Vanessa's New Life Ch. 08


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As Jon paid the man asked if we wanted a bag for the plug, but Jon said,

"No," and unwrapped it.

He then gave it to me and said,

"Put that in your hole."

I took it from him and licked the end so that it wouldn't be too painful then opened my legs, reached down and under the micro skirt and pushed it in. As I was doing that I was looking at the man's face. It was a picture of surprise and pleasure. I guess that no one had done that in his shop before. Jon picked-up his change said,

"Thank you" and we left.

The butt plug wasn't small and it was a bit painful as I walked. I was sure that if (when) my skirt blew-up again whoever was looking would be able to see the end of the plug. We went into the mall and went to a different shop that sold clothes. As we looked at the clothes the young sales girl took something off a rack and went to the changing rooms. They were 2 curtained off cubicles at one end of the shop which was empty apart from her, Jon and me.

When she went into a cubicle I noticed that she only half closed the curtain. She then started taking off her jeans and top. I'm sure that she knew that Jon and me was watching her but she just ignored us. Next came her bra, which left her in just her knickers. As she pulled the dress over her head she turned to face us and we got a good view of her big breasts. I saw lots of black pubic hair sticking out of the sides of her white knickers. As the dress came down she turned and looked at herself in the mirror.

After checking to see that the dress fitted and looked okay she took it off and put her top and jeans back on. She left the bra off and was holding it and the dress when she walked passed us to the sales counter.

Jon said, "right, it's our turn to give a show, find a tight dress then come back to me."

When I got back to Jon he had a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt in his hand. He motioned for me to go over to the changing cubicles and as we walked over he whispered

"Don't touch the curtains, and take your time."

We each went into a cubicle and I didn't hear a curtain close so I knew that Jon didn't close his either. It only took me seconds to take my top and little skirt off and I stood there naked facing the shop and taking my time undoing the buttons on the dress. The girl was looking at us but I'm not sure if it was me or Jon. Just then I heard the shop doorbell and another girl came in and walked over to the sales girl talking to her in Spanish. The sales girls said something and the second girl stopped talking when she looked over at us. They both stood in silence as the watched either Jon or me (or both) as I put the dress on.

When I'd fastened it I walked out and turned to Jon. He was naked and struggling to pull on the jeans which were obviously too small. He had a semi erection. I said,

"that's nice, but the jeans are too small, shall I get you a bigger pair?"

"No" he said,

"I've decided that I don't like them anyway"

and started to take them off. I went next door and took the dress off. Just as I was pulling my top on Jon appeared in front of me and said,

"come on, let's go."

He grabbed the dress and I followed him over to the sales counter wrapping the little skirt round me as I went. At the counter Jon put the clothes on the counter and said,

"thank you, but no thank you" and we left.

The girls just watched us as we walked out in silence.

From there we went to a café and had some food and a drink before wandering back towards the car. To get there we had to pass the area where there are lots of pubs. By the time we got there it was about 10 o'clock and there were a few young people around. Two couples who looked about 18 had obviously started drinking very early because they were totally pissed. They were having trouble standing up and kept falling over. Each time the girls fell over they gave everyone around a good look up their mini skirts.

At first I thought that they weren't wearing knickers but then I got a good look at a black thong on one of them. As we got closer one of the girls tripped over right in front of me. She ended up on her back right at my feet. We stopped and Jon bent down to help her up. She was staring right up Jon's T-shirt and giggling. As he pulled her to her feet she was trying to say something, but couldn't get further than

"you haven't got."

Jon wasn't interested and we stepped round her and left.

Back at the Hotel we went to the bar and had another drink before going to bed.

Wednesday - Jon got me up early and sent me to get some fresh bread for breakfast. I decided to go to a different supermarket and had a bit of fun bending over and squatting down. There were a couple of English lads about 10 or 11 years old in there with their parents. Once they'd seen me bend over they followed me until I left.

Jon seemed to be in a bit of a rush over breakfast and as soon as we had finished he said,

"Right, sarong only on (big one), not even shoes and let's go."

