Used Ch. 02


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Nate reached down to play with her clit, the act sending sharp sparks shooting all over. He smiled when the sexy moans and swears tumbled from her lips.

Jamie spread her legs wider, knowing it turned him on to see his thick pale cock disappear into her cocoa core. When she leaned back to cup his smooth sac, Nate uttered a low groan.

"Jesus, Jamie." His hips moved to meet her hers, his cock thrusting hard into her.

She gasped loudly. "Are you going to cum for me?" Jamie leaned forward. Her lips went to his earlobe, sucking the meaty flesh into her hot mouth. "Come on, Harlow. Give me some of that cream." She felt herself being flipped over, landing softly on her back. Nate rammed himself inside of her, making both of them moan loudly.

Jamie grabbed the edge of the bed, gasping for air as he pumped her furiously. She glanced up at him. His eyes were closed, a sheen of sweat coated his handsome face. The muscles in his arms flexed with each thrust. As she grabbed his biceps, her muscles clenched his cock.

She felt the familiar buildup as her whole body trembled in anticipation. As she came, she released a small wail that triggered his release. Nate's body tensed as he emptied himself into the condom.

Exhausted, he collapsed on top of her, his broad tanned body covering her completely. Jamie wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him closer to her.

She kissed his neck and stroked his hair, enjoying the soft porcupine feel of his shaved blonde locks.

They were both silent, hearts still racing, pulses speeding. Nate breathed her scent in deeply. She smelled like a well-satisfied girl with a hint of something exotic, the spicy and heady scent tickling his nose.

He sighed loudly. Jamie Kincaid was becoming an addiction.


Another weekend, another party. Jamie was beginning to feel as if alcohol and partying ruled her college life. It was all getting a little old. She was graduating in less than two months and already she was looking forward to leaving all the booze and bitches behind.

She stepped out of the shower, grabbing her fluffy green towel from the rack and wrapping it around her body.

Jamie padded silently to her bedroom. As she opened her closet door to ponder her outfit choices, there was a brief knock on her door.

"Yeah?" she called out.

"Open up, girl" she heard Nora call out. "Who the hell else would it be?"

She smiled. "Go 'head and come in, Creeper."

Nora entered the room. With her hands on her slim hips, she eyed Jamie incredulously. "You're not dressed yet?"

Jamie stared at her. "No. Some of us didn't have all damn day to prepare." She was referring to Nora's meticulously planned Nora-like outfit. She was wearing a pale pink lace dress that was both modest and sexy at the same time. Jamie knew only Nora could pull off a style like that.

"Well, some of us didn't have a Nate Harlow bang-fest earlier so we had time to get ready," Nora shot back.

"Damn, no need to be so sassy." Jamie pulled a pair of dark denim jeans out of the closet. After slipping on a pair of dark pink boy short panties, she slid on the tight jeans. With the towel still wrapped around her other half, she smoothed on lotion before clipping on a matching dark pink bra.

"I'm just saying," Nora replied. "Nate 'Asshat' Harlow has taken over your time."

"That's not true, Nora" Jamie said. "I've actually been at the library working on this monster research paper for my capstone class. That's what's been taking up the majority of my time." Jamie was telling the truth. For the past week and a half, her life had been consumed by her schoolwork and preparations for the end of college. She had only seen Nate twice, including the steamy session earlier today.

He had visited her in the library, where they found one of the private study rooms and did everything but study.

"Okay, whatever. It's just I miss hanging out with you." Nora flopped back on Jamie's bed, careful not to wrinkle the brown and turquoise bedspread.

"I know, Nora. But hey you've been pretty busy yourself. How are things with Danny?" Jamie hoped to distract the girl from talking about Nate. Everyone's concerns and questions were getting on her damn nerves.

Nora smiled, her pretty face blushed slightly. "He's awesome. Things are going so well."

"Good to hear," Jamie said. She put on a fitted black tank top and slipped her feet into a pair of pink patent leather stilettos. Combing out her black bob, she turned to her roommate. "How do I look?" she asked.

