Weird Tales, Volume 1, Number 4, June, 1923: The unique magazine


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Crimes like this have been solved—are being solved every day by Finger Print Experts. Every day we read in the papers of their exploits, hear of the mysteries they solve, the criminals they identify, the rewards they win. Finger Print Experts are always in the thick of the excitement, the heroes of the hour.

Not Experienced Detectives Just Ordinary Men

Within the past few years, scores of men, men with no police experience, men with just ordinary grade school educations, have become Finger Print Experts. You can become a Finger Print Expert, too. Can you imagine a more fascinating line of work than this? More trained men are needed. Here is a real opportunity for you.

Learn the Secrets of Identification—

More and more the detection of crime resolves itself into a problem of identification. You can learn the methods of famous identification experts. You can learn the science of finger print identification—right at home in your spare time. Send for the free book which tells how famous Finger Print Experts got their start in this fascinating work. Tells the stories of thirteen actual cases solved by Finger Print Experts. Tells how you can become a Finger Print Expert in an amazingly short time.

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University of Applied Science 1920 Sunnyside Ave., Dept. A-139, Chicago, Ill.

Course in Secret Service FREE

University of Applied Science, Dept. A-139, 1920 Sunnyside Avenue, Chicago, Illinois

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