Wednesday = Hump Day Pt. 01

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A story of an average son and his not so average mother.
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Shaun Milani was a well-mannered, polite, standard looking 18 year old. He was not a star athlete, nor was he a nerd, Shaun was 5ft7, blonde/brown short hair, hazel eyes, solid shoulders, athletic build with an average 6 inch penis. What Shaun did have that was going for him with females was a quick wit, well-spoken attitude where he was not rude to them but befriended them in ways that made them not only his friends but some of them a casual hook up (handjobs etc.)

The other thing that Shaun had going for him was an incredibly hot underappreciated Mother...

Denise Milani was also well mannered, polite but nowhere near standard looking. Denise was a former internet model that was made famous from Bikini and lingerie shoots that had fallen pregnant to her current husband during the peak of her career. Now Denise was a stay at home mom who looked after the house, her son and sometimes her husband when he was in that mood. Denise had maintained her looks over the last 15 or so years after leaving the public eye; she is 5ft6, long black hair with piercing blue eyes, being of European decent Denise had curves in all the right places with her motherly hips, amazing backside and tanned skin. But it was Denise's chest that had people of all ages, gender and culture looking; Denise was a very perky big 32DDD. With her small petite curvy frame her chest looked enormous, yet it suited her down to a T.

Now this Wednesday started out as any other, Shaun woke up, had a shower, got some quick breakfast before anyone was up and went to school. Denise also woke up, made her husband some breakfast and coffee, had her shower, did a quick workout and started on her daily house work. Shaun and Denise usually liked to text during the day which had been going on for a few weeks now while Denise was bored at home on her own, as of late though the text messages had started to become a bit more flirty then usual;

Denise - "Hi sweety how's school so far?"

Shaun - "Not bad mom, just finishing up English but I'm at the back of the class so we can text. How's home?"

Denise - "Boring as usual, house work is pretty much done; dinner is in the oven and I've done my workout. It was either text you or your father, you won as per usual"

Shaun - "Well that bought a smile to my face, hearing I am your first choice"

Denise - "Ohhh shoosh you, you know your father isn't the best at texting"

Shaun - "or appreciating you for that matter, you do so much mom and all he does is work"

Denise - "I know, it gets a little lonely but I have you for company remember"

Shaun - "That's true mom, sucks I have to be in school for like another hour instead of being at home with and enjoying our time together ;) "

Denise couldn't help but giggle a little and when he sent a wink like that, she knew now that regardless of what was happening in class she had his attention and a part of her loved that feeling. Sitting there on her couch with a glass of red wine still in her workout gym gear (Black sports bra with purple threading and a matching pair of yoga pants) she found herself getting fidgety

Denise - "That's ok, education is important and I'm not going anywhere ;) "

Shaun couldn't help but smirk himself when the texting got like this with his own mother, all the other guys in class probably thought he was texting a girl at another school. Shaun always panicked a little when someone looked over just hoping they didn't see "Mom" at the top of his screen. Yet it added to the excitement knowing that his own amazing milf of a mother was texting him of all people like this.

Shaun - "That's good to hear, I'll make sure to rush home to keep you company"

Denise - "Your father will be home the same time as you by the looks of it, the game is on tonight and I'm sure he won't miss it"

Shaun - "That's ok, means he can be in the TV room occupied which means more time for us uninterrupted ;)"

Denise knew at that point that it was her own sons company she preferred over her own husband; did it make her a bad wife or a bad mother? Either way she realised she didn't care, Shaun made her happy and she felt appreciated from him so that has to be a good thing right??

Denise - "No doubt then he will get himself a pizza with none to share and some beers, so what do you want for dinner tonight sweety?"

Shaun - "Hmmmm so many options mom, depends what you feel like giving me ;) "

At this point Shaun knew he was beyond chatting normally with his own mother, the teenage hormones had kicked into overdrive and his school shorts were dangerously close to popping loose. Whereas Denise bit her lip just a bit more, the fidgeting getting worse on her end.

Denise - "So many options sweety, how bout we worry about them when you get home. Mommy has to go have a cold shower now from the workout, don't be too long xx"

Shaun sat there at his school desk smirking at the last message from his mother and the thought of her not only working out but also getting into the shower. Reluctantly putting his phone away he couldn't want to get home tonight because today, things felt different with his mother and he wanted to see if it were true. The school bell rang, 45 more minutes and he would be on the bus back to his gorgeous mother...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Let me start an finish Chp. 2

With 45 mins till Shaun heads home, he head was mess. Not being able to concentrate on anything else besides his mom, he began to reread his texts from his mom. Those winks ? Shaun continued to wonder, but there’s no way. Denise has been a great mother to him and always there whoever he needed anything.

