Victoria's Valentine


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"Oh, my god! Her and her parents!"

From out in the hall I hear my mother call out. "Did you say something, Eric?"

Quickly covering myself, I was sure my face was red as she opened my door, and looked inside. "Um, no Mom. I didn't say anything."

She looked around the room as if to find I had a hidden hoard of friends in there. "Strange, I was sure I heard someone. Oh, well." She smiled at me. "Probably ghosts, right?"

"Um, yeah, right."

As she turned to leave, I noticed something them. The curve of her ass, the swell of the side of her breasts. The long legs in those comfortable pants she always wore. I won't be a liar and say that I had never noticed my mother was a beautiful woman, but that was not what this was. I wasn't seeing simple beauty, I was seeing a woman that I wanted! I got up from the bed, and with my cock still hanging out of my pants crossed the room to peek out the door. I watched the curves of her ass till Mom disappeared into her bedroom.

Panting, perhaps harder than I had ever been before in my life I closed my door and retreated to my bed and Victoria's diary. I couldn't wait to read more of what she had done on Halloween night.

** ** ** ** ** ** **

~ November 6th, 1934 "At last I feel rested enough to write of the events of Halloween night. Mamma and Poppa were on the big kitchen table, tearing at each other's clothes. When they saw me, for a few seconds they were embarrassed, but the power of my spell was too great and the fire took them both. Mamma gestured for me to approach, and when I did she took my hand. She pulled my hands to her fat breast and placed it so her dark nipples were in my fingers. I gave them a tug -- I enjoy it when that is done so I figured she might as well. Judging by her moan I think I was right. By then Poppa had removed himself from his pants and Mamma's dress was pushed up past her cunny. I watched as she was speared by that shaft of meat, and wished it was myself. Stepping back from them, I began to work at the ketches of my clothes, letting them fall into a puddle on the floor. When I stood nude in the kitchen I smiled to see Poppa's lustful gaze on me. I moved over to the table and climbed up atop it, Mamma was moaning continuously now and making such a frightful amount of noise that I had to do something to silence that. I sat astride her head and smothered her face in my cunny, which by then was dripping wet."~

~ November 17th, 1934 "We buried Mamma today. I am angry at her. The preacher says she is burning in hell for taking her own life. How dare she be there when I'm still trapped here! That can not stand! I'm hunting my books to make it right. The Devil is my man, and she can't have him."~

~ November 19th, 1934 "The Devil came for me again last night, as he has so many times before. Rough and in the dark he took me for hours and hours. He choked me and called me foul names in a voice that made him sound like my Poppa's. If it hadn't felt so good, I might think he was mad at me for sending Mamma to him."~

~ December 25th, 1934 "I've just returned from the hospital Poppa stuck me into. The staff there were mean and they hurt me. I bit them and clawed them, and called down the worst curses I know. Their flesh boiled and pussed, and in places melted like candle wax. They turned me out since it was Christmas Eve and I made my way back home. I needed my books! Oh, such a curse I'm going to lay on those doctors. And on Poppa for putting me there."~

~ February 13th, 1935 "Poppa had a room built and locked me in it after Christmas. He put things in my water, I can't remember the past few weeks, but I know they have passed. I had my diary in my pocket, and a stub of pencil, so I write this now. Midnight approaches. My birthday was a day of power. I'm going to summon my lover boy the Devil and he will get me out of here. I'm sure he will answer, it's the Roman day of lust and the burning within me is so fierce I can stand it no more! I sit and I rock, and I feel the minutes slip past so slowly. I'm hungry, and there is no water. Soon. So very soon it will be Valentine's Day and my birthday. Two days of power in one. I'm sure he will come for me. And I will come for him, forever."~

** ** ** ** ** ** **

I flip through the last empty pages, frantic for so much as one more word from her. My Victoria placed a small lock of her hair on the next to the last page. Holding it to my nose, I can faintly smell the perfume I noticed when we first came to this house.

