Voyage of Discovery

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Iannis comes to Marina's rescue...or does he?
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[Author's Note: This story was previously published on my 'Alex Barton' page. This version is better.]


Marina Markham turned over in bed and opened her eyes. She'd left the hotel room's shutters open the night before and the morning sun was streaming in through the window. The other side of the bed was empty and she took the opportunity to stretch out, enjoying the feel of the smooth cotton sheets against her naked body.

Marina wasn't sorry she was alone. Her lover Leo had suddenly announced the night before, as soon as he'd finished fucking her in the mouth, pussy and ass and was lying propped against a pillow, he had decided to stay in Rhodes and join an artist's commune and would be leaving early in the morning. "Fine," Marina had said, turning over and falling asleep.

She'd met Leo at the art gallery in London where she worked. The private view of his latest paintings had been wildly successful and Marina was flattered when he invited her to join his guests for dinner afterwards. Several times in the restaurant he had reached down under the table and run his fingers lightly over the inside of her thigh, each time stroking closer to her creamy slit, making her almost faint with pleasurable anticipation until he finally entered her pussy with his middle fingers and brought her, quivering and shaking, to orgasm.

Later, when the guests had departed, Leo asked if she would like to continue the celebration in his riverside apartment, and she'd said yes immediately. He had barely shut the door before he unzipped himself and urged Marina to her knees. She'd willingly opened her lips and sucked his heavy penis deep into her mouth, aware he was only expecting her to do what she'd been looking forward to doing all evening. And she was pleasantly surprised when, after he'd climaxed and she greedily swallowed a huge quantity of his thick, creamy semen, Leo had made imaginative use of a champagne bottle in her cunt while vigorously fucking her in the ass, bringing her to an even more shattering climax than earlier in the evening.

Strikingly pretty and blessed with exceedingly large breasts, Marina was ready for the pleasures of taking a more mature lover and Leo, with his prominence on the London art scene, was the perfect choice. Formidably intellectual, fashionably slender, with piercingly blue eyes behind tortoiseshell glasses, he looked and spoke like Michael Caine which made Marina fall for him at first sight because she had always found older men attractive. Unfortunately, like all artists, he was also self-centered, an egocentricity which extended to his lovemaking. He considered foreplay an unnecessary inconvenience unless it was Marina doing it and though he never ceased to extend the limits of her sexual knowledge, it was always for his pleasure, never for hers. Gradually Marina began to lose her starry-eyed attraction to Leo.

Her misgivings about joining him when he suggested they use the proceeds from the sale of his paintings for a holiday in Greece were borne out as soon as the plane took off and he demanded they join the Mile-High Club. Marina agreed, but any pleasure she might have felt vanished when he ordered her to bend over and grasp her ankles, tugged her thong down and thrust his cock deep into her asshole which he insisted she kept lubed. Pumping hard, he ignored the fact that every time he slammed his belly against the cheeks of her upturned ass Marina bumped her head on the sink.

This thoughtlessness became the pattern throughout the holiday, with Leo's lovemaking usually little more than several minutes fevered humping into her pussy or ass after which he would fall asleep with a drunken grin on his face and Marina would have to masturbate to achieve satisfaction. She soon decided it was too high a price to pay for an all-over tan...

Waking in their hotel room, Marina turned over onto her back and pushed the sheet down to bare her breasts, the heat of the sun already causing drops of sweat to form in her cleavage, Marina reached for her watch to see what time it was. The watch was gone. So was her purse and passport. The bedside table was empty.

Marina leapt out of bed swearing wildly as she checked the closet drawers. All her possessions were gone. Leo had taken everything, leaving only her return plane ticket from Athens to London. He had even stolen her clothes, except for a t-shirt which was too small, jeans and her loafers. She couldn't help sitting on the bed and laughing ruefully: at least the bastard had left her a comfortable pair of shoes!

Reluctantly Marina decided she would have to go to the police. She showered quickly, taking savage delight in soaping her asshole particularly well to wash away Leo's sperm, and then dressed, pulling on the t-shirt and grimacing at herself in the mirror. The tight fabric emphasized the fullness of her braless breasts rather than hiding them. The jeans were the same, the tight denim clinging to the rounded curves of her curvy bottom and disappearing between the lips of her pussy. God, she thought with a flash of annoyance, Leo could have at least left her some bloody underwear.