While rereading those text messages, he saw those 3 dots pop up, then disappear, over an over, “was she texting me again ?, mybe wanting to talk more ?”. Shaun wanted to text her an talk more but wasn’t sure. Deciding to just go through it an see what happens, Shaun texted.

Shaun: sooooo bored !! Just want to get outta here.

Denise: pay attention ! Last year you didn’t do well in history, don’t let me distract you.

Pretty straight forward text from mom, no winks, no insinuations. Those winks might of been harmless ? Those 3 dots popped up again from mom.

Waiting in anticipation to see what she says.

Denise: we both can’t be bored at the same time. Plus, you need to learn and I’m allowed to be bored lol ; ).. besides, being bored can be fun !

Ok ok, there it is again !! A wink, plus “being bored can be fun !” ???

Shaun’s weird back an decides to be blunt. “Who knows, I can always play it off as being innocent”.

Shaun: well how can being bored be fun ? Unless your really liking this conversation we are having, I know I am ; )

Denise: well of course ! I love our conversations sweetie. Just, nothing you can help me with.

Shaun: what do you need help with mom ?

Denise: we should stop this conversation.

Shaun is really happy where this is going. He texted back.

Shaun: oh I will be happy to help you with anything mom, you know that.

Denise: trust me, you can’t : (

Shaun: mom please tell me.

Denise: I’m just in a mood ; )

Ok shaun is thinking about getting little deeper and more bold with this conversation. Shaun texts back.

Shaun: what kind of mood ?. Because I’m also in a mood too ; ) by the way, next time we go shopping, might need to buy some lose pants, these are pretty tight, especially right now ; )

Denise has always thought shaun has turned into a very handsome man an thought to herself “is he saying what I think he’s saying ??”

Denise: we can look into that for sure : ) where are they tight on you ?

Shaun: more between my legs, more upper area.

Denise: Shaun!!! You mean ? Your ?

Shaun: yessssssss ! Lol I’m not alittle kid anymore.

Denise: well I knew that ! You have grown into a very handsome young man ; )

Shaun: thanks mom ! Your not so bad yourself !! I have always thought you were the most beautiful women I have ever seen.

Denise: thank you sweetie !!!

Shaun: of course, sometimes I have to think of other things when your walking around the house in those skimpy clothes ; )

Denise: SHAUN !!!!

Denise: I do appreciate that, but you can talk to me like that especially right now ; )

Shaun: sorry mom I’m in a little mood ; )

Denise: well I can understand that for sure.

Shaun gets even bolder and sneaky. He has an idea. Taking his phone an points the camera at his big thick dick that is pants are so tight too. Shaun, looks at the pic, “holy shit ! I bet she’s like that. Copying then pasting to the conversation with mom, Shaun looks at the send button “fuck, should I??” ……, pic sent… fuck ! Here we go. Ok now it’s delivered. 3 dots pop up, mom is saying something about what I just did.

Denise: Mmmmyyyy goddddd !!!!! Yup new pants I will get for you, you obviously need it. And you obviously need a girlfriend lol !!

Shaun: I got you

Denise: your sweet.. you know, it’s little naughty talking to me like this.

Shaun: still in those tight black gym clothes ? ; )

Denise feels sooo flushed ! Soooo turned on, she can’t believe this is happening with Shaun. She noticed that her little black bottom gym shorts are getting soakin wet. Her beautiful shaved pussy I’d drooling for Shaun. “Think I’ll take little pic, it’s only fair ???” Not thinking like herself, Denise takes a pic of the front side of her little black shorts, showing how tight to her pussy they are, plus there’s a little wet spot that is obviously… pic sent.

Shaun: mmmmmmmmmm mom !!! Your making my mouth water, Jesus !

Denise: how’s class now ? Hehe lol

Shaun: a lot harder.. mom that’s sooooo hot ! I love it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Was good needs more

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Time to write and post your next chapter!

Looking forward to your long awaited next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

I have always wanted to fuck my mom

Yankeedoodle351Yankeedoodle351about 6 years ago

This is one of the hottest stories I have read

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Where's the rest of the story?????? Needs CH. 2

chytownchytownabout 8 years ago
The Author Must Have Fell Asleep*

I almost did!! ZZZZZZZZZ

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Uh please write more, wtf? How do you end it there?!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
hated it

just getting interesting, then nothing. Please finish.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Lame by Brevity

Sorry, but anything this short is a waste of people's time.

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