Victorian Vices Updated (2021)


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"It's not just that, mum," replied Cheryl through a cloud of pipe smoke, "he latched onto you very quickly. Sean mentioned he had a thing for mature women."

"That's very diplomatic of you, my dear," smiled her mother. "I'll be sixty two next month!"

'Sixty two and still pulling the boys like a teenager," said Cheryl wistfully. "I hope I can still be fucking at that age!"

"Why ever not?" asked her mother in amazement. She shuffled forward and plonked her arse on Nigel's sweaty face.

"Get your tongue in my arse, cucky," she instructed. "Brendan finished off up there, and I need my back door entrance cleaned up too!"

"Bloody hell, mum " said Cheryl in awe, "he came three times in just over an hour? Why didn't you bring him back here for the night? We could have had a threesome!"

"He was finished, dear," replied Sibyl. "He probably won't be getting it up again tonight. I wrung every last drop of cum out of him! And you know my golden rule."

"Find' em, fuck 'em, forget 'em," chanted Cheryl with a giggle.

Sibyl grinned at her daughter, and got gracefully to her feet. She ignored Nigel, who lay there, red-faced and panting.

"Well, I'm ready for bed, darling," she said, kissing Cheryl full on the mouth. "Mmm!" she said thoughtfully, "you taste delicious. Is that new tobacco?"

"Yes, it's an aromatic," replied Cheryl getting to her feet and approaching her cuckold.

"Goodnight, mum. Sleep well. I'll see you in the morning."

As Sibyl left the sitting room, Cheryl lowered herself onto her cuckold's face.

"Don't lick yet, cucky," she warned him. "We had a couple of glasses of champagne at the hotel. I'm dying for a pee!"

Nigel had been toilet trained over the years, and often provided that service to Cheryl and her group of special friends. She emptied her bladder and instructed her cuckold to begin cleaning her up.

Nigel licked and sucked enthusiastically. He loved the humiliation of eating another man's cum out of his wife's cunt. For some years after Cheryl had been pledged to her stallion Simon, he had not only eaten cream pie, but he'd fluffed his wife's stallion before Simon fucked Cheryl, and he cleaned him up afterwards too. Nigel loved sucking cock, but after Cheryl had been put out to pasture by Simon, who had moved onto younger fillies by then, he had very little opportunity to satisfy his submissive urges. These days, he was only required for clean-up.

When Cheryl was satisfied that she was sufficiently clean, she got up and resumed her seat in her favourite armchair. Nigel lay where he was, waiting to be given permission to get up.

Cheryl re-filled her pipe and lit it. She puffed away happily, remembering her beloved grandmother, Beryl, and how she had continued fucking younger men well into her seventies. How lucky she was to have such a strong, female-led family, she thought.

Meryl would continue the tradition, and pass it on to her daughter, Cheryl knew. Already married at twenty, Meryl was expecting her first daughter, sired by her stallion Rick. Her cuckold husband, Norman was already well trained by the time of their wedding. Meryl merely had to mould him to carry out her particular wishes.

These included making his sissy arse available to Meryl's strap-on. Cheryl had learned from her grandmother that a distant relative had been given a set of Indian made dildos which she had used to peg her cuckold.

Beryl had been delighted when Meryl re-introduced pegging into the Cockingham women's repertoire. She used to love to sit and smoke her pipe and watch her young great granddaughter peg her cuckold.

Cheryl's pipe had gone out, and she roused herself from her reminiscences.

"I'm sorry about dinner," she said to Nigel. "I did intend bringing Brendan and Sean back here, but they had rooms at the hotel, and both of them were raring to go. It seemed a shame to waste time driving here when all mum and I had to do was jump in the elevator to get fucked."

"That's perfectly fine, dear," replied Nigel. "It was a casserole. I can heat it up for lunch tomorrow, if you like?"

"That will be perfect," smiled Cheryl, getting to her feet. "I'm going to have a shower before bed. Tidy up the kitchen, and then join me in my bedroom. I quite fancy some teasing and edging before I go to sleep. If you're very good, I'll spank you too."

Nigel shivered with delighted anticipation and hurried off to make the kitchen as clean and tidy as Cheryl liked it to be.

Later on, lying in his wife's arms, Nigel's arse was glowing red and his little cock was leaking pre-cum. Cheryl had spanked him with her leather soled slipper and edged him for nearly an hour. Now, wearing his tiny cock lock and a huge grin, Nigel listened intently to his wife's plans for tomorrow.

"Hattie is bringing Debbie round in the morning," Cheryl told Nigel.

Hattie was one of the twin daughters of Faye, Sibyl's best friend. Meryl was a couple of years younger than the twins, but they had grown up together and they all had come to understand the lifestyle they had been born into.

