Walker Ch. 01.09

A Tigreni warrior in exile is unable to escape human culture.
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Part 11 of the 20 part series

Updated 07/08/2023
Created 09/13/2022
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Chapter 1.9

Edwin woke them in the morning, 'I'm leaving soon. Bath's waiting and breakfast's ready.'

'Are you coming by later?' Walker asked extricating his arm from the drowsy girl's grasp.

'Aye. Need ta attend morning mess 'n sort some business there but I'll be along.'

Meri greeted them, provided their freshly washed clothes and fed them. The bath was a quiet one. Walker noted the girl's body shone bright red with the scraping, but also that the bruising had bled outwards and seemed more diluted than before. The girl admitted tenderness.

The morning fog hung thick. As they made the short trek into the square. The sun peeked over the roofs of the surrounding buildings, casting its long gaze across the open space and kissing the greenery of the gardens. There was little movement about the square, singular shapes could be seen about; someone swept a store front, a brown robed scribe loitered before the Elderman's building, a cart trundled away from the square on the far side.

The girl pulled him towards the pillories. Someone had thrown blankets over their naked bodies. The captives were in a terrible state; filthy and slumped as much as their binding allowed. The girl left Walker then and inspected the buckets, one had clear water in it. She rinsed out a rag and set about wiping the girls off and cleaning them as best she could.

'Would be kinder to smother them.' Walker commented.

The girl stood and looked at him. 'Can we do that?'

Walker looked about the square, 'We'll be seen.'

'Can we feed them?'

Walker thought about the question, 'There comes a point where the mind retreats from the pain. It escapes and protects itself in its own dreams. Giving sustenance might wake them to their suffering. At this point it might be kinder to just leave them be.'

'They killed that boy. Maybe they deserve pain.' the girl mused.

'Maybe. Do you think so?'

'Hmm. Men are above. Animals don't know they'll be slaughtered. We're the only ones intended for suffering. Did the gods curse us? I don't understand what anyone deserves.'

'A peaceful dream and a gentle wakening to death.' the tiger recited, 'We suffer what we must.' He held out his hand, beckoning her.

The arena wait but neither the table nor the had been set up however eight tables with benches had now been arranged outside the door in the lane. They waited under the tree. Mere moments later the tavern keep came out and greeted Walker.

His big jovial face had a friendly smile plastered across it 'Have ye thought about my words Master Walker?'

The tiger was about to say something but the girl interrupted him, 'My master has considered.' she said from beneath the hood.

The tavern keep's face was furious, he ignored the girl 'You should have her whipped for speaking.' he exclaimed.

The girl continued unperturbed, 'Apologies sir. But my master is not much for speaking, he prefers listening. He would like to hear your offer.'

Flustered the man's eyes shifted to her, then back to Walker. When he spoke, he addressed the tiger directly, 'Is that how it is?' he demanded.

Walker cast a sidelong glance at the girl on his arm, he simply nodded.

'My offer sir, is simple. I shall come to you with ideas on how to whip these men into a mindless gambling frenzy. You'll have all the opponents you could want, drunk and clumsy, ready to shower you with coin. All I want is a small measure of your profits and a right to organize my own wagers at the tables.'

'You cannot set your own wagers already?' the girl asked.

Flustered, he answered, 'Not without the Captain or the Elderman's permission no.'

'Will you share some of your ideas with my master?'

'No. For that is part of the offer.'

Walker responded 'Then no deal.'

'Ach!' the man almost shook, 'Like losing the occasional bout, prolonging others, making them think they've a chance; I watched you yesterday, I don't believe there to be a man here who could come close. Create some odds for the betting on the side. Maybe let the men fight each other for the right to face you. Things of a nature to create a spectacle.'

'Excuse us.' she said and led Walker a short distance away from the fuming keeper.

'What do you think?' she asked him.

'Hrmm. Very complicated.'

'For what reason do you fight?' she asked.

'Silver.' he answered.

'Then he's right.'


'Will you trust me?' her voice was soft and faintly pleading.

'Aye.' he shrugged 'Why not.'

They went back to the man. 'So?' he asked.

'My master will work with you.' she told him.

'Splendid Mister Walker.' he held out his hand to shake.

'But,' she said, 'he is only willing if you pay him a share of your profits.'

'Ludicrous, I shall do no such thing.'

'My master will make enough coin without your help.' she said firmly, 'He does not need you.'

'Is the girl speaking out her arse mister Walker? I could make you rich.'

Walker shrugged at the man.