"Horrible." Nora joked.


"Shut up, you know I love you." Rising from the bed, she handed Jamie her purse. "Can we leave now? I'm supposed to be meeting a couple of the sisters along the way to pre-game," she said, referring to the time-honored sorority tradition of getting wasted before going out to drink.

Jamie sighed. Sorority Nora had to be out tonight, and she wasn't as much fun as the real one. As if reading her thoughts, Nora patted her arm. "Don't worry, Jamie. I'm not even drinking that much. It's just that it's a Greek Week event and I have to participate."

Grabbing her roommate's hand, she tugged softly. "Come on, let's go."


The Alpha Theta Omega brothers had rented out a VIP room in one of the college town's hottest nightclub. Their Alpha Theta Chi sisters were the guests of honor tonight at their Greek Week event.

Though non-Greeks were present (by personal invite, of course), Jamie still felt a little out of place. This was Nora's world, no matter how she tried to avoid being like the "sorostitutes" that populated her sorority.

When they got to the club, Nora was immediately dragged by her sisters to talk with a large group of hot ATO brothers. Sighing, Jamie sidled up to the bar, ordering a Jack and Coke.

The bartender complied, slipping a little extra whiskey into her glass. Jamie sipped thirstily, letting the concoction dull her senses. She watched the madness around her. The lights flashing, the music pumping. Everyone seemed to be having fun.

Everyone but her.

She didn't want to admit it, but she wished Nate would show up already. He and Nora were the only real connections she had to this silly world. Nora was too busy "bonding" with her sisters, if one could call doing massive amounts of shots a bonding experience.

Jamie peered around the room, all the while acting as if she wasn't looking for him.

By the time she ordered another tall glass of Jack and Coke, she was feeling kind of buzzed. Her hips were involuntarily swaying to the beat of the hip-pop song, her sultry movements catching the eyes of many a male onlooker.

Jamie smiled. She didn't want to be, but she knew she was slowly turning into "that girl". The one who gets drunk in a corner and starts dancing by herself. Nora and I make fun of that pathetic girl all the time, she thought.

Shrugging her shoulders, she slurped her drink. No matter. She was VIP at a hot club with an open bar. She was a grown ass woman, and she'd do what she wanted.

As the song changed to an upbeat reggae/bhangra mix, Jamie tapped the guy standing next to her on the shoulder.

"You should dance with me," she said, half-yelling.

The guy perused her body, his eyes taking in every dangerous curve. "Yeah, definitely" he replied, his blue eyes brightening. Jamie grabbed his hand, leading him through the crowd of people.

His hands immediately found her waist. Dipping his knees, he pulled her closer to him. He was only a couple of inches taller than her, but moved with grace.

Turning around, Jamie did a slow whine, grinding her hips into his. His hips moved with hers, meeting up with her pushes with powerful thrusts. Closing her eyes, Jamie allowed the pulsing music and the rhythm of their dancing to overtake her.

Though she was having a good time, one thought was niggling at the back of her mind.

This would be so much hotter with Harlow.

Indeed, though the situation was hot, she wasn't turned on. She couldn't say the same for her dancing partner. She could feel his obvious erection. When his hands cupped her breasts, he groaned audibly in her ear. "Baby, you are too fine."

When she opened her eyes, gasped at the icy blue stare of Nate.


When Nate arrived at the Lava Lounge, things in the trendy VIP room were already underway. As part of Greek Week, the ATO brothers treated their sweetheart sorority to a nightly party. In return, ATC planned day activities for them as well as compete in campus-wide events. It was a great way to form bonds...and hook up with hot girls.

Although peering around the club, he didn't spot the one girl he actually wanted to hook up with. He assumed that Nora would have brought Danny, as it was required for everyone to bring a date. But after talking to some of his other brothers he found out Danny went home that weekend for a family emergency.

As Nate sipped from the dark beer bottle, he felt someone tug on his shoulder.

"Are you going to ignore me all night," a syrupy voice cooed.

