War of the Races Ch. 36


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Stepping back from Sinaan, once again in cool command, Aalyn replied, "Here, we will return to my tent and you shall see them for yourself. Then, you can explain to us where you've been for the last four days!"

As Sinaan walked through the camp he noted new faces among the officers, and how they stared at him and Aalyn as they passed. There was a notable agitation as well, and even knowing of House Faline's desertion did not prepare him when he saw the camp. There had been casualties when House Faline made their escape. Now, there were little more than four thousand warriors. The priestesses were reduced by nearly half, and the camp followers were missing many of their apprentices and gear.

Aalyn passed by her guard and led the way into her tent. Thurdain and Illglan were both sitting on Aalyn's cot reviewing reports Ogrethanne had submitted to Aalyn. They both jumped at the sudden sound of the tent flap rustling and Aalyn and Sinaan's appearance. They blinked almost in unison when their gazes fell on Sinaan, and then they made weird crooning sounds and jumped to their feet so they could embrace Sinaan together, neither one wanting to wait for her turn.

It didn't take long for him to recognize the late Faline brothers' handiwork. Aalyn's missing eye, and Thurdain and Illglan's missing tongues. He was furious with Hayden and Gunngrul, but even more so with himself. If only he had been here when they needed him!

"I'm sorry," He apologized, which set off a flurry of questions both spoken and signed.

Sinaan found himself taking a deep breath and then he dived into telling them of his adventure. He started by telling about following Rweble and finding the mirror, his transference to Idavollr and House Faline. Finding Sulabha, the Necromancer responsible for turning the three priestesses into Soulless and implanting the souls of assassins in their bodies.

"Did you kill her," Thurdain asked in quick finger-wagging sign language.

"No," Sinaan replied.

"Foolish," Thurdain signed in sharp angry gestures.

"Always a fool for women," Illglan added in similar sharp gestures.

"She was a prisoner," Sinaan replied, trying to keep his tone neutral and not argumentative or defensive, "and the actual heir of Matron Forelain Faline."

That quieted them.

Then Thurdain signed, "Even more reason to kill her"

Sinaan could understand the sentiment, so instead of arguing, he told them of finding the entire matriarchy of House Faline dead inside their private temple. All with the exception of Matron Forelain who was kept prisoner inside her own room, upon her own bed with her tongue cut out, her mind broken as her sons used her as breeding stock. All while she watched her lover rot in the far corner of her room.

The silence in the tent was palpable. Suddenly their sufferings at the hands of the Faline sons seemed poultry in comparison. After a brief moment of silence, Aalyn whispered, "Hayden threatened to keep me alive as breeding stock, but I never imagined he had already done the same to others."

"Hayden, Gunngrul, and Rweble divided House Faline right down the middle," Sinaan intoned, "The fools who despised their subservience to the matriarchs and those loyalists who didn't. The females that were more loyal to their males than to their matriarch joined them. Those women that objected Hayden and his brothers were raped and killed, the men that objected that were sent to join this mission in hopes that they wouldn't return."

"I see," Aalyn mumbled.

"I beg your pardon sister, but no you don't," Sinaan replied, "At least, not yet. With my help, Matron Forelain and Sulabha were able to rally those that supported her and the old ways. We killed Rweble and almost killed Gunngrul but he escaped. Then we had to rush to House Abendroth to stop the third assassin sent to kill mother. Afterward, with her entire House devastated, and the matriarchy dead except for her, Matron Forelain Faline begged for a marriage alliance with House Abendroth."

"And mother granted such a request," Aalyn asked as she cut her eyes to the pendants on Sinaan's cloak.

"She did," Sinaan replied, "I am now Sinaan Abendroth D'Faline, husband of Matron Forelain of House Faline, and mother has sent priestesses, including Ra'Shaal and Fjallindae, to help rebuild House Faline."

"I--I will never forgive House Faline," Aalyn growled, "Not until Gunngrul's blood wets my blade!"

"Then you must forgive them," Sinaan replied through clenched teeth and a malicious grin, "I found Gunngrul dead a few yards from where Hayden attacked you. We also managed to resurrect the priestess inhabited by the assassin that attacked you. That was what led to the troops from House Faline deserting. They found out that Matron Forelain was alive. They hated the brothers, so with Rweble and Hayden dead they killed Gunngrul for his part in raping, torturing, and killing their wives. However, they feared reprisal from Matron Forelain. With no House to return to, they decided to take new wives for themselves from the priestesses and run away while they still could."

