War of the Races Ch. 04


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Finding my Chi Wells was much easier this time. Touching the Soul Well, it felt exactly the same as before, but this time, the gamer in me immediately parsed out what I was feeling into three core traits; strength, dexterity, and constitution. Touching the Spirit Well, again I found I separated my overall consciousness into three core traits; intelligence, wisdom, and charisma. I got a general sense of being strong or weak in each trait, but there were no numbers that I could associate with just how strong or weak I was. However, I could sense that I was capable of getting stronger in all of them. When I touched the Well of Power, I felt a surge of overwhelming energy pulsing through my consciousness. As I meditated, for the first time I could sense two different power sources within the well. The first one was like a vast ocean, I couldn't even begin to quantify how much power there was, but I also could since that it reduced over time and was not replenished. The second was also a large amount of power, though it was more like a large lake instead of a vast ocean, and I could tell that it was only half of its capacity, but was replenishing quickly.

Pulling back within my meditation to dwell on all three wells together, I became aware of what I deciphered as passive skills inherited from Bastet and Huxian:

Feline Grace; with this skill I could perform complicated acrobatics and no matter what I did, I wouldn't ever lose my balance, and I would always land on my feet.

Elusiveness; I naturally was not a loud walker, but this skill made my movements almost completely silent. I also felt that I could be in a crowded room, and unless I did something drastic, no one would even realize I was there.

Prowl; with this skill I could all but disappear, melding almost seamlessly into my environment.

Night vision; my eyes were now as keen as a cats, capable of seeing in nearly complete darkness.

Evasion; If caught by my enemies, with this skill, I can cast an illusion of myself and quickly disappear for several seconds.

Hide; With the slightest of cover I could disappear as long as I didn't move.

Moonbeast; I could sense that this was what shapeshifted me into this hybrid-fox form. I could also sense that this was a blessing from Seline, but the base skill had been from Huxian, and it hadn't allowed for this...hybridization. Meditating on the Moonbeast skill, I tried to bring it into more tangible focus, and it opened before me like I was reading a book of drawings. On the very first page was a drawing of normal Alfari me. On the second page was a fox, but not the Alfari-Animal like Huxian, rather it was a fox from my previous world...as I remembered them. On the third page was a drawing of the Alfari-Fox-hybrid form I was currently in. As I flipped through the rest of the pages of the book of the Moonbeast, they were all blank.

Pushing the Moonbeast skill away, I had a feeling I knew what I had to do now to revert back to my humanoid form. However, I was enjoying being with Huxian like this so I left it and meditated on something new, I was just beginning to get a glimmer of.

The Well of Power pulsed, and I could feel it flowing outward and filling my senses with knowledge of my offensive, defensive, and utilitarian skills:

Rip and Shred; Heavy clawed attacks that I could use in my hybrid form.

Bite; A standard attack in my animal form.

Foxfire; A magic fire that covers my back, shoulders, arms, hands or paws, and claws. Upon receiving or inflicting damage wherever I was covered in Foxfire, upon coming into contact with me, it's flames inflict continuous and persistent fire damage.

With the knowledge of my new abilities fully realized, my meditation shattered, my eyes popped open, and I felt exhausted. Looking up, Sequoia and Huxian were both standing over me with their arms crossed and looking vexed.

"I was going to have you breed me all night long last night," Huxian growled in annoyance, "but no one could get you out of your trance!"

"Then early this morning you were suddenly engulfed in a golden flame that didn't burn you at all," Sequoia hissed, and then pointed behind me, "but it sure as hell burned me!"

"Oh shit," I cried, and jumped up and turned around to see a large blackened scar where I had been sitting.

"Lucky for us I don't catch fire easily," Sequoia added.

"I'm so sorry Sequoia," I apologized in a rush, "I didn't know that was happening."

Both Huxian and Sequoia just looked at me for a few seconds, and then Huxian asked, "So I take it you had a breakthrough last night?"

"Yeah," I answered with a nod, "I guess I did. I can feel my Chi Wells now. I spent...I guess...all night communing with them. I have a very good sense of my core strengths, and the permanent bonuses I received from you and Bastet. I also know what passive abilities I inherited as well as special attacks."

"I have no idea what you just said," Huxian retorted in a deadpan voice.

