Virginia Beach Romance


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"Great. The best fish tacos in VB coming up."

She led the way to a nearby side street. The place looked dodgy. We entered and walked past a bar pool table to the bar. We sat on a couple of stools. I large black man behind the bar smiled at us. He wore a 'Golden Girls' t-shirt. All four of the girls were on the front.

Kelly made a squealing noise. "Golden girls!" she exclaimed. "I love it! Where'd you get that?" she asked the bartender.

He looked down at his shirt. "Wal-Mart."

"I want one!" Kelly gushed.

The man laughed. I looked around the bar. There were only a few people in the bar, some sitting at the bar on stools, the others in booths. All were drinking. I didn't see food but behind the bartender was a large cooking grill.

The bartender slipped menus down in front of us. "What can I get you?" he asked.

"Mai Tai," announced Kelly. The bartender nodded and looked at me.

"Spiced rum and coke, please" I said. The bartender nodded and started mixing our drinks.

Kelly swivelled in her seat toward me. She grabbed my hands and squeezed them. "The food here is great."

I looked at my hands in hers and rubbed my thumbs across the tops of hers. "What do you recommend?" I liked my hands in hers.

"The fish tacos."


Our drinks arrived and Kelly let go of my hands. I picked up the menu and scanned through it. I was starving. I saw the fish tacos listed and then spied something they made with scallops and bacon. I asked the bartender about it.

He smiled. "Very popular, and delicious."

"Okay, that and fish tacos for me. Kelly?"

Kelly ordered the fish tacos. She drank some of her drink. "So, where are you from in Canada?"

I told her. She knew the city but not where it was. I described where it was. So many Americans have no knowledge of Canada.

We chatted, getting to know each other. Kelly was involved in old folk homes. Selling rooms and services. Assisted living, she called it. She had been in town for a conference. She talked about her job for a while. She clearly loved it. She asked me what I did, and I told her. She was surprised and asked me about it. Soon we ran out of things to say. Thankfully, our food arrived and we got lost in it. It was fabulous.

We had several more drinks and the bar started to fill. Drinks were served, devoured and more drinks ordered. Soon Kelly and I were pretty loaded and laughing and talking like old friends. I placed my hand around her waist and she snuggled in closer. She placed her hand on my thigh and rubbed it. More drinks appeared and we drank. She kept leaning in against me, rubbing her shoulder against me. I stroked her back. Touching her was electric. I was seriously attracted to her. She was full of life, laughing, and the bar noticed and smiled when she laughed. She was infectious.

We danced, poorly. We were too drunk to dance properly. People clapped for us anyway. Kelly played pool and won and wouldn't shut up about it. The dude she had played had clearly let her win. We were having the time of our lives. We danced a slow dance and she ground herself against me. We kissed for the first time and for a time we just stopped and necked. It was nice.

At one point a woman appeared next to us. She looked like a porn star. She was barely dressed and her top barely contained the largest breasts I had ever seen up close. She had them thrust out. Her abdomen was fully exposed, and she wore tiny little shorts and road up her ass, leaving little to the imagination. Her makeup was immaculate with fake eyelashes. Her lips were full and pouty. But she only had eyes for Kelly. She hit on her pretty hard. She even laughed at one point and grabbed Kelly's tits and squeezed them. She was intent on them and Kelly didn't seem to mind at all.

Kelly rolled with it. They flirted and laughed. The woman ignored me completely. When she finally spoke to me, the alcohol in my system spilled words out of my mouth. I said something about her tits. Inappropriate and crass. She laughed and kissed my check. Kelly looked annoyed at that.

"So," asked the woman. "Who are you two?" She asked.

Kelly answered. "We're married. On holiday."

I was surprised at the answer but kissed her anyway to give proof to the lie. It was a full deep French kiss, with sloppy tongues.

"Oh, how lovely," gushed the woman. "I'm Angela. My husband and I own this bar. He's over there playing pool."

I looked over and spotted a man about ten years older than me playing pool with someone in the bar. I looked back at Angela. "Nice to meet you. Nice place. The food is excellent." I was slurring my words. Shit, I was drunk. Correction: hammered.

The woman smiled at me. "Thanks." She turned her attention back to Kelly. "You're delicious," she said to her. "I could eat you up."

Kelly looked embarrassed. The woman was openly caressing Kelly's breasts. I found it highly erotic and felt my cock strain against my pants. Kelly seemed to be enjoying it. I noticed the bartender rolling his eyes.