"How do you know this?" Aalyn hissed angrily.

"We caught up to them," Sinaan replied.

"We?" Illglan signed.

Sinaan nodded as he answered, "Matron Forelain and I were sent to stop Hayden and Gunngrul's rebellion, but it was already too late by the time we arrived. My apologies."

"All is forgiven," Thurdain signed.

"Yes," Illglan agreed with a nod and sign, "You did your best to complete the task we assigned you."

"I am not satisfied," Aalyn said angrily as she shook her head, "I was very explicit. I told you to investigate, nothing more!"

"Again," Sinaan replied but this time bowed his head in respect to his sister, "I apologize, sincerely. I failed you. If I had returned sooner surely I could have stopped Hayden and his guards."

There was a long moment of silence as Aalyn regarded her brother. There was a quiet exchange in sign language between his sisters but Sinaan knew better than to look up to find out what they were saying.

"You're forgiven," Aalyn said finally, sounding resigned as she shook her close-cropped white hair, "Honestly, I'm just happy you're alive. However, I want the deserts returned so that I can put them on trial for desertion, and return the kidnapped priestesses to the temple, and any others to their kin."

"I'm afraid that is impossible," Sinaan replied regretfully.

"Impossible," Aalyn replied, her voice low and grim, "How so?"

"They have already been returned to Idavollr and House Faline to help rebuild," Sinaan said, "I tell you this only because you are my sisters and members of House Abendroth. It is now an internal House issue, but I promise they will not go unpunished."

"That is unsatisfactory," Aalyn growled, "I am this army's general. I am their commanding officer. I have the right to put them on trial and sentence them!"

"If that is your wish," Sinaan replied in a firm but neutral voice, "Then I am sure an arrangement can be negotiated with mother and Matron Forelain. However, as far as the rest of this army, the nobles, and the Temple of Arachne are concerned, the deserts are gone, or dead."

"How is House Abendroth and House Faline supposed to keep nearly five hundred kidnapped priestesses from escaping or notifying their kin, or the Temple of who has them and where they are?" Aalyn growled, still dissatisfied with the situation and how remarkably cool Sinaan was in the face of her rage.

"Honestly," Sinaan sighed as he shook his head, "By the time we caught up to the deserts the damage was done. Remember that most of the priestesses are very young. Disciples and Initiates. It wasn't hard for the males to win over the majority of them and into giving up the priesthood and prostitution to become wives. As for those that didn't consent, well, I am afraid that the soldiers resorted to silencing those priestesses much the same way Thurdain and Illglan have been."

"What of the males that were kidnapped," Illglan asked in finger-wagging sign language.

"Most of the men taken were already in relationships that have been growing since this army set out for the Valelands," Sinaan replied, "By the time we caught up with them, all of the captives were willing to continue with soldiers' new husbands or wives."

"What punishment could House Faline possibly force upon them equal to the crimes they have committed," Aalyn asked angrily.

"Permanent house arrest," Sinaan answered, "Everyone thinks they deserted or are dead. They can never be seen in Idavollr again. So, they will spend the rest of their long lives within the boundary of House Faline or House Abendroth's gates."

Sinaan could tell that Aalyn was still upset. Frustrated mostly, but the punishment would be far worse than death and she knew it.

"So," Thurdain signed changing the subject to something she was more interested in since she was little more than priestess in name only, useful only as a prostitute now, "Where is Matron Forelain Faline now?"

"She is heavy with pregnancy," Sinaan stated resignedly, "A parting gift from her sons. So she is traveling more slowly. Also, we thought it best that you see a friendly face before you see someone you might consider an enemy."

"Wise," Thurdain signed.

"We thought so," Sinaan purred in satisfaction.

"Well then," Aalyn said as she pinned Sinaan with a firm expression, "Return to your Matron and tell her she is welcome in our camp. I, on the other hand, will disseminate your report to my lieutenants with instructions that the information be passed down through the ranks. As for the deserters, I will say that you gave chase but didn't find them. They are gone and forever branded as traitors. Should any of them be seen they are to be killed on sight?"

"Thank you," Sinaan said as he stepped up and hugged his sister.

She didn't refuse him and though upset, actually hugged him hard in return before placing a salty kiss on his lips that left him breathless. When she stepped back she mumbled so only he could hear, "We will never be what we once were to each other, but I am happy for you Sinaan."

