Were in the City Ch. 15


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"Go home, talk, learn ... understand. Whatever you decide to do, you will have to do it together, not alone. None of you is able to be without the others anymore."

After her phone call with Helen was over, Jessie sat thinking in the dark for almost another hour before she got up and began to walk home. Her route took her past the empty lot where her family home had once been. She noticed there were For Sale signs up on her property and the ones on either side, the other homes boarded up, still showing damage from the explosion that had destroyed her home. How big did a pack's land have to be anyway? Could it be just one house and lot, a city block, a city neighbourhood? If pack members had somewhere safe to run, did it have to be on their land? Just because something had always been a certain way, did that mean it always had to be that way?

The city she was standing in was surrounded by the lands of six werewolf packs, and there were rogues wandering too - Jessie's encounter with Tom had shown her that. Her contact with Alpha Jenkins had told her that he was a reasonable man worried about many things, feeling somewhat isolated and resentful that a pack Alpha from all the way across the country could threaten him. What if she could get the six packs around the city to agree to protect her family - would that be sufficient to survive long enough to make a difference?

Jessie suddenly realized her superpower was not jewellery detection - that was an odd distraction. What she really had was a built-in people scanner and bullshit detector. She had to touch people to use it, but she could work around that. She could be a really effective negotiator and deal maker. She would know if people were being truthful, making deals in good faith, or messing with her and others. If she could build a western pack coalition that recognized her family too, then that would be the position of strength she could build upon for what she needed to do.

She would have to use her ability to compel others very carefully from now on. Jacob was right - she wasn't thinking that through, acting on instinct instead of careful planning. She would have to use that ability in only very special circumstances, when and where it counted most.

Jessie felt better now, and totally exhausted. She had the beginnings of a plan, and if she was very lucky, enough time to figure it all out and pull it off. She headed home. As she approached the house she could see Jacob leaning on her car, watching the road. His body language told her he was far from happy to see her walking alone in the dark. She didn't have the energy to deal with him right now.

As she walked by him she said "I'm too tired to talk right now, but we'll have time to discuss things later after I've had some sleep."

He grunted, looking like he wanted to say something, but Jessie ignored him, walked into her suite and lay down on her bed. She was asleep in seconds.


It was after noon when Jessie woke up. She was starving. She made herself a big brunch and read Paul's report as she ate. It was fascinating, and exciting that he'd learned so much from the jewellery collection. If it had been some of her ancestors who had built and kept it, then it was interesting (and rather awesome) that some were thieves and wealthy landlords. Jessie knew her father would have loved it all and wished he were there to share it with her. Perhaps her mother had told him something of her family history, but maybe not. Jessie would never know.

After her meal, washing dishes, and a shower Jessie couldn't put off facing Jacob and Liam any longer. She went outside to their door and knocked, waiting to be let in rather that walking in without permission. She wasn't sure where she stood with them now and wasn't going to presume anything.

Liam opened the door. "WTF Jessie, just come in!"

Jessie shook her head, "I'm just a tenant here now, and not for much longer I assume, so let's just get it over with ok?"

Liam looked at the ceiling and swore, then walked into the living room. Jessie followed, seeing Jacob there as well.

Jessie decided to jump right into the deep end of things, saying "Can I have two weeks to find another place to live and get all the stuff in the garage moved to secure storage before I have to be out of the suite?"

Jacob looked at her and said "No."

Jessie sighed, "One week then. I do need some time to pack up and get out of here you know, I can't just wave a magic wand and make it all happen in an instant."

Jacob shook his head, "No ... you are not leaving."

"I have to leave. I'm not interested in hiding forever. I won't be my mother. I want to ... need to ... do things that will get me noticed. I want to fight back when someone threatens me, I'm not going to run. I'm going to make mistakes, I'm going to do things you don't believe I can do. If I'm with you my actions will continually put you in danger and I can't do that to you, so I have to go."

Liam said, "You can do that? Just leave?"

Jessie nodded, putting on her best poker-face and working hard to be brave, "Yes."

Liam walked right up to her, looking into her eyes. "Liar!" He grabbed her hand, dragged her over to Jacob, and shoved both their clenched hands into one of Jacob's. "Grab on brother".

Their three hands touching, Jessie could feel the strength of the bond they shared, could feel their hearts beat, feel every breath they took.

"Say it again ... say you can leave us."

Jessie still felt the pain of Jacob's words from last night. "Why do I have to prove what I said? Jacob said you rejected me last night - I can leave you just as easily as you can apparently leave me!" She tried to shake her hand free but it didn't work. She could feel her gryphon half start to feel trapped and the desire to shift started to build.

