He simply nodded.

"Guards!" I yelled.

"My Frask I..." The doctor went a lighter shade again. My Big Green Meanies busted through the door.

"Make sure the good doctor comes with us to Earth and confiscate all of his computers and notes." I ordered. "Pack them onto the scout ship."

"Yes My Frask." The Sargent said.

I went back to my room and collected my things. Including my Mickie. I attached a leash to her neck as the slaves packed my stuff on the scout ship.

I had a long walk across the palace to get to Ramah's quarters. I couldn't tell him yet. I would wait.

"You may enter My Frask, but the human slave must stay out in the hall." The Guard informed.

"Fine then assign someone from your team to guard her, if she loses a single hair from her head I hold you responsible." I stared up at the 8 foot Captain.

"I will take it upon myself My Frask."

"That will work." I said as the door was closed behind me.

"My Husband! It is time for me to return to Earth, things are in chaos! We need meat here! Nuphies cannot be charged with that duty. It isn't right!" I knelt next to his chair.

"Rise Demoja. I trust you will get us beef. How is my son or daughter?"

"My child, it is healthy." I said ducking pronouns.

Some old man was sucking a quarter of the Kings cock. It was enough to keep Ramah distracted.

"When will you be back?" He asked, shoving the human down onto his cock.

"Well unlike other times, I will give birth Earth-side. But the doc says I need to be bred more often, so you will see me, as soon as I'm healed and am carrying our wife's egg." I smiled without teeth and lowered my head to show submission.

"Is that safe?" He asked.

"I'm taking my medical staff with me Husband." I reassured. "You want meat don't you?"

"Yes, Yes Demoja. Fine go. Your ass is big for a human. It turns me off. I will see you after the birth of our child."

(Is he drunk?)

I didn't question it. He had lost affection for me and Nuphies. That was clear. He liked old humans. All he wanted was pleasure, meat, and offspring. I couldn't wait to get home to Nuphies.

Going Home

Doc informed me on the 7 day trip that Mickie was pregnant. I was weeks into my own pregnancy, and was starving all of the time.

"Frask babies really drain a Gorks system, you will be weak and tired. The frask has to have extra defenses to protect the egg and the baby." The doc explained. "Your smaller system will be taxed even harder. If I am honest my Frask, you may not survive it!" He backed away from me in our cabin.

"I will be fine, I just need more food." I said calmly.

"Master, you have to live, I need you!" Mickie pleaded.

"Relax!" I looked at the docs semi hard cock.

"Suck off the doc so you both calm down!" I ordered. Not wanting to witness it, I turned on the wave.

"Demoja, you are in a ship!"

"Yes my love. I am coming home. How are the kids?"

"They wanted pet humans for "Chrasmis" I gave them each one."

"Christmas, Nuphies."

"Christ-mas". She said slowly.

"You got it!" I smiled. Her blue skin looked clean and smooth on the screen. "I'm glad that you adopted that human custom.".

"We live here! You said when you got to Gork Prime...um 'When in Rome act as a Roman'. Right?" She smiled showing her blades. "I read about the Romans. They were really smart humans!"

I laughed.

"Yes dear. Listen, I need to have complete privacy after I land. I have news. It's good news Nuphies, but I can't say it on a wave."

"Of course Demoja, I'll have Jerra and his team get us a safe place to talk." She looked concerned.

"Relax dear Wife. I will be there in 5 days."

"Okay Demoja. I can't wait. The kids want to see their Frask too!"

"Put the kids on!"

"No it is night here. I can't wake them. They were exhausted after playing with their pets all day. It is so cold here too. Can we move the palace?" She whined.

"No, try something I taught you 3 years ago...clothing!" I laughed. She smiled sweetly.

"Alright I have to go, we are about to pass a quasar, so our wave will get cut off. See you soon my love!"

"I love you Demoja!"

I felt a tear drip off the side of my cheek. I was so happy. Even in the midst of the chattel price riots and the meat rebellion. I was in love with an alien that had a giant, egg laying, cock.


The artificial gravity shook the whole ship on the inside. We'd been hit with something.

"Frask get to an escape pod! We are under attack!" I heard the pilot say. I grabbed my slave and pulled her to the pod.

"Captain, we are in the pod, get us close to a planet that can sustain a human" I said into the radio.