Within a couple of minutes we were walking to the car and then driving up the coast. We drove for about 30 minutes until Jon turned off the main road and down a dirt track. He appeared to know where he was going and after a few turns we came to a gate with a sign that said 'Miguel's Ponies'. I could see the sea so I had visions of riding a horse along a deserted beach. It wasn't to be - well not as how it was in my daydreams. We parked the car and walked through a little gate into a courtyard.

I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't to see lot's of stables with 3 naked girls cleaning them out. Nor was it to see one naked young girl hanging spread-eagle by her wrists from a frame about 10 feet high in the middle of the courtyard. I just stood there and took it all in (none of the girls had any pubic hair) while Jon introduced us to Miguel.

As soon as the formalities were over Jon said,

"Vanessa give me the sarong. For the next 2 days you are going to be a 'Pony Girl'. You will live the life of a pony and a slave who looks after ponies. You will do exactly what Miguel says. Any deviation from that will result in you being strung-up and punished like that slave. She's been hanging there for 2 hours waiting for you to arrive so that you can witness what happens when the slaves don't do at they are told."

With than Miguel said, "Come."

We walked over to the girl who was to be punished, me talking the sarong off as we walked.

The girl didn't look up when we stood in front of her. She was sweating and shaking a bit. It looked like she knew what was coming. Miguel shouted something in Spanish and the 3 girls stopped what they were doing and ran over. They stood in a line near us and when Miguel shouted something else they got on their knees with their knees about a foot apart and lay back and supported the body weight on their hands that were on the floor behind their feet. That's the position that I have to get in when Jon says 'assume the position'. I whispered to Jon that I was going to have a problem with the Spanish and Jon whispered back

"Don't worry, Miguel knows that you don't speak Spanish, he'll talk to you in English."

Miguel must have heard me or Jon because he looked at me and said,

"Slave, don't speak unless spoken to or you will be punished. Get in-line with the other slaves."

I wasn't going to argue and jumped into line and down into the position. It was then that I realised that my pussy was getting wet.

In deadly silence Miguel took his jacket off and proceeded to give the girl a thrashing with the riding crop that he was holding, all over her back and butt. To start off with the silence was only broken by the noise of the crop flying through the air and then landing but after about 5 strokes the girl started crying and yelping as each stroke landed. I counted 50 strokes before Miguel stopped. The girl was sobbing her heart out. I half expected the punishment to stop there and in a way it did. Miguel went away and came back with a hosepipe with water running out of it.

He stood behind the girl and let it run down her back for a couple of minutes before he forced the end up the girls ass. She screamed as he forced it in and was really whimpering until he pulled it out about 10 seconds later. The water rushed out of her and so did little lumps of shit. Miguel forced it in again and the same thing happened when he pulled it out. The third time wasn't in her ass but in her pussy. When Miguel pulled it out she tried to hold it but after a couple of seconds out it came like a jet from a squeezed hosepipe. Miguel only did that twice before he threw the hose on the floor and cut the girl down.

She collapsed on the floor still crying. Miguel said (in English)

"Perhaps that will teach you to keep yourself clean. Clean up the mess on the floor then muck-out stable 2."

The girl stood up and started hosing her own shit away while Miguel turned to us 4 girls. I hadn't dare move, neither had the other 3. He said something to them in Spanish and the got up and ran off. I started to get up to follow them but Miguel said,

"Stay!" and walked off.

A few minutes later the 3 girls came back with 5 horses. They just stood there until Miguel came back and told all 5 of us girls to mount up.

I had never been on a horse before and had a lot of trouble getting on. When I was half on I saw that there was a dildo about 2 inches in diameter and about 3 inches long sticking up from the middle of the saddle. I looked over to one of the other girls who was just getting on and she was slowly lowering herself onto her dildo so I did the same. As the horses walked out of the yard I was nervous about being on the horse but at the same time I was enjoying the experience. 'So this is what a Pony Girl does' I thought. I could get used to a life like that.

If only I'd known.