Jacob growled, "Calm down. Control her for god's sake!" He sighed, "I'm sorry for the poor choice of words last night. I know what those words mean to our kind and it was wrong to say them. Stand still please, listen to me." He looked at his brother, "Why the hell is it our fate to be linked to a fledgling rogue alpha? I don't know about you, but I'm sure it's going to drive me insane."

Liam grinned, "Don't worry brother, it is likely to get us both killed before we go completely crazy."

Jessie didn't like being talked over, "Don't joke about that! I don't want you to die. I have to protect you."

Jacob looked at her, "Jessie, you are being overwhelmed by a lot of instinctual thoughts, feelings, behaviour right now as you bond with your other half. We are happy you care about us, believe me, but it is not all on you to make sure we are safe. We are a family, a team, we need to work things out together. Last night, what I meant to say is that Liam and I will never be part of a top-down, traditional pack command structure ... not ever. We've seen how abusive that kind of thing can become and we won't be part of it. That doesn't mean we don't want to be with you."

Jessie stuck to her point, "How can we stay together and keep you safe? You'll be found."

Jacob sighed, "We pick how and when we are found, we plan for it, and we make sure we are ready for what comes after. I have to be honest ... we've not got a lot of options, but we can try to figure something out."

Jessie nodded, "I know, I asked Helen last night and she explained why you can't be with her group or any other pack. I've got an idea, but Helen says it's impossible. I don't think it is. It's just really, really difficult, and will take a lot of time, but I want to try it."

Jacob stared at her, "Helen says it's impossible ... and you want to try it! ... this we have to hear."

Jessie wiggled her arm, "Can I have my hand back?"

Jacob shook his head, "No, I think it's better if we discuss things in a way where we can read each other better."

"Fine, but can we sit? It's weird to be standing together in the middle of the room holding hands."

Liam laughed, "Ok, floor it is" and pulled them down so they were all sitting close together in a circle.

Jessie groaned, "Oh yes, this is so much better ... not weird at all ..."

She proceeded to tell them what she'd though about as she sat in the cemetery during the night. Hands together, she could feel both of them were pretty sceptical about her ideas, but they could feel how sure she was of what she could do. The brothers began to seriously consider that her claim of being able to permanently alter someone's memory or actions might be true. Used carefully, that might be a game changer.

Jessie asked, "Could I establish a recognized pack right here, in this neighbourhood? What would it take?"

The twins looked at each other and shrugged. Liam answered, "It doesn't take much to start a "pack" - some land and at least ten people willing to live in close proximity who accept a pack bond with a strong leader. It's the "permanent" and "recognized" parts that are problematic. Small packs don't last, they generally get squeezed out by more powerful ones. No one has ever established a pack in a large city, there's nowhere safe to run, and too much danger of being discovered by the human population. The Alpha Council would not approve."

Liam frowned for a second, then said, "What if we think about the problem in a different way? We've got a rogue Alpha, a strong one", nodding his head in Jessie's direction. "That doesn't normally happen Jessie. Alpha characteristics follow bloodlines, there are only so many alpha Were that can exist. If an Alpha doesn't have children that line dies out. The Were world has slowly been losing Alphas over time, there are less and less of them."

"The Alpha Council exists to concentrate power and influence there, to make laws and keep the peace, as much as it is possible to do so. It's sometimes called the "Pack Alpha Council" because Alpha's lead packs, but what if there's an Alpha without a pack, just a family? If that Alpha had enough influence, regardless of whether or not they led a recognized pack, couldn't they be a Council member too? Think about it Jacob ... The Council has never officially recognized Helen, even though she is quite influential in certain circles. Why? It's not because she doesn't lead a pack, it's because she's not an Alpha. And she wouldn't want to face that group in person because she's not an Alpha - she can't hold her own in the traditional Were "my Alpha mantle is more powerful that yours" stare down."

"Let's alter Jessie's idea a bit. She doesn't have to bother creating and maintaining a pack. That will keep us safer, more mobile. She just needs the power and influence part, then she can insist on a seat for herself on the Council. Her vote and ... let me think ... at least ten other Alphas on Council would overturn our death sentence there."

As Jacob and Liam started to discuss ideas in more detail, Jessie looked at her hand which was now numb from being gripped tightly for so long, trying to wiggle her fingers to get some feeling back. Through the bond she could feel Liam's enthusiasm growing. Jacob was still very sceptical but not as grumpy as he'd been earlier. Even though she didn't like how often Jacob felt the need to give her his intense stern stare, she had to admit she found it rather arousing. Maybe he wanted to spank her ... she felt the need to change how she was sitting as some delicious tingles started. Her other half suggested tickling might be more fun but wasn't sure Mr. Sourpuss knew how to tickle. She and her gryphon giggled silently together.