She followed the instructions she'd been given by the hotel receptionist and found the nearest police station but she was amazed and angered when she was told there was little they could do. The fat sergeant behind the desk pointed out Leo could be anywhere on the island, or already have left for the mainland, and would Marina be staying on Rhodes long enough for them to complete their investigations? "The paperwork you understand," the policeman said, shrugging his shoulders.

Marina asked if the police could at least lend her the money for the ferry back to Athens but they adamantly refused, claiming it would be impossible to guarantee recovery of the funds when she'd flown back to the UK. All the sergeant was prepared to do was suggest if she went down to the harbor and spoke to one of the crewmen in the dockside taverna she might be able to negotiate a passage on a ship and arrange payment when she reached the British Consulate in Athens.

Her breasts jiggling heavily as she walked, bringing lecherous leers from passing men, Marina made her way to the dockside. She knew approaching an ordinary Greek seaman might lead to them misunderstanding her intentions so she decided to explain her plight to a uniformed officer she saw drinking a coffee. She was delighted to find he was not only sympathetic but prepared to take her on board his ship and allow her to hide in his cabin until they reached Athens. Deeply relieved, Marina was hugely thankful she would soon be rid of Rhodes, Leo and the whole sad situation.

The officer introduced himself as Iannis Metrides and suggested they went on board straightaway. "It is better now because my colleagues will be on duty or in the town," he said.

Iannis led the way to a large passenger ferry and Marina followed him below deck to his cabin. It was a small room with little more than a bed, locker and a few personal possessions scattered around. Marina sat on the edge of the bed and picked up the photograph of a woman which stood on the bedside table.

"She was my wife," Iannis said. "She was very pretty but she died in childbirth. We were high in the mountains and could not get to a hospital in time when the birth went wrong."

As he spoke, Iannis removed his jacket and hung it in the wardrobe, then unbuttoned his shirt and took it off. Marina could see his chest was tautly muscled, his stomach flat and hard. She thought he looked very handsome as he opened a drawer, took out a starched white t-shirt and pulled it on. Watching him change, Marina tried to quell the rising sexual desire she felt, telling herself she was only attracted to him because Leo had treated her so badly and it was wrong for her to feel this way when Iannis was a widower. But she still felt her nipples hardening under the thin material of her cotton t-shirt, and between her legs her pussy felt hot and creamy.

"Please make yourself comfortable, Marina," Iannis said handing her a small stack of old English magazines from his locker. "I will be on duty until ten tonight and then I will bring food and drink and you can tell me all about yourself to improve my English."

"That would be nice," Marina said, smiling.

"But please, keep the door locked," Iannis said quickly. "You are a stowaway and I would be dismissed if anyone found you in my cabin."

"Of course," said Marina, picking up a magazine and making herself comfortable against a pillow. "I'll see you when you get off duty. And Iannis?"


"Thank you," she said. "You've been very kind."


Marina was dozing when Iannis returned and she sat up, hurriedly pulling together the waistband of her too-tight jeans. She had run the zip down to make herself comfortable and she blushed when she looked up and saw the desire in Iannis's eyes as he stared at the exposed apex of her pussylips, her clit standing erect like a tiny aroused penis.

"I bring gifts, pretty lady," Iannis said, laying out fresh bread, butter and salami sausage on the bed. Helping herself, Marina ate ravenously while Iannis opened a bottle of white wine and handed her a glass. She felt the alcohol go straight to her head as they shared the fiery Greek spirit. It was a nice feeling and eventually Marina could eat no more and lay back on the pillow, listening while the handsome Greek man told her about his home and his love for the sea.

She felt safe, replete, and a little drunk with the wine and she longed to have Iannis lying naked on top of her, his lips crushing hers, his muscled chest pressing against her hard nipples, his cock thrusting repeatedly into her overheated pussy. For a moment she thought guiltily of his wife and then she placed her hand on the inside of his thigh and slid it up over his prick. His shaft was big and extremely hard and she said softly, "Iannis, please... I want to thank you for helping me."

