Victorian Vices Updated (2021)


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"Karen, she's the taller one, will take it up the arse, and Lyn's into humiliation. She likes to be pissed on."

"Just as long as you remember that I'm the one you fuck," said Sibyl, looking at her lover longingly. "Did you make Brian stay in Seattle deliberately? You know how I love to humiliate him by having you whilst he watches."

"Not at all," replied Julian sincerely. "Your husband is a bloody genius. Some of the systems he's devised are incredible. He showed them at the Techno fayre in Kirkland, and there are now three major software companies competing for the chance to buy a licence from us. You're about to become a wealthy woman, Sibyl. Almost as wealthy as me!"

"That's all very well, and I'm grateful to him," replied Sibyl, "but I need cock today. My daughter's taking her pledge and my mother's lined up at least three boys who are gagging to fuck her. I don't want to be the only un-fucked woman here today!"

"There's no chance of that," grinned Julian. "I'm feeling very virile today. It must be the thought of all that lovely money. I would estimate that both your cunt and your arse are going to be very well used later on!"

"Don't forget my mouth," replied Sibyl, leaning over to kiss him. "You know I adore sucking your cock!"

She linked her arm through Julian's and led him over to the gathered family group.

"Julian's arrived," she announced and Beryl nudged Olwen.

"Thank fuck for that," she muttered sotto voce. "A good fucking will calm her down, mark my words!"

Olwen giggled.

"We'll all get a good fucking after the pledging ceremony, I hope," she said.

Nigel returned with Simon's cigar and a snifter of brandy. He was about to present the to his wife's stallion when he was grabbed by Sibyl.

"What the hell are you doing, cuck?" she snapped. "Can't you see your wife is with her man? Stand there and wait until you're summoned!"

Nigel blushed and muttered an apology. Sibyl ignored him.

She looked anxiously around the sitting room, silently counting heads. Cheryl and Simon were there obviously. Over in the corner, her mother and Olwen were flirting with Marlon and Hector. Julio was talking to David and both were eyeing up Karen and Lyn, who were flashing a great deal of arse and leg.

Edwina, looking very hot and bothered was trying to attract Nigel, but the cuckold was focussing all his attention on his wife and her stallion.

As Sibyl finished her head count, the patio door onto the garden opened and a very red-faced Faye led Sadiq into the sitting room. He looked like the cat that had got the cream.

Faye whispered something in Sadiq's ear and came over to join Sibyl. Sadiq went to stand by his friends.

"Oh. My. God!" smirked Faye dramatically. "That Sadiq is a real fucking machine! He's just fucked me twice! And his cock is intense! I've had longer ones, but his is as thick as a baby's wrist! He stretched my cunt out, and my arse is in ribbons!"

Sibyl smiled at her friend.

"I hope that will keep you quiet until after Cheryl is pledged?" she asked sardonically.

"Once the ceremony's over, you can go and fuck who you like!"

Faye grinned, and beckoned Nigel over. She snatched the brandy out of his hand and knocked it back in one.

"Fuck, I needed that " she gasped. "Cuck, don't just stand there. Go and get me a light. I've just got time for that cigar before the ceremony starts."

Nigel hurried off and Sibyl laughed.

"That was Simon's drink," she scolded.

Faye shrugged.

"Look at him," she nodded in Simon's direction. "He's besotted with Cheryl. He won't miss a tot of brandy and a small cigar! He's thinking about fucking Cheryl after they're pledged!"

Nigel returned with a box of matches and an ashtray. He waited for Faye to put her cigar in her mouth. He lit a match and Faye sucked the flame onto the end of her cigar. It lit nicely, and she smoked furiously.

Sibyl and Faye linked arms and watched Cheryl as she mooned over Simon, who seemed to be revelling in the attention.

"He's such a natural Alpha," murmured Sibyl. "You are so fortunate to have him as your stallion, cuckold," she continued. "He's going to breed Cheryl again next year, as I understand. I'm so proud that my daughter has been chosen to be added to Simon's string."

She wiped a tear away from her eyes and coughed.

"Bloody hell, Faye. That smoke is getting in my eyes. Blow it the other way, will you? I don't want panda eyes at my daughter's pledging ceremony!"

Faye, who knew the real cause of Sibyl's tears, was for once, extremely diplomatic. She stubbed out her cigar in the ashtray and murmured "Fuck off, cucky. Your mother-in-law wants some privacy."

Nigel slunk away, and went to attend his wife and her stallion. Cheryl was lip locked with Simon and seemed to be making a detailed examination of his tonsils with her tongue. As he approached, she broke off the kiss and turned to her cuckold, her eyes gleaming and her cheeks pink with excitement.

