Vivian: Life in Estonia Ch. 17

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Vivian acquires a new boyfriend, and they exchange stories.
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As Vivian and Raimond Kruuse were enjoying a very festive meal at the Horisont Restaurant, their alcohol consumption induced them to be forthright and unconstrained in recounting their inner most feelings and aspirations. From that point forward during the meal, they revealed some of their history, much of which was not known to the general public. Vivian was a heavy drinker who could hold her liquor fairly well. Still the alcohol she had consumed during the meal made her far less inhibited. In addition, considering his generous approval of her public persona she naturally became less guarded. As a result, she was very candid about her sexual past. She didn't describe any of her sexual encounters in graphic detail, but she did advise him of her tattoos and their significance.

Raimond Kruuse was astonished by Vivian's candor but was not shocked by her vast sexual experience which she related. During their impersonal interaction when they happened to be together mainly in the normal full cabinet meetings, he developed the impression that she was a player. It was not that she was flirty nor comported herself outlandishly in a slutty manner, but still he sensed by the vibes she gave out, that she could be seduced.

One of the first instances that provided credence to his belief occurred on that very first day when Kaja Kallas was installed as the first female Prime Minister of Estonia. A subsequent photo op with Kaja Kallas and her entire cabinet along with their spouses occurred. Of all the married cabinet ministers only the wife of Urmus Tralla, the Minister of Justice, and the husband of Vivian Laaning, the Minister of Culture did not appear in the general collective photograph. Even Raimond's wife Varvaara who lived separate and apart from him had deigned to appear alongside him for that historic photo op.

Now in the case of Urmus Tralla there was an understanding of why that was the case. It was an open secret that Tralla's wife had mental health issues which precluded her from appearing in public with him. However, with Vivian, there appeared to be no ostensible reason why her husband was not included in the photo. Especially, since he had been politically prominent in the past in advocating the rights of farmers. Could there be marital discord? The reporter from Õhtuleht, the one who had asked about her wardrobe malfunction earlier that day, also inquired for the record why Vivian's husband was not included in the commemorative historic photograph.

Vivian was able to cavalierly defuse the malicious innuendo of the question by replying, "As you may know, my husband is a dairy farmer in Valgamaa. What you may not know is that our cows have to be milked twice a day every day seven days a week. If it happens that my husband has to be away from the farm for any reason, it is incumbent upon me to remain at the farm to ensure our cows get milked. So, in this case, as I'm required to be in Tallinn, my husband has to remain on the farm or otherwise our poor milking cows will suffer unduly."

The manner in the way Vivian answered the question in such heartfelt terms, dissuaded the reporter from pressing on with questioning the authenticity of her explanation. But to Raimond Kruuse, it seemed axiomatic that one could always engage someone else to supervise the caring of the cows when both of them were away. As it was, their dairy farm was already large enough that additional farm laborwas necessary. By adding two plus two to equal four, Raimond came to the conclusion, that the four in this case represented the fact that Vivian must be in the market for seeking alternate sex aside from her marital occasions.

With this surmise, coupled with Vivian's frankness in revealing her past sexual history, and not to mention his own alcohol consumption, Raimond was unguarded as well in his conversation with Vivian. He revealed what was already known on the internet that he was married and father to two daughters, twenty-two and 8⁸twenty years of age, respectively, and both being students at the University of Tartu.

However, what was not known by his biography on the internet was the fact that he had separated from Varvaara and had rarely any sex with her for the past fifteen years of separation. Varvaara had moved on with her life and had acquired a new man to pleasure her.

In his case, Raimond Kruuse was absolutely committed to his political career. His obligations to his political party plus his duties as a representative of the government of Estonia was of a paramount concern in his life. Thus, he was not in the market to establish or be involved in a long lasting romantic relationship or an affair. Then again, he was a flesh and blood man subject to sexual desires despite his driving imperative to make a significant contribution to the advancement of his beloved fatherland.

