Welcomed Guests Ch. 02


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"Holy...wow!" Was all he said as he continued to visually molest her with his eyes. Penny was trying her best too not laugh at her husband's reaction and Amanda's whole body was burning with excitement and a tinge of embarrassment as she continued to see her brothers open admiration and lust on his face.

"I would certainly say that's a yes on that dress." Penny told them with a chuckle as she watched her husband's expression. Henry glanced at her and nodded, grinning like mad. Amanda nodded as well, thoroughly enjoying her brother's reaction.

"That is an awesome dress Amanda!" He told his sister, and she smiled even harder. Penny took her back to the booth to help her change. They had also picked up a couple pairs of nice jeans for her and a half dozen T-shirts which Penny also placed in the pile for them to buy. Amanda was fully nude, having stripped from the dress...she hadn't worn panties or a bra under it, when Penny stopped her from grabbing the dress she had worn into the store.

"Here try on these first?" Penny said and placed a few items in her friend's hands. Amanda looked at them and saw that it was net stocking and a very sexy garter belt. Penny also produced a bra panty combo as Amanda fingered the items in her grasp.

"Penny...what are these for?" Amanda asked her friend, looking confused. Penny chuckled.

"Listen these outfits are just the front door Amanda, and after a guy gets past those, you should be properly attired under them...not in dumpy maternity bras and granny panties." Penny explained to her with a grin, and laughing, Amanda agreed. She tried on the outfit...what little there was of it, and saw that her friend had picked well, the bra fit as did the garter. She started to take the panties from Penny but her friend opened them up and showed that they were crotch less. Amanda chuckled and again made a grab for them, but Penny moved them further back.

"You're not supposed to try on panties...especially if you're this wet Amanda." Penny commented and raising her hand, she stroked the inside of her friend's thigh, meeting wetness half way up. "You're dripping wet Amanda! Did modeling in front of Hank make you this wet?" Penny asked her, already knowing the answer. Amanda hesitated, biting her lip for a few seconds before nodding her head. "I thought so, I smelled you when you started trying on the last dress...I'm surprise Hank didn't as well, he usually has a good nose for pussy." Penny whispered to her friend.

"Please don't be mad Penny, I couldn't help it! He was just giving me these looks and they made me so wet!" Amanda let the words tumble out of her mouth, and Penny nodded. Amanda felt her friend's hand rise further and in seconds felt it cover her burning, wet slit. "Oh Jesus Penny!" Amanda mumbled out as she bent her knees and felt fingers start to enter her. Penny leaned next to her as she worked her fingers into Amanda. She heard the deep moaning sounds coming from her friend.

"So you enjoyed cock teasing for my husband, your brother, didn't you? You enjoy getting his cock all hard when he watches don't you?" Penny asked mercilessly as her fingers started to nosily fuck into her friend. Amanda nodded in agreement. "Say it...you enjoyed teasing your brother." Penny told her in whispered tones, licking Amanda's ear as she did. Amanda gave a long, deep moan as she nodded again.

"Yes, I liked teasing Hank...I like making him hard...god it made me wet!" Amanda panted out in a hoarse whisper, trying to be quiet through the assault between her legs. Penny's fingers were causing loud, wet noises as they pumped into her faster and faster. Amanda started gasping quickly and groaning loudly. Penny kissed her deeply as she plunged her fingers deep into her friend and took Amanda over the edge. "MMMMMPPPHHHHHH!" Was all she got out through Penny's muffling kiss. Penny only released her locking kiss when Amanda's body relaxed and her legs grew limp half a minute later. Amanda gasped for breath, sliding down to sit on the floor, feeling dizzy after the intense orgasm. Penny knelt in front of her.

"Penny...why did you make me admit too that?" Amanda asked her friend, feeling shameful for her thoughts and admission. Penny smiled softly too her, stroking her friends hair. But she then looked her straight in the eyes.

"Because Amanda, I needed you to know what I've seen. There's nothing wrong with getting things out in the open. You like teasing Hank, and he liked watching, and I like watching you two play around. It gets him hot...and me as well. And I already told you if things go further, I'm ok with that as well...I love you both. Now we need to get you dressed so we can go home." Penny said matter-of-factly as she offered her hand to Amanda to help her up off the floor. Amanda still looked a bit ashamed at her admission, but she gave her friend a small smile. Penny helped her dress, trying to do so playfully too cheer her friend up. When they left the booth, Amanda seemed her old self again. Another woman emerged from a booth two down from theirs and gave them a funny look. Penny laughed slightly, as did Amanda, though she was bright red in embarrassment.

"You girls ready...I think the baby is stirring." Henry informed them as they drew close to him on the bench. The girls nodded. He had heard some noise while they were in the booths, but they were behind several walls and a short distance away so he figured they were just talking and bumping as Amanda changed. He noticed his sister was a bit more subdued than before, but figured if something was up they would tell him. Amanda took Jenna from him and looked inside the carrier. "Is that everything?" He asked, looking at the sizeable armful that Penny was carrying.