"Okay," I answered, realizing I was talking nerdy gamer speak, and they had no idea what I was talking about, "Let me try to explain it as you did for me."

Looking around I found a twig and then led Sequoia and Huxian to a soft patch of ground where I could draw. Kneeling down I drew three circles and then pointed as I described them, "These are the Chi Wells you described to me; spirit, power, and soul."

"Yes, this much we know, and explained to you," Huxian answered.

"Okay, so within the Soul Well, I could feel three different qualities," I described, "And I subconsciously assigned certain physical attributes to them. Strength, my raw ability to lift heavy weights or perform strenuous tasks. Dexterity, my ability to complete highly complicated tasks requiring nimbleness and finesse. And Constitution, my hardiness or how long I can perform difficult or repetitive tasks before I am exhausted."

"I think I understand," Sequoia mused, "That is...revolutionary! However did you come up with that?"

"I...um...it was something I learned in a previous life," I answered quickly with a sharp look for her to not press her question, "Okay, so, the same with the Spirit Well. There were three different qualities to the energy I felt, and once again, I divided them up in my mind into three different mental attributes. Intellect, my ability to learn and comprehend as well as my ability to see the world around me and quickly assess and comprehend what is happening. Wisdom, my ability to take what I see and what I have learned and use it in the most beneficial way possible for me and my interests. And Charisma, my ability to communicate with others what I want and need intelligently and tactfully."

"Interesting," Huxian mumbled as she looked at me in wonder, "And you figured all this out in just one night of meditation?"

"Um, I guess so," I answered as I looked up to see if she was upset with me before I continued, "Now as for the Well of Power, that was strange. I felt two different energies there, the first was overwhelming...like a vast ocean I just couldn't quantify, and the second was much smaller, feeling more like a large lake. I could feel that the ocean was slowly dissipating. However, the lake was only half full, but it was regenerating..."

"This I can help you with," Sequoia purred while Huxian nodded beside her, "What you felt was your life-essence and your life-force."

"What do you mean," I quickly asked as I looked down at my drawing.

It was Huxian that answered this time, "Life-essence is your life-span, how long you will live. As far as I know no one can stop its eventual dissipation, and death, but I have heard of some slowing it down."

"Life-force is a source of energy derived from Mankind, and subsequently Animalkind through their reproductive power," Sequoia continued, "Knowledge of magic came from the Fallen, and thereby we were all taught that magic requires power in order to operate. For the Prime races this meant sacrificing reproductive potency for a spell activation."

"What about Plants and Animals," I asked, "Do you sacrifice your reproduction to activate your special abilities as well?"

"No," Sequoia and Huxian answered together. They looked at each other, and then Sequoia gestured for Huxian to proceed.

"Our abilities come at different costs," She explained, "Some of them drain our Soul Well until we are exhausted, while others drain our Spirit Well until we are exhausted in the mind, and then there are some skills that drain our life-force or life-essence directly and we know that we will not get pregnant that month or we will not live as long as we would have before."

Sequoia nodded along with Huxian and as soon as she finished, she continued, "This is where the druids of the Vale House differ from all other Alfar. They, and thereby, you, have magic that synchronizes more closely with Animal Chi than anyone we have encountered before."

"Hmm," I hummed into a hand that was stroking my snout, "Yes. The implications and ramifications are fascinating..."

"So now you can see why I want to bring in the women I told you about," Sequoia offered again.

"Yes," I mumbled as I stared at the ground but was lost in my thoughts about life-force and life-essence. It was true that I had used some magic subconsciously on the moonfire that enveloped my body while meditating, but it had barely cost anything. So the fact that the lake was half full was from mating with Huxian all week. Hence, the more I mate, the less life-force I have to activate my magic with.

"Power leveling does have its appeal," I said suddenly as I stood up and turned to Sequoia, "And just mating random women does too, but what I have wanted most since I was born is a harem of women that I love, and they me. So, as much as I appreciate the offer of hundreds of willing women to mate with, Sequoia, I respectfully decline."

She looked at me with her big brown eyes wide open in shock. She obviously hadn't expected I would refuse mating with a hundred women. When she composed herself she asked, "So you're saying you only want women that want a mate?"

I nodded.

