Warmth on the Coldest Night

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A vampire hunter severely underestimates his female target.
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Twelve days had passed. Twelve days of constant hunting. Twelve days nearly wasted. Twelve days that finally led to this moment.

Morgan, son of house Tristane, lord of castle Siremen, and elite vampire hunter, finally tracked his prey to this location. He quietly walked through the decrepit old cabin, careful to watch every corner. Careful to halt at every creek. After all, this was his most dangerous target yet. The most dangerous vampire.

Vefearra, a vampire lordess unlike the land had seen since Laleriss roamed. Entire villages decimated. Missing children. Countless men killed. Not a single atrocity went undone. Destruction followed her every step. Fear enveloped those who so much as dared to speak her name.

Tonight, that would all end.

Winter's fury relentlessly pounded against the walls. Morgan continued deeper. Many vampires fell before the young prodigy. No matter their power, intellect, or speed, none could survive him. Only half the age of most renown vampire hunters, the 25 year-old man knew no fear. He knew no defeat. He knew no one who could best him.

The cellar was colder than expected. It chilled nearly as harshly as the air outside. Morgan clutched his wolf-fur cloak tightly to himself. To avoid detection, he breathed steadily with a clenched jaw.

Rounding the corner, there she was. Vefearra, the one feared above all else. The one all knelt before. The one no hunter walked away from.

Despite everything known of her, none mentioned her incredible beauty. Tall - more than most men. Curvaceous and supple - yet thin. Warm auburn hair - just above her bosom.

Additionally, despite her reputation, her past deeds, her morals, Morgan could not help but feel enchanted by her presence. Unlike any other vampire indeed. This, even the young prodigy could not deny.

Still, son of Benson Tristane, Morgan could not allow his mind to be clouded. The mission was decided. His mind was set.

Without hesitation, the young prodigy launched a dagger, striking his target in the shoulder and causing a screech. As she wrenched it free, he wasted no time unraveling the family whip next and splitting the air. A single blow scorched the vampire's pale skin, blackening and shriveling her silky skin. Vefearra lashed out in anger, yelping from every blow taken.

The vampire lordess crashed against the wall with the final blow. In her dazed state, Morgan found an opening. Drawing his sword and charging forth, the young prodigy thrusted his blade straight through the vampire's chest, piercing her heart.

Vefearra collapsed. On her knees she knelt before Morgan. The young prodigy. The only man in existence to ever force her into such a compromising position. Though battered she was, her hair still hung with grace from her bowed head. Not a single hair strayed from the rest. Even in defeat, she truly was a beauty.

Morgan retrieved the metal shackles blessed by the churches to hold whoever they should bind. Locking both her hands behind her back, he no longer remained on high alert. Unsheathing his blade from the cage of her bones, Morgan flicked it free of the taint.

He looked down at the vampire. Although proud he was, prideful he was not. He did not boast. He did not scoff. He did not enjoy his victory. Instead, he merely raised his sword for the finishing blow.

"Wait," Vefearra huffed. "Wait."

"No," Morgan coldly replied.

"Wait!" she pleaded. "Please."

Morgan could not explain why, but he obliged.

The metal shackles rustled from the vampire's struggles.

"You'll never be free of those. Not unless I deem it so," Morgan informed.

"You would truly do something so cruel to a woman?"

"You are no woman. You are a monster. A beast. No more than an animal, actually."

Vefearra scoffed. "Wow. Incredible with your words, aren't you? Surely you must sleep alone at night."

"Indeed I do. Gladly in fact."

"Oh well that can't be true," the vampire cooed. "Every man needs a woman beside him. If only to warm those chilly hearts."

"Aye. I will agree. A man does need a woman by his side. 'Specially on a night cold as this one. But again--"

"I'm no woman," Vefearra pouted. "So everyone says. I'm just some animal. To be kicked aside and disregarded."

"I'm glad you understand. Now..." Morgan raised his sword once more. Never before had he allowed a target time before their death. He needed to finish this now.

"Do you ever feel lonely out there, hunter?"

Morgan's arm froze in place again.

"I do. Surely you must understand what it is like - traveling all by your lonesome. I crave companionship. Just as everyone else does. I do not wish to be a monster. Nor an animal. I only wish to be human. I only wish to feel. And to love. Won't you spare me? You won't allow me this?"

