Using him Ch. 03

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Together for real.
4.6k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 06/12/2022
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The next day Tom walks about with a limp. Partly it is because his legs are still weak from the orgasms and partly it is to prevent his very sore penis from coming into too much contact with the insides of his boxers. He still can not believe that Jessica fucked him to nine orgasms in one day, when he begged her to stop right after the first one. It should make him upset that she just ignored it when he told her to stop, and he was mad, but the climaxes made it too hard to think about much. There wasn't anything he could do about it

then and he couldn't do anything now.

When he walks past the cheerleading squad though, Tom feels that there is something going on. Some of the girls are looking at him and pointing. The boy doesn't know it yet but yesterday, Jessica told everyone on the squad that she fucked him. It wasn't just Gia, Liz and Penny. She sent a message to all the girls and they are now making fun of him for being so loose, calling him easy. Now he knows and his face goes red with embarrassment, ashamed of himself for letting Jessica have him less than a month after first talking to her.

"I didn't know you're so slutty, Tom. Is the entire nerdy boy personality just an act?" Angela, a tall blonde cheerleader, asks him teasingly. Tom quickly runs past her and the other girls as they all keep on laughing at him mockingly. It is bringing tears to his eyes, which he tries his best to wipe away. "Where are you going slut? Come back here. We want to know what she said to get into your pants!" More peals of laughter come from them and he stifles his cries as they continue to humiliate him with their words. He feels like such a hoe right now.

When he gets to the classroom, he is able to compose himself and stop all the crying since there is no one there to tease him yet. He wipes the tears away and gets his book out, starting to read. It provides for a helpful distraction but he is still finding himself disturbed by thoughts of what just happened, and how he was slut shamed for putting out so soon into a relationship. It is quite an embarrassment but he tells himself he is going to be fine. He just has to keep his head up and refuse to let them bully him.

People begin to enter the room now. A few are still mocking him and calling him slutty. That's when Gia and Penny come in and give him a nice mysterious smile. Penny sits down next to him and says "Hi, Tom! I wanted to talk to you about something." Tom looks at her in surprise. She might be his girlfriend's friend but they haven't talked without Jessica with them before. "It's really important." That only makes him feel interested in whatever she has to say.

Gia is also looking at him in a way that seems to be telling him to go on.

Finally, the boy nods. He decides that he will listen to them. Tom always give people the benefit of the doubt, and she is his girlfriend's friend, so there is that extra reason to let her say her piece. "I hope you aren't going to slut shame me for sleeping with Jessica like some of your squad mates did earlier," he says. "I suppose I might have put out a bit soon, but I love her and don't regret it. Nothing anyone says can ever make me regret giving myself to Jessica. I am all hers now. I love her."

Hearing him profess his love for her friend publicly makes Gia feel a little bad about what she is going to do, but she has to do it. It is for Jessica's good. She can't be with a dork like Tom for any longer than necessary. "But what if she doesn't want you anymore? Would you be okay if she breaks up with you later today or something?" Tom raises his eyebrows in confusion, frowning at her and Penny. The boy usually doesn't frown at people but for them he's going to make an exception. "I'm just worried for you, you know?"

Penny realizes that Gia doesn't have the guts to say it straight to his face, so she might have to do it herself. Even she is a bit unnerved by the cruelty of what they are doing but she knows more than her redhead friend does that this is the right thing to do. "What Gia is trying to say is that Jessica doesn't really love you. She only said that to get into your pants, so that she doesn't have to be a virgin anymore," she tells the boy, who is now staring at her with his eyes wide open in shock. "I'm sorry I have to be the one to tell you this."

"I don't believe this! I'm going to tell her what a pair of back stabbing friends you are, to accuse her of doing such a horrible thing!" Tom shouts at Penny and Gia. "If she just wanted to get laid, then she could have fucked any guy she wanted. Why me? There are many much hotter guys. She is in love with me. That's why we had sex! Because we both love each other." He glares at the two of them with more anger than he ever thought himself capable of.