Aalyn left then to meet with her Lieutenants. That left Sinaan to hug his other two sisters and receive kisses from them before leaving to reconnoiter with Forelain.


It was midafternoon by the time Sinaan returned to the svartalf camp with Matron Forelain walking more slowly than usual. She wore a white spider-lace gown today that clothed her from her neck all the way down to her ankles and wrists. Made of enchanted spider silk it appeared to be little more than spider webs clinging to her skin shaping itself to her very maternal curves, and it really did very little to hide her nudity beneath. Also, she wore several rings of mage armor and anti-venom. She knew she was going into hostile territory and she was prepared.

To her left, opposite Sinaan, Fjallindae carried Forelain's bottomless bag and a dagger within easy reach of the Matron. Surrounding them were Forelain's maids acting as an honorguard.

Beinbalkr was in the lead. Older and wizened, she was the only svartalf in all the camp that truly appeared plump, but that was a deception. She was plump, but the thick layer of fat that covered her arms, legs, belly, broadened her hips, and expanded her breasts until they were larger than almost all other svartalf females, hid an incredibly robust woman. A fact testified to by the massive mithril war hammer named Tenderizer. Its head was spiked and its haft was half the length of her body, but Beinbalkr held that hammer in a strong and knowledgeable hand like it weighed little more than a regular meat tenderizer.

Marching in the front guard with Beinbalkr were Aldrnari, Aetla, and Deild. Aldrnari and Aetla both wore long enchanted knitting needles as their weapons. Deild, on the other hand, proudly wore two large butcher's cleavers on her back in special sheaths on a chest harness that made her pregnancy-induced, overly large, breasts seem like they were going to burst from her uniform.

More than a few soldiers snickered as she passed by. Her large, round, obviously pregnant belly wasn't hard to miss. Soon none too subtle jokes said quietly but loud enough to hear began rolling through the camp that Deild had accidentally eaten their reinforcements. Others joked that she had come to birth their reinforcements on the field of battle. Deild wasn't the only one ridiculed, much the same was said of Matron Forelain. However, those whispers were in hushed tones that never passed the few males nearest the speaker. Deild for her part just pinned them with such murderous glares that they choked on their laughter and fell silent as the rest of the procession marched past. Instead, many made admiring or lude comments about what they would like to do to, or with, the beautiful female honor guard.

Making up the right guard was half-over half-villralfar Baer, Katr, and svartlafar Byggja-byrr. Ebony-skinned Baer with her indigo hair and eyes garnered many comments over her expansive bosom and coloring. Her sister Katr received as many comments but from different soldiers who like her chestnut skin, flaming red hair, crimson eyes, and equally copious breasts. Byggja-byrr, a classically beautiful svartalf was openly whistled at, but nothing more.

The left guard was made up of Raudr-daga, Kvedja, and Istas. On that side, the soldiers were much more well-behaved. No one so much as leered at the two svartalf women or the lupus-alfari.

As the procession passed and the rear guard came into view, Svartsilki and Gloa were ignored as most sven'dahl are, since they are seen as nothing more than luggage carriers. Ra'Shaal, however, received more than a few comments from clients of priestess Prodaenoff Hrodengae that thought she looked familiar.

The march ended with Aalyn standing just before the officers' tent. Thurdain and Illglan stood just behind her and to her left. In front of them and to Aalyn's left were Ogrethanne and her lieutenants, Wrathielle and Palanthis. To Aalyn's right stood her lieutenant colonels: Quindiehl Ljosbani who commanded a thousand soldiers from Houses Abendroth and Ljosbani. Rastof Annolstad who commanded a thousand from Houses Annolstad and Aettadrhael. To replace Hayden, Gunngrul, and Rweble, Aalyn field promoted Captain Radnoc Jafnrok to command Houses Jafnrok and Svartvaenn, and Captain Ahnaliegh Dokkskirn to command Houses Dokkskirn and Rancorus. And lastly, Captain Formica Malicide who led only House Malicide since House Faline deserted.

As Matron Forelain Faline made her final approach Beinbalkr and Aldrnari peeled off to the right while Deild and Aetla moved left. They joined the right and left guards leaving Forelain to face Aalyn. Forelain came to a halt and all her guardswomen stopped simultaneously.

"Welcome, Matron Forelain Faline," Aalyn greeted as she executed a perfect bow according to her station as a noble and the general of the army.