"I'll take care of this, you two wait here." Penny told him with a slight smile and walked to the cashier's counter. Henry looked at her walk away, and then glanced at her sister. She did seem more subdued...he thought she had been very excited, even bubbly before and wondered what had changed. He knelt in front of her and touched her shoulder.

"You ok sis?" He asked her and she looked up at him and smiled slightly. He saw her eyes were still sad then, even though she was smiling. "You looked very beautiful in those clothes; in fact you look sexier than you did before the baby." He told her, thinking maybe she was upset at her extra weight or such, from the baby. It wasn't, but his words struck a nerve in her and her small smile started beaming and she looked happy again.

"I do? Thank you Hank...that means a lot." She told him, honestly feeling lighter inside now. She looked down when the baby started crying. She looked around, and noticed the changing booth was still unlocked...the store's employee was at the cash register, and she had a thought. "Hank, I'm going to go feed the baby in the booth ok, so you guys wait out here till I'm done?" She asked him, and he nodded, following her part way back to sit on the bench. He watched her go in and then he waited for Penny to finish at the register. A minute later he saw her stride toward him, and he noticed her questioning look.

"She's in the booth feeding Jenna." He told her simple and she nodded as she took a seat next to him, throwing her arm behind his shoulder as she got comfortable.

"So you really liked your sister's selections right?" Penny asked him, and he looked at her and nodded.

"I think she looked really pretty in them." He told her, and saw her smile slightly.

"Do you think she looked hot in them?" She asked him, and he gave her a 'what's up' look, but he nodded.

"I think she looked damn hot in them Penny...and you know that." He told her plainly, a slight grin on his face, and she laughed and nodded.

"I noticed...yeah." She said with a chuckle, as she glanced at him and he gave her a funny look. "You're not that hard to read Hank is all I'm saying, you REALLY enjoyed seeing your sister in those clothes tonight." She said, and he nodded, grinning himself.

"Well I know you Penny, and I see that you have something going on in your head. She's my sister Penny, you can't think that she and I are...?" he asked her and she shook her head.

"Noooo...I don't. But there is a lot of teasing going on and I just think it's...well...cute I guess." She told him and he looked at her hard.

"The truth is you've been getting your thrills off Amanda's and my glancing games. It's not like I haven't noticed you attacking me every night since she got here. But, what my sister and I are doing is just innocent fascination is all...it will pass after awhile." He told her, honestly thinking that. She smiled at him and glanced up to see his sister open the door to the changing booths.

"Yeah...right." She whispered to herself as she looked at her friend as she walked closer to them. Amanda stopped before them, a contented smile on her face, having had a good evening, but ready to leave.

"We ready to go? She's asleep now, but I'd rather not stay out much longer and have her get cranky while out." Amanda explained to them. Henry nodded at his sister, glancing at his wife.

"Yeah I think we are ready to go." He said he turned back to his wife, who grinned at him and handed him the big, heavy bags. Both girls laughed at the gesture, but Henry just smiled back at them.

"Guess guys are good for something after all." Amanda said playfully to her friend.

"Oh he's useful for a lot of things Amanda, besides carrying heavy thing. He's got a tool to fit any job...sort of like a Swiss army knife." Penny said with another laugh, eliciting laughs from the others as well.

"Well me and my 'tools' would like to get home...maybe you can find a use for some of my 'tools' later?" He teased his wife. Penny smiled at him with a glance.

"Oh I'm sure I can find a use for this tool Hank!" Penny told him brashly as she reached out and grabbed his crotch as they exited the store. Amanda gasped, not believing what her friend had done in public, though she immediately laughed afterward. Penny chuckled, looking over at her friend. Hank just stopped and grinned at his wife, not removing her hand as she felt him up. He felt himself beginning to get hard.

"Well if you want to get arrested Penny...whip it out right here!" he told her playfully, but with a serious smirk. Penny laughed harder as she removed her hand and shook it off as if to cool it down.

"Not today dear." She told him with a grin, and then leaning forward kissed him passionately for half a minute. Amanda laughed at the two of them, though she felt a shiver run through her at her brother's and Penny's relationship...and what both of them were doing to her, openly and unintentionally. She cleared her throat after a bit to break them up. She giggled as they broke up and smiled at her.

"I hate to break up the strange Kodak moment, but I need to get some sleep and Jenna needs to get to the house." She told them lightheartedly. Both of them nodded, and they all started walking toward the exit and the car. After reaching it and each climbing in, Henry pulled out of the mall parking lot and headed for home. About half way home Penny heard her friend's soft snores coming from the back seat and she glanced back that way, then at her husband.

"I think we tired the poor thing out Hank." She told him only slightly jokingly. He nodded to her as he drove.

"Well she had a good time out, shopping and all...woman usually like that a lot." He said, teasingly glancing at his wife. Penny chuckled, then leaning closer he felt her hand cover his groin and begin rubbing. "Um Penny, I am driving...please don't wreak us.

"I won't try anything serious, just playing. I want you prepped for after we get home." She told him and he grinned enormously.

"I think I'm already primed!" He said with a soft laugh. She smiled back at him, her hand still massaging his now hard cock.