Angela laughed and kissed Kelly's cheek and then moved on. Kelly looked at me strangely.

"What?" I said.

"You seem to be enjoying that," she said and grabbed my cock, squeezed and then let it go quickly. "Oh my god, I can't believe I did that.' She eyed my crotch and the swelling.

My hip lurched. Alcohol and openly lesbian attraction was getting to me. Though it was probably best called bisexual. Kelly had grabbed my crotch? How wonderful for me.

The bartender leaned over toward us at that moment. "She used to be a prostitute," he whispered.

I mouthed an 'O'.

Everything blurred. I remember flashes of talking to others in the bar. I hit on the female bartender but I finally figured out just how annoyed she was with me and staggered away. I danced more with Kelly. I tried to play pool. I tried talking to Angela but her husband intervened and we talked for a while. I have no idea what about.

Suddenly Kelly was there and grabbed my hand. "Let's go. I'm drunk."

I laughed. I was feeling really happy. I paid the bill, squinting at the amount, giving up and just paying with my credit card. We staggered out of the bar into the night. It was chill but people were walking around the streets in enormous crowds. VB is a popular spot in the summer. Kelly wrapped her arm around my waist, and we started toward the hotel, dodging people and laughing.

I was really drunk and after a moment I sobered up enough to realise we were walking on the beach. I had no memory of getting here. The sound of surf was loud. Too loud. It shouldn't be that loud, I thought. I glared toward the lights of the hotels up on the boardwalk. I didn't recognise any of them and said so. Sand was between my toes and my shoes were tied around my neck. My socks were...gone. Kelly was still holding me, with her shoes in her other hand.

"The hotel is up here somewhere," she mumbled.

I stopped and she stopped with me. "Wait, wait. This isn't right," I said, barely able to get the words out. "We must've passed the hotel." I couldn't walk anymore. I sat down hard on the sand, pulling Kelly down with me.

She laughed and ended up on top of me. We stared at each other for a moment and then we were kissing. Kissing like drunk horny people. We mashed our lips together, drove tongues hungrily into each other's mouths. I ran my hands over her body, grabbing her ass with desire. She slipped a hand down my pants to find my cock hard and straining.

I groaned into her mouth and slipped my hand between her ass cheeks. I rubbed across her rosebud and she shuddered. I went deeper and found her pussy, warm and wet. We lay there kissing and feeling each other up. It was lovely. We stopped at some point and fell asleep.

She woke me later. I had trouble waking but finally she roused me. We staggered to our feet and looked around blearily. Sand fell off me in chunks. I grabbed her hand and she bent and scooped up her shoes. We staggered to the boardwalk. On a hunch I turned left despite Kelly insisting the hotel was the other way.

Ten minutes later we found our hotel. We staggered through the lobby ignoring the glaring staff lady behind the counter. The clock in the lobby said four thirty am. I punched the elevator button and it dinged open. I went to hit Kelly's floor and she said no. She hit eleven and then pushed me into the corner and kissed me. I was dehydrated and couldn't find the moisture to kiss her properly. I felt a little nauseous from the booze and said so. Kelly smacked me.

"No, fun."

"You're drunk."

"So'r you." She hiccupped.

"You're coming to my room?"

"Yass. To the Presidential Suite, President Donald!" she laughed.

The elevator dinged and the doors open. Kelly pulled me out and I pulled her to the right. We passed a couple of doors and I struggled to get my wallet out of my pants. I had difficulty and then Kelly put one hand on my cock and with the other reached into my back pocket and pulled out my wallet and handed it to me. She found that hilarious.

I closed one eye and focused on the inside of the wallet. I found the key card, pleased with myself, and tapped the door lock. The green light came on and we pushed and fell into my room.

Kelly gushed at the size of it. I ignored her and bolted to the bathroom. I had to piss so bad. I stood over the toilet and teetered left and right aiming at the bowl. Kelly looked in and laughed at me. She came up behind me and held me steady. "Okay, now."

The small sober part of my brain was shocked. I would never do this sober. But I was drunk and I really had to pee, and so I let loose. Thankfully, Kelly kept herself behind and saw nothing. I think. I finished, told her to shake it, which she did rather vigorously and painfully, and I flushed.

"Out," she said. "I need to pee."

I didn't argue, I stumbled out and started tearing my clothes off. Sand was everywhere. I didn't care. Finally and thankfully naked I flopped down on the bed face first. It felt so good.

