We Did It Our Way


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I emptied a gallon of sperm inside of her, just as her egg dropped from her tube. A bunch of my little swimmers attacked her egg and one did the job of fertilizing the egg. The egg attached to the uterus wall and life was created.

I collapsed on top of her, causing her to gasp out loud, and she shoved me off her. We laid there gasping and panting for air. We both were covered in sweat, and stank of raw sex, but we were too tired to move.

She just rolled over into my arms, "I love you," she softly said, as we both fell asleep.

The next morning, as I came out of the shower, she was still in bed.

"Oh, I am still sore, and I feel a little funny," she said.

"How about I draw you a hot bubble bath to soak in?" I offered.

"Would you please that sounds good," she responded.

The next couple of days went by fast, and we did the commercial for them, packed our bags, and left to go to the cottage. We picked up Sarah and Brent at the airport, and spent a fun filled week at the cottage, before we had to go back home.

A couple of months after our honeymoon and I was on the couch watching a baseball game. Sharon comes in and jumped on top of me.

"Guess what?" She asked all bright eyed.

"Hmmmmm you bought a new car," I said.


"You bought a yacht."

"Nope try again."

"Ok I give up, tell me," I asked, I sort of knew what the answer would be.

"I'm going to have a baby, you're going to be a daddy," she said, as she had that glow about her.

I did not say anything, I just pulled her into my arms and gave her a passionate l love you kiss.

Chapter Seven

I Almost Lost Her

While we laying on the couch, holding each other, basking in the enjoyment of becoming parents, the damn doorbell rang.

"Hello"? "Anyone home," Sarah yelled.

"We are in the living room!" Sharon hollered.

"What is the matter with guys, why are you lying together like that? She asked.

We both looked at her smiling, not saying a word.

"OH, MY, GOD! You're pregnant! You're going to be parents!" she shouted with joy.

How in the hell Sarah figures that shit out it way beyond me?

Sharon smiled at her and just shook her head yes. We got up off the couch, and had a group hug.

"Have you told anyone yet, what about mom, told her yet, or Tom's folks do they know?" Sarah asked questions in rapid fire.

"I just got back from the doctor's office getting confirmation that I am pregnant. I figure I should at least tell my husband first," she replied to Sarah's questions.

Sharon and Sarah headed off to make the calls to our folks to tell them the good news.

I laid back down on the couch, and did some thinking. Just how many children did Sharon want to have? We never really discuss that issue, and maybe it is time for a different house. Our finances are good. Our two businesses are both going strong. The production company is booked solid, and our film distribution company has been very busy. I was still rehashing these things, when the girls came back into the room.

They filled me in on all the calls that they made, and that everyone was just thrilled for her. Somehow I felt left out of the whole thing, just do the planting and get the hell out of the way.

Sharon sat on the couch with me, and Sarah in a chair by the couch. I proceed to go over Sharon schedule. She had two movies lined up for the fall, and two possible movies for the winter.

"After the two movies are done in the fall, I am shutting you down until the baby is born," I said to her.

She nodded her head in agreement.

"I think it is time to discuss building a new house," I said.

"I'm not so sure on that, I really like the house that we have now. It's our first house in Hollywood," Sharon replied.

I just left the statement hang for the time being. I figured to take my time with this idea.

The fall of 1987 went by fast, Sharon did two movies, and both did well. Three men and a baby was released in November, and was an instant hit, when all got said and done, we got our investment back plus Fifteen million of the net gross.

I had slacked off on my writing and directing part of the business. I was busy managing her career, and running our two businesses, and producing a few movies.

I was also looking for a new place to live, and found a place Southeast of town, about an hour drive away. It was a farmhouse located on five hundred acres. I took Sharon out to look at it, and then told her my vision on rebuilding a new house there. She finally bought into the idea, and wanted to help on the design of the new house. It only took a month and we bought the farm. It took another year to get the house, and surrounding area built to what we wanted. We were looking at moving into the house either late 1988, or early in 1989. The farm was going to be called Windy Acres.

