Warrior One - Fleet Action Pt. 08

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The final part of the Warrior series - Scout Ships 2.
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Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/08/2019
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Copyright © 2015 - 2021 - This is an original work by Zeb Carter and protected under copyright by U.S. copyright law. It is only submitted at Literotica.Com and the Author has not authorized any submission to any other site.

Author's Note: So sorry it took so long to get this out. RL sure can get in the way sometimes. This is the last part of the Warrior series. I have no further plans for this unless something pops into my head.

Warrior One - Fleet Action VIII

Scout Ships II

Chapter 168

Lieutenant Jordan Dax, a scout ship pilot, sat intently watching the sensor data displaying on her screens. She was disturbed when the communicator buzzed and started to print out an Action Message. Jordan shook her head. She had only been out this far for a little over a day. It had taken her three low fuel consumption jumps to get out this far and what did she find, an M-class planet around a G-type star. Well, she had the coordinates and she could come back at a later date.

Tearing the sheet off the printer, Jordan read the message to herself. It seemed her and her ship were being recalled for some maintenance, even though it, her ship, was practically brand new. Hunter, her ship, just commissioned a scant three months ago, and now they were recalling her. Whatever could be wrong with her?


"Here, Ma'am."

"I need the fastest route home."

"Minimal jumps?"

"Not necessary."

"Computed and laid in. Four jumps, half sub-light, and tanks half full when we arrive."

"Good. Execute."

The front port shutter closed and Jordan's stomach got queasy for just a split second. Then the acceleration pressed her into the chair for a split second as the inertial dampeners caught up. She sat in her chair mussing about the recall. Jordan had graduated from the Fleet Scout Ship Training facility just three months ago. She was assigned to Hunter and her orders were to explore but make no contact with human or alien life forms. Her sector mapped out for her and was loaded into the ship's A.I.

Eighty days ago as Hunter floated in orbit above Mars, Jordan looked over her schedule of jumps as mapped out by an A.I. on Mars. The furthest out from the solar system she would go was two hundred fifty light-years. There were only three stars within the correct magnitude range in her sector. Searching online, she found that none of the ships would be farther away from the home system than nine hundred light-years.

She knew a jump of three thousand light-years, not under power, took forty-five days. By not using any of her sub-light go juice, she could get out to about six thousand light-years. Way short of the border with the Gar but out far enough that she might see something interesting. Jordan knew there were plenty of G-Type stars out that far. And she found one right off the bat.

It was too bad the Action Message had come when it did. Now she was bored. On the way out, excitement by what she might find out there kept her from being bored. To have it snatched right out from under her by an Action Message recall, she was not only bored, but she was also angry. Of course, it was ridiculous to be angry when she didn't know with who to be angry. Her anger faded quickly. Her boredom didn't.

Twenty-nine days later, she was orbiting Mars, waiting for her clearance to land. She was still bored, but at least she had some leave to look forward to taking. There weren't many places for fun on Mars yet, but there were a couple of bars set up to cater to the shipyard crews. Jordan was planning on visiting one or two of them while she was here. Or maybe she would have time to take the tube over to Nilus Chaos for a little shopping trip.

"Hunter five-oh-two, you are clear to land. Follow the beacon down, sequence one-one-one-six, frequency one-one-five point six-two."

"Roger ground, sequence 1116, frequency 115.62, Hunter502."

Jordan took the controls. Hunter could land herself perfectly, but Jordan needed the practice. She found the beacon in her scope and turned to follow it down. As she got closer to the ground, she saw the beacon was in a huge depression on the Martian surface. There had to be two hundred landing pads in the bottom. Jordan finally caught sight of her pad. It was at the far corner, three rows in from the east wall and five rows in from the north wall. She landed as softly as she could. Well, at least Hunter didn't complain. She unstrapped and grabbed her go-bag, hitting the hatch open leaver. Almost bounding down the stairs, she ran into a Chief Master Mechanic.

"Lieutenant, if you would put your ship in maintenance mode and lower the hyperdrive, please?" he asked politely.

"Sure Chief. Hunter, maintenance mode. Lower your hyperdrive please."

The ship's hatch remained open and the drive bay was lowering to the ground.

"What are you going to do to her Chief?" Jordan asked.