Jessie took a deep breath and suddenly realized the twins had stopped talking and were staring at her.

"What?" Realizing they were still reading her through the bond, she managed to yank her hand free, blushing bright red. "Shit!"

Liam grinned at Jacob. "We are not kicking her out, but it seems she agrees some form of punishment for what she did is still required, yes?" Jacob nodded solemnly, but his eyes were laughing.

Jessie stood up quickly and headed for the door, but Jacob caught her before she'd managed three steps, flinging her over his shoulder and heading up the stairs to his bedroom. Liam was right behind them as Jessie protested, ordering Jacob to put her down. When she was dropped unceremoniously onto his bed she tried to roll off but Jacob flipped her back into the middle.

"Brother would you please hold this troublesome Alpha while I administer my punishment."

Liam nodded, smiling. "It would be my pleasure to help you brother." He grabbed Jessie, who was still trying to roll off the bed, flipped her face down and sat carefully over her back. Leaning over he whispered in her ear, "Bad bad Alpha ... you get his punishment, then you get mine."

Jessie shuddered, breathing hard, major waves of delicious tingles now breaking out all over her body. She felt Jacob pull her pants and panties off, then push a pillow under her hips so that her backside was raised up a bit off the bed. His warm rough hands caressed both cheeks slowly as he asked "How many strikes do you think brother?"

"For compelling us without prior agreement ... that is a serious offence, so I'd say at least 100."

Jessie squeaked, "No freaking way are you spanking me 100 times!"

"For talking back while being punished ... another 10!"

Jessie squeaked again but wisely kept her mouth shut.

Jacob sighed, "110 strikes may be a bit much brother, I wouldn't want to damage her - you know how hard I hit." He felt Jessie shiver and moan softly. "I think 20 will be sufficient this time. Shall we divide it equally, 10 from me, 10 from you?"

Liam nodded, "Works for me."

The first strike came without warning and Jacob hadn't been kidding, he knew what he was doing and it hurt. Jessie had hoped to take her punishment stoically but couldn't help herself ... "Ow!" Liam lay down over her back with most of his weight on his arms, and whispered in her ear, "One." The next strike switched cheeks and hurt just as much. Jessie clenched her teeth refusing to make another sound. Liam whispered, "Two." By the time "Ten" was whispered in her ear, her ass was on fire and she had ten more from Liam to take. Damn!

She expected the twins to switch places but Jacob's hands and fingers started to wander. It wasn't long before Jessie was moaning loudly as two fingers, thrusting in and out rapidly, were pushing her close to an edge she so needed to reach. Liam's mouth and hands were wandering too - her burning ass was forgotten as many other parts of her were on fire for other reasons. "Please ... please ... I need ... I need ..." Jessie didn't want to beg but couldn't help herself. When Jacob finally switched from fingers to what she really needed, she went screaming over the cliff in seconds, her whole body shaking.

Jessie didn't get the rest of her spanking. At some point she heard Liam say something about the merits of delayed gratification so he was going to save it for another time. That was fine with her - if "another time" ended up even half as good as this time it would be spectacular. She didn't know how many times she came, only that it was a lot. She had a feeling the brothers had played another one of their counting games, tracking how many times each of them could take responsibility for - she didn't care, figuring she was the real winner of that competition!

When she was finally so exhausted she couldn't stay awake for another second, she found herself happily sandwiched between two men as tired and satisfied as she was. As she drifted off to sleep, Jessie felt her other half's approval - she wanted all her treasures close by all the time.


Jessie finally opened her eyes when she heard Liam say "Whose turn is it to make dinner"?

Jessie replied, "Mine. Given what I read in Paul's report today, I'm going to go with something Spanish in recognition of some of my possible ancestors. Mother often served a delicious paella for dinner. I'm sure the information on how to make it is her recipe box. I'll make that tonight."

After a very messy but delightful interlude where all three of them attempted to successfully shower together, Jessie got dressed and went out to the garage and unpacked the recipe box. Flipping through the cards, all written in her mother's hand, it was like reliving her childhood again. Her mother had been a good cook, adventurous in the kitchen, making meals inspired from many different sources. Jessie found things she hadn't tasted in years and thought she should begin making them herself. She found the paella recipe and almost stopped at that point, but gave herself a few more minutes to look through every card so she would know what else was there. The second to last card wasn't a recipe, it was an old faded black & white photograph.