"Then may I introduce you to just one Harpy," She asked.

I couldn't see the harm so I nodded, then feeling a sudden swell of weakness wobble my legs I amended, "Actually, I am really tired and hungry. Is there any way I can eat and take a nap?"

"Sure," Huxian agreed readily, and with a look at Sequoia, she took my hand and led me to our burrow.

I laid down on our bedding, and Huxian curled up beside me. Sequoia came in and knelt down next to me and gave me a bowl of fruit and vegetables, and when I was done she handed me a wooden cup filled to the brim with a thick golden nectar that tasted like honey and burned tree bark. As soon as I downed the cup of nectar my head felt like it was swimming. The earth seemed to spin around me slowly as I laid back and watched the tree rotate around me.

A hand ran through the fur on my chest, and then I was suddenly being pulled to lay on my back as Sequoia hovered above me, and whispered in my face, "I'm sorry, my nectar is somewhat intoxicating!"

Looking over at Huxian I saw that she had her own drink of nectar, and she was already sound asleep by my side. Sequoia moved about the burrow and when she returned she explained, "Huxian's seven-day is completed, and I can't wait anymore! I have been in pollination for so long...and I can't wait a minute longer!" With that she stepped around my shoulders so that she was standing above me and squatted down so that her sex was directly in my face before she whispered, "Here, my nectar is an aphrodisiac as well. If you lick me, it will help you to pollinate me!"

Drunk as can be, my eyes rolled in my head and I tried to uncross them, and I hoped what I saw really was what I was seeing. My arms felt rubbery, but I was so determined that I managed to grab Sequoia's petite ass and thighs while she sighed above me. The first thing I noticed was that her skin was soft, and even though she looked like, and felt like living wood, she was also somewhat pliable as well. I looked at her smooth belly and pubic mound and for the first time I realized she wasn't breathing, and as my drunken thoughts recollected on that phenomena I realized she had never breathed.

"I absorb air and sunlight through my leaves," She said suddenly, and I realized she was reading my mind.

Looking directly in front of me I admired and wondered at Sequoia's sex. Sticking out of the puffy line of her outer labia I could see green and pink petals that stuck out like corner edges of paper not quiet even with the edges of a book. The next thing I noticed was that she had no anus, and of course I drunkenly moved my fingers up and began rubbing her buttocks and the valley between her cheeks as I wondered stupidly why she didn't have one.

"Because," She sighed in annoyance, "I don't produce waste like you do!"

"Oh," I chirped like an idiot, and with my question answered I moved on.

Moving my thumbs up and down her smooth labia, I pressed into her soft flesh and pulled her sex wide open. It was like pulling open a closed flower. There were soft green external sepal petals that rotated open clockwise, and then there were pink internal flower petals that rotated open counter-clockwise. Between two green sepal petals that made up her vulva was golden nectar budding from what looked like a urethra, and below where her clitoris would be was a long mint-green stamen with a chestnut colored anther on the tip. Looking up to where her vagina should be I found that her flower was deep. The walls of her pink flower petals were covered in amber nectar and at the end of her vagina was a green style and stigma. I was a little worried that I might hurt her, but when I lifted my head up and placed my lips on her stamen, she moaned wantonly and sat back on my head and I suddenly didn't care anymore.

I licked her stamen until she was shuddering and then suddenly sprayed me with nectar. Licking my chops, I moved up her vulva and began licking her flower petals as amber juices coated my snout and tongue.

As I tended to her flower, my dick rose to the occasion and Sequoia quickly guided me inside her mouth, coating me in her saliva until I was swollen beyond my normal girth. When she was happy with her preparations, she quickly lifted off of me and flipped around. Amber nectar dribbled from her pink and green flower petals as she guided me inside her womb.

"Ah," I gasped as she sank down on me, and her flower petals rotated closed around my dick when her pubic mound settled down on mine.

She didn't rock or rotate her hips. She just put her hands down on my belly and tilted forward as her eyes crossed and her eyelids fluttered as her flower vagina began squeezing and pumping my dick. I gasped at how tight she was, and I found I was holding my breath when my orgasm exploded!

In my head I could feel my Well of Power and the lake of life-force being completely emptied, and then I passed out.


