Valerie's Wake Up Call

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Your wet fetish makes waking up a pleasure.
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The trip had been exhausting, and you had both passed out shortly after arriving in the hotel room. Something of a disappointment, but a relief at the same time since you wanted to be at your best for your new lover; between the hassle at the airport, and the plane ride you probably wouldn't have been able to come up with much energy anyway.

You awaken blearily and glance at the clock next to the bed, the glowing red digits tell you it's 5:12 AM and the pressure in your bladder is telling you it's time to pee, and then go back to bed.

As you start to rise from bed, he catches you by the shoulder and says "Don't go."

You turn and kiss him deeply, your tongues mingling momentarily. The sense of urgency hits you again and you try to tell him, "I was just -"

"I know." he replies calmly. "Do it for me - right here."

You aren't totally shocked by the request, since he's told you that he enjoys this, but at the same time, you don't know if you can just let go while he watches - after all, you've never done that before - and what about the sheets?

Gently, he positions you on your knees at the edge of the bed, and then he disappears around the corner for a moment. You are surprised when he comes back from the room foyer with the small coffee pot from the automatic coffee maker in the room. He positions himself behind you and gently separates your ass cheeks. You feel his warm breath against your ass and then he begins to massage your pussy with his tongue. He doesn't go for your clit, which surprises you. Rather, he is licking, very slowly all around your outer labia. You feel another moisture begin to build in spite of the sense of urgency, and you try to press your hips against his lips so you can feel his tongue against your inner wetness. As you do this, he moves his face away.

You hear him snap the lid off the coffeepot, and he says "Go ahead, let it go."

You consider telling him that you can't for a moment, but your desire to please him is strong, and you think that once you've finished he can resume his gentle ministrations to your now dripping pussy. You concentrate for a moment, and try to push out, but nothing happens. The urgency is there, but the awkwardness of the situation is causing your brain to override your bodily needs.

"Just relax." he says, and you again feel his warm breath against your moistness. This time he doesn't touch you, but he is so close that you can feel his warmth and the heat of his breath. You close your eyes, and begin to relax. After a moment of this, you begin to feel the tide of your pee building against your inhibitions.

"OK, " you say, "I think I'm ready."

Again, he moves, and positions the coffeepot. You take a deep breath and relax then apply pressure. Nothing. You try again, and again nothing happens. On the third try, you begin to feel the barrier breaking down, and you feel a warm rush as a small squirt escapes you and dribbles into the glass pot. You try again, and are flushed as the dam finally bursts. You can hear your pee hissing as it streams into the pot held by your lover. It seems to go on forever, and you find yourself wondering if that small pot can really hold it all, but you can't stop now. After what seems like several minutes, the river is reduced to a trickle, and then a couple of drops, and then, it's over.

You hear him set the coffeepot on the floor, and it now sounds heavy, substantial. You feel his tongue and mouth, first against your pubum, and then moving upwards towards your dripping pussy as he cleans you thoroughly. You gasp as he continues, and you feel his tongue probing your tight nether bud for the first time. You try to roll onto your side, but he gently holds you in this position, as he savors the flavor of your ass hole. You find your pussy is beginning to heat up again, and after a very short time, you have reached a point that you know all too well.

"Please, put it in," you ask.

He stops, reaches beneath you and catches your stiff nipple in his hand. "Not just yet." he says.

You wonder what is coming next as he crosses the room and opens his suitcase. He returns to the bedside with a small crystal clear bottle of Astroglide, snaps the cap, and squeezes a liberal amount into the palm of his hand. He reaches behind you and you feel the warmth of his hand as he presses the flat of his palm firmly against your gaping and already soaked vulva. He works his hand in a small circle against your crotch, just hard enough to stimulate, but not hard enough to bring your arousal to the higher state that you are craving. When you push your hips back against the hand he retreats just enough that you can't get the stimulation you want.