Jessie gasped and stared at it carefully. It was the photo she had told Helen and the brothers she'd seen as a child - her mother's mother, Jessie's grandmother. Looking at it now, with adult eyes, Jessie could see that her childhood recollection of the picture was flawed. Her grandmother wasn't dressed in a ball gown, just an elegant mid-calf dress with some ornate beadwork, a jacket thrown over one arm and a hat in her hand. She was wearing a multi-strand pearl necklace and wide bracelet, had short hair, was looking directly at the camera smiling softly. Behind her was a big ship at a dock - Jessie could just make out the name "Egypt" written on the hull. Flipping the photo over, the only thing written on the back was a date "May 1922".

Jessie pulled out her phone and Googled "ship Egypt 1922". Her heart ached as she saw the hits ... The SS Egypt, an ocean liner, had sunk after a collision with another ship in the English Channel May 20, 1922. Eighty-six people on board lost their lives, 252 people had survived. The ship had been carrying millions in gold and silver bullion.

Paul had said the jewellery collection had nothing in it dated later than the 1920's. Was this the reason? Had her mother's parents, maybe even her mother, been on board when the disaster had occurred? If there was a passenger list, a list of survivors and those who had been lost, maybe this was the way to identify her mother's family. Jessie used her phone to take digital copies of both sides of the photo and uploaded them to the secure server, then emailed Helen and Paul with a short summary of what she'd found and the questions she had.

She put the photo back in the recipe box and packed everything back in a storage box, then walked quickly back into the house to show Jacob and Liam the photo and tell them what she'd discovered. As she walked through the door, the phone in her pocket started making a lot of noise as text messages started arriving. Jessie smiled - it sounded like Helen and Paul were as excited as she was. As she walked up the stairs to find the twins, her phone started ringing and strangely she could also hear both Jacob's and Liam's phones beeping and then ringing too. Why would Helen be calling all three of them at once?

Jessie answered her phone on speaker as she walked into Jacob's bedroom. Before she got more than "Hi" out, Helen interrupted her. "Jessie, don't show the photo to Jacob just yet please."

Jacob was standing right there, heard what Helen said, and said "Helen, what are you talking about?"

Jessie explained, "I found the photo of my grandmother in my mom's recipe box. I sent a copy to Helen and Paul." She pulled it up on her phone and turned it to him to show him the picture.

Jacob went white and slumped down onto the edge of his bed. "No ... that is not possible ..." he whispered, his voice and body shaking violently.

Jessie was scared at his reaction, "Jacob, what's wrong?"

He looked up at her with stunned, haunted eyes. "It's Silvie Richard ..."

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freetowrite2020freetowrite2020almost 4 years agoAuthor

For everyone waiting desperately (and its so much fun for me as the author that you are, just confessing) Chapter 16 is in the pending queue, and its says it will go live this weekend. Depending on your timezone it will probably show up late Saturday or early Sunday morning.

JJMemaw0623JJMemaw0623almost 4 years ago

I hope, no I’m begging you to get us another chapter!! I am just in love with this story. I hope you and your family are doing well and are safe and healthy. Please keep writing and I’ll keep reading!! I love it!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Excellent story development

This is moving along quite well and the interweaving of various elements, intriguing and compelling. Well written...... Keep up the great work!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Cliff hanger

Great chapter I won’t even complain about the cliff hanger.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Jessica is becoming proactive

Previously, Jessica has been more "reactive," as when she Alpha-commanded Jacob and Liam at the gas station, and ordered the weres to forget they saw her. But when talking with Helen, she decided to become "proactive," and figure out how to remove the death sentences against Jacob and Liam. I like this change, and I like how she is listening to Helen to learn more about were creatures and pack structure. The knowledge should help her in establishing herself as an Alpha, and removing the death sentences against Jacob and Liam.


freetowrite2020freetowrite2020almost 4 years agoAuthor

Thanks for the feedback. Working from home because of COVID-19 offers both help and difficulty for a writer - I don't have commute time so more time to write after work, but I now write where I work and its harder to switch gears! Its taking a bit longer to get each chapter out but I'm still hard at work on 'em. And I noticed that little things from the current situation creep into my story - I realized that I had the werewolf at the gas station stand 6 feet away ... physical distancing even in a non-human story ... sigh! Stay safe everyone.

Love2read365Love2read365almost 4 years ago
Keep going

Hey just wanted to say love the series so far. The only problem I have is waiting for the next chapter!

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