I woke up with a start, and immediately felt weight on my chest. Looking to my side I saw Huxian was still out cold, and Sequoia still had her hands on my chest, she was leaning forward with her eyes closed and her mouth open. I was still ensconced in her, and I could sense that as quickly as my life-force was regenerating, she was emptying my lake of power. With a feral growl I heaved and rolled us over. Sequoia screamed in surprise but as I pushed myself up she wrapped her legs around me. Enraged that she had taken advantage, I reared up and slammed my fists down into the ground to each side of her shoulders and roared in her face. When I opened my eyes she was smiling as she pummeled my chest with her fist.

Her sex tighten around my dick, and I thrust in forcefully and roared again.

She laughed at me, and turned her claws into my ribs, dug in, and slashed across cutting all the way to the bone. I roared in anger and reached out for my magic. Foxfire burst to blazing life from my hands up to my shoulders and across my back. Blood splattered across her breasts and belly, and ran down her arms. Rearing back I grabbed her hands and she screamed as the Foxfire burned her skin. Reaching out to feel for her Chi, I stretched her arms out and held her down as I thrust deeper inside her womb. I howled and I roared, and finally the magic in the pit of my belly leapt from me into Sequoia. Blinded with anger I followed right behind it with my mind and finally I saw a large ball of Soul energy in the pit of her belly and I attacked ruthlessly.

Her Chi attacked with Poisonous Strike and continuously regenerated itself. Growling in determination I struck with Foxfire enhanced ripping and shredding attacks. When she launched a Poisonous Strike I used Evasion, and kept on burning her so she couldn't regenerate. It was a hard fought battle before her Chi laid out along her spine and submitted. When my magic approached her Well of Power, it attacked, but I knew what to expect. It felt like we battled for hours or days by the time her Chi submitted, and I was dripping blood and sweat when I challenged her Spirit Well. Despite knowing her attacks and how to evade them, I was exhausted, all of my strength and constitution spent by the time I defeated her.


When I awoke again, I groaned. My ribs were killing me. I felt like I had been run over by a truck. Pushing myself up, I looked down and found Sequoia seemingly dead beneath me. I looked around for help, but Huxian was gone. Looking up, there was no sun streaming through the canopy. It was night, and late at that.

Putting my hands to my ribs, I found that I was sore but my wounds were healed. Looking down at Sequoia, I saw that her forearms were scorched and I felt instantly remorseful. Reaching down and shaking her to see if she would wake up did nothing but move her across the ground and wobble her small breasts slightly. Then I tried to back away, and I found that my dick was still inside her. I tried withdrawing, only to pull her across the ground again. Her pussy was a vise, and I was stuck inside her!

Breathing hard, I started to panic. I had a dead plant girl adhered to my junk!

Suddenly Huxian was beside my shoulder looking from me to Sequoia and back again when she purred, "Don't worry, you didn't kill her. She's alive, just asleep."

"How can you be sure," I asked, my voice still panicky.

She just pointed to where my dick was inside Sequoia's flower, "If you had killed her, she would have released you."

"If she's alive, then why won't she wake up," I asked insistently, "And, why won't she let go of my dick?"

"Don't worry," Huxian purred almost motherly as she fixed our burrow, "She will wake up in the morning."

"Yeah but what the hell is happening now," I asked my voice rising as I gestured to mine and Sequoia's crotches.

Huxian chuckled and shook her head, "What do you think is happening? You mated with her...now she's pollinating! Don't worry. You're a Prime and she's a Plant. You can't get her anymore pregnant than me. Now, pick her up and come over here and come to bed."

I did as I was told, and laid down with Sequoia on my chest, but I couldn't sleep. Reaching out to my meditation, I found my wells and tried to commune with them but they were still too raw and sensitive from my battle with Sequoia, so I let myself fall asleep again.


The next morning, Sequoia was gone, and I found hummingbirds and bees walking through my fur licking Sequoia's nectar from my dick, crotch, and face. A shake and a groan as I rolled over sent them on their way, and I took a walk by myself for the first time in days. I made my way down to Huxian's pool and for the first time in a week I let my hybrid-fox form fall away and reverted back to my Alfari body. Stepping into the pool, I washed thoroughly before sitting down on the side of the pool and thinking over the events of the past few weeks.