The feeling of someone sliding up my body startled me. Flesh on flesh. She was naked. I rolled to my side and she slipped in front of me. She was looking into my eyes. I could see just how drunk she was, too. She also looked horny.

She grabbed my semi-hard cock and I shook my head. "No. Too drunk."

She made a noise and pushed me on my back. She climbed on top of me and suddenly I was inside her. She was soaking wet and so warm and my cock hardened. She started to fuck me gently and then stopped. Her face was in my neck. I lay there wondering what was happening when I heard her snore. I wrapped my arms around her and then found the duvet on the end of the bed. I dragged it over us and the warmth of her pussy and the duvet took me away into sleep.

I woke with the warm feeling of a pussy around my cock. I blinked my bleary eyes. I was still drunk, but not nearly as bad. Kelly was lying on me, her face still in my neck. She was moving me in and out of her. She was making little sounds.

"Kelly," I whispered. "What are you doing?"

"Fucking you, I need to so bad."

"Stop. We're too drunk."

"No. So good."

"I'm too drunk to cum..."

"I'm not. So close. I've been fucking you for over ten minutes. I woke up with you inside me. Barely. I wiggled a little bit. It felt so good feeling you grow hard inside me..." she made a grunt sound.

I grabbed her head and lifted it off of me. She looked down at me, with lust filled eyes, and still clearly drunk. "No, stop. I want you to stop."

"One more minute," she slurred.

I pushed her gently off me and pulled out my cock. She looked down at it and made an unhappy noise. She tried to grab it, but with her slick juices it slid off.

"Stop. Please."

She spread her legs and exposed her pussy to me. She wasn't trimmed and thick pubic hair covered her pussy. I could still see her slit, dripping wet and she ran a finger up her pussy. I wanted so badly to fuck her. But not drunk. I grabbed a pillow and stuffed it between her legs.

"No." I flopped down on the bed and pulled the covers over me. She didn't move for bit and then she was grabbing me from behind pressing herself up against me. She was sobbing. I rolled onto my back and she clung to me. Hot wet tears splashed on my chest.

"I'm so sorry, baby," she cried. "Don't hate me!"

I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her tight. "Shh! It's okay. I don't hate you. Sleep. We'll talk in the morning. Go to sleep."

She cried for a few minutes, and when she stopped she was asleep. I held her and felt horny. I wanted so badly to make love to her. But my head was pounding. I was parched and already feeling hung over, alcohol still coursed through my veins. I closed my eyes and fell asleep with her breath on my chest.

When I woke in the morning, I was alone in bed. I looked around the bedroom of the suite. Her clothes were gone. I could see into the bathroom, but it was empty. I struggled out of bed. I found my aspirins and a bottle of water in the kitchen fridge. I took the pills and washed it down with the water. As soon as the water hit me, my body insisted I chug it. I could feel the water hitting my empty stomach. My head pounded and I collapsed on the bed on my front. I counted the pulses of pain in my head and soon drifted off. My last thoughts were: I hope Kelly was okay.

I woke with a mouth on my cock. I was on my back and Kelly was between my legs sucking on my limp cock. She was making hungry noises and I felt my cock stir to life. When she saw I was awake she stopped and smiled up at me. "Morning, beautiful," she said and engulfed my cock again.

I groaned and laid back and enjoyed it. It didn't take long. She was not bad at it. She didn't waste time licking my shaft or head. She kept constant pressure on my head and shaft, swirling her tongue and fondling my balls, although a bit too roughly. I felt the familiar surge of volume in my cock and knew I would come soon.

"I'm going to come, Kelly."

"Good. Fill my mouth."

I groaned and in moments I came hard into her mouth. I could see her eyes open in alarm. As soon as I was done, she got up and ran into the bathroom. I heard her spitting my spunk into the sink. Water ran and I heard her spitting more.

In a moment, she came back into the room and slid beside me. I caught flashes of her beautiful tits and hairy pussy. I was seeing her naked for the first time but didn't have time to enjoy the view. She wrapped an arm over me chest and snuggled in. She lifted her head up and kissed me. "Thank you for last night."

I grunted, still coming down from my orgasm. "We didn't do anything. YOU tried hard though."

"That's what I mean. Thanks for stopping me."

I made a noncommittal noise. I did it more for myself. I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if I had allowed it.

"How was the blowjob?" She was smiling up at me.

"It was really good. Thank you."

"Sorry I spit it out. I thought I could, but I can't, you know...?"


She lay still for a bit. "You're mad I spit it out?"