Matron Forelain took a long sweeping look at the army officers in front of her. She saw many neutral expressions and knew they hid anger and hostility, sentiments that were shared openly by those with less self-control. Then, Matron Forelain did something no Matron in her place would have done.

Forelain curtsied.

A wave of whispers immediately spread out from the officers telling of what was happening. When Forelain raised herself back up she began to sign.

"My deepest apologies General Aalyn Abendroth for the grievous betrayal by House Faline while under the leadership of my sons, Hayden, Gunngrul, and Rweble. You are not the only ones my sons betrayed," Forelain began, then paused to place her hands on her gravely pregnant belly as her gaze fell to her hands. However, when she looked up her eyes blazed as she signed in strong, angry gestures, "Those males have paid for their crimes. Hayden by your own hands General, and the other two by mine, as well as all those that sided with them when I retook control of my House!"

Aalyn gave a curt nod of approval.

Then Forelain stepped forward and took Aalyn's hand as she continued to sign with the other. The silence in the camp was deafening, "Sister, thank you for sending Sinaan to investigate my sons. Without him, I would still be imprisoned, and more than likely my House would be destroyed by Hayden's plots to assassinate you, your sisters, and your mother had been successful. So, thank you."

"My condolences to you on your losses," Aalyn replied softly, "It is hard to let go of the insult given to my sisters and me, but upon hearing of your suffering--it helps put it into perspective."

"We are sisters now," Forelain said as she touched Aalyn's cheek just below her eyepatch, "In many more ways than just the fact that your brother is my husband. We have shared experiences. I hope it forged a bond between our Houses that is unbreakable."

"We shall see," Aalyn replied neutrally.

Forelain and Aalyn shared a long silent look and then Forelain nodded and stepped back from Aalyn. When she started signing again, Sinaan verbalized her words for her, "General Aalyn Abendroth, I, Matron Forelain Faline, come at the behest of Governor Elhanor of House Svendahlain, Matron Hela of House Abendroth, Matron Resinquahl of House Metisnir, Matron Oxildaehl of House Ljos'svendahl, and Matron Mjolganir of House Villrsvart. I come with such authority in hopes that you will listen to my council."

"Council?" Aalyn said, her voice mildly shocked, while her eye squinted suspiciously.

"Yes," Forelain replied with a single sharp gesture before continuing, "Council I must give in private."

Aalyn's plump mouth pursed into a frown, then she looked around at her officers. Quindiehl Ljosbani and Rastof Annolstad regarded her with neutral expressions until Aalyn commanded, "Dismiss the soldiers. Give orders to break camp. We will march as soon as I hear Matron Forelain's council."

Both Lieutenant Colonels soluted a second before turning on their heels and rushing off while Rastoff yelled, "Dismissed! Get your sorry carcasses back to your tents! Break camp! Get ready to march!"

As the crowd started dispersing Aalyn motioned for Forelain to follow her into the officers' tent. Thurdain and Illglan led the way and drew back the tent flaps for Aalyn then Forelain and Sinaan accompanied by Fjallindae and Ra'Shaal. Once inside Aalyn spun on Forelain and demanded, "Are you taking command of this army?"

"No," Forelain signed in a quick but firm gesture, "That for which I was sent is irrelevant now. Now, I only seek to give counsel, and I hope you will listen."

"Okay," Aalyn said as she searched Forelain and Sinaan's expressions for meaning, "What is this counsel?"

"In our travels," Forelain began.

"You mean while you were searching for your wayward armsmen," Aalyn interrupted.

"Yes," Forelain replied, "Just after we caught up to them, we came across a rather remarkable party of individuals. Among them are two Oracles, one of Seline, Goddess of the Moon, and the other of Gaia, Goddess of mother Earth. Accompanying both of them was also a villralfar Druidlord who is also blessed by the same two goddesses as their Champion. Aside from those three, they have a large retinue of animal females, all of them, Oracles and animal females alike are the Champion's wives and concubines."

"Oracles, Champions, and animals, it matters not," Aalyn said as she waved her hands dismissively, "We will crush them just as we will crush the Valelands."

"I urge caution," Forelain signed as she shook her long mane of white hair, "These people are not to be underestimated. They are powerfully blessed by their goddesses."

"What counsel do you give, then," Aalyn asked.

"We have already made contact with this group and traveled alongside them for many days," Forelain answered, "The accord I struck with them is that I would speak to you on their behalf. So, it is my duty to inform you that they request parley to discuss terms for this army to leave their lands."