Vampire Seduction Ch. 02


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Disgust rolled through her, and she turned away, lightly jogging up the stairs.

"Slut," he shouted. "You're just like her. Letting them use you any way they want for the feel of them plugging your pussy."

Kate ignored him, long used to his slurs. She thanked God almost everyday that she was like her mother and not the useless lump sitting on the sofa.

She stood beneath the shower that night for what seemed an age, letting the tears flow as warm water streamed down over her curves. Eventually the confused turmoil pushed to the back of her mind as slowly her body relaxed beneath the pounding water.

She slowly soaped her body with a lavender bar, her hands gliding over her slick skin. She hesitated as her hands caressed her soft breasts, the rosy buds taut and aching. Her lips parted as she remembered the feel of his hands and mouth on her, nibbling and toying with her tender flesh. "Stop it," she ordered, turning off the taps abruptly. She had been a virgin for eighteen years. It was unlikely that she would die from unrequited lust after a handful of nights celibacy.

She reached for her towel and quickly dried herself off before tugging on her panties and pyjama top that reached mid thigh. She crawled into bed with a sigh. She wiggled until she was comfortable, and lay gazing up into darkness. She knew it was going to be a long, mostly sleepless night.

She must have eventually fallen asleep, because she woke with a start. Blinding light hit her eyes as she struggled with the bulky weight holding down her shoulders and thighs. The feel of cool air on her breasts made her gaze down quickly, and her eyes widened at the sight of her pajama top peeled back. Her breasts with their rosy tips were exposed to the light and her father's gaze. Four tiny bruises surrounding her jutting nipple and the puncture marks over her heart were clear for him to see.

"Beth," he mumbled. She struggled beneath him as his hand closed over her bare breast, squeezing almost painfully. "Why did you leave me for him? You know he will only use and hurt you."

"Get off of me!" Kate cried, pushing at his hands, but her father was deaf to her cries. A glazed, unfocused look filled his eyes as he gazed down at her. "It's me, Kate," she panted, trying to cover herself with one hand while she gripped his wrist with the other.

Shock held her frozen when she realised he was tugging at her flimsy panties, yanking them down her thighs. Her nails scraped down his arms as she tried to force him off of her. His thick legs straddled hers like tree trunks, preventing her from kicking him as his hand wedged between her thighs.

"I won't let you leave me this time, Beth. I'll remind you what it can be like between us."

Tears pressed against her eyes as he cupped her mound roughly. "Luc!" she cried. "Lucien!"

The breath caught in her throat as cold air rushed up over her skin, leaving tiny icicles in its wake as a menacing growl filled the room. The light bulb shattered, and thin shards of glass sliced her father's arm.

She heard her father grunt as his bulky weight was wrenched off of her. Moonlight filtered in through the open windows, casting a shadow over the towering figure standing over her father.

Her father was lifted off the ground, held aloft by the hand wrapped around his throat. The blood drained from her face as a flicker of light fell across Luc's face. Her father was a large man, yet Luc didn't even seem to strain as he dangled her father out before him.

She wrapped her pajama top over her breasts as she struggled to her feet. "Luc!" Slowly his head turned toward her, the expression on his face sending a tremor of fear racing through her. "Please put him down," she whispered through numb lips.

Luc's gaze locked with hers as his fingers flexed around her father's throat. "He has hurt you, Katalina. For that he must pay."

The breath caught in her throat at the look of death in his eyes. "Please don't hurt him," she whispered, never taking her eyes from his.

It was as though the blinkers were stripped from her eyes, and she was seeing Luc for the first time. His cold, terrifying beauty and sensuality washed over her, almost bringing Kate to her knees. Black hair fell to his shoulders and framed a face that seemed carved from moonlight ivory that, in that moment, was leeched of all humanity. The preconceptions and beliefs she had grown up with were blown away in those moments. Vampires were not mythical creatures of horror stories and films. They were real flesh and blood.

"You would plead for his life, after what he has done to you?"

Kate squeezed her eyes shut, before slowly opening them. "He's my father..."

Luc seemed to be fighting an internal war for control. Her father kicked uselessly, his face turning a deep shade of red as his fingers grappled with Luc's. Panic shot through Kate as she saw the silent pleading in her father's gaze.

"Please, Luc, I'll do anything. Just don't hurt him."

He seemed to consider her words for what seemed an eternity, his gaze pinning her where she stood, her arms wrapped around her body. "You will come with me, now?"

"Yes," she cried swiftly, uncaring of what she agreed to so long as Luc released him. Her father's struggles had weakened, the fight seeming to have left him. "Yes," she said again, more softly this time.

The silence stretched. Finally Luc nodded, and released her father with deliberate slowness. "So be it."