Though mature Vefearra's outward appearance was, her last request sounded reminiscent of a child. Her eyes gleamed with hope and fear, as an innocent's would. There was purity there. Even in the darkness of the cellar, with only a single torch to light the room, Morgan saw the glimmer in her eyes.

"I cannot let you live. Not after all you've committed. It is my sworn duty to hunt your kind."

"Is it also your duty to slay the defenseless?" Vefearra struggled against her bindings again. She whimpered like a helpless stray when it proved futile again.

"Cease your actions. Those shackles were blessed by the holy fathers. You will never break free of them."

A defeated groan escaped Vefearra's lips. She frowned and pouted. Then a sparkle of mischief shimmered in her eye. She noticed something she had not until now. "You're staring at me."

The vampire hunter cocked his head to the side. "What?"

A devilish grin crept across her face. Although covered in blood and sweat, the glistening liquids only helped to draw the eye. The vampire lordess tilted her chin up and presented her chest out with an arched back. She sighed invitingly. Hot steam rose from her plump lips.

"Is that your heartbeat I hear?" she smiled. "Sounds like someone is getting excited. Like what you see?"

Morgan swallowed hard. He could not deny it. He certainly could not deny his hardening cock. She was right. He found her incredibly beautifully, more so than any other vampire. Or woman.

Not to mention, her revealing apparel left little to the imagination. Large breasts expected of a nursing mother. Flat, defined tummy with a thin waist. Wide hips. And toned thighs along with long legs. All that was left to wonder was how she looked fully naked. Also, how she felt.

"You can do whatever you want. Simply release me. That's all you need to do, hunter. Please?"

For a moment, Morgan considered her proposal. For a moment he thought of throwing his duty to the side, throwing his life mission to the side, throwing his promise to the side. He stepped forth and allowed the sword to fall from his hand. He stared into Vefearra's eyes, and she into his.

This moment of weakness subsided quickly, however. Snapping back to his own mind, Morgan leapt back. Cursing himself to all hells, the young prodigy kept his distance from the vampire lordess. He couldn't believe he almost fell for her tricks. He couldn't believe he was nearly seduced. The disgrace.

"Awwww. What's wrong? Don't like me?" Vefearra smirked. "Or perhaps you like me too much. Perhaps you're scared?" she teased.

Morgan's heart raced. If she could hear his heart before, she could now without effort. No amount of training could lessen its pounding. No amount of training could have prepared him for the vampire before him, actually.

"Come now," Vefearra continued, struggling with her bindings. "Come to me." She continued struggling.

"Stop that. I told you already. You can't break free."

She struggled. "Why don't you come take them off, then?"


"Please?" She struggled more.


"Why? Scared of what I'll do?"

Morgan growled. "If anything, you should be scared of me."

"Oh really?"

Just then, Morgan noticed something.

"That sounds exciting."

He had been examining her the entire time. It wasn't until then that he realized.

"Let's test that."

Her wounds had completely healed!

In a split instant, Vefearra shattered her binds and shot forth. The wind caught in Morgan's throat as he fell back in dismay. He was taken to the ground before he knew it. The landing nearly knocked him unconscious instantly. Fortunately for Vefearra, it did not.

Morgan's baffled brain wracked itself against his skull. No one or thing could have possibly broken free of those shackles. "How did you--"

"Those shackles were strong, I will admit. You truly had me," Vefearra purred. "Just not strong enough. Nothing can hold me, hunter. Now look at you. So helpless."

Morgan strained himself, attempting to break free. Even with all his might he could not. Vefearra gleefully watched from above. She enjoyed every useless attempt.

"See this?" she asked, glancing at Morgan's pinned wrists. "You didn't need flimsy bracelets. You only needed strength. Which you clearly do not possess."

"Of course. I am no animal."

"How true. You are just a man. A very *weak* man," she giggled.

Morgan grunted, struggling greatly in vain.

"Come now. Surely you're stronger than that. Would you like it if I lessened my grip?"

Finally Morgan relented. He had enough of her taunting. Huffing in defeat, the vampire hunter threw his head back. "The gods must harbor some spite for me. Of all the vampires I've slain... You had to be the one to best me."

Vefearra hummed with intrigue. "Perhaps the gods intended for us to meet."

"They intended for me to suffer, then."

"Now who said you must suffer? After all... you did seem quite excited just a moment ago. Perhaps I can indulge you still, especially now that I'm free of those shackles. Would you like that, hunter?"

