Vivian Travels to Estonia Ch. 03

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Vivian explains the significance of her tattoos
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Part 66 of the 76 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 09/19/2017
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Eino Tarvas did not really believe Vivian was serious. First of all, he couldn't believe she actually had that much cash on hand to willy nilly advance him such a large amount. Secondly, even if she did have that much money in her bank account, and able to spend as much, he couldn't believe she would be willing to part with such a huge sum as a result of what in essence was a merely one night stand, albeit a very erotic one. However, there was nothing to lose in playing along with her presumed offered generosity as authentic, so long as they got to the bank by the appointment time so he could make his loan application presentation in the alternative.

Accordingly, he replied, "Well OK then, but still, it's imperative we get to the bank by ten. In case there is a mix up on your end in the transferring of funds, I can still negotiate, if need be, a temporary loan. You see my neighbor is most anxious to sell as soon as possible, and as we had settled on the purchase price, I agreed that as soon as I was able, I would transfer the purchase monies to his lawyer's trust account. That way I could take immediate legal possession of his farm tomorrow, after all the necessary documents are executed and registration of the sale is registered. If I cannot go through with the sale by the end of business day tomorrow, he'll entertain offers from other buyers. He intimated that he had a better offer already lined up, but of course he may be bluffing. Still, I don't want to take any chances. It is an opportunity I wouldn't want to miss out on."

Vivian was not offended by his undisguised but understandable skepticism towards the sincerity as well as the genuineness not to mention the practicality of her offer to advance the monies. So, she just smiled, and responded, "Well I guess we better make haste then."

The ensuing activity proceeded more or less as Vivian had anticipated. At the Läänemets residence, she procured her financial documents and information to enable her to advance funds to Eino Tarvas. She also gathered up an infant backpack, and a stroller in order to take Maia along. She surely did not want to importune the hospitality of the Läänemets needlessly. She was especially grateful that Marika had baby-sat Maia overnight without a hint of protest. She also managed to breastfeed Maia and change her clothes suitable for the business meeting at the bank.

They arrived at the bank about fifteen minutes before the original scheduled appointment time. Around 10:00 AM, being the original appointment time, the transfer of monies was confirmed, and deposited into Eino's bank account. Thus, he was spared the difficult task of negotiating his previously planned bank loan. Pursuant to the prior agreement with the neighbor, they then visited the lawyer's office to hand over the negotiated sale price. Thus, arrangements were finalized for legal possession to be put into effect the next day.

Needless to say, Eino Tarvas was pleasantly shocked at this sudden change in his good fortune. He actually had a difficult time in believing in the reality of the situation. He pinched himself to make sure he was not in a dream, but nevertheless he still had doubts about the reality. As he viewed the physical balance now shown in his bank account, he replied. "Oh my God! You really had that much money! You've actually been able to send that money so that I don't have to borrow from the bank. And now I've acquired the adjacent farm. How wonderful you are!"

In reply Vivian elected to become poetic. She parodied a romantic verse as she responded:

"Hush my sweet Eino

I sent a single flower, since we met

I chose a message so tenderly

A deep-hearted, pure, with scented dew still wet

One perfect rose"

That response astonished Eino. He was susceptible to the universal consensus that America was a land of wealth, and thus Vivian's monetary generosity was perhaps not that unduly surprising. Still that insouciant reply reinforced his notion that she acknowledged that there was the existence of a magical chemistry between them. Their attraction to each other would portent an affair beyond a mere one night stand notwithstanding the long distance of separation between their home residences.

With that in mind, he said, "Your message sure went beyond one perfect rose. In any case, I had originally intended the whole of this day to be negotiating with bank officials for the loan and arranging for the transfer of funds for the purchase of the farm. Then tomorrow I intended to devote to spending the monies borrowed for purchasing some farm equipment and cows plus finalizing the documents to transfer ownership of the farm. Since the negotiation phase with the bank proved to be of a brief duration, the rest of this day is free for me to entertain you, and still stay on my schedule for my trip here. So, I suggest we have a luncheon or brunch as you Americans would call it. Then I would give you a tour of our nation's capital city. Thereafter, we can have dinner and perhaps end the evening again at my hotel room."