Her father crumbled to the ground at his feet, his fingers grasping at his throat as he lay on his back, the breath wheezing into his lungs.

As Luc strode toward her intently, Kate had only a few moments to contemplate her fate. Had she saved her father's life, only to forfeit her own?

Kate didn't struggle as Luc's hands slid up her arms, drawing her firmly up against him as his head lowered. A tremour raced through her as his lips settled over the side of her neck. His tongue traced the twin puncture marks, rasping over her skin. She felt the wounds reopen, felt the blood flow.

The world seemed to tilt and blur before her eyes as she gazed unsteadily around her. "What's happening?" she breathed as her room seemed to melt away. Light and colour melded, changed, and dizziness raced through her.

"Shh," he murmured. "Just relax and let it happen."

Her fingers clutched Luc's shoulders as she gazed about her new surroundings came into startling focus. She stood in large, circular chamber of grey stone walls, like something out of medieval times. An enormous bed with rich, vibrant silk throws in burgundies, blacks, chocolates and golds, rested at its heart.

Luc's tongue licked her, drawing her attention back to him as he savoured the taste of her. Her head tilted of its own accord as dark pleasure washed over her.

A frown marred her forehead as she spied the cut on his hand where he held her upper arm. "You're bleading." The glass from the light bulb must have cut him too. Without thought, she lifted his hand to her mouth. Her tongue darted out, gently licking the tiny cut, feeling the sharp tanginess of his blood slide over her tongue. Intrigued, her lips closed over his skin, and she lightly sucked on the tiny cut, feeling a heady sensation wash over her.

Luc's head reared back, turbulent heat blazing deep in the depths of those wicked green eyes.

She dropped his hand, stumbling back. "I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that."

"Don't you?" he asked her seriously. Shaming moisture trickled between her thighs.

His hand lifted, sliding along her jaw to tangle in her mane, winding the silkiness around his fingers.

"I'm not like you," she protested. "I'm not a vampire."

"You're kind are more like mine than you know. Blood is power. From it we draw our strength."

"My kind?" Her legs felt weak, as though an unimaginable weight was bearing down on her.

"My kind have been attracted to your kind for centuries. Your blood sings for us, like the sweetest wine, the richest chocolate."

She shook her head, but he continued regardless.

"The intermingling of blood and race and the persecution of witches has diminished many of the powerful blood lines. But some continue undiminished through the centuries, passing down from mother to daughter."

"W-what has that got to do with me? You think I am some kind witch?"

Luc nodded, his green eyes watchful.

"You're crazy," she muttered, pushing his hand away and stepping back out of his reach.

"Denial won't change it, Katalina."

Her lashes fluttered close, hiding her violet eyes from his all seeing gaze as she struggled to comprehend what he was telling her. Vampires and witches.

"I need to be alone." Kate sensed rather than felt him move. She took a deep breath, prepared to do battle. But when she opened her eyes, he was gone.

She wandered aimlessly about the chamber, running her hand over the smooth stone of one of the many columns that rose to a vaulted ceiling. Frowning, she turned in a slow circle. The room was bare except for the wickedly suggestive bed, revealing no secrets of its owner. Her frustration mounted. Who are you?

She sat down on the edge bed as exhaustion washed over her. A glance at her watch revealed that it had stopped at 3:02 am. "Great," she muttered, falling back on the bed with her arms widespread. She gazed unseeingly at the ceiling. Vampires and witches and travelling distances in the blink of an eye. It was all too incredible.

What had she gotten herself into? She rubbed her eyes as questions churned through her mind. However, one burning question overrode the rest.

Was she prisoner or guest?


Kate felt soft and warm as fingers coaxed the tingling nub between her thighs to life. Her thighs trembled as they were eased further apart, her hips arching as a finger stole up deep inside. The blood raced through her as a tongue lashed out, swirling around her nub, and her nipples ached for similar attention.

Tension twisted between her thighs, coiling tighter and tighter as the tongue delved between her melting folds, seeking out and capturing every last drop of moisture. She panted and writhed as she was held open to the exploring hands and mouth that tormented her.

Her whole body arched and tensed as eddies of ecstasy washed through her. Light flickered behind her closed eyelids as the tongue pushed up inside of her tight channel. The tension between her thighs shattered into a million pieces and she cried out.

She lay limp on the bed, panting. Slowly she became aware of the intent green eyes watching her, and she blushed. Her hands covering her breasts as she struggled to close her thighs against him.

He planted his hands on either side of her hips as he climbed up over her where she lay sprawled on the bed before him. Her gaze dropped to the long, hard flesh rising from the nest of black curls between his thighs before flicking away. "No," she whispered.