'Gah! Fine. I'll give you a tenth of the betting if you secure permission from the Captain.'

'One silver in every five.' she said.

'Fuck you cunt.' the man spat at her feet.

'Careful now.' Walker growled.

'Fine! One in five. I'll work with Guard Cedric but I won't suffer the indignity of being dictated to by your slave.'

'You'll have to.' Walker said flatly, 'Females deal with spoilt children.'

'Spoilt? Mister Walker, if you were not a guest...'

Walker turned his back on the man.

'You should be nicer to him.' the girl whispered as he led her away.


Cedric arrived soon after, wished them a good morning and went to the tavern to arrange the day. Soon after, he reappeared pulling the keeper aside where they spoke in hushed agitated tones. Several slave women marched out behind them, laden with furniture.

Walker was inside the arena, alternately stretching and pacing the sides with a slow deliberateness.

'Walker!' Cedric called as he approached the ring with the keeper in tow, 'Assuming the Captain agrees to this arrangement, when would ye want to start?'

Walker shrugged, pointed to the girl then promptly ignored them again. She had surprised him earlier, but he reasoned to himself, whatever happened there would be coin if he fought.

The girl sat in her cushioned chair as the trio ignored the slaves assembling the gazebo around them.

'Mister Walker!' a deft voice disturbed the relative quietude of the scene, 'I have come as promised.' Gerald from the restaurant strolled along the lane. The tiger dipped his head in greeting and watched man's approach; he carried two perfectly rounded rods in the crook of his elbow. He took one and held a leather wrapped handle out to the tiger.

Walker took it, recognizing it as a sparring weapon but it was too long and thin to be compared to any weapon he'd ever seen, the weight was definite as his fingers closed about the grip. When he twirled his wrist the tip of it whistled through the air and the sensation of the haft bending slightly fed back to him.

Gerald climbed casually over the rope, 'Exquisite feeling is it not?'

'What's the purpose of it?' Walker asked taking a strong stance. He swung the weapon in a strong downward motion before turning his forearm, bringing it up again in a reverse slash. It felt wrong. Then he lowered himself down, his body swaying loosely between his bent knees, his arm whipped out in an arc and the stick cut the air like a whip. This too felt wrong as the tip of the weapon maintained its own momentum serving to creating a delay, bending the rod, with each purposeful movement.

'The purpose of it is to land a blow on an opponent.' the straight backed Gerald smiled at him. The man wore loose but figure fitting formal attire, pants of black, a tight white shirt with loose hanging sleeves. His hair had been slicked back and combed meticulously until it sat neatly on his crown.

'How is an authentic blade used in war?' Walker countered.

Gerald knelt on one knee, undoing the laces of shining black leather shoes 'In war? Heavens no Mister Walker. This is an instrument used in sports combat.'

'Sports.' Walker sniffed.

'Indeed. It teaches intricacy. Poise. It amplifies errors.'

Cedric marched up to the rope 'Gerald why're you in there? Do ye know what we's doin here?'

'Yes Cedric. I am fully aware.'

'You're intendin' ta fight?' Cedric's face belied his dubiousness, 'Then ya know ye got's to put coin down?'

Gerald stood with his shoes held delicately in one hand, he took a purse from his pocket then handed the shoes and the money to the guard 'Is forty silvers acceptable?'

Cedric stared bemused at the shoes for a moment before weighing the coin purse in his palm, 'Forty silvers a'right with ye Walker?'

The tiger nodded trying yet another tactic with the weapon but finding it dissatisfactory.

'Good.' Gerald said moving towards the center, 'Are you ready Mister Walker?'

Walker stood wide legged and relaxed before his opponent, 'Maybe not.' he answered wiggling the stick.

Gerald smiled, turned his body sideways, bent his knees so his weight settled in perfect balance between his feet. His right shoulder aimed at his opponent then the tip of the weapon stared at the tiger.

Walker, craned his neck, checking the man's stance. He read the looseness of the wrist and the firm control with which it seemed to guide the weapon, 'I'm ready.'

'Fight!' Cedric barked.

The tiger fell to the ground as the Gerald pierced the air where had been an instant before. The weapon over his head shot downwards, the tiger desperately rolled back over his own head as the tip of Gerald's weapon snapped against the mat. Then the man pursued him.

Walker swung his weapon at the man's, expecting resistance. But there was none, Gerald's wrist rolled deflecting the tiger's blow with the lightest of kisses, then it carved a circle in the air before the tip struck out at the tiger again. Walker twisted sideways, then the length of the blade flashed towards his torso, he jumped backwards to tumble and roll into the ropes. The claws in his toes ripped the mat as his legs kicked his body forward. Gerald almost speared his foot but the tiger clambered to his feet and danced away from the man.