To this end, Raimond Kruuse had acquired the acquaintanceship of three ladies who he could count on, to satisfy periodically his momentary carnal lusts and desires as they arise. (pun intended) In reality he was not in a position to devote all of his time and energy in satisfying any of his extramarital lovers. Therefore, he had sought out married women who may be disgruntled with their sex life and were merely only interested in an occasional fling to satisfy their own urge for sexual excitement, but who would not otherwise be inclined to insist on a firm commitment.

As a result, when he periodically felt the desire and the need of female companionship for the night, he would sometimes book a room at this hotel and make a booty call to one of these three ladies. Other times the ladies would come to his rented apartment for a night. In fact, he added that he had already obtained a room that very night, and that was the very reason he asked her to meet him at the restaurant rather than escorting her from her residence. To which Vivian coyly asked, "Oh! Is this then an invitation for me to join you in your room?"

Raimond boldly replied, "Why yes! As I already told you, you will get the money for your department no matter what. So, my real main purpose of asking you out to this fine restaurant at this very fine hotel is to see if after dinner you'd like to accompany me to my very fine room."

Vivian replied, "That's awfully cheeky of you and betraying a lot of brazen confidence. If I were to decline your generous offer, why you'd be out a pretty penny for naught."

Raimond smiled as he could read between the lines that she wasn't going to refuse. He blandly replied, "Not at all! If you do not wish to spend any more time with me this evening, at least I've enjoyed your company, and you have to admit this has been a lovely meal. But you need not fret that I've wasted my money nor that I shall be alone in the hotel room. If you do decline my invitation, I'll just ask one of my lady friends if they wish to come here to keep me company. I'm pretty sure one of them will be able to comply. Perhaps my certainty of that does not fall exactly in the realm of death or taxes but it is pretty damn close to that category."

Vivian smiled at his response, so she asked slyly, "Does one of your three ladies go by the name of Kaisa Noor?"

Raimond was visibly shocked by Vivian's question, as he answered, "Why yes that is so, unless there is another woman in Tallinn with the same name. Don't tell me you know her?"

Vivian answered, "No I don't really know her. I actually haven't even met her. The reason I know her name is that on the very first day I met my husband, soon to be my ex, by the way, he had come to Tallinn to negotiate a bank loan so he could purchase the adjacent farm property to his farm, plus some farm equipment and even some more cows. It just so happened that I was staying at Jaan Läänemets' residence because Jaan is a third cousin of mine, and I had come to Estonia to make contact with any blood relatives I might happen to have.

"During my stay, Eino Tarvas came to visit the Läänemets' since he was the brother-in-law to Jaan's wife, Marika. For this important trip to Tallinn, Eino had booked three nights at this very same hotel, as he certainly had no intention to trespass on the Läänemets' generous hospitality. Unbeknownst to me at the time, but what he subsequently revealed to me later, was that he had arranged with Kaisa Noor to visit him at night during those three nights he had scheduled to be in Tallinn

"Unfortunately, for Ms Noor, but apparently during our conversation at the Läänemets' residence, Eino found me somewhat engaging, such that he invited me out to dinner that evening. I guess I seemed to have charmed him some more during that meal as he then invited me to complete the day by accompanying him to his hotel room. Again, my sensuous allure must have been most pronounced throughout that evening since Ms Noor did not see Eino during those next two nights either. And I suppose Eino must have found me absolutely irresistible as he proposed marriage to me on our third day of our acquaintanceship. Since I accepted his proposal, the luckless Kaisa Noor didn't even get a rain check for her canceled date."

Raimond Kruuse burst out laughing at this witty account. He laughed so hard that he shed some mirthful tears. Finally, as he regained full control of himself, he queried "Is that really true? You actually accepted a marriage proposal after knowing your husband to be for only three days?"

Vivian replied, "As I recall, Eino had calculated that we had only known each other about fifty-five hours, before he proposed. So, it was actually just a little more than two full twenty-four hour days. Mind you, I did take a couple of more hours to deliberate on his proposal, but after I fisted his ass while sucking on his cock, I then accepted his proposal."

Still smiling, but looking at her more in askance, Raimond said, "Now surely that can't be true."