"No fair!" you protest after several attempts to increase the pressure against your sopping pussy lips.

"Relax, " he says calmly, "I promised you the orgasm of your life and you're going to get it. Just trust me."

You try to put on a pout, but after a moment you open your mouth and gasp as you try once again to increase the pressure against your womanhood.

He kneels behind you and the manipulation of your pussy changes as he shifts his right hand to your buttocks, and begins a gentle massage of your labia with a single finger of his left hand. Gently he pries your cheeks apart as the massage continues, and the finger flits upwards to your asshole - but only for a moment. You give an involuntary sigh, and your rosebud contracts shyly from the momentary contact. You can't see what he's doing, so you close your eyes and try to concentrate on the slow, feather light touch he's applying to every part of your pussy - every part but the one that you know will set you free.

After several minutes of this, you are longing for more sensation and you again try to push your hips towards his hand. This time he doesn't move away, and the pressure is slightly increased. At the same time you feel his lips surrounding your anus, and the tip of his tongue begins to slide gently in and out of that forbidden tunnel. At first you feel yourself tense up, but after several gentle thrusts, the intensity of the stimulation is such that you find yourself pressing against his willing mouth.

Then as suddenly as the stimulation began, he removes his lips, although he continues to stroke and massage your now swollen inner and outer lips. You hear him moving, and think to yourself that he is repositioning himself, perhaps preparing for the final penetration that you're aching for. His right hand returns to your buttocks, and again he separates your ass cheeks and buries his face against your nether regions. As before you feel his lips against your anus, and the tongue begins it's probing work.

Suddenly, you feel a new pressure and a rush of heat as you realize that he has gently injected a mouthful of liquid into your well prepared anus! You lie down to escape this unexpected intrusion, shocked that he would do such a thing. Your conventional side is telling you to stop, but even as you lie down, you feel your ass hole contracting upon itself, and the message it's sending isn't in accord with conventional wisdom.

"Do you trust me?" he asks. You look back at him kneeling beside the bed, and he holds up the coffee pot filled almost to the top with your own piss. It is a deep yellow color, and while you can't smell it, you know from experience that your first pee in the morning can be strong. He lifts this to his lips and takes a deep sip. You watch as his throat muscles contract, and he swallows the mouthful. He shows no sign of revulsion, rather, he looks as if this were the finest of wines, as he savors the flavor. "I want my lover to give me everything she has." he says simply as he places the pot on the floor beside the bed. You can feel the juices running freely between your thighs as you realize that this lover is different in more ways than you ever imagined.

Without answering, you resume your position on your knees at the edge of the bed. This time, you watch to see what he is going to do. He smiles as he deliberately lifts the carafe to his lips one more time. Again he takes a deep draught, but this time, he does not swallow. He separates your ass cheeks with both hands this time, and again you feel the peculiar pressure, and the sudden rush of heat as your own urine is injected deep into your bowels. Again, your inhibitions begin to battle your instincts, but the thought of your lover filling you like this is arousing a deeper passion that you have never experienced before.

You imagine yourself a slave girl in a tale from the Arabian Nights, being taken by a wicked Caliph whose passions are insatiable. You imagine that of all the harem, only you can fill his dark desires, you alone the standard by which all others will be judged. You close your eyes and you can see yourself on your knees - your entire sex exposed to his strong will, as he vents his cruel passions upon your virginal rosebud.

The next two mouthfuls are introduced with a considerably greater ease as your rectum stretches to make room for the volume of liquid being introduced. You look back to see how much is left in the pot, and are surprised to see that it is nearly empty. You wonder if it can actually all have gone into you in so few mouthfuls. Then, just as the next mouthful starts, you feel your bowel spasm, and your anus constricts tight as you struggle to avoid purging yourself in your lovers face! Again, you lie down, fearful this time that you are going to expel right here in the bed - a bad ending to what had been feeling so good just a moment before.

