Warrior One - Fleet Action Pt. 08


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"Didn't the computer say? Something like they changed the position of the axis or something like that?"

"Yes. But don't you wonder how they would do that? I have scanned the archives for any scientific data on even thinking about doing that. Nada."

"Maybe the computer knows how and we haven't asked the right question yet."

"Could be, I guess. I was just wondering."

"Right, mind on business," Gillian said.

Though they spent the rest of the day looking, they didn't find anything of any note in the city. Everything looked as though the residents just got up and walked out of their residences and just never came back. The only building they found with the doors locked turned out to be a bank of some type.

"Commander, Dax here. We found a fairly large building. The doors are locked. We didn't want to do anything until we, I, checked with you."

"Affirmative. Does it look like a bank?" asked Gillian.

"No ma'am. More like a government building back on Earth."

"Have Hunter ping Castor with your location."

"Pinging," said Hunter.

"Received. Two block up and five over," said Castor.

Gillian looked around. There was no place for Castor to land.

"Looks like we're hoofing it, Colonel," said Gillian.

Laff just nodded, pointed to Staff Sergeant Glen. Glen got the men in line and they were off to meet with Dax and her group. It only took them ten minutes to get there. The Marines were in a defensive formation with Jordan in the middle. She stood there shaking her head as Gillian and Colonel Owens came up.

"At ease, man," said Laff chuckling.

His men around Dax relaxed. Dax just shook her head. Gillian grinned at her. Gillian stood looking at the building. Both Castor and Hunter were hovering above.

"What you go for me Cass?" she asked.

"A lot of computer equipment. Same stuff as in the other city but in better shape. The Admiral might want to shift his people from there to here."

"Okay, how do we get inside?" asked Gillian.

"Break the window in the door," replied Cass.

"Ah, simple method. Okay, we'll leave it for the Admiral and his crew. Send him a message with coordinates."


"Well, it's getting late. We should probably head back to camp," said Gillian.

"You heard the lady, Glen, standard formation."

Gillian nodded grabbed Jordan's hand and pulled her alongside. They would be in the middle of the formation right behind Laff. It didn't take them long to return to the clearing in which their ships had landed. Warrior One was still hovering above the building that the computer resided.

"Cass, is Fain talking to the computer?" asked Gillian.

"She is. The computer is very happy to talk to another of its kind."

"I thought you talked to it?"

"Not really talked. I asked questions."


Chapter 192

"Colonel Owens," Gillian said as they all sat around the campfire eating dinner.

"Commander Saraid," replied Laff.

"We need to move again."

"I'll have the men start packing up," said Laff looking around. "Where is Castor, if I might inquire?"

"She is on a scouting mission for me to find our next spot. This will be our last stop before we inform the Admiral of our findings."

"But, he already knows everything there is to know about this planet."

"He does, but not our impressions of what we have found."


"Go make it happen, Colonel," said Gillian smiling at him. "After your finished, of course."