"Hells have you. I would never," Morgan barked. "To do so would be to spit on everything I know. Everything I am!"

"Come now. Do not be so serious. I just want a little taste." Vefearra bared her sharp fangs.

Fully understanding his plight, Morgan strained himself farther than ever before, tightening his body beyond its limits to fight back. His muscles threatened to rip free of their fabric cages. His veins popped, surging gallons of blood through his body to feed him every last ounce of strength.

When nothing helped, when Vefearra continued her approach, Morgan finally relented for good. Staring blankly up, he cursed the heavens. He cursed the gods.

Vefearra sank her fangs deep into Morgan's neck, eliciting pain unlike anything experienced before. The vampire hunter had been stabbed, but never like this. He writhed and convulsed as he felt every last drop of blood drained from his body.

Painful as it was, that pain soon turned into something else. Something pleasurable.

Again wind caught in his throat. Then a sudden urge overtook the vampire hunter. A primal urge. Fire built within Morgan, rising and rising, burning and burning from the deepest pits until it could no longer be contained. Without control, the vampire hunter released a guttural growl that quickly exploded into a beast-like roar.

Vefearra grinned. Just like all her previous prey, she felt the same change in him. Releasing her hold, both hands grasped Morgan's neck to drink even deeper.

Now freed, the vampire hunter's hands shot up. Not to attack, but to embrace. One hand behind her head, the other wrapped around her waist, Morgan pulled tightly, bringing her as close as possible. Closer than anyone he had ever.

Vefearra drank feverishly. Were any other vampire fortunate enough to do the same with this particular vampire, they would do the same. This succulent taste was like the sweetest nectar blessed by the gods. Vefearra could not get enough. She could not stop herself. She needed all of him.

Vefearra pulled away with a satisfied sigh after swallowing the last drop. Saddeness fell over her quickly, however. For she feared there would be no other like Morgan. Truly his blood was the best of the hundreds she'd tasted.

Looking down at the vampire hunter, she saw the familiar dazed look in his eyes. He wouldn't be long for this world.


Staring into the piercing blue eyes before her, the vampire lordess found herself with a sudden urge as the vampire hunter had a moment ago. Glazed eyes just like him, Vefearra acted without thought. She leaned in and took Morgan's lips into her own, kissing him deeply. The treat of his warm lips only further enticed the vampire lordess. So far nothing about this vampire hunter disappointed her. She wondered how much better he could possibly taste.

A lifeless doll would be no fun, however. Vefearra could not help herself. Nor could she explain herself. There simply was something special about this particular vampire hunter. Although she had never given the gift of her kind to another human, certainly not one that hunted them, an exception needed to be made for this one.

Blood still fresh and smeared across her pearly white teeth, the vampire lordess broke her only rule. Cupping the vampire hunter by his cheeks, she transferred the blood through a wet kiss. Within moments Vefearra's invading tongue met opposition. To her pleasant surprise, Morgan kissed back with vigor. He did not push her away like she thought he might.

They kissed each other in a manner akin to dueling. Doing their most to best the other. Doing their most to outdo the other. Doing their most to survive the other.

Vefearra eventually pulled free. She panted rapidly, breathless and eyes darting. After too many decades to count, the vampire lordess was unaware she could feel like this. Such excitement. Such thrill. All from this single man.

"What's your name, hunter?"

Breathless and drunk with lust, Morgan nearly forgot his own name. When he finally panted out his first name, sorrow followed after from the thought of his surname. "Tristane," he finished, realizing the truth of the matter.

"House Tristane?" Vefearra asked, voice high in pitch, clearly intrigued and taken off guard.

"You're truly a catch then, aren't you? Perhaps the gods did intend for us to meet after all."

"What now?" Morgan asked, his senses beginning to return. "Am I to be your plaything?"

"Be whatever you wish, *Morgan.*" A shudder ran down Vefearra's spine, breaking a smile across her face. "I like your name," she hummed sexily. "Morgan. Goes well with mine, don't you think?"

The vampire hunter threw his gaze aside, fully in disbelief. "Is that what you wish me to be? Yours?" Prevalent in his voice was disdain. Upon locking eyes again, however, his sour attitude quickly left. For the first time a once perceived sinister grin appeared... warm.

"Only if that's what you wish for."

Morgan couldn't quite explain the enrapturement he felt. For multiple reasons he was dumbfounded. Of all he was unsure of, he knew one fact. This was not an act of magic or womanly charms. Vefearra displayed herself honestly to him. Who she was before him was who she was truly.