Looking at my watch, I see that the thirteenth of February has slipped into the fourteenth while I read. It's Victoria's birthday. Flipping back through the pages, I read again the scene where she talked about the dolls she had made with her parent's clothes. Picking up the Latin book, I flip through its pages till I find the spell I remembered seeing. It's meant to allow control of a person through just such a doll. I read the specifics. If I had a scrap of Victoria's dress from that picture I'm sure I could make this work.

Getting to my feet I go and hunt the house. I need only a single bit of cloth to add to the rest and perhaps the spell would bring her to me. Death was but a doorway to the spells within this book. And as Victoria had said, Valentine's Day -or Lupercalia as the old Romans called it -- was a day of power.


The whole of the house was empty of anything that might have been hers say for the three books. Not even in the hidden library. Moving about, angry at my parents for taking my Victoria away from me, I went from room to room seeking anything that could help. In the laundry, I saw a bit of red fabric lying under a blouse of my Mom's. Picking it out I found myself holding a pair of red silky underwear. I brought it to my nose and smelled my mother's scent, that musky inner scent so strong and powerful on it.

Pocketing the panties, I fled back to my room.

The fashioning of the doll was no simple matter, but not too complicated either. I tore pages from the diary and used them to stuff the small figure. The chest was made with those red sex-drenched panties, wrapped around Victoria's lock of hair. I used two small drops of my own blood to make those fierce eyes that my Victoria had. I thought for a moment to even cut out the face in the picture and glue it to the head of the doll, but I could not bear to destroy that only image.

What if this failed?

I couldn't risk that.

The circle the Latin book showed me, the chant the French book held, the lust that kept me so painfully hard. All of it went into the summoning. I felt the air in my room stir and shift. Cold brushed my skin and I heard a moan from down the hall as I spoke. My mom thrashed in her sleep. I would have gone to her then, but I could not stop once I had begun. The rhythm of the chant demanded that I continue through to the end. I spoke words I could never understand, only speak. I muttered promises to things that watched. I swore oaths with my own blood. I chanted Victoria's name as I held the doll to my heart to give it warmth and a pulse.


Turning, I saw my Mom standing in the doorway of my room. Her robe hung loose and tied about her and she gripped the door frame as if needing it to keep from falling.

"Eric, you called out to me?"

Getting to my feet I moved over towards her only to stop. Those were not my Mother's eyes that looked back at me from her face. My mom, like myself, had blue eyes, and these were a brown so dark as to look black. Slowly a smile began to grace her lips.

"Hello, lover boy."

Standing straighter, Mom took hold of the belt of her robe and pulled free the knot. It fell open, showing me her bare breasts. I saw red marks like stripes across her pink nipples as if she had clawed at her own breasts. She wore a simple pair of white panties, but the crotch of them was darkening even as I stood there. A small stream of lustful seepage began to flow down her inner thigh.

"You called me, Eric. You wanted me, right, lover boy? Well, I'm here. I might not look like I once did, but this body is more mature than mine ever was, so it's all good." She let the robe fall off her shoulders and slinked her way towards me. "Want Miss Victoria to take care of that for you?"

My mom who was not my mom stood before me for a moment, then smiled. With a slow grace, she dropped to her knees before me and caught the front of my pants. I watched those lust-filled eyes on that oh-so-familiar face as she tugged me free of my underwear. That wicked smile that was so odd on my mother's face.

I could do little more than moan as she took me into her mouth. The warm wet heat of it, the silky feeling of her lips, and then the feeling of her tongue along the bottom. She went at me with a fire and a passion that far eclipsed anything that any girl I had ever dated had ever done. She sucked and bit and licked and then sucked some more. Deep into her throat, I vanished and she gagged but didn't stop. I felt the sudden undeniable rush far too soon for my liking.

And she did not stop!

Stumbling back from her, I fell onto my bed, and my mother - who was not my mother at this moment - followed. Like a hungry beast she took me back into her mouth and ravaged my cock with her lips, tongue, and throat. I moaned, hell I screamed but nothing I did made her pause even for a moment. Only when I hardened for a second time in such a quick time did she relent.

Mom looked at my face and grinned. "That's better. Now my lover boy it's time for you to take care of me. I'm dripping already or I would have you lick me, but never mind. I want this hard thing inside me."