'I've never faced any man as fast as you.' Gerald said impressed. He reset his stance and the tip of the weapon came up again.

'I'm not a man.' Walker gripped the weapon with his fist round the middle of the blade.

'That's a terrible way to hold a precision instrument.' Gerald lunged again.

This time Walker shot forward on his knees as the tip went over him. The blade swept downwards, but the tiger punched upwards while twisting the blade of his along the middle of his opponent's, the weapon bent, then straightened itself upwards, away from Walker. Gerald's arm was flung up as the tiger threw himself forward, wrapping an arm around the man's knee.

In one fluid motion Walker shot up with the trapped knee. Gerald fell backwards as the tiger followed him down, they hit the mats hard as Walker's full weight bore down on him. The man found his arm trapped. He tried to lift a knee but found his legs strangled by the tiger's as they wrapped around him. With his left hand he threw a punch but the tiger caught it and forced it down with all his weight into Gerald's neck, choking him.

The man went limp in defeat and Walker rolled off him. After a few moments they both stood breathing heavily to find Cedric and the keeper gaping open mouthed at them.

The veteran guardsman regained his composure shouting 'Winner!' his hands were on the ropes 'By all that is mighty gentlemen! I've never seen anything like it.'

Gerald bowed at the waist to Cedric as if he bowed to an auditorium. He turned to Walker and bowed again. 'My compliments on your victory. I am more than a little curious at your training.'

Impassively Walker asked 'Training?'

'Knowledge is apparent in the way you tested the blade. Shifting from style to style, measuring efficacy of application before trying another.'

Walker feigned surprise 'Hrmm?'

'I would appreciate it if you did not take me for a fool Mister Walker. Raw talent is wild. Experienced talent is cunning. Trained and experienced talent is creative when it needs to be but precise at all other times.'

The tiger offered the stick to the man, his eyes saying, I don't understand.

The man smiled warmly, 'Have it your way.'

They shook hands and the man left with only his shoes and sticks.

Cedric gave him a crooked smile, 'Good start ta the day.'

'Aye.' Walker watched Gerald go, 'Who is he?'

'Dunno. I thought him a ponce from the city. Now I thinks him a dangerous ponce from the city.'

'And the woman?'

'Ye mean the pretty at the restaurant? All's I know is she's some patrician's property.'

'Hrmm. Why're they here?'

'No idea. Making money off the loggers is my guess; him running the business, she's there to bring exoticism to the enterprise I reckon. Many a man's offered the ponce money for a go at 'er.'

'A go?'

'Ta fuck her. Strangely, always refused. Rumor is there's a lord in the city who'd make yer life very uncomfortable if ye forced any issue at The Rose.'


'Aye... insofar as that's what the ponce says. The Elderman's tol' us to respect the man, so we do. They's all conspicuous like... like you. But ach, never caused a problem but for the occasional drunkard who gets gropy with her.'

'He is dangerous.'

'Hope he don't keep comin' back for more. Nearly shat meself at the start, thinkin' he'd be walkin' away with yer silver.'

Walker shrugged 'So did I.'

The tavernkeeper came from behind ' What a waste! he exclaimed unhappily.

Cedric swung his head around 'Ehh?'.

The tavern keep waved his arms about excitedly 'City man versus the beast. Whole town would have been a chattering at what just happened here. It's strange, it's exciting! We need a rematch, one people'll be waitin' on. Talkin' about, gettin' ready for. The locals would lose their minds that outsiders be puttin' em all to shame. How to beat the Tigreni, would be all anyone's talkin about. Do ye see? Do ye see?'

'Aye aye. I think we do.' Cedric put his arm on the man's shoulders and led him away 'Let's go tell the girl about it.'

Walker sighed. He had no patience for anything from the tavern keeper's mouth but he recognized the wisdom in it. Nowhere, it seemed, was there interest in the artistry itself. Just then he noticed Edwin watching from behind a tree in the garden.

The man gave him a wave then approached, he said a good morning to the keeper, who seemed to be struggling to put too many words together.

Walker met him at the ropes.

The Captain's handsome face was of surprise mixed with a mild smile but the tiger thought he sensed something else in the man's demeanor 'Good fight, didn't know that man could.'

'I got lucky.'

'Luck? How so?'

'Near perfect movement, each strike could have lost me the bout.'