We walked out into some barren fields where the horses started trotting. I didn't know how to ride and I'm sure that I was going up and down at the wrong time but I was enjoying being fucked by that dildo. I came twice before the horses slowed to a walk before we all went in a convoy along some dirt tracks. Two of the girls had big breasts and they were really bouncing about when the horses were trotting. It looked painful and I was glad that mine are small.

Twice we had to stop as a car came the other way. In one was a middle-aged couple and the other just had an old man in it. None of them looked at all surprised to see 5 naked girls on horseback, but the 2 young(ish) men that were mending a stonewall at the side of the track were. They were laughing and joking in Spanish as we walked by. None of the girls even looked at them, they just sat there staring at the back of the girl in front.

We eventually came to a deserted little beach and when Miguel dismounted we did too. The girls seemed to know what was to do and they went to Miguel and started undressing him. To get his riding boots off he sat on the beach and lifted one leg. One of the girls stepped over it and when she had grabbed his boot he pushed her backside with the other foot. When that one came off another girl stepped over his other leg and did the same. When he was naked I watched him walk into the water, his little dick just peeking out of the large mass of black pubic hair. We all stood quietly as Miguel swam around for a few minutes then came back to us. Two of the girls went to get the horses and the other 2 started to dress Miguel. I helped them.

The ride back to the stables was just as uneventful apart from the bouncing up and down as we trotted over the field. Back at the stables I was told to help the girls take the saddles off the horses, I tried to talk to some of the girls to find out which ones spoke English and then to try to find out what else went on there. All I could get out of any of them was a whisper "Don't talk, just do what you are told."

When we went out of the stables into the courtyard there were about two dozen smartly dressed people there including Jon. He must have borrowed the clothes because we didn't bring them with us. Us girls had to line-up along one wall while Miguel explained, first in Spanish, then in English that this was where the Pony Girl races would start. He called each of us out in turn and had us parade up and down in front of the people. While all this was going on there was money changing hands and I guessed that the people were putting bets of some sort on us.

At that time I thought that we were going to have some sort of nude school athletics day and I wasn't prepared for what happened next. We all went out to a field that had a little track round it. It must have been about 200 yards long, similar to a school sports field. What was different was that there were 2 single seater 'carts' in one corner. Two of the girls were led over to them and I watched as Miguel strapped a big leather belt round their waists. He then put a leather 'Bridle and Reins' over their heads. This was made of a metal 'bit' in their mouths with leather straps that held it firm on their heads. The reins came out from near each ear and were about 6 feet long. He then tied their hands together behind their backs before leading them in between two long poles that came out of the front of the carts that had hooks for the rings on the big waist belts. As they were being hooked up I realised what was going to happen.

Two people were selected from the audience and they climbed into the carts. The girls weren't finding it easy but they pulled the carts to the starting line and when Miguel fired some sort of gun the race started. The 2 people in the carts were pulling the reins and shouting at the girls to get them to go faster. When they got to the finish one of them was slightly in front of the other. They were both panting and sweating like mad. The belts and bridles were moved to another girl and me. It was real hard work but I managed to just beat the other girl. When I was un-strapped I saw that one of the girls who went first was getting a drink from a water trough so I went over and did the same. It tasted funny and looked a bit dirty, but I needed that drink.

By the end of the 'event' each girl had raced against each of the others. I had won 2 and lost 2 but there was a winner, one of the girls with big breasts. I wasn't surprised that she had won as she was bigger than all the others and she looked fitter. No flab. The winner and the girls who lost all her races were then hitched up again to have another race. This seemed little unfair until I saw that 2 people climbed into the winners cart and squeezed into the one seat. What also made me glad that I wasn't one of the girls was the fact that all 3 riders had whips.

When the gun went off both girls had trouble getting going until the whips started landing. As they got round the circuit and back towards us I could see lots of red marks round both girls backs, some of them even wrapped round to their stomachs. The big girl also had some on her breasts. The smaller girl won by about 5 yards, much to the delight of most of the people watching. I could see money changing hands in the group of onlookers but it wasn't long before the 2 girls who had been racing were unattached from the carts and all 5 of us were told to return to the stables.