"Of course, Ma'am." Laff chuckled taking another fork full of his dinner.

~~~~ WO ~~~~

The next morning everything was packed up and everyone was ready to hear where they were headed.

"I have already briefed Captains Ossnat and Ó Donnagáin where we are headed. Wulver is flying high cover, while Nóra is already flying high cover at our next stop. Colonel, are your men ready?" asked Gillian.

"They are Ma'am," replied Laff.

"Ladies, mount up, we fly in ten minutes."

"Aye, aye, Ma'am," they all replied.

Gillian turned toward her ship, Colonel Owens beside her, the three Marines were close behind.

"Open up Cass," said Gillian.

"Yes, Ma'am."

The hatch opened and the ramp came down. Gillian climbed the ramp followed closely by the Marines.

"Same rules as before. Don't touch anything. We'll only be in the air for a few minutes," said Gillian taking her seat in the pilot's chair.

The Marines quietly relaxed, sitting on the floor of the main cabin. Laff was once again squatting by her side.

"Where are we going?" he asked.

"I thought we might try the hot side of the planet. That side that always faces the sun. There were some interesting buildings there and some interesting fauna."

Grunting, Laff turned to his men.

"All right men, make sure your cooling units are in working order, we're going where it will be hot."

"I hate hot," one of the Marines said.

The other chuckled at him.

"That's enough," Laff said not pointing out who said it.

"Okay, Cass, lift-off, you know the heading," Gillian said to her ship.

"Aye, Ma'am," replied Cass.

Gillian watched her screens. She saw the others were lifting also. Smiling she watched the terrain slide by her viewport. Shortly, the trees gave away to grassland, which then gave way to scrub and dried dirt. The first building came into view as Cass slowed her forward motion.

"Any life signs?" queried Gillian.

"Only the typical fauna of this type of environment. No big animals. Only insects and small mammals, Ma'am," replied Cass.

"Very well. Any interesting buildings?"

"The tallest one seems to have a lot of electronics in it and they are still collecting data."

"Then I guess that's our landing site," Gillian said.

"Aye, Ma'am."

The ship slowed and started its descent. Gillian watched the rest do the same.

"How hot is it out there, Cass?"

"It is currently 37.2 Celsius, Ma'am."

"A touch warm, but we'll survive," said Gillian chuckling.

Laff, just groaned as did the rest of the Marines. Gillian got out of her chair and headed for the hatch.

"Hold, Ma'am!" Cass said sternly.

"What is it?"

"I sense movement, yet cannot see anything. Scanning. Wait one."

Gillian stood by the hatch not moving. Laff was behind her, holding his men in place.

"There is something or someone out there, I can sense them, yet they are not visible. They are coming our way..."

"Shields up," shouted Gillian.

"Shields up," replied Cass. "The entity has stopped, just outside our shields."

"Open the hatch," Gillian said. "Laff, you're with me. Your men will stay inside."

"Aye, Ma'am," Laff said. "You heard her you three stay here."

The three Marines were on alert but nodded at Laff's orders. Gillian started her descent of the ramp to the outside.

"To your right, Ma'am," whispered Cass in her ear.

Gillian turned to her right.

"Now, straight ahead."

Gillian could see the sparkling of the shield in the sand that surrounded the ship. She could also see a disturbance in the sand just outside the shield. She stopped just short of her ship's shields. She could just barely make out a form on the other side. It was moving as if it was jumping up and down.

"Who are you?" Gillian asked.

The form on the other side of the shield froze in place.

"Who are you?" asked a crackly electronic voice.

"I asked first. Now, who are you? Are you one of the beings that removed the people from the planet when the invader showed up?"

"More, pleasssssss," said the voice.

"More, what? You want me to talk more?"

"Yessssssss," once again it hissed.

"Okay, I can do that. I am Commander Gillian Saraid of the Federation of Planets Navy, Space Navy. The Man with me is Colonel Lafferty Owens of the Federation of Planets Space Marines. We are on an exploration of our part of the galaxy to see what there is to see and to meet new life forms. Also, we can't really see you in your current form."

"Enough, yes that was enough. Sorry."

The form in front of them changed. It looked human.

"Sorry. My personal shield is what you were seeing. No, I'm not one of the beings that removed the people from this planet, I am one of the people whose ancestors were removed. When I saw you, I hoped you were one of the beings who removed my ancestors.

"Also, I saw you land in the old city and in the city that the beings set up to monitor the planet. Since moving to another planet we haven't had any contact with the... what did they call themselves... I can't remember, right now. We haven't had any contact with them since."

"Did they fly really big ships?" Gillian asked.

"Yes. Yes, they did. One of their ships filled the sky. It took many, many, smaller ships to carry my ancestors up to the ship. Do you know them?"

"No, sorry. But we think one of our old ships had an encounter with them a couple of centuries ago, somewhere up galaxy from here."

"Did they move your people too?" the being asked.