'You won with skill.'

'Aye. And luck.'

'I'll take your word for it my friend.' Edwin scratched his neck as if there was an itch beneath the skin, 'Got to go see the Elderman.'

'Something wrong?'

'Well, aye. Bandits attacked a logger's camp in the night. Killed some men, dragged off most of the women. Last we'd heard of 'em they'd attacked a stead far to the North, outside kingdom borders.'

'Hrmm. What do you know of them?'

'Nothing much. Bandits, armed women, some beast folk, and some old fool from a previous attack claimed there was a minotaur.'

'Numbers? Movements? Encampment? Supplies? Routes? Leaders?'

The Captain's surprise was naked as he hesitated open mouthed, 'You said you was in war in your homeland.'

Walker shrugged, and stared at the man.

'The answer is no to all.'

'No scouting?'

The Captain's face turned dark, 'They were far to the North. We had no reason to concern ourselves.'

'There's reason now.'

'Aye. We're a glorified lumber town, the guard keeps order.'

Walker had nothing more to say so he changed the topic, 'Tavern keeper wants to do betting. I give my consent.'

'Ahh. I think it's a good move.' but Edwin's mind was wandering, 'I'll go give my blessing.'

The Captain excused himself, had a quick exchange between himself, the guard, the keeper and the girl, then marched off to the Elderman's building to deliver his news.

Traffic in the square soon picked up and the crowd was larger than the previous day, though its size waned and waxed. Walker had won four smaller waged bouts. The tavern keeper was a constant presence, eventually introducing himself as Tullius.

Tullius joined them at the table for lunch, sitting beside the girl, he asked of Cedric 'What's the take for the day thus far?'

Cedric looked questioningly to Walker, who was distractedly chewing a raw piece of meat, silently asking whether he wanted Tullius to know about the earnings. Walker made his eyes large at the girl, talk to her. Cedric looked to the girl. She shifted uncertainly on her cushions, 'Just over seventy silver coins so far.'

The fat man took the information in with a speculative nod 'With wagers on the side I'd estimate we could have added at least another twenty onto that number, probably much more. Say girl, can you read or do numbers?' The belligerence was hidden beneath the seemingly friendly tone.

'Aye.' she answered calmly 'Counted chickens n eggs all my life. Learned to from my mother afore she died.'

The tavern keeper shifted his bulk on the plain wooden chair, 'Women have no place knowing either.'

'Mister Tullius,' she began politely, 'my father was, is, a drunkard and my sisters and I would have starved and we'd have lost our land if I couldn't keep the chickens and add numbers well enough to tell my father what taxes he owed the Elderman.'

'Our land? You mean your father's.' snorted Tullius derisively.

The hood obscured her face and her voice came forth ostensibly earnest 'Yes. My father's.'

To Cedric Tullius asked, 'Do I ask the beast or the bitch when we officially start taking bets?'

'Tomorrow.' the girl answered.

'Oh. Does that suit ye?' Tullius snorted.

'It suits my master.' she looked over her shoulder where patrons came and went for the lunch hour, 'Tomorrow is the start of the endweek. Mister Cedric, when do the loggers start coming in from the forest?'

Cedric had his mouth full and scratched at his chin 'Throughout the day startin' in the mornin'.'

'Master Walker.' she said, 'If it pleases you. Mister Cedric announces to the men throughout the afternoon that you'll fight the three highest wagers at lunch tomorrow. Wagers on the outcome can be checked with the tavern keeper and coin deposited with Mister Cedric. Then at dinner, there will be a second chance to face you, again by those with the highest wagers.'

'Hold now girl.' Tullius interrupted 'You don't know anythin' bout the way things work here.'

'Excitement Mister Tullius.' she answered, 'The men will have time to talk. And I expect they should be hungry for a spectacle after days in the forest with nothing but wood and filthy women.'

Tullius smacked the table speaking to Cedric, 'Dinner is peak time for my slave games. If I'm to share profit on this I refuse for it to be at further expense to my income.'

Cedric held his hand out palm down to calm the man, 'Can ye serve food after the bout?'

Tullius breathed heavily, the skin under his chin rising and falling 'That is not the point.'

'What is the point,' Walker interjected, 'in pointless nay saying?'

'That's not it Mister Walker.' he blustered.

'Accept or decline.' the tiger's eyes were fierce despite the calmness in his voice.

The man looked to Cedric for help but the guard shrugged 'The girl speaks for him.'

'The girl believes there is place for the games after the fight.' she said.