"Where have you been?" she demanded. "Simon ordered a drink and a cigar. Why are you wandering about with an empty glass and a dirty ashtray?"

Simon touched her on the elbow and smiled.

"Don't stress, babe," he said kindly, before turning to Nigel and glaring at him.

"When Cheryl joins my string and becomes an official filly," he said loud enough for everyone in the room to hear, "everything she does is in my name. I don't like being disobeyed, cuckold. You're lucky we aren't pledged yet, or I'd be putting you over my knee for a disciplinary thrashing."

In the sudden total silence in the sitting room, Nigel blushed and stammered an apology. He didn't dare accuse Faye of having taken the stallion's brandy and cigar.

The door to the sitting room opened and an acolyte appeared. A vision in pink frills, he announced in a very high pitched voice,

"Stallion and filly-to-be, ladies, gentlemen and honoured guests, the ceremony to pledge Cheryl to Simon is about to begin. Will you all please make your way into the garden? Seats are under the awning. The new filly and her mother are requested to wait in here until all the guests are seated. Hurry along, please. The Reverend doesn't like to be kept waiting."

"Too bloody right she doesn't," whispered Olwen to Beryl as the two senior ladies were given precedence to go first by the rest of the guests.

"She's a real terror, I've heard. A real butch dyke. The rumour is that she only took that acolyte on because he's a real pain slut, and she likes to prepare herself for her girlfriend by thrashing him whilst the girl she's about to fuck watches."

"Whatever floats your boat," replied Beryl. "I mean you still fuck in front of Edwin. I used to love teasing Edward. A good spanking used to get his little boy clit so hard. Then I'd tie his hands behind his back and fuck my lover in front of him!"

They sat down in the chairs in the front row, reserving one for Sibyl. The rest of the guests filed in behind them. Simon and David stood at the front, waiting for Sibyl to deliver Cheryl.

The Reverend Geraldine ("Gerry to my friends and lovers") Prosser stood before the assembled guests, and waited for them to settle down and be quiet.

"The ancient and traditional pledging ceremony is about to begin," she announced in her deep, gruff voice. "Shut the fuck up, and pay attention. I don't want to have to come among you and sort out any disruptive fuckers!"

"And turn your bloody mobile phones onto 'silent' as well," she continued. "If I hear so much as a chirp from anyone's mobile, I'll string her up by her tits, or him up by his balls!"

Chapter 2: (The events described in this chapter occur twenty minutes after the happenings described in Chapter 1.)

Rev. Geraldine looked at Simon dispassionately. Then she turned to David and spoke quietly.

"Do you have the pledge token?"

"Yes, Reverend," answered David. "Simon uses a numbered earring. Cheryl will be filly number three in his string."

"Excellent," smiled the Rev. "I only wish I had three young women to fuck!"

She looked up and addressed the assembled guests again.

"Please be upstanding for the arrival of the new filly. No photography is permitted during the ceremony, for reasons that will become obvious as we go along. Oh, and while I remember, turn your bloody mobile phones off. If I hear one ring tone before we've finished, I'll string that phone's owner up by her tits or by his balls!"

She turned to her acolyte.

"Go and fetch the new filly," she ordered, and the sissy minced off to do his Mistress's bidding.

When, a few minutes later, he led Cheryl, walking hand-in-hand with her mother, down the aisle between the chairs, there were 'Aaghs' of delight as the guests saw how proud and excited she looked.

The party arrived at the front and Sibyl took her daughter in her arms.

"I hand you over to your stallion," she announced formally, as the ritual demanded. She kissed Cheryl full on the lips, and released her. Looking up at Simon, she completed her mother-of-the-filly duties by addressing him.

"Sir, I hand over this filly to your care and protection," she recited.

As she returned to her seat, a round of polite applause broke out. Beryl kissed her daughter as she sat down, and discretely passed her a paper tissue. Sibyl mopped her overflowing eyes, and settled down to enjoy the ceremony.

Rev. Geraldine waited for the applause to stop. When all was quiet again, she addressed the gathering.

"Ladies, gentlemen, honoured guests, we are gathered here to witness the pledging of stallion Simon and filly Cheryl. I am required by law to ask if anyone here has any valid reason why this union should not go ahead. If anyone does have a reason, speak now, for later on will be too late."

She paused, but there was no sound, save for the twittering of the birds in the sunshine.

"Excellent," she grinned. "Let's get on with it, shall we?"

She turned to Simon.