Nate felt his eyes roll in mild irritation. Christa. He didn't know why he had agreed to be her date to the event. There were plenty of other girls willing to go with him. But she had cornered him on his way to meeting Jamie in the library and he just said yes without even realizing what she was asking. Now he was cursing his haste in getting her to shut the hell up.

Turning his face, he shot her the coldest of stares. "Let's get one thang straight. You and I are not here as a couple. Matter of fact, I'm tryna distance myself from you as quick as possible."

Christa flipped her auburn tresses over her tanned shoulder. "Nate, you really do need to chill. Can't we just be civil for one night?"

Can you just be your normal whore self and get bent, he thought to himself. "Christa bein' civil requires that I actually gave a damn about your feelings. So no, we can't be civil. Now go get drunk and blow some guy. It's what you're best at." And with that, he turned his muscular back to her and strode off.

"Fuckin' hell," he muttered as he downed the rest of his beer. He walked to the bar and ordered a draft of anything, figuring he needed as much alcohol he could stand if he was going to make it through this night.

As he gulped down his beer, he saw Nora walk up to the bar. "Cosmopolitan, please" she said politely to the bartender who winked saucily at her and complied.

"Are you always so fuckin' polite?"

She turned her amber gaze to meet his. "Are you always such a conceited prick?"

Nate laughed heartily. "Touché." He eyed her. She was a pretty girl, a little too pure for his tastes. She was much shorter than Jamie, with slender hips, generous breasts, and a sweet smile. Nate could see why Danny would fall for a girl like her. Nora Masters was definitely a girl a guy could take home to Mama.

"So, Ms. Masters I take it Daniel is treating you well?"

Nora sipped from the bright pink drink. "Not that it's any of your business, but yes."

"Good," Nate said. "I'd have to crack his skull for hurtin' a good girl like you."

"The same goes for you, Nate Harlow."

His blue eyes gazed at her in mock innocence. "Whatever do you mean, Ms. Masters?"

Nora's eyes narrowed considerably. "You know exactly what I mean."

"See, now that's where you're mistaken. Your friend, she most definitely ain't a good girl. But that's how I like 'em."

"She's way better than you deserve. Maybe she'll see that someday. But for now, she's slumming it."

"Ouch," Nate said. He clutched dramatically at his chest. "You break my heart, Masters."

"Better your heart than your fucking jaw," she muttered.

Nate couldn't help but laugh. "You're a little firecracker. But I understand. You gotta look out for your friend. But she's a big girl, you know. And trust me; she ain't as innocent as she looks."

He turned to grin triumphantly at Nora, but her gaze was towards the dance floor.

"I'll say," she replied, a smirk plastered on her face. Nate looked up to see what caught his attention. It was Jamie. She was on the dance floor with another guy. They were dancing close, her ass grinding into his crotch. The guy was clearly enjoying it. His was holding on to her hips as she swayed slowly.

He felt his eye twitch.

Slamming down his glass, he strode purposefully over to them, his broad shoulders parting the crowd easily.

Stopping in front of her, he waited until her eyes were open and heard the small gasp.


His jaw clenched visibly as the guy placed his hands on Jamie's hips.

"What are you doing here?" he asked tersely.

"I'm Nora's date." She grinned. "I didn't know you'd be here tonight."

"Well I am ATO president." He felt his fingers curl into a tight fist. Whoa man, calm it down.

"Uh buddy, can't you see we're a little busy here?" Jamie's dance partner gave him a reproachful look.

Nate tensed. "Who the hell are you anyway? This is a private party, asshole." He grabbed Jamie's hand. "Let's go."

Turning to walk away, he heard the guy utter a slew of curse words.

Nate led them to a dark corner of the room.

"What the hell is your problem, Harlow?" Jamie asked as he sat down on the black leather couch. His fist was balled under his chin as he sat scowling. Jamie stared down at him, hands on her hips.

"Nothin'" he muttered.

"Really? Because it just looked like you were about to throw a temper-tantrum."