Vivian laconically replied, "Sounds like a plan, to which I've no objection!"

They returned to the Läänemets residence, to gather some more of Vivian's and Maia's clothing as they knew Vivian would stay with Eino for the remainder of his visit to Tallinn. Jan Läänemets came home for lunch and so they had a meal with the Läänemets, which consisted of sauerkraut soup and some open-faced dark rye sandwiches. As Vivian was accustomed to traditional Estonian cuisine while growing up, this meal was sufficiently appetizing to her, whereas non Estonians might not find it so.

Then they went on a motor tour in Eino's motor vehicle to have a view of the city. They spent some time in Tallinn's Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which is a major tourist attraction. They also took in the Tallinn Zoo, but as Maia was not old enough to be fascinated by seeing the animals, neither Eino nor Vivian had an interest to prolong their visit there.

Their main interest that afternoon was to tour, the Estonian Open Air Museum (Eesti Vabaõhumuuseum) which is a life-sized reconstruction of an 18th-century rural/fishing village. The exhibition comes complete with a church (Lutheran), inn, schoolhouse, several mills, a fire station, twelve farmyards and net sheds. The site spans 72 hectares (178 acres) of land and contains about 80 separate buildings. and is located 8 km to the west of Tallinn city center at Rocca al Mare. The museum showcases 68 farmhouses assembled into twelve farmyards from North, South and West Estonia. Naturally, with her own farming background, Vivian was totally enthralled by this museum and had an exhilarating time.

After the afternoon tourist activity was completed, they returned to the Läänemets residence to allow Vivian to dress and prepare for an evening meal date at another fine restaurant. Left unsaid was the presumption that Vivian might be detained overnight once again. So, Marika advised that her close friend, Hele Mölder who lived close by was willing to baby-sit Maia that evening. Hele was breastfeeding her own daughter, Riina, who was two months younger than Maia. Accordingly, she wouldn't mind breastfeeding both infants as she declared she had plenty of milk in her, and thus the formula would not be needed to feed Maia. Vivian was astonished at generosity displayed by these two women but was not surprised as considering the homogeneity of the Estonian population.

For dinner, Vivian was dressed in a light green A-line, scoop neck, knee-length, sleeveless, chiffon cocktail dress. The restaurant was reputed to be the finest seafood restaurant in Tallinn. They had escargots and raw oysters as appetizers and lobster for their main entrée. In typical Estonian fashion, they selected a vodka on the rocks for their pre-prandial libation and German Rhine Wine for their dinner. For dessert they had a slice of rhubarb pie and a coffee liqueur.

During the dinner conversation, Eino wanted to satisfy his curiosity of Vivian's tattoos and her jewel ornaments. So, he asked, "Vivian last night when I witnessed you naked for the first time, I noticed you had some peculiar tattoos on your legs, actually on your upper thighs. On your left thigh there are four rows of three miniature replicas in each row, seemingly of the Estonian flag. On the right thigh there are four rows of three miniature replicas seemingly of the German flag. I also detected some lettering and numbering on each 'flag'. In addition, you wore two gold plated body chain belts wrapped around your midriff, plus a couple of ankle bracelets on each ankle. Two of the bracelets were engraved with a single name and the other two were engraved with two names each. Now is there a story behind all this? I know it's none of my business, so I'll understand if you wish not to divulge if there is an intimate story you do not wish to share. But to satisfy my curiosity would you be willing to elaborate on this seemingly whimsical exhibition of your naked body?"

Vivian paused for a moment in contemplating on how to answer Eino's query. If she had no interest beyond a one night stand, there would be no problem to just simply avoid the question by in essence supplying a non answer or a delaying answer with no encouragement for a follow up. In situations where her feelings were ambivalent towards her partner, a teasing answer whereby an intimation that a full disclosure might occur in the future would tend to be sufficient.

In cases where her male partner was of sufficient appeal, who Vivian might find desirous of engaging in a long term relationship even possibly matrimony, she would prefer to postpone answering such a question, until the relationship would be on a surer footing. However, if it became impossible to avoid giving an answer, she would prefer to be frank and truthful. That way if the gentleman then blanched immediately, the relationship was a non starter. But if the relationship did continue after full disclosure of her past sexual history, and subsequently, the relationship failed anyway, it would not occur on account of her fraudulently withholding of perceived disgraceful information.