"We lost one engine. We are being chased by Slud fighters! The closest help is 30 minutes in the wrong direction!" He reported.


"Then turn around and head toward our patrols!" I really wanted to survive this trip. I needed to be with Nuphies.

"We are My Frask!"

Mickie and I sat looking out of the window of the pod. The bulkhead that contained my bed, and property evaporated. I launched the pod.

The G forces didn't affect us as bad I thought. Well... until we were caught by the gravity of a planet. Then it was all I could do to not lose consciousness, and guide the pod to a safe place to land. Just the landing with Earth like gravity burned all but 30% of the fuel. Maybe enough to get off the surface and back into space. Maybe.

We unpacked the pod. Tent, heat/radiation blankets, and dried food. 5 gallons of Gork water. (Great acidic water, for our dehydrated meals to come to life and burn holes in our guts.). The transmitter, and receiver were still working as the landing was smooth. Perhaps too smooth. I used a lot of fuel to set us down gently.

A hand held scanner, and a medical kit, complete with suicide pills. Lastly a sonic gun.

After we checked the scanner to detect radiation, we set up the tent and our bed. Then it was to hunt for water we could drink, and use to turn our dried food into real food.

It was quite hot here, and humid. The oxygen levels were about the same as Earth at 8000 feet. Compared to Gork Prime which was like 14,000 feet, it was a blessing.

The planet had a ton of plants and fauna. All of which I scanned before we walked through them. Yet there were no trees. Nothing bigger than bamboo grew here.

I stopped.

"Listen! You hear that?" I said.

"Running water!" Mickie smiled.

"Hopefully it's drinkable." I muttered and began to walk toward the sound.

10 minutes later we found a rushing river. It moved faster than Niagara Falls. I dipped my finger in. It didn't burn at all. We gathered a container of it and then set to making a fire to boil it.

"Food might be scarce, we have ration the meals and they hope the work with regular water" Mickie stated as the sun set. "Is anyone going to look for us?"

"Oh yeah Mickie, I have the very first natural frask in my colon, in years. The entire Imperial Gorkian Navy will be looking for us." I feigned a smile, not sure about our survival chances on a planet halfway from Gork to Earth.

"Oh thank you Master, I was worried." The sun had set and Mickie was shivering, even next to the fire.

"You may wear clothing Mickie. We'll go to bed soon and then I will keep you warm." I stated. Clothing for her would be as bad as it is for me. Itchy and constraining. But it was getting cold. She thanked me and put on a sweatshirt, leaving her bottom half nude.

She began to sob. We crawled into the tent.

"We are both pregnant and on an alien world! Our children may never be born!"

"Calm down, lets go to bed. Mickie, everything will be fine, you'll see. The IGN is looking for us, and they will find the beacon on the pod. Please stop crying. Come here little slave hold on to me." She did just that, falling asleep. After my chest was soaked in tears, I fell asleep shortly after.

Nuphies Rage

"Fear nothing more than a woman's corn!" Nuphies yelled at Jerra in English. She sat in her chair at the Earth Imperial Palace.

"It's 'scorn', my Queen, and we are doing everything to find the Frask and his human slave." Jerra reported.

"YOU HAD BETTER GET YOUR GREEN ASS OUT THERE NOW!" Nuphies stood and bared her blades at the middle aged General.

"Ma'am, I can't. Whomever attacked the Imperial Frask, might be coming after you next." Jerra tried to reason with her.

"So you want to be demoted and serve as a cum cow handler?" Nuphies hissed. "Maybe you'd look better with a slave collar Jerra?"

"Please my Queen!"

"NO! Find my Fucking Frask NOW!" Nuphies said in English.

"Yes My Queen." He turned and left the palace. "Okay Team B you are up, I'm going off world. You rookies better keep the Queen and princes safe!" He radioed.

Nuphies watched as Jerra's scout ship took off to meet the Earth fleet.

"You had good news for me Demoja, and I will make sure you deliver it!" Nuphies said as acidic tears rolled down her dark blue cheeks. She cried herself to sleep for the first time in her life.

Demoja Frask

I woke to Mickie sucking the life out of me. I fed her a slaves breakfast.

"I like you Mickie, but have some water then I will kiss you."