He muttered something about toys and hands off. Jamie couldn't hear him over the music and the usual club noise.

Straddling his lap, she sat down. "Aww, is someone jealous?"

Nate scoffed. "Hardly." Jamie grinned. "I think it's cute Harlow."

"I think you're full of shit," he said.

She laughed again. Leaning forward she let her tongue run across his jaw line before sucking his soft skin, enjoying the manly moan that escaped.

"I think you're the one who's full of shit," she whispered. Her lips slanted over his, her tongue sliding into his mouth.

Groaning, Nate grabbed her ass and rocked her on his rapidly inflating cock.

"Mmm, jealously turns me on too" she said.

"I wasn't jealous," he maintained. Maybe just a little, he thought.

Jamie laughed. "Okay, we'll play it your way." Getting up, she kissed him one last time before straightening up. "I'm going to go freshen up and then we should get out of here."

"I just got here..." he started.

"Well, you can stay if you want. I'm sure that guy I was dancing with would love to join me for what I have planned." She pretended to turn and scan the room for him when she felt herself being whipped around.

He was standing now, as he kissed her hard. Jamie sighed, wrapping her arms around his waist. "Five minutes," he growled. "Or I'm comin' in there and startin' it in a stall. And I won't give a damn about who's watchin'."

Jamie shuddered. She loved it when he went Alpha. His blue eyes took on a more frosty turn and his southern twang became even deeper.

Chucking him softly on the chin, she grinned. "Whatever you say, Harlow." She walked away slowly, knowing he was watching her ass sway.

When she got to the fancy powder room, she was surprised to see Nora.

"Hey girl," she said. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, it is a bathroom Jamie."

They laughed. "Shut up," Jamie said. "Oh, I think I'm gonna head out after this."

"Surprise, surprise. I know Nate showed up."

Jamie sighed. "Nora..."

"I'm not saying anything, dude. I've already spoke my piece." Nora checked her reflection in the mirror.

"I know you mean well. But like I said before, I can handle assholes like him."

"Yeah, see that's what I'm afraid of."

Jamie stared at her roommate. "What are you talking about?"

It was Nora's turn to sigh. "You like him, Jamie. For some godforsaken reason, you actually like the cretin that is Nate Harlow."

Jamie laughed, the sound echoing off the dark bathroom tile. "Are you serious, Nora? I don't like him."

Nora stared at her, hands on her hips. "Then why are you fucking him?"

"It's—it's complicated," she started.

"No, it's bullshit. Because you're only going to get hurt. Nate Harlow only cares about himself."

That's not true, she wanted to say. There were times when he held her and she just felt this...thing. She wasn't sure what it was, but it felt right. It felt like caring.


Nora held up her hands. "I'm backing off. But seriously dude. I'm not sure how many times I can defend you."

"Defend me? What are you talking about?"

Nora laughed. "Jamie, are you really going to act like no one knows what's going on with the two of you? ATC, ATO—they all know."

"I don't have to explain my actions to anyone, Nora. Especially not to some bored Greek assholes who like to gossip."

"Whatever, Jay. I know you're Miss Independent. So here's hoping you know what you're doing. See you back at the apartment." She left the bathroom quickly.

Jamie turned to stare at herself in the mirror. What the fuck was that about, she wondered. But she knew exactly what the deal was.

A noise from one of the stalls jarred her thought process. Jamie looked up as the stall door opened and the drunk girl from the first ATO party stumbled out.

Christa stared glassy-eyed at Jamie. "So, you're Nate's new whore." She slammed her oversized bag on the red countertop.

"Well, with you being Nate's old whore I guess I should thank you for releasing him from your clutches."

Christa sneered. From the way her mouth curled perfectly, Jamie figured that was a habit for the girl. Too bad, she wasn't completely unfortunate-looking. She was about Jamie's height thanks to tottery silver pumps. She was wearing a tight white-hot strapless tube dress that accentuated her tan skin and reddish hair.

"You really should listen to your friend."

"You really shouldn't listen to other people's conversations. That's how nosy bitches get black eyes."