In that light, and since she had the wherewithal to engage in a trans-Atlantic love affair, Vivian decided she might as well expose her warts and all. Accordingly, she replied, "I guess you might say I was a bit wild in my youth. My peers would label me as a slut and a whore. Rather than view myself in such pejorative terms, I prefer to think of myself as a woman with a healthy appetite for sex."

Eino interrupted, "I'm not a man who disdains a woman who have as you say a healthy appetite for sex. Rest assured I do not find our sex as a tawdry affair. And it goes without saying you're a woman of estimable qualities."

"I appreciate your kind words and your attitude. As for my tattoos, I had it done to mark the occasion of a very sexual and exotic experience, which I had indulged in during my junior year at the University of Wisconsin. It came about as a result of an assignment in my Roman History class. I had elected to do a paper on Roman orgies analyzing the truths and myths on that topic. In my research I came across the story of Messalina one of the wives of the emperor Claudius. Messalina had the reputation of being very promiscuous so much so that there were all kinds of gossip of her sexual excesses written about her by the historians of the day. One such story is an account of her all-night sex competition with a prominent prostitute in Rome to which the competition lasted for 24 hours, and Messalina won with a score of 25 partners satisfied."

Vivian continued her explanation, "One thing you ought to know about me; I love to accept challenges. That story inspired me to determine if I could duplicate the empress' feat. So, with the help of four of my male friends, they recruited twenty-one other male students to participate in a twenty-four hour gangbang orgy. I had sex with one different man per each hour, and with two men during the last hour to bring the tally to twenty-five different partners to equal Messalina's historical sexual exploit.

"I obviously don't know if you find this story disgusting, but I was geeked! I was actually proud of my accomplishment, as I viewed it as evidence of my pure unadulterated sexuality which a respectable worthwhile hedonist would appreciate. So, your right Eino, that these tats on my thighs are replicas of the Estonian and German flags. My mother is German, having arrived in the United States to escape the authoritarian rule of communist East Germany, which thankfully no longer exists. My father, although American and like me was born in the United States, had Estonian parents who fled from Estonia during World War II to escape Russian persecution. My paternal grandparents lived with us as I was growing up, so I exclusively talked Estonian with them as well as with my father. I might add that although English is the primary language for both my father and me, we find it awkward not to speak in Estonian with each other.

"In any case, I chose these tats of the two flags to signify my ancestral heritage. The lettering on each flag tat represents the initials of each man I 'entertained'* (*air quote by Vivian). The numbering on each flag tat represents the start of the hour in military time of when I 'entertained'* the referenced gentleman."

Eino Tarvas was, needless to say taken back with complete surprise by Vivian's frank admission of her sexual peccadilloes. However, as he was now so enraptured by Vivian's sexual allure, that not even a hint of condemnation entered into his mind. The one thing that did stand out in his mind about Vivian's narrative, was the apparent fact that she was the actual instigator of the sexual activity as opposed to being coerced into it by a persuasive male lover.

Consequently, he merely reacted, "Wow Vivian! I'm not disgusted; I'm impressed! You certainly were telling the truth when you claimed to be a woman with a healthy appetite for sex. To my mind that is a characteristic that can't be admired enough. So, what about the two body chain belts, and your ankle bracelets? Do they have any sexual significance as well?"

"Oh yes indeed, my sweet perceptive Eino! As I told you one of my lovers was a wealthy man, the richest man in Chicago and one of the richest in the United States as well as of the world. He was so enamored of my charms, that not only did he advance monies to my sister, Erica, to start her restaurant, but he also bought for me a lifetime membership to a swingers sex club located near Dallas, Texas. It's called the Texas Love Ranch or TLR for short. The TLR presents orgies every weekend and periodically conducts sexual contests. Only women are declared winners, as the club perceives participation in a sex contest is a reward in of itself for male participation."