Things sort of fast forward for us in the winter of 1988, as we waited for the birth of our first child. The blessed day came oddly enough on April 1, as Shaun Nicholas Wright, was born at 4:00 pm, and he weighed in at seven pounds-seven ounces.

Sharon took the rest of the year off to take care of Shaun, and worked to get back into shape. I was busy with the house, and our other two businesses, but I always did miss the action of doing a film.

Right after the baby was born, I started to work on a sequel script to Winner Take All. I figured I could have everything done and ready for filming by the time Sharon is ready to get back into the acting business. I had to put things on hold for six months, due to a phone call.

Just after the fourth of July 1989, I get a phone call from my director friend Jerry Marshall.

"I am about to start shooting a movie in three weeks, called Pretty Woman, but the female lead actress was in a traffic accident, and will be out of commission for about six months. I wonder if Sharon would be available?" He asked hopefully.

Sharon and I met with him the next day and reviewed the script. She liked it and agreed to do it. I settle on terms with the producers for 200 Hundred Thousand, and one percent of the net gross. Pretty Woman gross 464 million. Netting her almost 5 Million.

It was a colossal hit, and Sharon was up for a best actress award at the next Academy Awards. Although she did not win, the exposure was good for her career. She really looked sexy in that movie for a new mommy, and the offers started to pour in again.

One of the things I did financially, was everything that Sharon had earned for acting in the movies, I kept separate from the monies that we earned together from the business. Also whatever I earned was kept separately from the other accounts. Her money was hers to spend as she wanted. She had earned more than 15 million on her own, including interest, and investment profits.

By March of 1990, we had completely moved into the new house on the farm. Let me take some time to tell you about the farm house. The house totaled just over 10,000 square feet and was two stories high. The upstairs had eight bedrooms total, with full bathrooms to each. At both ends of the house there was a master bedroom. One was ours and one was for our folks when they visit.

Downstairs there was the main entranceway, full dining room, living room and kitchen. Directly under our room was a twenty-seat state of the art theater. Next to the theater was my office. There was also an exercise room, and a kids' gaming room. In addition to a lot more that I won't describe.

Outside there was a huge heat pool, with a waterfall, a hot tub, a guest house with a changing room and shower in it. A stable for the horses, we have six horses on the farm, a pole barn to put all of our equipment in. A driving range, and a 3-hole golf course. The first hole was a 400-yards par 4 up the hill, the second was a 485-yards par 5, going sideways down the hill, and the third hole was a 150-yards par 3 over a pond. I designed the course and I am quite proud of it.

I rent the farmable land out to a farmer who planted crops on it. The rent almost pays the taxes. We saved the old farmhouse and moved it down to the end of our farm. We rented it to a Mexican family and they became our caretakers of the farm. I let them stay in the old farmhouse rent free. They are a great family and do a terrific job. They do almost all of the outside work except the pools. The father's name is Juan, and mother's name is Maria, and they have six kids. Maria is a great cook, and helps Sharon with the cooking. Sharon's cooking skills does leave a lot to be desired. We have a maid service that comes in weekly to clean the house, and a pool service to take of the pool and hot tub. In between times Juan and family help take care of those chores.

We started to film Beautiful Loser in January of 1990 and wrapped up in March. This was my first solo venture. I wrote, directed, produced the movie. We also financed the whole film. I used my own production and distribution companies, and we filmed it all on location. I did all of the editing in my new in-house theater. God it was a lot of work, but I got it all done and ready to be released over the Labor day weekend

I need a break after completing Beautiful Loser. Sharon was looking tired also. I had a twenty-year class reunion coming up in July. A week after the fourth, we took a ten-day vacation to my old cottage. We visited with my side of the family. We had a great time at the reunion and I got to see a lot of my old classmates. We were the center of attention, everyone wanted Sharon's autograph, and wanted to know what life is like in Hollywood.

It was restful at the cottage, and watching little Shaun play in the water and sand, was very enjoyable for both of us. He was just over two years old now, and is fast as a little jet. Mom was out often to see us, and play with her grandson. She was able to bring TJ with her a couple of times, and we had fun going fishing and boating. We had a couple of family outings while we were there also.

Sharon had put little Shaun to bed, and she came into our bedroom cuddling up next to me.

