Weird Tales, Volume 1, Number 3, May, 1923: The unique magazine


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The discovery had its origin in famous European laboratories. Brought to America, it was developed into a product that has given most remarkable results in thousands of cases, many of which had defied all other treatments. In scientific circles the discovery has been known and used for several years and has caused unbounded amazement by its quick, harmless, gratifying action. Now in convenient tablet form, under the name of Korex compound, it is available to the general public.

Any one who finds the youthful stamina ebbing, life losing its charm and color or the feebleness of old age coming on too soon, can obtain a double-strength treatment of this compound, sufficient for ordinary cases, under a positive guarantee that it costs nothing if it fails and only $2 if it produces prompt and gratifying results. In average cases, the compound often brings about amazing benefits in from twenty-four to forty-eight hours.

Simply write in confidence to the Melton Laboratories, 833 Massachusetts Bldg., Kansas City, Mo., and this wonder restorative will be mailed to you in a plain wrapper. You may enclose $2 or, if you prefer, just send your name without money and pay the postman $2 and postage when the parcel is delivered. In either case, if you report after a week that the Korex compound has not given satisfactory results, your money will be refunded immediately. The Melton Laboratories are nationally known and thoroughly reliable. Moreover, their offer is fully guaranteed, so no one need hesitate to accept it. If you need this remarkable scientific rejuvenator, write for it today.

* * * * *


2 TIRES FOR $9.95

(SIZE 28 × 3)


Standard Tire Prices Smashed Again!

—and some sensational cut, too! Think of it—two tires for almost the price of one and a FREE inner tube with each tire. _No double treads or sewed tires._ Thousands of customers are getting maximum mileage out of these tires, and you, too, can get up to

10,000 MILES

Here’s your opportunity—if you act at once. This is a special lot selected for this record-breaking sale. Order today—right now. They’re going fast.

_Compare These Amazing Reductions on Two Tires of Same Size_

SIZE 1 TIRE 2 TIRES 28 × 3 $6.75 $9.95 30 × 3 7.25 11.95 30 × 3½ 8.25 13.95 32 × 3½ 9.45 15.95 31 × 4 10.65 17.45 32 × 4 11.85 19.75 33 × 4 12.45 20.90 34 × 4 13.25 21.95

Prices on larger sizes quoted on request. Prices f. o. b. Chicago.


We ship subject to examination, by Express before payment of C. O. D. charge, or by Parcel Post after payment of C. O. D. charge. Examine tires on arrival, and if not absolutely satisfied, return same unused and your money will be promptly refunded. Specify straight side or clincher. ACT NOW.

ROCKWELL TIRE COMPANY 1506 S. Michigan Ave., Dept. 40-E, Chicago, Ill.

* * * * *


Cord Tires at Cut Prices

$6.95 30 × 3½

NO PRICE ADVANCE on GEM CORDS—the tire that gives 8000 miles satisfactory service. Cut your tire costs by these excellent tires at low prices. Best tire ever seen.


All GEM CORDS shipped C. O. D. Take tire home and examine it; if it isn’t the best buy you ever made, return the tire and get all your money back.

Size Cords Tubes 30 × 3 $6.15 $1.05 30 × 3½ 6.95 1.25 32 × 3½ 8.95 1.55 31 × 4 9.95 1.65 32 × 4 10.75 1.75 33 × 4 11.25 1.90 34 × 4 11.95 1.95 32 × 4½ 13.75 2.00 33 × 4½ 14.45 2.10 34 × 4½ 14.95 2.25 35 × 4½ 15.45 2.50 36 × 4½ 15.95 2.50

_Do Not Delay. Order your season’s cord tires now at these Bargain Prices. 5% discount for cash with order._

GEM RUBBER CO., 1315 S. Oakley Blvd. Dept. 56 Chicago, Illinois

* * * * *


Half pre-war prices



Latest model 9 shot automatic. Shoots standard cartridges—lies flat in pocket—World’s famous Luger 30 cal. $20.75—Hand Ejector Revolver, swing out cylinder 32 cal. $16.95. 38 cal. $17.95. $12.95 25 cal. 32 cal. $13.95

All brand new latest models. Guaranteed genuine imported.

_Pay on Delivery Plus Postage_


_Satisfaction guaranteed or money promptly refunded_


25 cal. Pocket Automatic; 25 cal. Blue Steel Army Automatic $8.45; 32 cal. $10.45; Officer’s Automatic, 3 safeties, 25 cal. $11.95; Military Trench Automatic, 32 cal. 10 shot extra magazine FREE, $11.65. Just like you used over there. Imported Top Brake Revolver. 32 cal. $8.65; 38 cal. $8.95.