"Do you, Simon, hereafter called the stallion, pledge to take this filly into your string? Will you protect her, breed her, use her body for your mutual pleasure, until you decide to put her out to pasture?"

Simon looked at Cheryl with a huge grin.

"Yes, I do," he said firmly.

Rev. Geraldine turned to Cheryl. She licked her lips lavisciously at the sight of her pert tits and long slender legs.

"Cheryl," she asked formally, "do you willingly accept the title of filly in your chosen stallion's string? Will you pledge to obey your stallion, submit your body to be bred by him, and for your mutual pleasure from this day forward, until you are freed from this said pledge and put out to pasture?"

Cheryl gave a sigh of contentment.

"Yes, I do " she said happily.

The Rev. addressed the watching guests.

"Simon and Cheryl have separately and together given their pledge in the presence of family, friends and guests," she announced.

"We now come to the formal claiming of the filly by her stallion. Will the stallion's chosen friend please present the token?

David stepped forward and placed Cheryl's earring on the cushion held out to him by the acolyte.

The cushion was taken to the side of the Rev. and she picked up the earring and displayed it to the whole gathering.

"Behold the token!" she chanted.

"Blesséd be the token," responded the audience.

Addressing Simon, Rev Geraldine instructed him to repeat her words. Simon nodded his understanding.

Speaking slowly, and in short, easy-to-remember phrases, Rev Geraldine formally intoned,

"I Simon, registered stallion pledge my protection to you, my chosen filly, Cheryl. With this token, you become filly number three in my string. Wear it with pride and always be available for my pleasure."

Simon repeated each phrase dutifully, in a loud, clear voice.

When he had finished, the Rev. handed him the earring, and he slipped it through the prepared hole in Cheryl's right earlobe.

It was a significant choice, one not missed by Beryl or many members of the congregation.

"The right earlobe!" they whispered excitedly. "Favourite status! Cheryl is to be the alpha filly!"

"Settle down! Too much whispering!" growled the Rev. "We haven't finished yet!"

Everyone settled down quietly for the rest of the pledging ceremony.

The Rev. continued.

"Stallion Simon has now claimed possession of his new filly. She has accepted her new status, and they have given and received the symbol of ownership, this beautiful token, marked with a number three, that Cheryl will wear publicly."

"We are a small community, very often misunderstood and judged by outsiders who know nothing of our ways and traditions. Our response to them continues to be the same as it always has been."

"Fuck them all!" chanted the congregation in unison.

"Yes, indeed. Fuck them all," repeated the Rev. with a huge grin on her face.

"Now the best bit!" she smiled at Simon and Cheryl.

"Filly, you are now pledged. Please show your devotion to your new stallion."

Cheryl turned to her husband, who had stood mute and servile at her side throughout the pledging ceremony.

"Cuckold, take our stallion's cock out," she instructed in a clear, no-nonsense tone.

Nigel unzipped Simon and reached into his trousers. He took out the stallion's cock. Gasps of amazement (and some of jealousy) filled the air.

Simon's cock was like an iron girder. At least nine inches long, it was as thick as a baby's arm and it gleamed in the bright sunlight. As was expected of him, Nigel peeled back the foreskin to reveal a deep purple mushroom head. Holding the stallion's cock in both hands, Nigel submissively bent his head and planted a single kiss on the throbbing flesh.

"That will do," Cheryl snapped. "From now on, you do fluffing and clean up duty as and when our stallion demands it."

"Yes dear," replied Nigel meekly, his cheeks burning with humiliation and embarrassment. A few people in the audience chuckled.

Cheryl got on her knees in front of Simon. She opened her mouth and Nigel slid the mushroom head all the way in.

Beryl, Sibyl and Olwen collectively held their breath. But Cheryl didn't gag, didn't drool. She sucked her stallion's cock serenely, even managing to get some of his shaft in her mouth. Her throat bulged as the monster cock slid in.

There was a round of enthusiastic applause, which even the Rev. felt obliged to join in.

She held up her hands for silence, and as Cheryl continued to pleasure her stallion, she announced,

"That concludes our pledging ceremony, ladies, gentlemen and guests. Let the pledging orgy begin!"

Several things happened simultaneously.

Julian came up behind Sibyl, cupped her large tits in his strong hands and murmured, "I don't know about you, but after that I need to fuck," in her ear. Sibyl responded by rubbing her arse against what felt like a very hard cock indeed. She turned to her mother, but Beryl was busy rubbing Hector's cock through his trousers. Just behind Beryl, Marlon had already got Olwen's tits out and was hungrily feasting on them. Edwina was on his knees being mouth fucked by Julio.