"You know that lately we have not had much time for each other, and I miss that," she said to me in a soft voice.

"I know, I am sorry that I have neglected you," I said as I lean over and kiss her softly on the lips.

We have been trying to have another child, so far no luck.

She reached up around my neck and kissed me hard with passion. I responded by reacquainting myself with her mouth. I began caressing her tongue. She reacted by increasing the pressure of her kiss on my lips.

We broke the kiss, and as she took off her nightie and panties.

She said, "I need you so bad."

"I know baby, and I am going to make you purr like a kitten," I said as I stripped naked.

We held each other tight for a moment, and then her lips searched out mine for a soft kiss, letting out tongues intertwine together. While we kissed my hand was busy rubbing, massaging, and groping her breast. I twisted and pinch her nipples, easy at first, but then I put more pressure on the twist.

She gave a gasp into my mouth, and mumbles, "Oh, honey, do it harder."

I grabbed her breast and gave them a good squeeze, and then pinched her nipples harder. Her nubs were sticking out like two firecrackers ready to explode.

"Baby suck my tits, bite my nipples make me feel good," she moaned into my mouth.

I locked my mouth over her left breast and started to suck on her nipple. Using my teeth, I gently bit and nibbled on her nipple. I slightly increased the pressure with my teeth. I kind of raked my teeth over her nipples, and the bumps on her areolas causing her intense pleasure. She likes to feel some pain with her pleasure.

My hand slowly moved its way down to her bare slit, and I could feel her liquid juices on her outer lips. Her excitement was intensifying, while her body began to tense up. I invaded her love hole with my fingers, and she was loose and wet. I reached up and rubbed her sensitive G-spot on her vagina.

"Oh, God, baby that feels so good," she cooed to me in a lustful way.

I moved my fingers over to her clitoris and flick it a couple of times and then rubbed it fast and hard.

She gave out a soft scream and locked her legs tightly against my hand as her orgasm wracked her body with massive waves of pleasure. She filled my hand with her love juice.

"I'm ready now baby please fuck me hard, make me cum again, fill me with your seed, make it take," she said still feeling the effects of her last orgasm.

I rolled her over and started to fuck her doggie style. I was pounding away as fast and as hard as I could into her pussy. I would softly spank her round ass, just to spice up the feeling. She was meeting my thrust by thrusting back at me, forcing my cock deeper into her pussy. I tried to keep this up for a while, but my legs were starting to give out on me.

"Baby I am close to cuming," she panted at me in pure lust.

"Hold on honey I am going blow my load," I gasped.

She gave a sharp scream, just as I blew my load deep into her pussy. I held her ass tight to my cock as I empty my cum from both nuts into her pussy.

She collapsed down on the bed with her legs wide apart, and I could see some of my swimmers leaking from her pussy.

"Oh, honey, I really needed a good fucking just like that," she said exhaustively.

I laid down next to her physically spent, "I love you," I whispered into her ear.

"I love you too," she said still panting for air,

"I hope this one takes, you did fuck me hard, like the first time I got pregnant," she said with love in her voice.

I moved up close to her and drew her up into my arms, and we went to sleep.

It was a relaxing vacation, which we both needed, but it's time to go home.

When we got back home, I put the finishing touches on Beautiful Loser, and we hit our target date of labor day weekend.

Sharon and I didn't take a salary on this movie, instead we were getting paid out of our share of the profits. The movie cost twenty-five million to make and when it totaled up worldwide, the movie grossed 150 million. Making a net gross of 125 million profit for us. The movie was a colossal hit, and we were up for seven academy awards. Unfortunately, Sharon didn't win best actress award, but her girlfriend Shannon Tweed did win her first award for best supporting actress. I won two awards one for best director, and one for best original screenplay.

In September, we took a long weekend trip to Hawaii, just the two of us, like a second honeymoon. Sarah watched Shaun for us while we were gone. We never left the estate, and Sharon hardly let me out of the bed. It seemed that she fucked me morning, noon, and night. We even did it one night on the beach. I would like to say it was a relaxing long weekend, but I was so tired from us fucking all the time, I needed to get back home and back to work to rest.