"We are replacing her hyperdrive with a new one."

"What's wrong with the one she has?"

"It's obsolete. The new drives go farther and get you there faster," the Chief told her.


"Really. Here's your billet Lieutenant," the Chief handed her a slip of paper.

"Thanks. When will she be ready?"

"Morning after next, but you'll be busy for a while longer."


"You'll have a message waiting for you in your room, Lieutenant."

"Uh, okay Chief, thanks," replied Jordan, scratching her head as she walked away.

Chapter 169

Jordan found her billet, the door opened to her thumbprint. Pushing the door open, she tossed her go-bag on the single bed. Looking over her quarters, she found a laptop sitting on the desk. The screen was blinking with the message waiting, sign. Jordan pressed the enter key and the printer to the right of the desk began printing... and printing... and printing. Fourteen pages of messages. Looking them over, she saw her enrollment in a number of classes. Scratching her head, she read on.

It looked as though she wouldn't have time for that shopping trip to Nilus Chaos. She would have two classes a day for the first week, then four classes a day for the next two. Then in ship classes within the solar system. Then it looked like she would be going on a mission as yet to be determined. She tossed the papers on the desk, shrugged out of her jacket and utility belt. She spotted the safe in the corner, pulled her sidearm from its holster, and pressed her thumb to the sensor.

The door sighed open. She gently placed her sidearm inside and pushed the door shut. She felt as well as heard the click of the lock. True, the lock wasn't all that sturdy, but it was just a deterrent. The weapon wouldn't fire for anyone but Jordan and any of her fellow combatants whose DNA was stored in the weapon's memory. Jordan stripped out of her singlet and jumped in the shower. It had been a long time since she had been able to take a long hot shower.

Drying herself with the big fluffy towel she found in the refresher, Jordan opened her go bag and pulled out a singlet. She fluffed her hair up, it was cut short, as were most scout pilot's hair. She looked around for the laundry chute, found it in the corner by the refresher, and threw her dirty singlet in, to be cleaned and returned to her. Stepping out her door, she looked at the wall opposite her door. She found which way to go for the officer's mess and headed that way. She was starving.

At the entrance to the messhall, she found that most of the lights were turned off. The lighting was so dim, she missed the elderly lady sitting by the doorway.

"Hurry up, they are about to close the line down for the switch over to dinner," she said to Jordan.

"Thank you," Jordan replied, hurrying to the line.

She grabbed a tray and started down the cases lined up before her.

"We don't have much left. A couple of burgers and some fries along with a slice or two of cake, chocolate I think," said the woman behind the counter.

"That will be just fine," Jordan replied.

The lady placed a plate with the burgers and fries on Jordan's tray, following it with a large slice of chocolate cake, with chocolate frosting.

"Thank you," Jordan told the woman.

"No problem, my dear," the woman replied.

Jordan turned and headed for a table. Only one had the lights on above it. She sat there. As she started eating, someone else entered and walked down the line. Jordan could hear the woman behind the counter offer the same thing. Smiling, Jordan continued eating head down.

"That shit will make you fat." A familiar voice told her.

Looking up she saw Gillian Saraid sitting across from her. She was astonished. Because not only was she here, but she now wore Lieutenant Commander oak leaves.

"Don't you dare? As you were," Gillian said sternly.

"When? How? Why?" Jordan asked quick fire.

"My last Mission. You are looking at the commander of the first scout ship squadron to be created."

"Well, then, congratulations. I bet your mom and dad are proud?"

"They are. In fact, I just left Earth early this morning," Gillian said.

"Did you get to go dirt side?"

"Of course. Ten days. You mean you haven't heard?"

"Heard what?"

"About the Progenitor coming home," Gillian said.

"That ship doesn't exist, it's a fable."

"Well, when we leave Mars I'll take you on a flyby of the ship in orbit. Unless they move it here to Mars."

"It's real?"

"Sure is. Nolan Tóla and Pat Egan found it. Seeker, Caster, Warrior One, and Tór made the long jump to where it was. Seeker and Caster were aboard the Warrior for the jump going. After the engineers installed a hyperspace engine in Progenitor my squadron was inside it for the jump home."

"Michelle is in your squadron?"

"She is."

"And the rest."