Sibyl smiled to herself, as she and Julian made their way indoors. They passed a near naked Faye, who was bent over the garden sun dial and was being enthusiastically fucked from behind by a very happy Sadiq.

"Don't you just love... oh! yes! mmm! ... pledging days?" she grinned at her friend. "Oh, fuck, yes, Sadiq! That's the spot! Fuck me harder, big boy!"

Sibyl laughed out loud, and pulled Julian indoors. Why should she miss out on all this glorious fucking, she thought to herself.

Chapter 3: The Tradition Continues. (The events described in this chapter occur in August 2020).

The phone rang in the Cockingham family farm house, and Nigel Cockingham rushed into the kitchen to pick up the receiver. He didn't dare to let it ring too long before answering it.

"The Cockingham residence," he said politely. "Nigel speaking."

"It's me, cucky," said the familiar voice of his wife, Cheryl. "Is dinner ready?"

"It will be by the time you get home dear," replied Nigel meekly. "Have you had a good shopping trip? Did you get Meryl's pledging outfit?"

"Yes, of course," snapped Cheryl waspishly. "By the way, we have guests for dinner. Brendan and Sean will be joining us. I hope you've prepared enough. I would hate to be embarrassed in front of the boys."

Nigel's heart sank. Who the hell were Brendan and Sean? Secretly, he loved the humiliation of being a full time cuckold, but each time his wife and her mother brought home new lovers, he had to go through the agony of being introduced as a cuckold, and to endure the looks of pity and scorn from the new comers.

"We'll be home in about forty five minutes," continued Cheryl. "There's no need to change the bed linen. I doubt that the boys will be staying the night. But I want you in your maid's uniform by the time we get home."

Nigel cringed, but didn't dare contradict his wife. He muttered, "Yes, dear," but then realised that he was speaking to himself. Having delivered her instructions, Cheryl had hung up without saying goodbye.

Nigel hurried upstairs to change. Whenever he was required to wear his maid's uniform, full make up was mandatory. Having put on the short black uniform, and rolled on a pair of sheer black hold-up stockings, he spent ten minutes applying eye liner, lipstick and blusher. He checked himself in Cheryl's dressing table mirror, and was satisfied. He went downstairs to await the arrival of his wife and her mother, and the two new lovers they had picked up whilst out shopping.

Two hours later, Cheryl breezed in with her mother, Sibyl on her arm. Both had that look of having been recently fucked.

"Get the shopping out of the car, cucky," instructed Cheryl. "We'll be in the sitting room. Hurry up! I don't know about mum, but I'm beginning to leak. I need cleaning up, and quickly!"

She sauntered off into the sitting room, and Sibyl followed her, having first given Nigel a scathing look.

"Jump to it cuckold," she snapped. "I've got cum running down my thighs!"

Nigel rushed out to the car and brought in eight bags of shopping. Cheryl's daughter, Meryl, who had been sired by Simon, Cheryl's stallion at the time, was about to be pledged to her own stallion, Rick. Cheryl and Sibyl had been on a shopping expedition with Meryl to choose her pledging outfit, and it looked as if they'd bought half of the shop in addition to that.

He took the bags up to Cheryl's bedroom, and left them neatly at the bottom of her huge double bed. Then he rushed back downstairs to the sitting room.

"About time!" snapped Sibyl, putting her half-smoked cigar down in an ashtray. "Get on your back at once. It's 'clean up mother-in-law' time!

Nigel scrambled onto the floor and lay supine. Sibyl rose from her armchair and sat on his face with practiced ease.

"Cunt first," she said, reaching for her cigar and then wriggling to get herself comfortable. She carried on her conversation with her daughter, and totally ignored her son-in-law.

"That was a bit of luck, running into those two in the hotel bar," she smiled, blowing a cloud of thick, creamy smoke out of her nostrils. "Was Sean any good?"

"A bit 'Wham! Bam! Thank you, Ma'am' for my liking," confessed Cheryl, who was smoking her late grandmother Beryl's lady churchwarden pipe.

"Mind you, he was impressively thick!"

"Darling, that's very unkind," laughed Sibyl. "I know that's the traditional view of those who come from the Emerald Isle, but I thought Sean looked rather intelligent!"

"You know what I meant," laughed Cheryl. "He stretched me out and gave me a couple of lovely orgasms before he shot his load in me. I only wish he'd been able to do a repeat performance. I do like to have anal as a second course."

"Brendan was nicely equipped too," mused Sibyl. "I sucked him off and he was ready to go again ten minutes later. Oh, the virility of youth!"