He gently rolls you onto your right side, and tells you to bend your knees. You do this, and he begins massaging your abdomen very gently. In only a moment, the urgency passes, and you feel your pussy throbbing in a manner that means you are only moments from a climax - but before you can squeeze your thighs together and finish what he's begun, he lifts you back on your knees, and repositions himself behind you once again.

"Just two more." he says with a hint of encouragement in his voice.

'Two more and what?' you think to yourself, but now the hunger begins to grow and you spread your knees slightly wider on the bed. There is an intense pressure inside of you, yet you are willing to go just a bit further. Part of you is saying to stop, but another part is pushing you to go beyond anywhere you've ever been before - to let loose all the inhibitions, the conventions, the standards, and dive headlong into the raw physical passion that you know is inside you.

The next mouthful is painful - not too painful, but enough so that you gasp as the last drop is pressed into your rectum. In spite of this, you are aroused like you've never been in your life. The internal pressure is now pushing downwards on the vaginal canal, and the extra stimulation gives you a sense of having something warm and soft filling your vagina to the point of overflowing. You glance back to watch as he takes the last mouthful, and as you do so, you reach between your legs and feel your vulva. It is swollen as it has never been in your life, and as your fingers play over your lips, you realize that it's drooling freely upon the sheets.

He kneels behind you and you prepare yourself for the last mouthful. You feel the surge of pressure, and the warmth, and in a moment, it has ended. You lie down on your stomach, and he rolls you over onto your back. You are filled to bursting; filled with an enema of your own pee, given to you one mouthful at a time by your lover. You spread your legs and he kneels between your thighs, his cock fully erect and ready to complete the violation of your most private taboos.

He holds his cock in one hand, and begins rubbing it in a tight circle directly at the entrance of your drooling tunnel. Then slowly, slower than you could have thought possible, he begins to enter you. You realize that you are tighter than you've ever been in your life. Tighter than the first time you ever let a man inside as a virgin. The pressure in your bowels has clamped your pussy so tight that every millimeter of penetration becomes a sensation of pure ecstasy. You draw short breaths as you are filled and stretched in a way that you never believed possible. At last, you begin to feel him reaching the end of the tunnel - but even now the pressure increases as he continues the slow penetration.

At last the pressure increases to a point that your senses are no longer able to support the intensity of the experience. The orgasm is like a supernova - exploding from a single point of light the fire engulfs first your pussy, and then in a flash consumes your body as spasm after spasm washes over you. Your body becomes electric as your nipples swell to a point where the areola has disappeared into the nipple itself. Every touch, every breath becomes a sensation of total sexuality, centered on, and radiating from your pulsating womanhood.

As the spasms slow and the intensity begins to abate, another pressure begins to build within you even as a cramp begins to wrench your bowels. You moan as your lover withdraws, and you roll onto your side. This time he does not rub your abdomen, and the pressure intensifies. Instead, he positions you on your left side, and holding your left leg straight, he has you bend your right leg upwards. As he does this you feel him spreading your ass cheeks with his face, and again you feel his breath against your anus.

"Just relax." he says. "Don't try to fight it - just let it go."

You wonder if he can really mean what you think he means, but before you can ask you feel his warm lips surrounding your anal opening. He reaches over your side, and gives your right breast a warm and reassuring squeeze. Once again, you feel the tip of his tongue probing, and while you try to stop yourself, the pressure is finally overwhelming your ability to control yourself.

You close your eyes as you take a sharp breath and involuntarily you feel the first expulsion begin. There is no hesitation on your lover's part - again he squeezes your breast reassuringly, he hasn't moved, and you remember his words - "I want my lover to give me everything she has.", and you realize the full extent of his desire.

The pressure is builds and subsides, and with each small expulsion of liquid, your relief intensifies. To your surprise, once the initial edge has passed, you no longer experience the cramps and you feel your lust beginning to build once again. You wonder what has happened to you - what kind of animal are you, to lie here relieving yourself into your lover's mouth while he - he takes pleasure in receiving this gift of bread baked in the ovens that we all know. Again, your lust presses logic and convention aside as another urge, stronger this time, begins to build.