"It is a little late to say no, Katalina. Your body cannot lie."

Luc's head lowered, his tongue tracing the valley between her breasts. She felt weak, flooded with pleasure, yet the thought of being a witch rushed to the forefront of her mind. She pushed urgently at his shoulders and he shifted his weight, laying alongside of her with his head propped on his hand.

She scrambled off the bed, knowing that she did so only because he allowed her. She felt his gaze lick over her thighs and bottom unprotected by the long fall of her mane spilling down her back. Heat stole up her cheeks as she bent to retrieve a silk throw as modestly as she could without exposing too much of the glistening pink flesh peeking between her thighs. She wrapped it protectively around her and tucked the end between her breasts before she turned to face him.

His lips curved as his eyes rose to lock with hers. "Your shyness is redundant, Katalina. I have touched and tasted every inch of your delightful little body." He rose from the bed with a grace that took her breath away, and her disobedient eyes skated down over the finely muscled length of him. Her lips parted as they came to rest upon the intimidating length of him rising from between his thighs.

She backed away as he strode toward her, feeling exposed beneath his intent green eyes. She bumped against the cool stone wall, and palms planted against the wall on either side of her shoulders. She knew that the moment he touched her that she would be lost. The thought both excited and frightened her.

His lips captured hers in a tender kiss, and she moaned as she tasted herself on him. She pushed against Luc's shoulders even as her mouth succumbed to his. Kate kissed him back, her tongue tangling with his.

Her wrists were captured and pinned against the wall with one hand. Two fingers slipped down between the valley of her breasts and tugged on her makeshift sarong. Pleading violet eyes met amused green ones. The silk slipped, revealing a creamy breast with its taut rosy crown to his interested gaze. Heat stole up her cheeks.

He tugged on the silk until it parted with a soft sigh, floating to the ground at their feet. Fingers trailed down over her breasts, casually flicking her taut nipples before sliding lower. Tingles raced over her skin as fingers splayed over her belly.

Fear and desire swirling in her violet depths as the tips of his fingers caressed the silky skin just above her golden thatch. "Are you ready for me, little one?"

Luc's hand slipped playfully lower, sliding down to cup an inner thigh. A whimper escaped her as his thumb skated over her pouting pink lips, her lashes fluttering close.

Lips pressed against her smooth shoulder as his fingers explored the dewy folds. His tongue traced whorls over the side of her neck, and she felt her body go lax at the inevitability of his sensual bite.

"Here?" he murmured as he gently nibbled on the sensitive flesh. Some devil made her shake her head, and he chuckled. Her lips parted on an uneven gasp as a finger lazily circled the sensitive nub nestled between her thighs.

The hand pinning hers against the wall glided down her arm, tickling the side of her breast before coming to rest a tantalising inch beneath its creamy swell. Luc's mouth leisurely trailed down over her collarbone, tormenting her with the knowledge of what was to come. His seductive mouth closed over a straining nipple, drawing it between his lips. He sucked exquisitely on the tight bud, sending quivers shooting between her thighs and drawing a whimpering cry from her.

"Here, then?" he enquired, releasing the glistening tip and capturing its neglected mate. The gentle pulling sensation of his mouth tugged at her secret place, and her hands spread over the stone wall as she struggled to keep her hands from reaching out and exploring that part of him that so intrigued her. She would not give in...

She moaned as his teeth sunk into the tender flesh surrounding her nipple the same moment as a finger thrust up inside of her. The pain soon melded with the pleasure as her whole body arched against him, her fingers sinking into his black mane. She felt him harden impossibly against her thigh as he drew on her blood, and her body throbbed around the invading digit, wanting, needing more.

"Luc," she moaned as fire coursed through her veins. Her melting channel pulsed as another finger thrust up inside of her as his mouth suckled her tender nipple. Everything but the feel of his mouth on her and his fingers working between her thighs was lost to her as she bucked and writhed against him. She cried out as the intensity of her orgasm consumed her, feeling her vision dim around the edges as wave upon wave of pleasure lapped at her.

She had barely caught her breath before she felt herself lifted over his shoulder. His fingers splayed possessively over her bottom as the world spun dizzily.

Gently he eased her down onto her back on the bed, and her thighs parted of their own accord as he moved over her. His thighs settling between hers forcing them even wider as his body lowered to hers.

Her hair lay like golden ribbons about her as she gazed up at him with heavy eyes, and the intensity of his expression took her breath away. A dark fire consumed those mesmerising eyes as he gazed silently down at her for eons, before slowly he lowered his head.

Her hands smoothed up over his hips and back as his mouth closed over hers. Some part of her knew she should be shocked at the taste her own blood on his mouth, but she was beyond caring as her lips parted beneath his.