"By all means do that," Penny tells him. "You could ask her and she'll probably admit that it's true to you. She chose you because you are cute and never pressured her for sex like the rest of the guys in our year. You're adorable but that is all there is. Boys like you are only objects to us. Toys for us to fuck and then throw away once we are done. And Jessica just proved she is one of us when she tricked you into fucking her. You have fulfilled your purpose now whore." She then shifts her attention to her phone, while Tom thinks about what he just heard.


Later that day he is at Jessica's house. The boy doesn't believe what he heard her friends say but just wants to ask her about it to make sure. He thinks that they allied to him and wants her to know what her friends said about her behind her back. Tom kisses Jessica and says "You know honey, I had a very interesting conversation with Gia and Penny at school today." He doesn't notice her stiffening up in his arms and continues. "There were saying some weird stuff that I really want to tell you about."

Jessica starts sweating. Those bitches, she thinks to herself. The cheerleader has never been more pissed at her friends. But then Jessica realizes that maybe it was something else that they told him about. It is a small hole but it is still there. So she quickly hides her anger and puts on a sweet smile. Oh really, baby?" she asks, making him nod. She tells herself to be cool. "What was it about? I'm really curious." She crosses her fingers behind her back and silently prays that it isn't about why she wanted to date him, because she knows that she can't lie straight to his face.

"Well it's all a bunch of crap about how you were supposedly just using me for sex," he snickers. "Can you believe it? They actually said you lied to me about loving me so I would have sex with you, and that you only started dating me so you could lose your virginity. I've never heard greater nonsense in my life!" Then he sees how she is reacting to all this. "Hang on a minute. They were just bullshitting me, right? It's just a very immature joke by your friends, so why do you look so pale right now?"

Jessica feels very ashamed of herself from the way he put it that she can not even begin to hide her emotions. She was able to trick him into dating and taking her virginity, but only because he didn't have any cause for suspicion. But now he does and there is nothing she can do about it. "It's true. I did lie to and use you, Tom," she says, making his heart drop. "I'm really sorry but I never actually loved you. I know that it doesn't mean much coming from me now but I really am sorry, and I want you to know that. If there is anything I can do to make it up to you, I would, but there isn't."

He just stares at her, shocked to find out that her two friends were speaking the truth. This is simply too much for him to handle. "What? So they weren't lying about it?" Jessica nods. "But why? Why me? You could have had one of those guys who are okay with having no strings attached sex. I made it clear that I only want meaningful sex with someone who loves me back, and you lied to me to get me to sleep with you. How could you do this to me, Jessica?" Tom's eyes are full of tears right now.

"I wanted to fuck you because you are cute, but now that I already got what I was after, I don't want to be with you anymore," she says to him. She can't be with him anymore. She knows that she and Tom can't work. That started their relationship on deception. "I wanted to lose my virginity and you are the best choice. You are no longer useful to me." It pains her to see how much her words are hurting him but this is the right thing to do. Their relationship is very toxic since she flirted with him to use him to get rid of her virginity.

"Just tell me one thing," Tom says, looking at her with watery eyes, only making the girl hate herself for what she did to him. "Do you think you can ever actually love me? Please, tell me. If you ever felt just a tiny bit of love for me, let me know. I will wait. I can wait until you are sure. I'm leaving you forever if you tell me you will never love me." He looks at her with the last bit of hope in his eyes, waiting for her answer. If she says maybe then he will try. He will give this a try and see if they can make it work or not.

Jessica doesn't know what to say to him. She has felt the butterflies in her stomach from being near him but that's just lust, right? It's only because he is cute. Other than that, she isn't really attracted to him. That's what she is telling herself right now. She can't afford to fall for the boy. No, it would never work out between them. "I will never be able to love a loser like you, Tom," she says. "There. I said it. And I meant it too, Tom. I'm sorry but you're just a whore I used so that I won't have to be a virgin anymore."

Hearing this finally breaks Tom's fragile heart completely. "I hate you!" he shouts at her and then runs out of the house. Jessica feels something inside her break after hearing him tell her that. Usually she would put on a strong front to not let anyone see her tears. But since she is alone right now, with Tom having left the room, she allows a few drops of tears to fall from her eyes, thinking that maybe she made the wrong choice.