Eino guffawed at that last statement, as he replied, "Speaking as a man, I guess even in participating in an orgy is a reward in of itself. So, it's no wonder that a sexual contest between women has to be by definition more competitive. So, my pretty Vivian, I take it those belts represent victories in these sex contests. I admit that I'm curious of the circumstances of your triumphs."

Vivian smiled at Eino's metaphor. She replied sweetly, "Oh my truly perceptive stud muffin, Eino! You're quite right in surmising that these belts I'm wearing are the prizes for winning a TLR sex contest. There may not be much monetary value attached to these belts but the significance of them can't be overstated. They are uniquely commissioned by an exclusive Dallas jeweler and are not available for general public sale. The only way to acquire such a belt is to win a TLR sex contest. There are, therefore, very few of them in circulation. Every female member of the TLR without one, envies members who are able to adorn their body with such chain, as it represents sexual prowess. More importantly, l and as far as I know all other TLR body chain belt wearers adorn our bodies with these items every time we have sex. It reinforces our notion that our sex partner is very fortunate to have a hot woman like us for this occasion of sex. You can't imagine how much that thought process is so validating to our self-esteem."

Eino Tarvas was very intrigued by Vivian's explanation. As a result, he said, "Again speaking as a man, I'm a little nonplussed at any woman's lack of confidence in her appeal to those of the male persuasion..."

Vivian interrupted, "Wait a minute, Eino! You surely can't be suggesting that by simply being a woman, one can attract any man she would wish."

"No of course not, but what I am saying is that as a woman you can't be so despondent that you can't believe you're unable to snare some man into your clutches. I like to compare the difference of the attraction between the sexes with this analogy. If one goes to a casino, it is quite possible to win a gigantic fortune even enough to retire on the winnings. On the other hand, it is quite possible to lose all the monies one is capable of losing, and even more if the casino accepts IOUs. However, one thing that is as certain as death and taxes, the casino will make a profit no matter the various individual scenarios.

"Likewise, if a single man enters a singles bar, he might meet and score with the woman of his dreams. On the other hand, he might strike out with every woman he makes contact with and goes home with masturbation as the only sexual episode, he would enjoy of that night. On the other hand, a woman, even a two bagged woman, entering a singles bar, could with the same certainty of the sun's arising from the east, expect to get a fuck buddy for the evening, assuming of course that such is what she desires."

Vivian could not help inquiring, "What is a two bagged woman?"

"You may be aware Vivian, that some women are deemed by some men to be unattractive and totally unsuitable. That being the case, these men would require the woman to don a bag over her head to hide her perceived repulsive facial features before he would consider coitus. In addition, the man would don a bag over his own head in case the bag over the woman's head gets inadvertently dislodged during the act of copulation."

Vivian sniffed, "You are only proving by this analogy, that casual sex is one sided, and does not lead to a satisfactory conclusion. That may be true in a majority of cases, but it's not true in every case. I definitely believe that even a two bagged lady can expect there is a man just right for her to fulfill her destiny, and she needs not despair but have the patience until she meets him. The real trouble with us women is that we tend to stay too long in a relationship that has no hope of going anywhere.

"That certainly was the case with my wealthy billionaire lover. I was not that gullible to believe I could induce him to leave his frigid wife, nor even to expect to become his steady mistress. There are certainly lots of prettier women then me, that would be available for him. Instead, I had the realistic hope, that I could get pregnant by him so that I would have life-long bond with him. That's how much in love, I was with him that I would have been satisfied with such a modest expectation."

Eino observed, "I gather you did not conceive a love child by him?"

"Correct! Even that modest desire was denied to me. His wife contacted me to dissuade me from continuing my affair with her husband. I got the impression that she had the fear I might be successful in prying him from her. I imagine she was somewhat surprised that her assertion that he would never leave her for me, had no effect on me, as she could see I had come to grips with such reality. But then she dropped a bombshell on me. She advised me that her husband had undergone a vasectomy as he was satisfied with the two children of the marriage. I had to believe her as I knew we had sex during the countless times I was ovulating. Thus, I belatedly realized my affair with him had no future, and so I ended it. Shortly thereafter, I met the man who was to become my husband and the father of Maia."