You feel that you are nearing completion of an act that you never would have dreamed possible only hours before. You have given totally of yourself to a lover whose passions are stronger than the winds of the strongest storm, and whose lust stemmed from the Sylvan forests of Pan and the Satyrs.

At last the pressure has built to a point of no return, and you begin push. This time is different. No water this time - rather, you feel your anus open wide and stretch as you disgorge a substantial morsel for your lover. As you feel it sliding out, he squeezes you breast tightly until you feel your anus begin to contract once again. His lips never leave you for a moment and you experience a sudden flush as you feel him swallowing.

For a moment you think you're done, but there are two more treats for your lover before you are certain that it's over. He can sense when you have finished almost as soon as you yourself. He turns quietly, and spoons behind you, his hard cock pressed tightly between your ass cheeks. You are surprised by the lack of smell - you would have expected more - but in fact, all you can smell is the scent of your sex; his body and your body, sweat, and your own juices.

He reaches to the bed stand and opens the bottle of lubricant. "Now that you're clean.", he whispers in your ear.

You feel the warm lubricant being worked between your cheeks and then you feel his cock against your now sensitized anus. The sensation is different from every other time you've tried this particular pleasure. You feel him entering; slowly, gently, no pain. You feel your pussy empty now, knowing that just minutes before it had been fuller than at any time in your life. You reach between your legs and begin to massage your clit as his cock begins sliding in and out of your ass hole. The sensations begin to build and you feel your own lubrication mixing with, and rapidly supplanting the Astroglide. Thrusting deeper, your lover begins to speed the pace and you feel yourself being rapidly filled and emptied in succession as he cups your breast in his hand and starts playing with your nipple.

Your own hand is playing rapidly over your clit, and your lust has risen to the full as you throw yourself once more into the animal passion that leads only to pleasure. Suddenly, your lover stiffens behind you and moans as you feel his hot cum shooting deep into your bowels. He is fully engulfed, and his throbbing balls are pressed tightly against the entrance to this darker realm. The cum seems to go on forever, and as you feel his own heat filling you, you’re your own passion explodes, and you feel your ass hole contracting around his dick as wave upon wave of orgasmic pleasure racks your body.

Slowly, almost shyly, he withdraws from you and again he spoons next to you. He kisses you gently on the neck, pulls the covers over both of you, and together you drift off to a blissful sleep. You wonder, as you fall into Morpheus arms, that this man has actually fulfilled his promise. It was the best orgasm of your life … there is a tinge of sadness to the thought that you had to live this long to realize how much passion exists within you. Your only hope is that before the weekend is over you will have an opportunity to do it all again - now that you are beginning to have some ideas of your own!

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AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
awesome story

Loved reading this story. I have fantasized about doing something very similar to this. Would love to have it happen. The closest I've gotten, though, is to have my lover fart in my mouth. No taste, no smell, just the sound when it happens.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago

Best story yet, the specific and prolonged story gave an atmosphere about it, that i couldnt quite put my finger on, It was great!

AfroerotiKAfroerotiKover 19 years ago

Excellent story with vivid details and believable plot. I would have preferred if it was written in the third person as I find first person narrative a little akward. Personally, I would have loved the story even more if there were a little less metaphore and more graphic words. If one were to truly find themselves in a sexual situation where he or she was being pushed past their sexual boundaries, the shock of the "vulgar" terms would only add to the level of arousal.

garyharygaryharyover 19 years ago
more more

great story. don't normally read these but this was great.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago

what an amazing story!! filled with love and passion. boy has that given me a few ideas! the story sounded like it had a ring of truth? excellent well done

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago

a well writen act of compleate sexual fulfillment!! how i would love to find ayoung woman to fulfill this act for me!


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