Iannis responded like a wild animal, tearing off his clothes while Marina hurriedly stripped off her t-shirt and pushed her jeans down her legs and threw them aside. She barely had time to register he was circumcised before he hooked his arms behind her knees and lifted her legs high into the air, spreading them wide and making her moan with delight as he thrust the full length of his thick hard cock deep into her cream-flooded cunt.

Grinding her cunt against Iannis's thrusting prick, Marina couldn't believe how big the Greek man felt between her legs as her whole body shook with his repeated lunges. Panting and heaving under him, she offered him her breasts, cupping them in her hands so he could suck and kiss and bite the stiff nipples. As he did so he slid two fingers between the cheeks of her energetically bouncing buttocks and pushed them into her anus, making Marina moan loudly with delight. Hurriedly Iannis covered her mouth with his free hand to stifle her cries.

Marina felt like a nymph willingly offering herself to be ravished by a Greek god. Nothing else existed except the strength and power of Iannis's body vigorously fucking hers, his suckling mouth on her sensitive breast-flesh, his thick fingers working back and forth in her asshole, his big cock repeatedly filling her pussy to capacity. She bucked and writhed and twisted beneath him, her pussy filling the cabin with the heady scent of her cunt cream dripping onto the sheets. And then she felt Iannis's body suddenly stiffen against hers and he pressed his mouth hard into the soft flesh of the nipple filling his mouth, a deep moan of intense pleasure escaping his chest.

The massive pole of Iannis's prick buried to the balls inside Marina started to throb and pulsate and a flood of sperm burst from his cock into her sucking sex. She responded with her own blast of liquid heat, her stomach jerking spasmodically against his, her climaxing cunt milking his spurting cock of every drop of cum. Finally Iannis heaved his hips in a last deep thrust and his body relaxed.

Marina lowered her legs to the bed while her belly spasmed involuntarily with the delicious aftermath of her orgasm, her breasts heaving as she fought to slow her breathing. Iannis slowly extracted his fingers from her bottom and Marina was amazed when she saw him put them into his mouth and lick them clean, savoring the taste of her back passage.

Easing his prick from the sucking grasp of Marina's flooded sex, Iannis lay down next to her and settled his face into her soft, full breast. For a moment she delighted in the heat of his body next to hers and the creamy-wetness between her legs as his sperm oozed from her pussy, his still-hard cock lying against her thigh. Then she fell asleep, blissfully aware she had at last met a man who cared as much about her pleasure when he fucked her as his own.


Twice during the night Iannis woke Marina with his lips and hands, cajoling and coaxing her body to respond to his intense desire. The first time he lifted her on to her hands and knees and positioned himself behind her, cupping her heavy sleep-warm breasts in his hands and mounting her like a dog, thrusting his cock into her sperm-filled cunt. Closing her eyes in ecstasy, Marina bit the pillow to stifle her screams as she climaxed again and again, each orgasm more pleasurable than the last.

The second time Iannis upended his body to lie on top of hers, his face buried between her legs, sucking out his sperm and her cream as she slowly engulfed the full length of his thick heavy prick between her lips. They lay entwined, sucking and masturbating each other until Marina felt the tell-tale swelling of Iannis's cock and he unleashed a stream of thick, creamy liquid deep into her nursing throat. She swallowed for what seemed like an eternity as she shuddered and let out a stifled groan of orgasmic release, filling Iannis's mouth with her honeyed cum.


The next morning Marina awoke alone and she stretched languidly. She assumed Iannis was on duty because there were croissants and butter in a basket by the bed, together with a thermos of strong Greek coffee. She drank gratefully, washing the thick aftertaste of Iannis's salty semen from the back of her throat. For a moment she thought how incredible he was; no other man she'd ever met was able to produce such immense quantities of sperm and she was amazed at his powers of regeneration.

Crossing her legs, Marina ate a croissant and looked out of the window. All she could see was the sea stretching away in the distance. There were no fishing boats in sight so she assumed the ship was far out in the Aegean, making its way round the Dodecanese islands towards Athens. She wondered how long the voyage would take and whether she would make it without being discovered and if she would be in love with Iannis by the time they docked. She was certainly in lust with him, and he with her, judging by the ferocious energy he'd shown when he fucked her multiple times during the night.