Mid November, and I am on the couch watching a tape replay of the Michigan football game. Shaun was next to me on the couch sleeping. Sharon came bounding into the house. She was about to leap on me when she saw Shaun, so she laid down gently on top of me.

"Guess what?" She asks me.

Well went through this once before, so I had a very good idea what was going on. So I grabbed her and placed a hard kiss on her lips.

"You got yourself knocked up again."

"That wasn't a nice way to say that, besides you did it," she said, as she slapped my arm.

I didn't say a word, I just held her close to me for a while, then I whisper into her ear, "You know that you are still the most important person in my life, and I love you with all my heart."

She looked up at me with her eyes tearing over, and kissed me softly on the lips.

"Thank you for saying that, I have never doubted your love, and I do love you with every part of my body," she said as she kissed me again on the lips.

Just then Shaun started to stir, as he began to wake up. Her mommy instincts kicked in and she went to her son picking him up. Just watch them together, makes feel proud to call her my wife. I watched her play with Shaun, when the phone rang. I reached over and picked it up and it's my mother.

I told her the good news that she is going to be a grandmother again, which made her happy. We chatted for a while and I told her that they should come out here for Christmas. They have not seen the house yet, and we have loads of space. They agreed to come for Christmas.

Sharon came over and handed me Shaun. She took the phone to talk with mom for a while. When she got done, she called her mother. She told her the good news, and invited her to come for Christmas. She also agreed to come for the holidays. Sounded like we were going to have a busy Christmas.

I went back to watching the football game and playing with Shaun, while Sharon was talking with Sarah filling her in on everything. Things were very quiet for us from November through December, which felt good to just do nothing. We had to do some planning as Sharon due date, would be in late April or early May.

Mom and Dad were coming in on Dec. 21st, and staying until Dec. 30th. Sharon's mom was coming in on Dec. 23rd, and leaving on Dec. 30th also. One more surprise mom called. "We were going to bring TJ with us when we come for Christmas," she said to me.

He was ten now and we had a good time this summer at the cottage. Now I get him for nine days here to bond with.

Sharon and I are so excited with all the company coming here for the holidays. We busted our tails getting the place to shine. She worked on the inside with the maids help and Maria, while I worked outside with Juan and his boys getting things looking great.

I sent the limo out to pick up the folks at the airport. They were due in at 2:00 pm. The airport was an hour drive from the farm. I figured they would be hungry so I had Maria make an early dinner. The limo arrived back at our house around 4:00 pm, and we greeted everyone.

We showed them their rooms, and then toured the house, they were impressed. We then tour the outside, and Dad just loved the driving range and golf course. When got to the horse barn, TJ looked at me.

'Dad, can I ride a horse now?'

"Not now maybe after we eat dinner. If it wasn't too dark out, we will go riding," I told him.

It was getting close to 5:00 pm, and Maria hollered at us, "Dinner was ready."

We went back to the dining room to feast on tacos and taco salad (my favorite). Maria was a terrific cook. By the time we finish up with dinner, it was getting dark outside.

"We can go horse riding in the morning when it's daylight outside," I said to TJ.

"Ok dad," he said as he dashed off to the game room.

The time seemed to just fly. We had fun with our families at the farm, and soon it was time for them to leave. What a sad day it was for both Sharon and I, as we watched the limo take them to the airport.

We had to get busy, Sharon had a movie to shoot the second week of January, and she would be on location for three weeks or so. She finished up the filming the second week of February, it went a little longer than we planned. This would be her last film until after the baby was born.

She came home the end of February from her doctor's appointment and laid down on the couch with me. "Guess what?"

"Not this again, I already know that you are pregnant,"

"The doctor heard two different heart beats," she grins at my shocked look.

"Twins," I gulped.

"Um you guessed it honey," she laughed at my facial expression.

I just laid there absorbing it all in. "WOW!" I shouted out loud.

I laid there with Sharon in my arms. We both were lost in deep thought about this new information. Maria then came into the room with little Shaun, who when he saw us, he came running over and climbed on top of us, like a three-layer pyramid.