Her hands pulled me atop her as she laid down next to me on the bed. She reached

between us and guided me to the entrance of her. I paused realizing I was about to lose my virginity inside my own mother. That I didn't cum again at that very second I can only call magic.

"Now, Eric!"

I blinked. That had been my mom's normal voice. I saw a hint of blue touch her eyes for a second and then the feeling of her long nails in my back had slacked. But then mom's eyes were coal dark and she was pulling me to her, driving herself up onto the length of me. Oh, how to describe the way that feels.

Wet. Tight. Warm. Gripping.

No none of those simple words, for all that they are true ring right. More appropriate words would be Heavenly. Angelic. Incredible. Spectacular!


With a lust that was matched only by the woman under me, I drove myself into her over and over. I felt the hot wetness of her leaking out as I drove my full length into my mother. It all but gushed from her when I pulled back out. Her ankles hooked behind my ass and pulled me deeper with each thrust. She moaned and screamed my name over and over.

Violently I was rolled over onto my back and my mother rose to sit astride my hips. She rode my cock even deeper into herself, the weight of her body grinding down driving hit deeper. Mom's eyes were the black of night and sparkled with dark forgotten stars. I felt monstrous things looking out of those eyes. I'm not sure her smile was even Victoria's anymore.

A single finger with a long nail centered on my chest.

The woman atop me, mother, ghost, demon did not pause in her lustful passion even a hint, but that finger began to scratch at my chest. I flinched and looked down as saw bright red blood blossom behind her blue-painted fingernail. Mom was sketching a design on my chest. Something from the book! Something from the Latin book!

I turned to the side, trying to dislodge her from atop me. Her hand grabbed my shoulder and wrenched me back around. Leaning down close, Mom licked her tongue across my lips and nose.

"Not going anywhere, lover boy. Not without me finishing first." She laughed. "You're my sweet Valentine, Eric. You wouldn't leave me alone tonight like your father did? Would you? I thought I raised you better than that."

Looking into her eyes, I again saw blue.


She giggled. "Yes, and no." Her fingernails dug deep into my shoulders and I screamed as Mom drove the whole weight of her body down and plunged me far deeper than I had been before inside of her. "There's a good boy."

unable to escape her, and after a few more moments not even sure why I would want to do so, I laid there under her. She rode me till I began to feel raw. That I had not had a second orgasm was a thing that amazed and puzzled me. I felt the grip of it take me and then draw away. I moaned for it, begged for it, but that blessed release never seemed to appear.

"Not yet. Not yet, my son."

I could not take my eyes from her ed sweaty face. She panted, lunged at my mouth, kissed me, and then pulled away to moan. Mom bit he bottom lip till blood appeared. Her next kiss tasted of copper and my cum.

A bright light washed my face.

I heard my mom's name spoken in disbelief.

Looking to the door I saw my father standing there. In his hands he held a heart-shaped box of chocolates and, in the other, an easy two dozen roses. His face was a look of stunned horror and shock.

Mom looked back over her shoulder, but before she turned her head I had seen that her eyes were jet black. When she looked back at me she grinned. "Naughty boy to fuck mommy so deep. Daddy is home."

Then slapped me hard enough to rock my head!

Blinking away the many stars I only half saw as my mother crossed the room to stand before my father. He had let the flowers and candy fall to the floor. His angry words washed over my stunned brain heard but not understood.

Mom casually leaned down and picked up a piece of the spilled candy from the floor.

I tried to lift myself on my elbows. I saw the roses she was hiding behind her back. I watched unable to stop it as Mom swung that hand across and slapped my father's face with a fist full of thorns. He screamed as they raked his wide-open eyes. He fell to the floor and clutched at his bloody face.

Mom giggled and ate another chocolate.

With a spin on her toes, Mom moved to the corner by my closet and picked up an old baseball bat that stood there. I heard her hum a tune as she followed my father out into the hallway. A painful scream followed.

Then another.

The effort to claw my way out of my bed was like lifting mountains. I tumbled to the floor and crawled to where my desk was. It took all that I had to simply reach up to the top and grab the doll I had made. It was hot in my hands. Puffs of smoke even boiled from with it.

There was another scream from my father and a happy giggle from my mother.