Finishing her breakfast, Marina peed in the compact toilet, enjoying the sensation as Iannis's cum dripped from her open pussy, and then she decided to take a shower in the cabin's tiny shower-stall. She smiled when she smelled the sandalwood-scented soap Iannis used. It explained why his skin always smelled so masculine.

Marina washed her hair and then rubbed herself with a natural sponge which made her skin tingle, particularly when she sponged her breasts. There were tiny bite marks around her nipples, trophies from Iannis's passion, and Marina smiled with pleasure at the memory of her legs waving in the air as Iannis furiously fucked her into the mattress.

She toweled herself dry and dressed in one of Iannis's shirts, spending the rest of the morning reading the magazines he had given her and staring out of the porthole at the azure blue of the Aegean. Her life in England seemed so remote from the warmth of the Mediterranean sun and she indulged herself in the fantasy of marrying the handsome Greek so she could wait like the wife of Ulysses for him to come home from his voyages, bearing gifts for which she would thank him by enveloping his sex with hers and draining him of the pent-up male seed stored in his aching balls. The intensity of the fantasy made Marina shiver and she realized she was hungry, both for food and for sex with Iannis.

She noticed the photograph on the bedside table and reached over to turn it face-down. She didn't want him to be looking at it when he was fucking her and she felt guilty because she knew she wanted him to do even more to her than he had already done. In particular she wanted him to fuck her ass with that gorgeous long thick prick of his, something he'd not yet given any sign of wanting to do. It was a delicious thought and Marina surrendered to the inevitable, lying back on the bed and spreading her legs wide.

The erotic scent of her own arousal filled her nostrils as she put one hand between her legs and unbuttoned Iannis's shirt with the other. Her breasts were swollen, even bigger than usual, and extremely sensitive. She sighed with pleasure as she dabbled her fingers in the moisture oozing from between her pussylips and brought drops of her cream, musky with her arousal, to the engorged tip of first one breast and then the other, stroking the thick liquid across the velvet soft skin.

Lifting a full globe to her mouth, she lapped at it with her darting tongue, enclosing its hard point with her lips. Then she did the same to the other one, circling the peak and lathering it with her saliva. Suckling her breasts intensified the erotic sensation between her legs as she rubbed and stroked her clit and she repeatedly thrust her fingers into the wet hole of her pussy, forcing them in up to the knuckle with loud slurping noises.

As her self-fuck grew in speed and intensity, Marina's sighs turned to moans as she dug her heels into the bed and lifted her hips up so she could open her pussy even wider and drive as much of her hand inside herself as she could. Slurping and sloshing in the cream pouring from her sex, Marina's bunched fingers stretched her cuntlips even wider than Iannis's cock and felt wonderful. They filled her cunt and excited her to an overwhelming level of arousal. In her mind her hand was Iannis's cock and it was his fingers kneading her heaving breasts and tugging her nipples out from her areolas until she almost shrieked with pain and pleasure.

She could picture his dark, heavy cock shuttling in and out of her mouth, or filling the tautness of her distended pussywalls, or, best of all, forcing its way past her anal sphincter and furiously fucking her asshole. Marina's orgasm rose in a tidal wave of ecstasy as she pictured giving her back passage to her handsome Greek lover and she shuddered uncontrollably and moaned loudly as she climaxed, her belly quivering as her pussywalls spasmed round her deeply buried fingers, sending a flood of her oily cream over the digits. The seductive image of Iannis buggering her remained with Marina as she drifted into oblivion once more.


During the early afternoon, the boat docked and Marina listened to the metallic thumps as cars and trucks were loaded off and on the ship. She heard voices but dared not look out of the porthole in case someone saw her. She wondered where they had reached on the voyage and hoped Iannis would find time to visit her, not only because she longed to see and touch him but also because she was growing increasingly hungry. By the evening, when Iannis finally returned, she was starving and her hands were trembling. Iannis apologized profusely for not having been able to return at midday but said the captain had needed him to work on the navigation charts of the Cyclades, plotting a course that would take them to dock briefly at Amorgos and then round the islands of Thira and Milos.