Kate felt him probing at her dewy gate, seeking admittance, and she moaned. All resistance had fled as he eased his thick, hard length up inside of her with devastating slowness. She arched, straining to take all of him in as he surged deeper, inch by inch, forcing her tight walls to yield to his possession as he sunk to the hilt in her molten heat.

Her nails dug into his shoulders as she adjusted to the fullness of him stretching her, her breath coming in tiny pants as she gazed up at him. Soft whimpers escaped her as he slowly began to move inside of her with long, powerful thrusts. Her long legs wrapped around him as she clung to him, her body rising to meet his.

Blood thrummed through her veins as her moved above and inside of her. He took her with slow possession, so different from when he had seduced her of her virginity. Her nails sunk into his bottom, urging him on, needing the urgent frenzy to drive away all the confusion and doubts.

His harsh breathing stirred the damp tendrils clinging to her skin as he rocked inside of her with a gentleness that bordered on torture. The exquisite friction of him thrusting deep inside of her driving her slowly insane. .

She whimpered in frustration as the tension between her thighs never abated as he surged between them. "Luc," she groaned, and he chuckled against her ear as slowly he worked himself in her honeyed channel.

She thumped her fists against his shoulders, yet still he took her at a leisurely pace. "Bastard," she moaned, urging him over onto his back as she rose up over him.

She straddled him, her hair spilling over her shoulders, her violet eyes dark with desire as she gazed down at him. She brushed back her mane, shaking her head and letting the ends caress his thighs. His eyes were drawn to the twin handfuls that carried his marks as they jiggled tantalisingly before him.

The breath shuddered from his lungs as she began to move on him with more enthusiasm than skill. "Katalina," he groaned, his control undone by the innocent virago that was intent on riding him to her pleasure.

Luc's hands gripped her hips, guiding her as she took him deep inside of her with growing confidence. Her young body clenching down tightly on his thick length as she circled her hips, drawing moans from both of them. His hands slid higher, up over her glistening body to capture her tender breasts, pinching and rolling the rosy tips as she lifted and ground herself against him.

Her nails raked down his chest as she quivered on top of him, her head thrown back, her breath coming in short, uneven pants. Pleasure fluttered between her thighs, fanning out in waves of growing intensity as he toyed with her breasts.

Her lips parted on a silent scream as her tight walls clenched around him as she rippled and shuddered as she lost herself in dark pleasure.

Luc's control snapped, and gripping her hips he rolled her beneath him. With barely a hesitation he drove himself into her with fierce thrusts, his teeth sinking into her neck.

Her nails scoured his back, drawing blood as his hips slammed against hers. He threw his head back with a cry as he spilled deep into her molten heat with jerking thrusts, unable to hold out against the force of her climax.

He collapsed against her, his tongue licking at her tiny neck wound as slowly their breathing eased. He rolled onto his side, taking her with him, his arms wrapped possessively around her. She lay in the circle of his arms, her sweet face resting against his arm as sleep stole over her. His hand stroked through her golden mane, letting its silkiness feather over his fingers. "I will never let you go, Katalina," he murmured, pressing a kiss against her forehead. Kate never stirred.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Rough Sex

Oh My I Almost Felt The Thrusts From Him That's How Powerful It Was

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I love your stories and you are very creative! However, why does every woman get referred to as "little one"? It was hot in the first story but after it seems over used.

neekyneek013neekyneek013almost 13 years ago

Thank you for this series. I love "AWE MAN" is coming as I see there is only one more chapter left to read. :) I will be checking in frequently to check for a new arrival :D Thanks again.

JustPlainMerrieJustPlainMerrieover 16 years ago
Longing for Luc

Oh my God... if there were ever a Vampire I wanted more... Thanks for all the fun ;) PLEASE add more to this series... I don't want LUC to go away just yet!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Very hot, Im glad to hgave found an erotic story that was written by somebody with talent! Luc is so sexy! Can't wait to read more!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

It's all I can say just plain perfect. I love it and it's not only hot and sexy but also exciting and wow. Just wow. I love it and I love you for writing it. You have great talent!

windstormywindstormyalmost 19 years ago
Another Deep Groan...

Oh, you must send Lucian my way. Please... I love this guy from the first chapter already. I could get used to him tormenting me so. Would cower at the sight of him, I'm sure. But he would have me melting, completely given to him.

Anyway, this is an excellent story you have going. I hope you keep it going for a long while. Why not? Just make a full length book out of it. I'd read it. Drooling every minute of reading it. But that would be fun too.

auntchelauntchelabout 19 years ago

This was excellent. I was completely captivated by the characters and the plot. Powerful imagery, very hot.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
I enjoyed it!

Great story! Keep writing!

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