"MOM!" I screamed my lungs out. "Comeback!"

After a second she peeked back around my bedroom door. "One minute, lover boy. Your sweet Mommy isn't done with Daddy yet."

"Now..!" I moaned.

"Oh, demanding. I like that, Eric." She moved over towards where I lay, the bloody bat brushing a crimson trail on the carpet beside her bare feet. "But mommy is busy now. It's adult time, sweetheart."

Looking up I saw that my mother's eyes were blue shot through with black. They went wide as I pulled the doll from under me and tore it to shreds!

Like a marionette with its strings cut my mom dropped to the floor where she stood.

Laying there amid a drift of smoking paper and tufts of burning blonde hair, I wept. I wept all the harder as I felt my delayed orgasm hit me, and a small river of cum began to pour out of me to pool on the carpet. Turning my head, I looked into my mother's face -- only a few inches from my own - and saw her beautiful blue eyes looking back at me. She blinked at me confused.

"Those are my favorite panties, Eric." She slid a blood-speckled hand towards mine and the bit of torn red silk I clutched. "Your father bought them for me last year for Valentine's Day. You ruined them...."


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FortheseForthese27 days ago

This story far out of my comfort zone.

Unfortunately, this story shows quite a insight of, well, people's development potentialities. I definitely would have preferred an other kind of ending. Not just "Sorry."

In 'Playa Dust in the Bedouin' and 'To Hell and Back' you figured out kind of a positive endings, despite the bad things that had happened to your protagonists or how fucked up they are. I really liked that!!! Although I'm aware that's not how life works.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Too bad about the ending. 3/5

FirstClassFlirtFirstClassFlirt4 months ago

You write some fascinating stories, but I can’t begin to tell you how glad I am that I don’t live in your head to imagine them firsthand…

JacktacularJacktacular4 months ago

Incest or not this woulda done better in Erotic Horror, especially if you plan to continue it.

FlamethrowFlamethrow4 months ago

Very powerful story so well presented

sp9983sp99834 months ago

The ending was a disappointment.

Comentarista82Comentarista824 months ago

What an oddly engaging tale! I must say though and that I was hoping that perhaps it would be a disembodied Victoria.. but you basically having her inhabit Eric's mother's body was logical yet unexpected. What I really didn't expect for the twist was for his dad to show up; you followed it up by a bigger twist, by having her slap him with the thorns of the roses, and then likely beat him to death with a baseball bat! I was really hoping that it would strictly focus at the end on Eric and the person Victoria's spirit inhabited. It does disappoint me greatly that you did not finish the scene, basically allowing him to finish the deed and it also is disappointing that we don't really find out what happens to the dad, although we do kind of understand that he died from that beating. The thing is though I can't help but feeling that Victoria should have been immensely grateful, because the story establishes that she would have been grateful had any male- - or even any spirit - - satisfied her. It would have been far more satisfying to suggest that not only did the mom want to participate but Victoria reveal how willing his mom was to participate in the whole thing; it only made sense because his dad was two states away. That's why the ending kind of seemed so unexpected and a bit unjustified.. because the story provides no detail or hint that suggests he's going to show up early.. or even on time. So for basically the dad to end up cuckolded just makes no sense in my mind, although it partially clicks because of what happened with Victoria and her parents. It just seriously doesn't make sense that Victoria would respond so horrifically, when she should have been over the moon to have had Eric multiple times, and even enjoy him!


I greatly compliment you on a very novel account; this was very original, and the story highlights Victoria's insatiable need to enjoy sex. The thing is though, is that it could have been taken in a delicious direction, or he and his mom ended up enjoying the experience.. with just hints of roughness and perhaps a little bit of going overboard because of Victoria's spirit basically inhabiting her. The story definitely leaves a reader wanting more, and so it just miffs me why there wasn't just a shade more story.. and especially to have them confront each other- - and especially to then realize that something else was going on-- and either initially be horrified but then continue it.. or somehow Victoria's spirit somehow would have grown into a stronger force to continue the couplings. I did enjoy it enough to award the story a 4, and even with a little bit of the horrific edge.. and more detail... I would have awarded it a 5.

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