"No, not really. They did move the ship after repairing it. We discovered where it was by chance and have recovered it, bringing it back to our home planet."

"May I ask what your home planet's designation is?"

"We call our world Earth," said Gillian flatly.

"No. No, I have never heard of Earth. In what constellation is, it located?

"That we don't know currently. I suppose we will have to figure it out soon though."

"A shame," the entity said.

"Why are you here?" asked Gillian.

"I was just exploring and seeing if we could return. The planet we live on now is becoming very crowded. There are three of my fellow Catharians on the planet. We have stayed away from the first city you visited as that was the site of the infection to our planet."

"We know. We have been able to read your ancestor's records and talked with the electronic entity about what happened here. We believe that we can rid the planet of the virus that infects the plants in the city. I'm not completely sure about that but we have had a lot of experience with viruses," said Gillian.

Laff looked at her, surprise on his face. Gillian turned to Castor.

"Cass, notify the Admiral that we have a visitor at our location. Give him all the particulars."

"Aye, aye, Ma'am," replied Cass.

"Who is that?" the being asked.

"That was my ship. She is sentient."

"Oh. Just like the being at the observation post?"

"Yes, similar."

"You know that one is... crazy?... yes, on the crazy side."

"We know. We have people there trying to help him now."

"I see. What! What is that?" the being shouted disappearing again.

"That is one of our ships. It is called Warrior One and my Admiral is on it," replied Gillian softly. "Cass shields down, please?"

"Aye, aye ma'am."

The sparkling line in the sand disappeared.

"We mean you no harm. What do you call yourself? What is your name?"

The being appeared once more.

"My people are called Catharians. My name is Lexor."

Chapter 193

"Well Lexor, you do know that the beings that moved you have also changed the rotation of your world so that the infected city is always cold, which seemed to send the virus into a state of dormancy?" Gillian asked.

"Yes, yes, we saw that as we approached. The other three are exploring, to see if the... virus?... is that what you called it?"

"Yes, virus. As opposed to a bacteria."

"Yes, yes. Okay, I understand now. You can see the virus?"

"My ship did," replied Gillian.

"Yes, I can see your ship is very capable."

"She is. Cass, have Hunter and Rider go scan for the virus, you go with. Laff if you would get your Marines out here."

"Marines, front and center," Laff yelled.

"Lexor nothing to be frightened about."

"If you say so," he said watching carefully.

The three Marines hurried down the ramp. As the last Marine stepped off, it retracted and the hatch closed. Then Castor zoomed up and away. Just then, Ezra came walking up to Gillian's position with Quinlan. Gillian smiled snapping to attention. Laff did the same.

"Colonel Saraid, report," snapped Ezra.

"Aye, aye, sir. This is Lexor, his ancestors inhabited this planet centuries ago. He and three others came back to see if they could return to their home planet. We were just discussing that when Warrior arrived. I have also sent my scout ships out to do a detailed scan of the planet to see if there are any other infestations of the Vampire virus."

"Very good. Please introduce me."

"Of course, Admiral. Lexor, this is Admiral Ezra Nichols, Captain of Warrior One, and Commanding Admiral of Fleet One of the Federation of Planets. Admiral, this is Lexor, of the Catharians who used to inhabit this planet."

"Lexor, it is my pleasure to meet you," Ezra said extending his hand.


"He just wants to shake your hand, extend yours like he is doing, and gently grip his," Gillian said to Lexor.

"I see. Glad to meet you, Admiral," said Lexor.

"You can call me Ezra, please," replied Ezra letting go of Lexor's hand.

Lexor released Ezra's hand also he was smiling.

"Interesting custom, thank you."

"Yes, it is."

Lexor looked intent for a few seconds. He then said something in what Gillian assumed was his native language. When he turned his gaze back to Gillian, he smiled.

"My companions will be joining us shortly. We will need a short time to confer about what they and I have found."

"Of course, Lexor," Gillian said looking at the Admiral who nodded.

Quinlan was looking at a device in his hands.

"What is that device?" Lexor asked.

"The man holding the device is our linguist. The device he holds will attempt to translate your language into ours. Once that is done he can make a device that pins to your collar that will translate our language to yours and yours to ours."

"I see. If you wish I can... give?... transfer what my computer has already translated your language to mine. If you wish."

"Quinlan," said Ezra softly.

"Yes, sir, that would be very convenient," said Quinlan as he stepped up closer to Lexor.

The two conversed softly. Then Quinlan's eyes smiled as he looked at his device.

"Where is your computer located?" he asked.

"It is the device on my wrist," said Lexor showing Quinlan what I thought was a wrist chronometer.

"I see." The machine in Quinlan's hand dinged and a small round disk appeared out the top. Quinlan smiled as he pulled it from the slot.

"So small," Lexor said.