Universal Sales Co. 165 B’way Desk 234 New York

* * * * *



TREATED FREE 10 DAYS to prove quick relief. Dr. Coffee had catarrh, deafness, head noises. He found a treatment that gave complete relief. Thousands used it successfully. Want you to try it free. Write

Dr. W. O. COFFEE Dept. 1726 Davenport, Iowa.

* * * * *

_How My Wife Learned to Play the Piano in 90 Days_

A husband’s story of the fulfillment of a life-long wish—by a new, easy, spare-time method which has brought the joy of music into thousands of silent homes.


From boyhood, I vowed that if ever I had a home of my own there would be music in it. No wife for me unless she could play some instrument, and play it well. My new home must have no dull, bored evenings, no monotonous Sunday afternoons. I wanted the gaiety, the mental and physical stimulus, the whole-hearted, genuine joy of music. No girl could capture me without the lure of musical skill.

But one day Beth came along knowing not one note from another, yet with a merry, humming tune forever on her lips, and a song in her heart for me. And Beth is Mrs. Taylor today. A piano graced our new home, but somehow the old vow was forgotten, and stayed forgotten until Jimmy Jr., and Beth No. 2 were quite some youngsters.

Then along about the time the novelty of parenthood began to wear off a bit, the old vow came back. And one evening I spoke out with a suddenness that surprised me, “Beth, I’d give a hundred dollars if you could play something—a piano, violin, banjo, ukulele—something, _anything_.” Beth looked so hurt I was immediately ashamed of myself, so I said no more, and the matter dropped, as I thought regretfully, forever.

About three months later I got home early one night, and I heard the old dead piano come to life—sounded good, too, first a little jazzy piece, then a sweet plantation melody. “Company to supper; I wonder who?” I thought; and I crept to the parlor door to see. There at the piano was _Beth_ playing, and the two kiddies beating time. She saw me, and stopped, “Oh,” she cried, “I’m so sorry!” “Believe me, I’m not,” I shouted, and I grabbed the whole family up in my arms.

“But, Jim, I wanted to wait and surprise you when I could really play. I’m learning fast, but it’s only three months since I found out”—“Found out what?” I said. Beth began to cry. “I know!” Jimmy, Jr., piped up, “Mother found out the way to learn music just like I am learning to read in school—only lots easier.”

Well, that little musical party lasted all the evening. It was a howling success. When the kiddies had gone singing to bed, my wife showed me the marvelous new method by which she had learned to play in three months’ spare time.

Jimmy Jr. had told the truth; the method was so simple and easy that any one at all from 8 years up could learn by it. By this method the U. S. School of Music, the largest in the world, has already trained over three hundred thousand people, teaching the playing of any musical instrument almost in the same way a school-child learns to read. But very much faster because older children and grown people have better trained minds, and know how to study and think.

When first learning to read you look at every letter separately and spell out every word, c-a-t, m-a-n. Later you do not see the letters; you see the words as units, “cat,” “man.” By and by longer words become units to you, and you find that whole _expressions_, like “up the steps,” “on the train,” no longer are seen as separate words, but immediately, at one instant, without spelling, without thinking words, you see each expression in the unit form.

This skill in seeing in units develops until you see and know as units hundreds of long familiar phrases; and it is even entirely possible, if you wish, to easily increase your reading speed four or five times the average, grasping paragraph thoughts complete, sensing a whole page instantly, recognizing every part, registering and remembering all, with your pleasure exactly the same as the slower reader.

The same easy understanding and complete enjoyment is similarly a part of the new way. The alphabet of music follows the alphabet of language. Each note is a letter, and playing is practically spelling the notes together correctly. The first note on the staff above is F. Whether you sing or play, it is always F. The four notes shown above are F-A-C-E, easy to remember because they spell “face.” Certain strings on mandolin, certain keys on piano, certain parts of all instruments, are these same notes. Once you learn them, playing melodies is a matter of _acting_ what you _see_.

And here is where “familiar phrases” come in—the “big secret.” It is so simple you probably have already guessed it. The “familiar phrases” of music are its harmonies. Just as you instantly recognize the countless phrases of speech, so the relatively few of music are quickly a habit with you. You play almost before you realize it—and every step is real fun, fascinating, simple, interesting, almost too good to be true.