Hattie, who had married her cuckold Harold at twenty one, had joined a string of fillies shortly afterwards She had been the alpha filly in her stallion's string for two years. Her stallion had bred her and now Debbie, her daughter, was about to come of age and was hoping to find a husband to cuckold and stallion of her own to breed her.

Cheryl had offered to introduce Debbie to Steven Simpson , the son of Olive and Adam, who owned the adjoining farm to the Cockinghams. Adam was Cheryl's occasional lover, and she knew the young Steven had ambitions to start his own string of fillies. Olive, daughter of the late Olwen was the matriarch of the Simpson clan had brought her son up properly, and she and Adam enjoyed an open and extremely fetish led marriage.

"Faye says there are a couple of American businessmen in town who have been seen sniffing around at the club," Cheryl continued. "Both of us adore going black, so I'm hoping for some more action tomorrow."

Nigel grinned at his gorgeous wife and squeezed her arm.

"They'd be silly to turn down two beautiful ladies like you and Faye," he said loyally, and Cheryl smiled and kissed the top of his head.

"Have you heard the scandal about Mattie?" Cheryl asked, and Nigel shook his head.

Mattie was Faye's other daughter, and Hattie's younger twin. She was a butch lesbian, married to Moira, a pretty, very girly, lipstick lesbian.

"Well the rumour is that Mattie and Moira are going down the cuckold route," Cheryl said. "It's not unheard of, of course, but it is unusual. Mattie's on the prowl for a lover!"

"Bloody hell. What does Faye say to that?" asked Nigel.

"I don't think she's happy," replied Cheryl thoughtfully, "but she's always spoiled those two. Even when they were young girls, she allowed them to tease and torment Robert." (Robert was Faye's cuckold, still going strong in his seventies, and still eating the cream pies that Faye regularly brought home for him.)

"But she's content that both her girls are carrying on the tradition of cuckolding."

"Time for sleep, I think," Cheryl said, detaching herself from Nigel and turning her back on him. "Turn the light off cucky. You may spoon me if you wish, but keep that cock lock out of my arse crack!"

In the morning, Nigel was up early, making Sibyl and Cheryl their Saturday morning cup of tea in bed. Both women needed to pee, and Nigel serviced them quickly, efficiently and without spilling a drop. Then he went down to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Sibyl came down wearing only a see through baby doll nightie. She loved teasing her son-in-law. As he buttered some toast, she came up behind him and put her tongue in his ear. Cupping his cock locked cock and balls, she whispered, "Good morning, cuckold. Did you enjoy your slippering last night? It sounded lovely. I gave myself a good fingering whilst I listened to it!"

Nigel squirmed and Cheryl, who had just come down to the kitchen herself, giggled.

"Don't tease him mum," she admonished. "As well as spanking him I edged him for ages last night. I don't want any unauthorised spurting before breakfast!"

The telephone extension in the kitchen rang. Cheryl ignored it. It wasn't her job to answer the phone. Nigel carefully extracted himself from Sibyl's clutches and rushed to pick up the receiver. He clicked the 'speaker phone' button as he had been trained to do whenever Cheryl was in earshot, so that she could monitor his telephone manner.

"The Cockingham residence. Nigel speaking," he recited politely.

"Good morning, cuckold Nigel," came the response to his greeting. It was Meryl, and as she had been sired by Cheryl's stallion, Simon, she refused to address her mother's husband by anything other than his name. When she was eighteen years old, Cheryl had explained the nature of her marriage to her daughter, and ever since, Meryl had addressed Nigel not only by his name, but by his title too.

"Good morning, Ms. Meryl," answered Nigel meekly. "How may I help you?"

"Is my mother there?" asked Meryl.

"Yes she is. Shall I pass you on to her?" he replied.

"What do you think?" came the sarcastic response, and Nigel handed the receiver to Cheryl.

"Get on with preparing breakfast," she told him, clicking the 'speaker phone' button off, so that her conversation with her daughter would not be overheard by her cuckold.

"Hi darling. How are you this morning?" she purred.

She listened for a while and laughed.

"Yes they both were," she said. "As usual, granny Sibyl made the right choice. She got oral and anal as well as a good cunt fuck."

Cheryl smiled at her mother.

"Meryl sends her love and her respect," she reported. "She hopes she'll still be able to do the hat-trick when she's your age!"

Sibyl flicked her head in amusement, but secretly she was thrilled that her granddaughter thought so highly of her.

Cheryl and Meryl spoke for a few more minutes, then they ended their conversation and Cheryl replaced the receiver.