Tom, meanwhile, rushes back to his own house. There, he locks himself in his bedroom and sobs in anguish for more than an hour, before being able to compose himself. Looking into the mirror in the bathroom, he decides that from now on, he will never even think about Jessica again.


Jessica still feels very morose a day after she and Tom broke up. She tells herself that she did the right thing by helping him move on from her. If she wasn't so cruel, he would still have had some false hope. But now he knows where she stands on the issue. Now he can move on to find someone who has real feelings for and isn't just planning to use him for sex. Someone who didn't objectify him and see him as only a toy. A girl who is much better than her is out there, waiting for him to come by, and she isn't going to stand in the way.

Still, she couldn't help but feel like she made the wrong choice in breaking up with him. What was she supposed to do? He asked her if she could ever love him! Could she? Jessica doesn't know that yet. Her heart beats madly when she thinks about him but that doesn't mean anything but itself does it? She had zero experience when it comes to affairs of the heart. None. Tom's the first and only boyfriend she ever had. And now he is no longer hers, because of her own foolishness. She should've thought before saying something to him. Should've asked him to wait or given him some sort of promise.

When her friends arrive, Jessica just snarls at them, making Penny and Gia wince. Liz knows she didn't do a thing and that the anger isn't directed to her like it is to the others, but she is still cowered but her best friend's evident wrath. "How could you two bitches go behind my back like that?" Jessica yells at Gia and Penny, making them flinch as spittle flies out of her pretty mouths. "I told you I was going to deal with him in my own way! You had no fucking business interfering with how I handle it."

Penny is shocked by the turn of events. She expected Jessica to at least be okay with her and Gia taking care of the issue on her behalf, if not grateful. But now she is angry at them? Suddenly, she decides to go on the offense. "What does it even matter anyway? You were going to dump him yourself, so what is wrong with me and Paige doing it for you? Unless you weren't planning to keep your promise to us and wanted to keep dating him. That's it. You actually wanted to keep dating that loser didn't you?"

Jessica loses her shit and yells at her "I did want to keep going out with him and I still do! So go fuck yourself now. Or get one of your boys to do it. Get all the sex you want before someone gives you an STD because you'll definitely get at least one with how many guys you've fucked! As for me, I'll only ever fuck Tom!" She surprises herself by just how fiercely she is defending him now, after what she just did to him the previous day. "Normally I would say sorry after yelling at you, Penny, but I've had it with you now."

Gia looks at her in shock and Liz has a thoughtful expression on her face. She might not be as sexy as the other girls, but Liz is easily the smartest and knows Jessica the best. "You love him, don't you?" Jessica stares at her with a very indignant look on her gorgeous face. "I can tell from the way you have been speaking about him lately. I don't know when or how, but somewhere along the way, you fell for Tom for real. Go for it, Jess. Tell him and beg him to take you back. He would in a heartbeat. Trust me."

Both Penny and Gia stare at the other two girls in shock. Neither of them ever thought that Jessica would be in love with Tom. But then they realize that it is only something Liz said, and Liz, as smart as she is, isn't above occasionally being mistaken. "That's not true, is it? Jessica, please tell me that you aren't actually in love with that nerd," Penny implores. She looks pained by the very thought and isn't even bothering to try and hide it. The blonde doesn't think she will be able to, even if she tried it.

At first Jessica wants to deny it, but the feelings growing inside her heart are far too strong for her to deny. Her face shows it all. The athletic, black haired bombshell tells her friends "I'm in love with him. I just realized it now. I was so stupid before, but the two of you were still wrong to meddle in it. I might have been able to work something out if you didn't mess things up. Now he and I are broken up." She has an angry look on her face and Gia and Penny look away guiltily once they realize what they did.

Penny might not like Tom very much. However, she wants her friend to be happy. Now that she knows Jessica is actually in love with that boy, she will support her pursuit of him. "I'm really sorry, Jessica. I didn't know you're in love with him. If there is anything I can do to help you win him back, I would," she says. Then the girl pauses before continuing "Would you like to use one of my roofies? You could spike his drink, fuck him silly and then talk to him when he's vulnerable. He might forgive you if you make him cum hard enough."