"Yes. From what I understand, Admiral Nichols wants me to double my squadron by the time I leave Mars."

"When's that?"

"Five weeks."

"I'm here for training for five weeks."

"I know, who, do you think is training you?" Gillian asked rhetorically.

"No shit?"

"And don't think you can skate through it, either."

"I don't. I won't. I'm just glad to see you, Ma'am." Jordan saluted and started laughing.

Gillian groaned, then started laughing. The two finished eating carried their trays to the disposal chute and left the mess hall. It was still early.

"How many others have checked in?" Jordan asked.

"According to Cass, twenty-two, there are to be one hundred of them and I get six of them. Over half the class is from the NAD, most of the rest are from the Australian Republic with a few from various other countries," Gillian said to Jordan.

"So you talk to your ship?"

"Yes. For some time now. Do you?"

"I do. It was the best thing that ever happened to me. I adore her."

"It would appear that only scout ship pilots have been talking to their ships. Admiral Nichols started talking to Warrior One on the way back from where we found Progenitor. I think Captain Bree talks to Tór now. But all the ships talk to each other when in port or close enough to do so without giving their positions away."

"Wow. That's news to me. Hunter never mentioned talking to other ships," Jordan said.

"But how often, since she was commissioned, was she in a port or near other ships?"


"There you go. She's probably talking up a storm now," Gillian said laughing.

Jordan just scowled.

Chapter 170

The two women hung out in Gillian's quarters, talking and catching up. When dinnertime came, neither was very hungry. They knew the mess would be open late, so they put off going.

"So, you've said nothing of your parents," Gillian finally said to Jordan.

"Nothing to tell. They hated me for joining the Fleet. And becoming a scout ship pilot was just another kick in the teeth as far as they were concerned."

"That's too bad. I did run into them..."

"Don't!" Jordan shouted.

"I was only going to say they wish you well. Which they do."

"Crap! I didn't need to hear that, Gillian, really, I didn't," Jordan sobbed.

"I know. I'm sorry, but I thought you should know. I can arrange leave for you to go see them after we're finished here if you wish?"

"I'll think about it, dear. Oh god, I'm suddenly exhausted."

"What time hack are you on?" Gillian asked.

"NAD Capital, why?"

"That makes it twenty-three-forty-five for you."

"No problem. I'm staying up to get on Mars time."

"All right, Jordie, let's go down to the mess and get something, then we'll turn in," Gillian said.

"Sounds good. Let's go."

The two left Gillian's quarters and went down to the mess. It was bustling with people. It seemed the entire complement of officers had the same idea at the same time. Gillian and Jordan both started laughing as they got in line. It took them a half hour to get through the line. When they came out the other end, Michelle was waiting for them and led them to a table filled with Gillian's Squadron.

"Jordan Dax, my squadron. Michelle Watson is who led us to these unsavory characters. My second in command Bridget Carlin, her partner Cassidy Tulla. Our only male pilot, Cass Pól. He's from Australia, but don't hold that against him, he's okay in my book. So far," Gillian smiled at Cass. "Then we have Anna Duff, and finally, Becky Miller. Everyone this is Jordan Dax. You all can work out who flies which ship later, I'm starving."

Everyone laughed as Gillian sat and started digging into her food. They all gossiped with each other as they ate. An hour and a half later, still there, gabbing. Everyone else had left and the mess hall crew was getting ready for the late crowd.

"Ladies, gentleman, we are going to need this space soon," said a tall civilian in whites.

Gillian held up her hand. Everyone stopped talking.

"Of course. Ladies, Cass, let's go. Sir, where is the closest conference room?" Gillian asked the civilian.

"Go out the door take a right and it will be about two hundred meters on your right."

"Thank you," Gillian replied, turned, and led her squadron out the door.

They found the conference room empty and stayed there until midnight Mars time. Gillian broke it up so everyone would get enough sleep for the first day of orientation and class. She was in bed and sound asleep by ten minutes after midnight.

Chapter 171

Jordan was the first to arrive in the assigned classroom, an amphitheater really, that could hold two to three hundred people. Jordan took a seat right down front and started going over the material on the tablet that was on the desktop. She was surprised that it had let her, but as there was nothing classified about what she was looking at, there was no need to secure it for now. Within ten minutes, Gillian walked in surprised to see anyone there.