"Yes, I noticed that...she got you very primed I noticed." Penny told him, a seriousness too her voice, though when he glanced her way he saw her smiling. "Don't deny it Hank; it really turns you on watching your sister now? Be honest." Penny asked him, and he was silent for a bit as he drove. He was mad at first at her words, but knew she was correct...he had gotten terribly turned on as he watched his sister parade in front of him at the store. He shrugged after a minute of thought.

"She is incredibly hot now." He replied simply, his wife still rubbing his hard-on.

"If she wasn't your sister, you would fuck her wouldn't you?" Penny asked him, and again he gave her an amazed look.

"I wouldn't fuck anyone, except you...you ever think I'm unfaithful?" He asked her, feeling a bit angry that she would suggest otherwise. She shook her head.

"No I wasn't saying that, just asking that if we weren't married and if she wasn't your sister would you fuck her?" She asked her husband and he chuckled.

"That's a lot of ifs. But yes, if not married and not my sister...yes. Hell yes!" he threw in. Penny laughed softly, then leaned forward and nibbled his neck for a second.

"What if I gave you my permission to do her?" Penny whispered in his ear as she nibbled. He pulled back from her, in surprise.

"This is a first...you've never brought up us sharing with others before. Besides, she's my sister Penny...that's too weird too seriously think about." He explained to her, but she continued to rub his crotch and nibble his neck and ear. He looked back to driving, before they had a wreck.

"I wasn't being totally serious...just playing Hank. But admit it...you've had some dirty thoughts about her these past few days, admit it?" Penny asked him seductively, nibbling his neck again as she waited for his answer. He was silent again for half a minute. She then felt him nod.

"Ok, I'll admit, I've been thinking some dirty things about Amanda, but I'd never try anything with her...she's my sister Penny." Henry told her, feeling weird admitting his thoughts like that out loud to his wife, even if she seemingly wanted to hear them. He heard her moan into his ear.

"You don't know how wet that make me, you thinking about fucking your sister!" She told him in a whisper against his ear. He shook his head.

"I can't believe that makes you wet, though I never said I wanted to, just that I had thought in passing of fucking her...I'd never fuck my sister." He whispered back to her. She grinned in the dark.

"Still, it's hot Hank. I hope you are ready for another all-nighter tonight?" She asked him, gripping his cock through his pants. He chuckled softly.

"Yeah, I kinda anticipated one after you getting so worked up. But let's make it home in one piece ok?" He told her, meaning she was getting so excited and had started throwing her leg over his, and she sat back in her seat, even pulling her hand away from his crotch.

"Ok, I'll be good for now Hank." She told him in a sultry voice and he glanced over at her and saw that she had her hand down her pants and was fingering herself. He chuckled.

"That's not really helping." He told her in a loud whisper, and she laughed.

"It is for me sweetie!" she squealed out in a deep whisper. Then she laughed a bit louder. With their play neither of them noticed the slight movement coming from the backseat, where Amanda moved her hands between her legs, fingering herself under her dress. She had been awake the entire time. When Penny had checked on her she had indeed closed her eyes to rest, maybe sleep, but after hearing them start talking about her, she fought sleep to hear what they whispered. She hadn't caught everything, but enough to figure out their conversation. She had to fight back a gasp when Henry admitting thinking about fucking her.

Amanda remained 'asleep' the rest of the ride home, fingering her own pussy gently, while listening to the verbal masturbation coming from the front seat. She even listened when Penny fingered herself to orgasm, and her brother laughing over it, accusing her of trying to wreck them. She smiled, though her eyes remained closed, until moments later, she felt the car stop and Henry turn off the engine. She allowed Penny too nudge her awake...only after she had removed her hand from her dress moments earlier. She smiled at her, even giving out a fake yawn as she sat up.

"We're home Amanda." Penny told her quietly.

"Yes, we are." Amanda said in return, giving her a big smile. She grabbed her daughter's carrier and getting out of the car, carried it into the house following the other two as they did the same. Her new home, she thought to herself as she entered and grinned, as Penny closed the door behind her too shut out the night.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Please learn the difference between too and to, as well as then and than. Almost every time you use too, you should be writing to. The same goes for Then. Flunk 6th grade English did you?

jdarltjdarltabout 13 years ago
Keep it coming

Love the story...cant wait for the next chapter.

LogicallyInsaneLogicallyInsaneabout 13 years ago

God you guys are so picky when it comes to grammar.. Who cares if he used "to" instead of "too",...

Anyways, great start to this story.. Absolutely can NOT wait to read the next chapter.. Hoping it comes soon :)

kaamukkaamukabout 13 years ago
Red Hottt !

Man! you have amazing imagination.

I'm eagerly waiting for you to post the next chapter.

Keep up the good work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago



AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
love it!

amazing story, can't wait to read what you come up with next

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Great story, hope you continue on with it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

very good story, keep it up

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

And then and than. Good story, though. Keep it up.

KoreavetKoreavetover 13 years ago
to, too

Some confusion here between to and too.

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