Remember, neither my wife nor most of the 300,000 other musicians trained by this method knew anything about music. Beth mastered the piano; she could just as easily have mastered anything else. Jimmy, Jr., is now taking up violin, and my daughter is learning singing. Right at home, no costly teacher, no classes at inconvenient hours, no useless study and practice. No numbers, no tricks, no makeshifts. But instead a sound musical education learning by notes. The intricacies of music reduced to a most amazing simplicity able to develop the inborn talent, which is a part of every person on this earth.

When I told Beth I was writing this out to put in a magazine she told me to be sure and say that the school will gladly send a free book explaining everything, called “Music Lessons in Your Own Home,” and that right now there is a special short time Reduced Price Offer being made to music lovers. The book is free; asking for it obligates you not at all, but you should send for it right away before all copies may be gone.



“Since I’ve been taking your lessons I’ve made over $200 with my violin. Your lessons surely are fine.”—Melvin Freeland, Macopin, N. J.

“When I started with you I knew nothing about the Cornet or music, but now I can play almost any piece of music.”—Kasson Swan, Denmark, Col. Co., Nova Scotia.

“I want to extend the heartiest approval of your Piano Course. It has done more for me than years of other lessons.”—Moxie N. Lewis, 319 Jefferson, Neosho, Mo.


do you want to learn how to play the new, quick way? Courses for beginners or advanced pupils.

Piano Organ Violin Banjo Clarinet Flute Harp Cornet Cello Guitar Hawaiian Mandolin Drums and Traps Harmony and Composition Sight Singing Ukulele Piccolo Trombone Saxophone Steel Guitar Voice and Speech Culture Automatic Finger Control

Mr. Taylor is enthusiastic. He has a right to be. Yet when you read the facts in our book you will appreciate that his opinion is _conservative_. You, too, can learn your favorite instrument or to sing.

Mail the coupon below to the U. S. School of Music, 405 Brunswick Building, New York City. Or send a postcard. But act at once. Do not delay.

Please write name and address plainly so that there will be no difficulty in booklet reaching you.

U. S. School of Music, 405 Brunswick Bldg., New York City

Please send your free book, “Music Lessons in Your Own Home,” and particulars of your special offer. I am interested in the following course:

______________________________ Name of Instrument or Course

Name _________________________ Please write plainly

Address ______________________

City___________ State_________

* * * * *

[Illustration: WANTED—for murder!]

$1,000 Reward

In a dirty, forlorn shack by the river’s edge they found the mutilated body of Genevieve Martin. Her pretty face was swollen and distorted. Marks on the slender throat showed that the girl had been brutally choked to death. Who had committed this ghastly crime? No one had seen the girl and her assailant enter the cottage. No one had seen the murderer depart. How could he be brought to justice.

Crimes like this have been solved—are being solved every day by Finger Print Experts. Every day we read in the papers of their exploits, hear of the mysteries they solve, the criminals they identify, the rewards they win. Finger Print Experts are always in the thick of the excitement, the heroes of the hour.

Not Experienced Detectives Just Ordinary Men

Within the past few years, scores of men, men with no police experience, men with just ordinary grade school educations, have become Finger Print Experts. You can become a Finger Print Expert, too. Can you imagine a more fascinating line of work than this? More trained men are needed. Here is a real opportunity for you.

Learn the Secrets of Identification—

More and more the detection of crime resolves itself into a problem of identification. You can learn the methods of famous identification experts. You can learn the science of finger print identification—right at home in your spare time. Send for the free book which tells how famous Finger Print Experts got their start in this fascinating work. Tells the stories of thirteen actual cases solved by Finger Print Experts. Tells how you can become a Finger Print Expert in an amazingly short time.

For a limited time, we are making a special offer of a PROFESSIONAL FINGER PRINT OUTFIT absolutely free and FREE Course in Secret Service Intelligence. Mastery of these two kindred professions will open up a brilliant career for you.

This coupon will bring you FREE BOOK and details of this great offer. Don’t wait until the offer has expired. Fill in the coupon now. Mail it today.

University of Applied Science 1920 Sunnyside Ave., Dept. 13-95, Chicago, Ill.

Course in Secret Service FREE

University of Applied Science, Dept. 13-95, 1920 Sunnyside Avenue, Chicago, Illinois

Please send me full information on your course in Finger Print Identification and about FREE Course in Secret Service Intelligence. I understand that there is no obligation of any sort.

_Name_ ___________________________________

_Street Address_ _________________________

_City and State_ ______________ _Age_ ____


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