"I'm shaking, I'm sure," Christa scoffed.

"Why are you talking to me? Isn't there some dick that needs your mouth on it?"

"I could say the same thing to you."

"Yeah, you could. But I'm not so sure you'd like a hospital visit right now."

"My, my, my. Do guys really find that aggressive 'angry black woman' thing attractive?" She checked her shiny lip gloss in the large bright mirror.

"Actually, Nate does. He prefers his women with a little bite."

"Oh, honey I know. I've had that, remember?"

Jamie folded her arms. "Does your rant I have a point? Because I have somewhere to be."

Christa picked up her purse. "Nate's just using you. When he's had his fill of the dark side he'll come crawling back to me. You don't possibly think he'd ever have a relationship with you?" She laughed. "Honey please. Nate's a great fuck, but he's not dumb. His money's always on the winning horse. And that's definitely not you."

Jamie laughed. "Wow, thanks for the advice. I'm sure you won't mind if I pass on it. Although if I ever need to know how to get rid of questionable fluid stains from bed sheets, I'll definitely look you up. Now get the fuck out of my way."

Pushing past the stunned girl, she opened the door and headed out into the VIP room.

Though she knew Christa was just trying to shake her up, she couldn't get hers and Nora's words out of her head. She made her way back to Nate, who was talking to a couple of his brothers.

When she arrived into the fold, Nate tossed his brothers a sly grin. "Ready to go, Kincaid?" he asked, slipping an arm around her waist.

Jamie smiled. "Yeah. Let's go."

One thought lingered in her mind. Who's playing whom?

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brownskinnedcutiebrownskinnedcutiealmost 10 years ago

Before I said Jamie only had hi tendencies, but I have changed that to full in ho!! What made her that way? Why ia Nate the male version? At least he does have quasi-relationship.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

Can not wait for the next installment.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
totally satisfyed and

hooked. Once again you have done another awesome series. for all who have not read her other ones check them out.

CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER...i know that its a grueling process to write but hope its longer next time

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
I'm hooked!

I like where this is going, I'm looking forward to the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Nice flow

Please continue. This is moving at a captivating pace. I'm now hooked and curious about what is to come!

mrskelleymrskelleyabout 16 years ago
I love it!!!!

They both are falling and are to blind to see it! Update Please!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Getting Jealous...Oh MY!!!!!

I agree with the majority of the other posts that this is really good and who will be the first to admit that they have feelings for each other? Why would she agree just to have sex with him in the first place? He has a reputation as a user of woman and does she have a reputation as an user of men? Looking forward to reading what happens next. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
next next next!

Girl this is too good, I can't wait to see what happens next!

SecretFantasy69SecretFantasy69about 16 years ago
Woooooo! Steamy!

Love it! Sassy and hot! Can't wait for the next installment.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

please can you make the submissions a bit longer???

hotcocoa6904hotcocoa6904about 16 years ago
Good as always!!

I'm in college myself and this seems like an accurate portrayal to me!! Nate and Jaime are good characters, don't make us wait too long for the next update!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Hot sex

Kinda ironic how people usually think highly of those with college degrees when this is how they behave. The author is kinda showing the other side, the side where young adults do more than study. The poster below who said it sounds like high school and get a grip on real life, I disagree. For several college students, what the author wrote IS real life. For some, college was one big party, full of sex and hooking up. It's rare nowadays for someone to graduate from college a virgin.

lisastpaullisastpaulabout 16 years ago
Good update

I dont know why folks always want the no strings just for fun sex when 9 times out of 10 someone starts getting feelings. Looks like our boy Nate doesnt like to share

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Well sorry I found it just a bit to much immature.

Get it out of the high school mental track and more into real life.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

as of now they just see to be using each other. it'll be interesting if one (or both) falls for the other. question is, who'll be first? =)

just a suggestion: since they'll be graduating, maybe they could part amicably (not acknowledging whatever feelings they have), then meet years after. but hey, this is your story! i'll read it however which way you take it. go girl!

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