"Have you got anything planned for today, mum?" Cheryl asked Sibyl, as the two women sat at the breakfast bar and were served orange juice and tea by Nigel. He placed a plate of hot, buttered toast between them, and went to sit at his little table in the corner to eat his own breakfast.

"Not especially, dear," replied Sibyl. "I thought I might go to the club this afternoon, just to see if there's any spare cock hanging around. Why? Is there something you need?"

"Faye and Hattie are bringing Debbie over this morning," explained Cheryl. "I promised to take Debbie over to meet Steve. But Faye has lined up some black cock for us both. You know Olive and Adam. Will you take Debbie over to the Simpson farm, and introduce her to Steve?"

"No problem at all," replied Sibyl with a grin. Her mind was working overtime. She'd fucked both Olive and Adam in the past, but never together. Perhaps this afternoon was the chance for a threesome, if she could persuade Steve and Debbie to bugger off and get to know each other better in the hay barn.

Nigel cleared the breakfast things away and loaded the dishwasher. He presented himself to be dressed by his wife before he went shopping.

Cheryl chose some frilly knickers which she knew would be apparent under Nigel's skinny jeans. He wore stockings and a suspender belt as standard. The sun shone brightly and even at ten o'clock it was already very hot. So she put him in a pink tank top which showed his man boobs off nicely. A smear of barely pink lipstick and some lip gloss, and he was ready to go to the supermarket on the edge of town to get the week's shopping.

Sibyl and Cheryl lounged about in the conservatory until Faye, Hattie and Debbie arrived. Just as they were settling down, Nigel came back home with the shopping. He was sent to prepare tea and coffee for his wife and her guests before he put the shopping away.

"See how Aunty Cheryl controls her cuckold?" Hattie pointed out to her daughter. "You'll have to do that one day, my girl."

"Well you control daddy," said Debbie with a grin, "so it can't be that hard!"

Faye tutted and Hattie looked at her daughter sharply.

"Sweetie, you're amongst friends now," she said. "How many times must I remind you. Harold is not your father, and you must not refer to him as such. Call him Harold, or the cuckold, but not daddy."

"I'm sorry, mum," replied Debbie. She looked at Cheryl hopefully.

"When are we going to see this potential stallion, Aunty Cheryl?" she asked. "If he likes me, will I be able to join his string before I get married?"

"That will be up to him, Debbie love," replied Cheryl. "Do you have a potential husband in sight?"

"There are two possibilities," admitted Debbie. "One is my age, and his mother told mum that he still needs a lot of training. The other is a widower, fifteen years older than me. He's been a cuckold since marrying his wife, but she died last year. He's very anxious to get back into the lifestyle."

Nigel re-appeared with refreshments, and served everybody. Debbie was the only one to thank him, and Sibyl took pity on her.

"There's no need to thank the cuckold, Debbie," she smiled. "Serving strong women is all he's good for. I mean, he's never going to satisfy the likes of us, is he?"

Debbie looked puzzled, and Cheryl knew what had to be done.

"Leave the shopping, and go and change into your uniform," she said. "Hurry up! Miss Debbie wants to inspect you."

When Nigel had gone, Hattie stood up.

"I'm sorry ladies," she said, "but I must go. I have alpha filly duties to do. One of my stallion's mares is being put out to pasture next week. We're having a last fuck party to give her a good send-off."

She kissed each woman full on the mouth, and left to go to her party.

Nigel re-appeared in his maid's uniform. Debbie's eyes widened in amazement.

"You make him dress like a maid?" she asked incredulously. "Mum doesn't do that to da... er ... her cuckold."

"No dear," replied Faye. "Your mother is more interested in the practical aspects of cuckoldry."

She looked at Sibyl in desperation, and Sybil nodded her understanding.

"Debbie," she said brightly, "Aunty Cheryl and your grandmother have a hot date with two black American gentlemen, who are returning to their own country on Monday. What if we let them go off and have an afternoon's fucking and you and I can inspect the cuckold here. Then we'll pop over to the Simpson farm, and I'll introduce you to Olive, Adam and Steve. If you like, I'll distract Olive and Adam, and you and Steve can go off somewhere together and see if you like fucking one another. How does that sound?"

Debbie grinned.

"Can I go with Cheryl's mum, gran?" she asked hopefully.

"Of course you can, darling," replied Faye smiling her thanks to Sibyl. "Just remember that you don't only have a cunt to get your stallion. Use your mouth and your arse too. Show him how versatile you are."

"Are you and Aunty Cheryl going to get arse fucked this afternoon," she asked.

"Oh I do hope so," grinned Faye, and Cheryl added, "At the very least, Debbie dear. I'm going for the hat-trick. Cunt, arse and oral!"