"Well, it only has to translate two languages. The more languages the bigger it will get. Until it is about the size of this machine I hold."

"We're getting off track here," Gillian said.

"Excuse me, Ma'am," Quinlan said backing away and handing the disk to Lexor.

"Thank you," replied Lexor.

"Three ships approaching. They're small," whispered Fain in Gillian's ear.

"If you will excuse... yes... excuse me for a moment," said Lexor backing away.

"What do you think?" asked Ezra.

"I don't know yet. Why would they want to come back here? The galaxy is filled with planets for the taking. What is here that they want or need?"

"My thoughts exactly. The only thing I can think of is the virus," replied Ezra.

"Wonderful. What do we do?"

"Have Castor destroy the virus? Is that possible?" asked Ezra.

"I don't know."

"It is," replied Fain.

"Fain, have Castor destroy the virus."

There was no reply and Ezra and Gillian stood mute watching the four Catharians.

"Done," said Fain.

"That quick?" asked Ezra.

"Yes, sir. A couple of plasma bursts annihilated the virus. Cass will stay there to make sure."

Ezra and Gillian just watched the Catharians as they conferred. Then they all turned to look at them. They could see anger on their faces.

"Shields," said Ezra.

There was a glittering line in the sand just in front of Gillian and Ezra as the four Catharians disappeared behind their shields.

"Fain, did you have enough time to scan them and find a weakness in their shield technology?" asked Ezra loud enough that the Catharians could hear them.

"Yes, sir," answered Fain just as loud.


"Level 16 on the Marines phase rifles will do it, sir," replied Fain.

"That little?"

"Yes, sir."

Gillian was trying to keep from giggling as the four Catharians reappeared.

"Now, why did you want the virus?" asked Ezra almost shouting.

"There... an unknown race is attacking our planets..."

"Fain, display a Gar ship!" Ezra shouted.

A Gar frigate was displayed between the two groups.

"That's them. Do you know them?"

"We just finished a war with them. Where are your worlds?"

"We found ourselves on the arm to the east of this one."

"Ah, well, we have a lot to talk about. Fain how long to make that journey?"

"From edge to edge a day."

"What?" Lexor yelled.

"Drop shields. If you would like to come aboard my ship to talk. From your physiology, I have to assume you are human or so close to us as to be indistinguishable. So, join us for a meal," said Ezra.

Chapter 194

The talks with the Catharians last for two days. On the second day, Warrior Two and Six showed up with a whole fleet of battlecruisers. Warrior One joined the fleet. Admiral Cook was there and joined Ezra on Warrior One. Warrior One took the Catharians' ship on board for the jump to their sector of the galaxy. Gillian and her squadron stayed to finish up on the planet. It took another week for Castor, Rider, and Hunter to do a detailed scan of the planet. They found no other virus infestations. The planet was now safe for colonization, as the Catharians really didn't want the planet back.

Gillian's orders were to join her other squadrons in exploring their assigned planets. The science ship Quest II showed up just before they left to take over the examination of the intelligent machine and the data on the other machines on the planet. The Marines had been transferred back on Warrior One. Wulver and Nóra would stay with Gillian's squadron. Both captains were happy to be a part of the exploring.

"Squadron, prepare to lift," said Gillian as she looked out her port.

As each ship report its readiness, Gillian nodded.

"Squadron, lift," said Gillian.

Caster lifted slowly into the air starting forward once clear of the trees. Once in orbit, Gillian looked over the other groups out looking at their assigned planets.

"Cass, which is the farthest out from where we are?" she asked knowing that Cass would know what she wanted.

"That would be Explorer, Ma'am," replied Cass.

"Can you plot a course?"

"Yes, ma'am. Course plotted."

"Relay to our group," said Gillian.



The shutter closed and they were on their way.

"How long Cass?"

"Now you ask... two hours."

Gillian chuckled at her ship's reply. Two hours was nothing.

"Should I ask how far?"

"From our position, two thousand light-years ma'am."

"Ah, a hop, skip, and a jump, then?"

"Yes, ma'am," said Cass adding a chuckle at the end.

Two hours was nothing. Gillian leaned back in her command chair and wiggled a little to try and smooth out the lumps. She really needed to get them replaced.

"Cass, remind me when next we land at Mars to requisition new chair padding."

"What's wrong with what you have?" Cass asked sounding just a little annoyed.

"They are lumpy, sorry."

"I see. Well, they are as old as I am. And they are older than you," Cass quipped.

Gillian just shook her head as she watched her sensor screens. After about an hour, she was hungry and got up to get something to eat. As she fixed herself something, she thought about where she was just a couple of years ago. A lonely young woman in the wilds of North America eking out a living from the land. Now she was a full commander, with what were basically two squadrons under her command. She was not only happy, now, but she was proud of what she had accomplished. Her father and mother were proud of her and most of all, her commanding Admiral was proud of her.