I shook my head, but I was lying. My feelings are if women expect you to eat them out and swallow who knows how much pussy juice, women can swallow the couple of teaspoons of male cum. Spitting is rejection. I know it's more complicated than that. I guess. I wish she had swallowed.

She reached down and played with my cock. She grabbed at my balls and crushed them against me. I cried out in pain.

"Jesus! Easy!"

"I'm so sorry! Sorry!" She sat up and tried to fondle them. I pushed her hand away.

"Don't! Leave them please!"

She pulled her hand back and sat there. I glanced at her and tears were streaming down her face and dripping on her tits. Shit, they were nice tits.

But inwardly I groaned. What was I getting into with this woman? She suddenly seemed so fragile to me. I sat up and hugged her. She collapsed against me and sobbed. She felt wonderfully naked against me but I was concerned with whatever was going on with her.

"What's wrong, Kelly?"

"I wanted this to be so great!" she wailed. "I'm fucking this up!"

"Shh! Shh!" I whispered in her ear. "It's fine. We just drank far too much last night."

She nodded against my shoulder. I could feel more tears dripping down my chest.

"Come on, let's take a shower. We both need one. Where were you this morning?"

"I checked out of my room and moved my stuff in here."

"Um, what?"

"You told me to last night?" she said.

"I did?" I had no recollection of that.

"Yeah, you said we could turn your suite into a love nest."

I seemed to remember that. We were making out in the woman's bathroom of the bar. The prostitute woman had insisted we go in there and fuck. She wanted to watch and she came in too. I couldn't get an erection and we gave up. Jesus, I was a wreck last night. "Okay, so we're roomies, right?"

She nodded again.

"Okay, get up. Shower time. We stink and I need water on my head."

Kelly disentangled herself and got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I admired her ass. I was seeing it for the first time. I whistled at her. She whirled at the sound and smiled at me.

"You like?"

"I do. I didn't see much last night. Much of anything really. I appreciate seeing it now."

Kelly's face beamed and she did a little twirl. I liked how her breasts swung out from her chest. I liked everything. Except her dark hairy pubic region. She saw my frown.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"You need a trim," I said.

She put her hands next to her pubic area. "Oh, sorry. I've not been with anyone for so long. I let it go. I didn't think this would happen."

I smiled at her. "Want a trim?"

She looked perplexed at me. "Trim? How?"

"I have a beard trimming kit. Let me trim you."

She looked surprised. "You want to trim me?"

I nodded and got out of bed. "Yeah. It'll be hot. I'll trim you up."

She looked nervous. "I dunno."

"Okay, shower first. Then we'll decide."


In moments we were under the hot water in the shower. We had all three heads going and we soaped each other up. Sober and aware I enjoyed feeling her body. Especially soaped up and pressed up against mine. I had her pressed up against the shower wall and finger fucked her gently. I found her g-spot with two fingers and gently stroked her. She came in moments, gasping and crying out. She clung to me and kept trying to grab my cock and stuff it inside her. I resisted and she growled.

It took time but I finally got her out of the shower. I dried her off with a big fluffy towel and then got another one. I led her back into the bedroom, wrapped in the first towel, and told her to lie back on the bed. Before she laid down I placed the spare towel under her. She licked her lips nervously.

I went into the bathroom and got my trimmer, razor, and shaving gel. I brought them out and laid them beside her. She picked up the trimming razor and looked at it. She turned it on and off. Meanwhile I filled a bowl from the kitchen and filled it with hot water and grabbed a facecloth.

I kneeled on the carpet by the bed and had her scoot to the edge of the bed. I stared at her pussy. She tried to cover herself but I moved her hands away.

"It's weird you staring at it so closely."

"Honey, I'm going to be doing more than that. Now relax. Trust me. Do you trust me?"

She hesitated and then nodded once, biting her lower lip.

I took the trimmer and showed her the guard on it. "It will trim down to number two. Like my beard. The same length, okay? It's safe. It won't nick you."


I started the trimmer and started to trim off large swaths of hair. Her pubic hair was at least three inches long. I had never seen anything like it, but I was captivated by the process. As I removed the hair, more and more of her beautiful pussy came into view. It was glorious. She had a thick, outer labia. The inner labia was exposed slightly at the top, and knew just below was her clitoris. Her inner labia was exposed farther down, jutting out from her outer lips. She glistened, but I wasn't sure if it was water from the shower or if she was excited. I was focused and careful. I had her spread her legs for me and looked up into her face. She had a lustful look and I knew she was enjoying this. As she spread her legs she made a soft noise.
