All Comments on 'Walking in My World'

by Sean Renaud

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
try and editor

your missing words. you barely described her. needs more sex. oh, and any dude would drop the playstation.

i did however enjoy the cartoon references. that was good for a humor story.


Selena_KittSelena_Kittabout 18 years ago

You've been mentioned in the New Story Reviews in the Author's Hangout.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Creative and fun

Loved the satire, loved the surrealistic feel, loved the raw but true-to-life comedy, and especially the creativity. Honestly, the only critique I have involves grammatical error—to instead of too, encase instead of incase? Anyway, loved the story, loved the creativity.


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userSean Renaud@Sean Renaud
I'm a Veteran of the Iraq war and former Marine. To my Band of Brothers keep up the fight and remember there is life beyond the Corps. Love your time in it'll be the best time of your life. I love anything extreme and my mailbox being filled to the brim with feedback.