"Yes Master." She said as she left the tent still wearing the sweatshirt.

"Nice ass." I said as I crawled out of the tent. "We need to eat, we are both prego."

"I'll boil some water Master, can you pick the meal and prepare it? I suck at cooking." Mickie admitted.

"Sure." I began looking though the packets of dried Gorkian food. Most were gross, but edible. The best stuff tasted like shitty human food. I decided to do the gross stuff first.

"Oh god, you are making that? Can I live on your cum instead?" Mickie asked.

"No it has vitamins and minerals. My cum has near nothing, just a bit of Zinc and magnesium"

"Well I'd rather eat your shit then that." She scoffed.

"Can't, the frask in my colon is taking all of it." Oh shit.

"You have a natural frask in you?"

"No one is supposed to know that, but yes." I admitted. She jumped for joy.

"Those green assholes will save us for sure!" She smiled at me. I stared her down.

"Those green "assholes" are my subjects, and you are a slave. Watch your tongue!" I scolded.

"Sorry Master Frask. I'll eat what you make, I have your baby to feed."

"Much better attitude Mickie."

We ate in silence. It was hard to eat the casserole dish. It tasted like pine tar and liver. After eating we explored looking for fruits and berries. Anything but the Gorkian dishes would be a treat. We found a fruited tree. Mickie scanned it.

"Seems safe!"

"Good I'm going back to camp harvest all you can." I ordered. Something felt VERY wrong.

"Yes my Frask." She seemed eager.

I left quickly to not show that something was wrong.

Blood was dripping down my leg from my ass.


(It's the first natural frask, I can't lose it!)

I grabbed clothing from the tent to stop the bleeding, and put my ass in the air with my head down. I needed for the egg to be deeper in me, to eat better..."ANYTHING! Please!"

"My Frask? Oh my god the blood!" She nearly screamed. "What do I do?"

"Nothing...." I began to sob as I had let my Wife and Husband down. The very first natural born frask in decades and I'm having a miscarriage.

I heard rockets being launched.

"Mickie we need to save those for when we get a radio signal." I said weakly. She couldn't hear me. I was too tired from the blood loss. I am going to die on this planet, as are two of my children and a cute slave girl.


(It infects you at first till you find a way to swim inside of it, maybe making your own dreams. What are those dreams?

I see Nuphies in the firelight when we first visited earth. I see Jerra carrying me. I see that traitor cunts ship exploding.....I see, I see...)

"....and the Frask cannot be moved for at least a month." A voice said.

"I understand Doctor." Nuphies?

I struggled to open my eyes.

"Frask is awake!" Jerra said.

"My love!" She said and I felt her weight on me. Her giant lips kissed my entire face.

"My Frask!" Jerra grabbed my right hand in his and held it as my wife slobbered over me.

"Mickie?" I asked almost out of breath.

"Your slave? She's alive, so is your baby." Nuphies assured. My eyes finally opened to see the dark blue skin of my beautiful wife.

"Our frask?" I asked.

"That was the good news you wanted to deliver in person?" She began to cry.

"Acid tears!" I warned.

"Sorry my love", she wiped them away. "The frask died, and you expelled the half developed child.." Now she was crying hard. As was I. I grabbed her and held her to my pillow next to me. Jerra held my hand tight.

"It was the Slud!" I growled in Gorkian. I bared my teeth like blades

"They killed our new frask!"

Jerra began crushing my hand.

"I will destroy that whole world!" Jerra's breath was hot

"Well Mickie, as the Frasks favorite Veterinarian, I can honestly say that your kid is healthy. But I was told by security that you aren't allowed in the palace." The lithe, light blue female Gork said.

"My Master Frask is in there and I'm his favorite." Mickie protested.

"Security lock down. Sorry human, I have a stall for you in the barn instead." The Vet offered.

"My Frask is going to hear about this!" Mickie belted in Gorkian.

"Let me say this in ENGLISH, you are a SLAVE. Barn is where you belong. Do YOU understand?" The Doc stared at the little woman

"Fucking cunt" Mickie said as she was let out.

"I understood that too!" The Doc said.

I woke to Nuphies sweet breath. I was now in my bed.. Her hand held my cock loosely, and her egg laying cock was on my leg. She was still asleep. I kissed her dark blue forehead softly

"Nuph. Nuphies, I want to see the kids." I whispered as I kissed her.