"I take it you've never been fisted by a woman before?"

Raimond replied, "Oh I wouldn't necessarily deny that. I've been known to have a few sexual tricks up my sleeve. But let me put it this way. Perhaps giving head might be considered a harmless unobjectionable exercise in confirming an acceptance of a marriage proposal. However, I daresay not too many would perceive fisting as a form of proper celebration to indulge when one agrees to marry."

Vivian replied, "Well in America we have a saying", and she spoke in English: 'Different strokes for different folks'. Then she translated the saying literally into Estonian and continued saying, "It sounds better in English because of the alliteration. In any case, my actions did not dissuade Eino from retracting his proposal."

Raimond was thoroughly enjoying this unique anecdote. His enjoyment was enhanced even further as he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Vivian was going to agree to sex. Her anecdote also suggested she would be a very innovative lover and would provide him a much better experience than he could expect from any of his three regular extramarital lovers especially the suddenly now erstwhile Kaisa Noor. He observed, "Well your marriage seems to have gotten off to a very intriguing start, but now you say the marriage is over. I guess considering your extremely brief courtship it was doomed to fail right from the start."

Vivian protested, "I do not regret this marriage. It did last six and a half years, and I couldn't have asked for a better honeymoon. The first three plus years were easily the happiest years by far in my life. It was exciting and satisfying in so many ways. I got pregnant marking the occasion as the zenith of my joy in my marriage to Eino Tarvas. Unfortunately, I miscarried, and it was further diagnosed that I had become infertile. Whether it was as a result of my miscarriage my doctors were uncertain and wouldn't say in any case. In reality, though, the reason for my miscarriage is now absolutely a non sequitur as far as I was concerned.

"As a result, my marriage then slowly started to disintegrate, and I resorted to my sexual libertine tendencies. I accept a fair share of the blame for the failure of my marriage, but then again had Eino been more sensitive to my feelings and more open to arranging for a realistic accommodation to my predilections and my concerns, we might still be married today. I can honestly say that I truly loved Eino Tarvas body and soul even despite engaging in adultery. I sincerely regret that my marriage could not continue."

Raimond Kruuse was significantly affected by Vivian's speech. In his prosaic expectation for the outcome of this evening, when he had asked her out, he thought as a result of his general observations of her, that there was a very good chance he could bed her. In his mind he had surmised that she would provide an alternative enjoyment to that which was already available for him from his three established extramarital lovers.

Her recital, although it confirmed that she could be easily seduced without too much effort on his part, nevertheless explained why this was the case. Aside from her personally being infatuated with him, a possibility Raimond was not vain enough to seriously entertain, she was obviously at a crossroads in her life. Therefore, a new love interest would be important to her, and her natural sexual energy would engage to provide him not only the best sexual occurrence in his life, but one he could cherish forever.

In this light he responded, "Believe it or not Vivian, but I envy you. You've had at least three years of happiness in your six and a half years of marriage, whereas I've not had even one moment of happiness in my twenty-one years of marriage. I'm obviously exaggerating but it doesn't seem so to me.

"When I was thirty-threeⁿ, and before I entered into politics, I was a freelance accountant here. To supplement my income in my private practice, I taught a beginner's class in accounting at Tallinn University. I had actually been ambitious enough to earn a graduate degree in accounting. One of my first year students at the University was Varvaara Raudsepp. I really didn't pay any attention to her in class although I noticed she would flirt with me. I always was under the impression she wanted to ensure she got good grades in my class, and I assumed she behaved like this way with her other professors and lecturers' teachers as well. In essence I kept ignoring her but apparently, she never took the hint.

"One Friday night in November, I was at a bar with a female colleague, by the name of Lenni Järve, who lectured in Roman History..."