A woman capable of warmth and love.

Though he lacked strength, the vampire hunter mustered enough to place a hand on Vefearra's shoulder. He clung to her and stared up longily. She was right, he realized. The road had been lonely.

Vefearra smiled, joyful. Again she radiated warmth. Strange, coming from a creature of the night. A creature only known to be cold. Even Vefearra did not know this side of her existed. Though worrying, the feeling did not go unembraced. "So this is what it's like to be human again. It's been so long I had completely forgotten."

"That long, huh?"

"Mm. That long," she confirmed. Vefearra's warm smile suddenly took on a mischievous grin.

"Which leads me to ask, how long has it been since you've last been with a woman?"

A hint of red filled the vampire hunter's prestigious cheeks. "What?" he asked, heart beginning to race.

"Your heart just got faster," Vefearra pointed out, grin growing wider. "So? How long has it been? I only ask because your blood tasted of a virgin. But surely a man as handsome as you wouldn't be a virgin... Would he?"

Morgan was speechless.

"You're full of surprises, aren't you?" Vefearra giggled. "Seems I'll be your first. And seeing as how you were the first human I've ever turned, it's only fair we share in firsts."

Vefearra slid down the length of Morgan's body, eyes locked the entire time. Unfastening his belt, she eagerly pulled his trousers down. Now all that separated her from his cock was a thin layer of fabric. Just as she could hear Morgan's heart, he could hear hers as well now. To say she was excited would be an understatement.

"I must warn you. I can be quite insatiable." Vefearra's lustful joy took its final form as a deliciously wicked grin.

Before Morgan could respond, his fully hardened cock sprang into the air. Surprise and joy overcame Vefearra. Breath heavy on her lips, she slowly took him into hand. Grasping his thick meat, she squeezed hard. He was hard as steel.

"And to think you've never been with a woman. I can't wait to feel you inside me. But first..."

The first lick was brief. Still, chills rolled up the entire length of Morgan's back. The vampire hunter instantly felt invigorated. At the same time, immensely tense with clenched fists and curled toes. Vefearra continued teasing him, enjoying every little twitch and expression. Once she finally took him fully into her mouth a moan unfitting of a warrior escaped his lips.

Vefearra took him deeper. First reaching only half-way, then eventually the base of his cock. She choked and gagged as her eyes burned with tears. Her soaked tongue swathed over every inch of his veiny cock.

Licking the frenulum elicited more moans and uncontrollable throbbing from Morgan. His throbbing meat vibrated against the walls of Vefearra's throat. She choked more. Part of her wished to pull back in retreat. Another wished to stay, intoxicated by the musky scent. Wet strands of saliva clung to her lips when finally relenting.

Coated in saliva, both foamy and stringy, Morgan gritted his teeth as his cock was stroked vigorously. Though Vefearra needed a moment to catch her breath, she would not allow him that same reprieve. Far too precious were his reactions. Once ready, she eagerly dove forward again, wrapping her lips around him.

Tingly sensations began emanating between the vampire lordess' legs. The tight fabric there was soaked. Clinging tightly to the skin, vague lines protruded out. Petite fingers slid down and began desperately rubbing.

The persistent itch quickly became unbearable. She needed more. That of which only the vampire hunter could offer.

Both, however, proved to be the undoing of themselves. Morgan: inexperienced, could not contain himself. Vefearra: more than experienced, knew too well how to handle a man.

Steaming white cum jetted into the air and poured down Morgan's writhing cock. Cum pooled on his stomach and the base of his cock. Cum covered Vefearra's hand as well. Fortunately she managed to avoid any splashing her face. Still, the vampire lordess was displeased with her man.

"You weren't supposed to cum yet," she cooed evilly.

Morgan mustered nothing but heavy sighs. He could not even look at her, mind still washed over from a life altering experience.

"Not even going to apologize, I see. Okay."

The vampire lordess stood and undressed. The quiet puff her clothes made upon hitting the ground finally caught Morgan's attention.

"What are you... What are you doing?" he stammered.

"Who told you to cum?" Vefearra pressed.

"I couldn't--"

"I wasn't done with you. I'm still not done."

Vefearra straddled Morgan. He saw the intention in her eyes. To which he responded, "I can't keep going."

"But I can," she replied, grinning hungrily.