Jessica thinks about it and then shakes her head. "No, I'm not going to drug him," she announces. "I don't need to use a drug to get him into bed. I am much stronger than he is. I can easily force him by myself." Her words make Liz sigh in relief as she tells her to do what she must to get the boy. "Don't worry. I will." The cheerleader then goes to her bedroom where she finds the handcuffs she bought several days ago, stashing it inside her bag as she gets ready to leave her house and head to Tom's


It is now 8:30 PM. Tom is in his bed, already asleep. Unlike his classmates, he prefers to switch the lights off really early. Right now he is dreaming about Jessica, not having a single clue that as he slumbers, she is entering his room. His parents are out of town and she knows, since she's installed a spy app on his phone and got all his messages. That's why she decided to come in at night and is now tying his wrists and ankles with ropes. Once secured, she yanks his pajamas bottoms down and exposes his pretty cock. She smirks, looking at how hard it is. He must be dreaming about her.

Jessica then wraps her fingers around the prick, tugging it gently. With slow deliberate caresses, she manipulates him into full hardness. The girl then applies some of the techniques she has learnt, using her free hand to press up on the area between his balls and ass. This makes him moan in his sleep and she smirks, continuing to give him the handjob. It is making her feel so good to have this much power and be able to do this to him, knowing he doesn't want it. What he wants doesn't matter to her anymore.

She bends down and sucks the tip of his penis into her lips, before sliding the rest of the shaft inside her mouth. Bobbing her head back and forth, she sucks her sleeping Tom off, using her mouth and tongue to stimulate him. The girl blows him and he now starts moaning louder, unconsciously driving his hips up, thrusting into her mouth. The girl keeps on fucking his little dick with her mouth, slobbering all over the place. Her jaws ache, making her pause for a moment before continuing.

Suddenly Tom's eyes flutter open. He blinks rapidly, trying to figure out what is going on and attempting to lift up his limbs. Finding himself bound, all of the drowsiness immediately leaves his eyes and he demands "What are you doing here Jessica? Stop this and untie me right now!" Jessica smirks around his tool and continues sucking his cock, looking up at him arrogantly. "I told you to stop sucking me off and release me!" Still she keeps on giving him a blowjob, ignoring how he is telling her to untie his wrists and ankles. "Please stop, Jessica."

Jessica only stops sucking him off long enough to say "Not gonna do that, hon. Your cock is my property. I can blow it whenever I want to." She then goes right back to sucking it hard, bobbing her head up and down, and forcing him to pump his jizz into her mouth. The girl hungrily devours his seed, feeling it slide down her throat before releasing his prick from her mouth and moving up his body to straddle his thighs. She grabbed his tool, pressing the spongy at the entrance of her slit.

"No, I don't want this," he says to her. "If you have real feelings for me then I would let you, but you don't." Jessica thinks about telling him her feelings but decides she will do that later. Right now she is going to take him when he is saying no, just to show him who is the boss. So Jessica just guides him inside her and sheathes his cock, squeezing him with her pussy like she did before. The girl comes down to rest with her ass on his balls and soon starts moving. She slides her hips up and down, using her cunt to grip him very tightly.

The girl fucks him hard and fast, and soon he is cumming inside her for the second time, this time filling her cunt rather than her mouth. She lets out a cry of victory. "No more," he begs even though his cock is still hard inside her, a fact that she notices. She shakes her head and is slamming herself down on him again in no time. "Stop it, please." Jessica still refuses, continuing to bang Tom. Her large ass slaps against his balls and it only makes him throb more despite starting to hurt now. There is nothing he can do to stop her.

Within ten minutes the boy has a third orgasm. This time he goes soft but she still wants more. Jessica gets up and then crouches over his head, before pissing on his hair and face. Feeling her putrid urine soaking his hair and then landing on his cheeks makes him get extremely hard, even harder than he was before, in fact. She smirks and keeps peeing on Tom's face before moving down and directing her pee on his cock. Then she gets back on his throbbing rod and starts doing him again, even as he struggles madly against his bonds.