When we got there leather 'Bridle and Reins' were put on all our heads and all our wrists were tired behind our backs. The end of the 'Reins' were then tied to hooks around the inside of one of the stables and we were left there.

There were 3 buckets in the middle of the stable and we could all just get over to them. One of the buckets had some food in it; it looked a bit like leftovers that had been all mashed up. The second bucket had water in it and the third one was empty. It wasn't long before I realised what the third bucket was for, one of the girls went over to it, squatted down onto it and had a shit.

I tried to talk to the other girls, but all that came out was a garbled mess. A couple of the girls went and stuck their heads into the food and water buckets and I had some water but I didn't like the look of the food. It wasn't long before we all settled down in the straw and tried to get some sleep. I must have managed to get some because the next thing that I knew was when I woke-up in the dark listening to one of the girls having a pee into the bucket.

A bit later a man that I'd never seen before came in and switched the light on. He had a riding crop with him and he woke-up 2 of the girls who were still asleep by giving them a crack across their backsides. As he walked round the stable he had a good look and grope at each of us. One of his fingers went inside my pussy but he moved on quickly. After he had gone round all of us he went back to a Spanish looking girl with long black hair. He made her stand-up then bend over before he dropped his trousers and fucked her from behind. The girl didn't offer any resistance, in fact she was obviously enjoying it. A moan of pleasure sounds the same even through the Bit of her Bridle.

When he had finished he untied us all (hands and from the wall), lead us outside and lined us up against a wall. He gave us a bar of soap each then turned a hosepipe on us. The air temperature was reasonably warm but the water temperature wasn't. I had goose bumps all over and you should have seen the size of my nipples.

After the 'shower' we were all led into the big house and into a small room where our 'Bridles' were taken off. We were then told that we were to be the 'entertainment' of the Masters guests that night. There would be a mini 'Olympic games' and each of us had to do our best to win. If the Master didn't think that we were trying hard enough then we would be punished. The man then got out a tin of paint and painted a number on each of our chests and backs. I was number 4.

We all sat around for about an hour before the man came back in to us. I tried to talk to some of the other girls, but none of them wanted to talk. Three of them just ignored me while the fourth just said,

"No talking."

The man told us that the first game was a simple race. He told us that when we got out into the main room we had to line up and then race to the other side of the room and back. I was reasonably happy until he told us that we would be going one at a time and that we had to carry each of the other girls one at a time, on our backs. Out in the room I had a good look round as we lined up. It was a big room, something like 40 feet across. One end was completely empty and at the other end was about 20 people sat round tables with lots of food on them. They were all talking to each other and obviously quite happy. I could just see Jon, he was on a table at the back of the room talking to someone that I had seen earlier in the day.

It wasn't long before the girl with number 1 painted on had to start. Girl number 2 jumped on her back and she grabbed number 2's legs and started running. When she turned to come back, her breasts were bouncing up and down. She was out of breath by the time she let girl 2 down and girl 3 got on. When it came to me getting on her naked back she was covered in sweat and had trouble keeping me on her. Before she managed to get half way across the room she collapsed with me landing on top of her. We got up and walked back to the wall with lots of the audience booing her.

Girl 2 started and managed to get all of us to the other side and back but she had the advantage of being the biggest of us all. She carried us with her arms holding our legs to her sides but instead of then holding her hands in front of her she held them behind her. This meant that as we were bouncing across the room my pussy was bouncing down onto her hands.

Girl 3 only managed to get me both ways and girl 5 three quarters of the way before collapsing. Then it was my turn, I'd decided that I was really going to try hard. It wasn't that I was afraid of the beating if I didn't do well, I would probably have enjoyed it, it was that I wanted Jon to be proud of me. Getting girl 5 both ways was easy, she was the smallest of the girls. Girl 1 was heavier and I managed her too, but by the time I got her back I was sweaty and slippery. I knew I'd have problems with girl 2 and I was right. When she jumped on my back I nearly went down but managed to get half way before my legs gave way.