After Faye and Cheryl had left, Sibyl made Nigel display himself to Debbie. She was fascinated by his tiny cock lock and asked Sibyl if it ever came off.

"Only for washing and shaving purposes, dear," replied Sibyl.

"He's pathetically small, so he doesn't deserve to be allowed to flaunt his cock like a real man."

Sibyl lit a cigar and sat back in her armchair.

"Have you started smoking yet, my dear?" she asked.

"Oh yes," replied Debbie. "Harold has a smoking fetish, so both mum and I smoke in front of him. Mum prefers cigars, like you. But she started me on a pipe, and I love it."

She blushed and Sibyl smiled.

"No need to be embarrassed, my dear," she said kindly. "Only the cuckold is here beside us, and he won't dare to venture an opinion on your smoking habits. Will you cucky?" she finished.

"No, Ma'am," replied Nigel. "A lady should be able to smoke what she wants, how she wants."

"Exactly," retorted Sibyl. "So what embarrassed you about smoking your pipe, Debbie?"

"When I smoke, I produce a lot of saliva," Debbie admitted. "Mum allows me to spit in Harold's mouth. He loves to see me smoking, but he doesn't enjoy taking my spit."

Sibyl beckoned Nigel over. He knew what was coming.

"Go and fetch my one of my mother's pipes from your wife's bedroom," she told him. "Not the lady churchwarden. Bring a dainty lady pipe."

Nigel soon returned with a lovely briar and some tobacco. He handed it to Debbie, who stuffed the tiny bowl expertly. She slipped it in between her lips, and at a signal from Sibyl, he lit it for her.

She puffed it alight and smoked serenely for a few minutes. Nigel knelt at her side.

Sibyl nodded her approval when Debbie asked if she might use the cuckold. She leaned forward and dribbled a thick string of smokey saliva into Nigel's mouth.

He swallowed and licked his lips.

"Thank you, Ms. Debbie," he said sincerely.

Both Sibyl and Debbie smoked for about half an hour, chatting about their chosen lifestyle, and how Debbie wanted her marriage to be like that of her mother and grandmother.

"If you'll take the advice of an experienced hot wife," said Sibyl kindly, "I'd marry the older of your two choices. You know he's aching to get back into the lifestyle. He's experienced, and I'd bet a pound to a penny that his late hot wife trained him to fluff and to clean up. Most of your work has already been done for you."

Debbie nodded her agreement.

"Both mum and Granny Faye gave me the same advice," she said, before signalling to Nigel and depositing another load of saliva in his mouth.

"May I use your phone?" she asked sweetly, and Sibyl sent Nigel to fetch the handset.

Debbie knew the number off by heart. It was answered after a few minutes, and Sibyl was gratified to hear Debbie address the person who had answered quite sharply.

"Do you always keep the woman who is ringing to tell you that she is willing to take you on as her cuckold waiting so long?" she demanded into the handset.

Sibyl smiled and listened on.

Obviously, the man Debbie had called was speaking. She let him finish and then she continued.

"My mother and grandmother are both out fucking this afternoon," she informed him. "They will be back this evening. Make yourself available to call on us at nine o'clock sharp. You will be informed of what is required of you, and we will arrange a date for our wedding. Do you understand?"

He obviously did, because Debbie muttered "Good. Nine o'clock, sharp." and pressed the 'end call' button without saying goodbye.

"Well, I seem to be in a mood to get things done," she smiled at Sibyl. "Shall we walk over to the Simpson farm and see if I can get myself a stallion?"

"Great idea," replied Sibyl, getting to her feet. "Cucky, tidy up in here and then start preparing dinner. I suspect we might have something to celebrate later on."

When the five women sat down to dinner at seven o'clock that evening, each one of them had a tale to tell. Priority was given to Debbie, who not only had met Steven Simpson, she'd enchanted him, and was in line to join his string of fillies when she was married.

Sibyl had succeeded in persuading Steven's parents into a threesome, and her cunt and her arse were still glowing as a result of Adam's cock and Olive's strap-on.

Hattie was still recovering from her fuck party. Her hair was stiff with cunt cream and cum and she still wore her strap-on because, as she said with a grin, it kept the cum in her cunt and she wanted to feed Harold a cream pie whilst she negotiated terms for Debbie's wedding later on that evening.

Both Cheryl and Faye had succeeded in 'going black' that afternoon. In four hours of frantic fucking and sucking, both friends had succeeded in doing the hat trick, that is sucking to completion, and taking their lovers' cocks in both cunt and arse. Unusually for both of them, they were both wearing panties now, for exactly the same reason as Hattie was still wearing her strap-on. Both Nigel and Robert had a night of cream pie eating to look forward to.