"Okay baby. Oh! " She blinked a couple of times then felt me. "Your cock is hard. Let me fix that." She aligned me with her ass and sat down on my cock. She stoked her egg laying cock right at my face. Her first batch of cum coated my face.

"Heh you look like a slave.! Cum in my mouth baby." She went down on me and I fed her all of my load.

"I will bring the children to you. No mention of the frask we lost okay?"

"Of course dear."

"I love you Demoja."

"I love you Queen, as well as all of my princes. Bring them!"

"As you wish."

I was cleaned up before the boys arrived.

I talked to my sons. Telling them that the Sluds, not the Humans were the enemy. If any of them were to take over the Empire, they would enslave the Sluds instead of humans. My sons agreed. The darkest green one, Daniel waited till the room was empty after my lesson. He was almost 6 foot tall already.

"Frask, you are defending your own race, I get it. But it is the only race that can keep Mom and Dad able to have children." He asked in fluid English.

"My Prince, maybe not for much longer. Can you keep a secret?" I asked holding his dark green face in my hands. He nodded and kissed my lips. (Mother taught him that, no doubt).

"You lost a frask recently, it was a natural Gork frask, in my colon. If I had been here on Earth or on Gork, it would have survived." I told my eldest prince.

"So Jerra..." He began.

"And you. Take the 3rd Navy group, go. You are an adult. Avenge the frask the Slud killed! You are old enough to lead! Make me proud!"

He laid his head on my chest like he did when he was a baby.

"I love you frask!" He was near tears.

"I love you too Daniel." I wrapped my arms around his big head and pulled him to my chest. I held him still as he grieved for the little frask that died. I let him go when the anger finally welled up in him.

"I'm gonna avenge my sibling frask. Where do I go?" He asked.

"To school under Captain Guerra." I smiled wistfully.

"But Frask? You said I could have a Navy group!"

"You will Son after you know how to command one. Don't worry, 3rd Fleet will be there in three weeks when you show Capt Guerra you can handle battle." I assured.

"Dammit Frask, I want revenge NOW!" My son whined.

"Which is why you are not ready." I said to him softly and pulled him back to my chest. "I want revenge too my dark green prince. But humans know something your ancestors do not. Revenge is a dish best served cold."

"What does that mean?" My boy asked into my armpit.

"It means you hit them after they think it's all over and the their enemy has forgotten." I said and pulled him face to face with me.

"Dad is right about you, you are the wisest Frask ever, I'm glad you are my frask, I don't care that you are human." He said. I smacked his face.

"What did I say wrong?"

"I'm Gorkian as much as you and your brothers are! NEVER call me a human!" I scolded. "I USED to be a human. But after giving birth 5 times....those days are gone. Understand Daniel?"

Daniel held me tight in his strong arms.

"I forgot frakka. I love you!!" He said. I melted. I had heard that said by toddler Gorks on the street. It was the equivalent to "momma". I fell asleep with him in my hospital bed.

"Daniel! Daniel!" I heard. Nuphies voice. "It is not appropriate to sleep next to the Frask that bore you! You are an adult, not a baby!"

"Lay off of him Nuphies. We talked about his siblings frasks death and his revenge." I kissed my boy on his big forehead. "He's leaving to go to military school. I got him under Capt Guerra.".

"Yes Mom, I'm four years old and an adult, but I'm not fully grown. Why is it a sin to visit my frask? My frask is hurt, I am it's son" Daniel stood up to his mother. Still a foot shorter then her, but I was proud. I smiled.

Nuphies caught the loving smile on my face.

"Off to school for you. You have to kill some Slud for your frakka!" Nuphies grinned at me. (Bitch was listening in last night!) "I'll take care of your Frask my son. You go learn how to destroy those fuckers" She said in English

"Yes Mother." He said back in English. "I love you..uh there is no English word for "frask', what is it in English?" Daniel asked.

"Daniel "frakka" is fine."

"Okay I'm off to learn how to kill Sluds frakka, I love you." Daniel waved as he left.

Nuphies held me in her arms.

"Guerra is the best don't worry. She have him in shape in three weeks." She let go and sat up.