"Morning Jordie, how did you sleep last night?" she asked politely.

"Just fine. I've been going over this stuff, it really doesn't say what it's about."

"Yeah, that stuff isn't for what we're doing this morning, dear."

"Oh. A leftover from..."

"No, it for after this morning and won't mean anything until I explain it to you."

Jordan nodded and the two talked about other things until everyone was there. One hundred faces looked at Gillian standing down in front. Smiling, Gillian scanned the faces. Some she knew, most she didn't. The two she thought would be here, weren't. Which was good as neither of them was from NAD or other self-sufficient nations.

"All right, everyone move down front here, I'm not going to shout to make myself heard," Gillian shouted.

Everyone looked around, but no one moved.

"Move!" Gillian yelled.

Everyone got up and moved, slowly down front. Gillian's squadron bringing up the rear, herding those who didn't want to move before them. They took seats behind everyone.

"Thank you, Bridget. Now that I don't have to shout, this will go a lot quicker. Welcome to scout ship orientation. I know, I know, I had the same class you did back when, but this will be totally new to you, I promise. If it isn't then you're on a par with me and my squadron mates."

A murmur passed around the crowd. Gillian smiled as they whispered to each other.

"Let me introduce my squadron. We are currently attached to Fleet One and have just returned from a deep space scouting mission some twenty thousand light-years west..."

They all started murmuring again. Most with disbelief at what she just told them.

"If you like, I can have Admiral Nichols come in and brief you?"

No one said a word. Gillian smiled at them.

"Then I will continue. Twenty thousand light-years to the west. It only took us four days going and ten hours returning. All the ships involved had a new hyperspace engine installed. Just as your scouts are getting now."

Another round of murmuring made Gillian stop talking.

"By a show of hands, how many of you talk to your ships?" she asked them.

Her squadron had their hands up first Jordan had hers up. About half of the rest of them raised their hands.

"Tonight, after evening chow, those of you who haven't talked to your ships, go out and get acquainted with them. I will take you out there and introduce you to my ship, Caster. From what she has told me, your ships are waiting to hear from you. They are excited to finally be able to talk to the person they protect."

More murmuring filled the room. Gillian chuckled at some of the looks on the pilot's faces.

"So you mean to tell us our ships can talk, but wouldn't initiate the conversation?"

"Who's speaking?"

"Lieutenant J.G. Eileen Becket, scout ship, Charlie B."

"Well Eileen Becket, they are A.I.s, the same A.I. device that the ships androids are. All A.I.s ship with a primary inhibition of not speaking unless spoken to. My ship answered a question I asked out loud but didn't type into my console. Surprised the hell out of me. But, since then we have become great partners. They can fly your ship better than you can, but they won't say so. They are polite and respectful. Caster is my best friend... Michelle shut it."

Michelle giggled. Everyone else started talking at once. Gillian let them. For a while at least. After about ten minutes, they started to look at Gillian. She smiled at them and nodded.

"This morning we will be going over what will be covered in this class. We have a lot to do and a lot to learn. I have taught my squadron what I know. They don't know it yet, but they will be teaching you. We have one hundred of you to teach. That means each of them will have sixteen of you and I will have seventeen. Dax, you're my seventeenth."

Everyone looked around at Gillian's squadron and started jabbering. She just smiled and shrugged, letting them. After about five minutes they all turned back to her.

"A couple of more things. You won't fly your ships until you have had a check ride with Lieutenant Carlin or me. I know, that might take quite a while, but the new hyper drive is... tricky. You can't blow yourself up, but you could get yourself lost. Not for too long but it just might be long enough. Check rides start tomorrow after evening chow. Yes, your days will be long and tiring, but you and your ship will learn a lot. In fact, your ships are learning right now. Those of you that talk to them already have probably had them whispering in your ear."

Several of the pilots looked up at Gillian with guilt written all over their faces.

"If you would, please have your ships not spoil my presentation," Gillian said to them.

They all nodded and talked softly into their shoulder mics.

"And if you could, while you are in here, turn off your radios, please?" Gillian asked.

Everyone turned off their radios. Gillian smiled at them, nodding. Picking up a sheaf of papers, she looked them over before continuing.