At this point Vivian interrupted, "She taught Roman History, really? I told you about my tattoos on my thighs, but I didn't tell you what prompted me to participate in a gangbang of twenty-five men. I took a course in Roman History during my undergraduate years. As a result, I learned of Messalina, the wife of Emperor Claudius who was thirty years her senior. She had reputation of being very promiscuous to the extent that she once challenged a prominent prostitute in Rome to a sex contest as to who could outlast whom. The Empress won having entertained* (*air quote) twenty-five men in twenty-four hours. So, when I discovered that, I knew I wanted to see if I could emulate the sexy empress. And I did! But I'm sorry I digressed. Go on and finish your story."

Raimond was not perturbed by the interruption. This was especially so since her anecdote reinforced his impression of her as a very desirable slut. Presumably most straight men would view that description as an oxymoron. In their minds, a woman who is as promiscuous as Vivian had been, must by definition be empty headed and thus a synonym to bimbo. Yes, a straight man would want to fuck a bimbo, after all a fuck is a fuck. But that's all the contact they would want with her as who cares what a bimbo thinks or says.

Of course, Vivian Laaning was no bimbo. After all she had graduated from one of the most prestigious law schools in the United States. She had been employed by one of the most prominent law firms in Chicago. In Estonia as a legislator in the Riigikogu, she was instrumental in having legislation passed that would make it more economically feasible for women to have additional children. With the hope that this would encourage them to do so, and at least get Estonia to eventually reach a robust population replacement rate.

In this regard Raimond was most impressed by their earlier discussion wherein Vivian outlined the importance in the long term of her legislation. Vivian pointed out that the Soviet Union tried to eliminate Estonian nationality by their occupation of the Estonian territory since the end of World War II up to and until 1991 when Estonia regained its independence.

To that end Moscow instituted programs of Sovietization and Russification. The former had some possibility of success since the theory of communism had adherents of some of the intellectual elite throughout the world despite the empirical evidence of the plethora of failed communist states. However, Russification had no chance to succeed considering the individualism of the Estonian citizen. During the 1980s, it was proclaimed that only Russian was to be the language taught in Estonian Grade One classes and an introduction to Russian language was to be taught in preschool. However, the feisty Estonians defied their Russian overlords such that even before regaining independence the government of the local Estonian Socialist Soviet state passed legislation that declared Estonian as the official language for the Estonian territory.

Vivian went on to opine that if Estonia would disappear, it would be because of the low population replacement rate. The population replacement rate, which is the fertility rate needed to maintain a society's population size, is considered to be 2.1 children per woman of child bearing age. The 0.1 represents the replacement of those children who die before their parents. The Estonian population replacement rate is 1.58, a very alarming low rate indeed. It didn't help that Kaja Kallas and herself, two of the top female members of the government were setting a poor example by having each only given birth to one child.

And as the Minister of Culture in Kaja Kallas' cabinet in just a month Vivian had achieved some remarkable progress in such a short time. Yes, after Prime minister Kallas, everyone acknowledged Vivian to be the next most important female cabinet minister.

In Raimond's mind as he perceived Vivian to be a slut, it was only as a synonym to promiscuous minus the usual disparaging adjectives that is universally associated with the image of a slut. He truly viewed Vivian as absolutely desirable and the ideal female companion for him. Definitely, Vivian was much superior to the three women he was currently relying on to meet his periodic sexual urges.

While musing over Vivian's virtues, Raimond resumed his narrative concerning his marriage. "As I said, I was drinking at a bar near the University, with Lenni Järve, but it was not a real date. As a result of a chaotic day and being the end of the week, I was in the mood for a drink, and as I happened to walk past her office, I asked her if she'd want to join me. She agreed except to say she could only stay at the bar for only an hour and a half as she had a previous commitment later that evening. I forget what it was now.

"She also offered to drive us to the bar as I had intended to take a bus to the bar. We were having a good time and I was sorry to see her leave the bar. We agreed on a dinner and dancing date for not the following night, but a week later.

"Since Lenni had agreed to go out before she left, I was in a happy frame of mind. There was another faculty member with whom I was acquainted at this bar. So, I asked him to join me as I decided to stay for a couple of more drinks. Well, the 9⁹⁹⁸conversation was lively, so a couple of drinks turned into three, then four and then I lost count.