Westrons Pt. 10


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Then she looked back at me, over her shoulder.

Ask and ye shall receive. I knelt behind her, and kissed her leg, just above the back of her knee. I kissed her four more times, on different spots on her inner thighs. Once I had her convinced that I was going to tease her, I planted my nose in her pussy.

After a few tastes, I stood up, and plunged my erection into her.

Tallia gurgled - it was what she wanted, but not quite when she'd expected it. She bent over further, to grant me greater access. I grabbed firm hold of her hips, and fucked her hard and fast, from behind.

That's when we both heard - and saw - the explosion.


We ran back to camp.

My command tent was gone. Obliterated. One of my soldiers was dead, another four injured. No one knew quite what had happened.

That is - most of the regiment knew that I wasn't in my tent. But no one had seen any strangers go near it. The only people who would have paid attention - Oshide and Yehla - had been watching Tallia and me fuck on the hillside.

- "Powder barrel." said Oshide. ""Someone placed it next to your tent, and then lit a slow match while they walked away."

- "Nobody saw anything?" said Tallia, incredulous.

The worst thing, of course, was that we didn't know if it had been a stranger ... or one of our own.


Oshide and Yehla got a little crazy after that. Well, Oshide, really - and Yehla followed her lead. She recruited two dozen soldiers that she trusted, from the 1st and 2nd companies, and set them as guards around my new command tent.

There were never less than four on watch, at all times. But Oshide also had several more, carefully watching anyone who approached, or who seemed to be paying too much attention to where Tallia and I were.

Tallia refused to leave me, in any case.

- "Oshide has it all under control." she said. "Besides - we're going to war. There will be people shooting at us. The only way to keep us absolutely safe is to resign our commissions and go home. Don't ask me do that."

She had a point.

General Vis came to inspect the site.

- "Any chance that it was an accident?" she asked.

I wasn't going to say anything, but Langoret did.

- "It was an assassination attempt, General."

Vis looked thoughtful. "Do you want guards from my headquarters? For additional security?"

- "We have the matter in hand." said Langoret.

- "Let me know, if I can I do anything to help." said the General. "I will be writing a report to the Chancellor, on the subject."

My report, and Oshide's, had already been sent.

Once Vis had gone, I turned to Langoret.

- "I think it's time that you told me something about these factions."


Over dinner, Langoret did her best to boil down the Westrons' complicated system of politics and intrigue.

The Queen's party, headed by Kanitz, were obviously focused on fighting the war.

- "But there are many groups in opposition."

- "Who opposes fighting the war?" I asked.

- "No one. The argument is about how we fight it. There is a party that wants us to be more aggressive, to carry the war into enemy territory. But there is also a clique that wants to build fortresses, for defence."

- "Okay. Aggressives and Defensives."

- "But those positions are partly just a pretext. What they really want is control of patronage appointments and the Crown purse."

- "Ah. Line their pockets and promote their friends."

- "Yes. Then there is the party which supports the Queen, but opposes Kanitz. Another group would prefer to see Princess Maia Ariana on the throne."

- "No disrespect intended, but she didn't strike me as all that bright."

Langoret sighed. "She is not. Whoever became her Chancellor would effectively control everything."

- "Is there a party around Maia Simonia?"

- "No. The Princess has refused to let herself be used in such a manner. She steadfastly supports the Queen. However, that could all change."

- "How so?"

- "Westron noblewomen are not bound to these parties. Alliances and loyalties are constantly shifting. If Maia Simonia fell out with her sister, a party would form around her overnight."

- "Which party does General Vis belong to?" I asked.

- "She was pro-Queen, anti-Kanitz, until recently. Now she is more ... aggressive, in outlook."

- "What about Colonel Berandot?"

- "Pro-Ariana."

- "And what about you, Langoret? Is it rude to ask?"

- "I am politically neutral, Cook. I simply want to see the Crolians defeated. For now, I believe that the Queen and Kanitz are the best hope for us."


There was an additional side-effect to the explosion. Oshide got herself so tightly wound up that she went into hemmer.

She wasn't particularly subtle about it, either. Her teeth were clenched, and I could see the beads of sweat on her brow. Of course, I could smell her, too, and almost taste her arousal on the air. Oshide was practically vibrating.

- "Should I send you somewhere?" I asked her.

- "Absolutely not. I won't go."

On the bright side, we weren't on active campaign yet. It would be another week before we broke camp and marched against the Crolians. A distraction like this, the night before a battle, could have been disastrous. I'd have had no choice but to send her away.

And Oshide was distracting. She was short and slender, like Tallia, but much more muscular. The combination of her dark hair and dark skin, with her unusual light eyes, was very appealing. Her scent, too, was powerful. I was rock hard for much of the day.

To make matters worse, Yehla went into hemmer, too.

She wasn't as noisy, or as tense, as Oshide. But having two attractive females in hemmer in the command tent was putting a strain on the front of my breeches.

- "You have to do something." said Talia.

- "I don't think that I can send them away." I said. "Particularly Oshide. The way she is now, she might refuse to leave. It would drive her crazy."

- "You could try something else."

- "Such as ...? I'm open to ideas."

- "You could ..." and just before the words came out of her mouth, I knew what she was going to say. " ... copulate with them."

- "Tallia!" I protested.

- "It would help them." she said. Then she glanced at my crotch. "It might help you, too."

- "But -"

- "It's the best solution, if you think about it."

I did think about it. My lover was suggesting that I have sex with my bodyguards. I probably should have left the tent, to clear my head, and consider the matter dispassionately. The problem was, if I left, they'd both follow me.

Oshide wouldn't let me out of her sight - not for a moment. She'd been watching me the whole time, from the other side of the tent. She hadn't said a word, but the look in her eyes made my knees weak.

- "Maybe it is the best solution." I said.

- "Finally!" said Oshide. "Thank you!"

She stood up, and began shedding her clothes. And just like that, the die was cast.

Oshide had beautiful skin, and small breasts tipped with the darkest nipples I'd ever seen. There was almost no fat anywhere else on her body. She had virtually no hips, and a taut little ass that looked tight enough to hurt your hand if you tried to spank it.

Naked, she advanced, and wrapped her arms around me. Oshide moaned aloud.

- "Come on, Yehla." she murmured. "Come get some of this."

Tallia spoke up. "I'll ... check on the guards. We'll keep watch." With a smile, she flashed me the thumb up sign I'd taught her. Then she slipped out through the tent flap.

I turned to see Yehla removing her shirt. Mother of Mercy! I knew that she was top-heavy, but the breasts she revealed were breathtakingly large. They swept apart, gracefully. They were also remarkably well-shaped, despite their enormous size.

Oshide had unwound my sash, and loosened my breeches. She tilted her head up, and kissed me, hard, even as she reached into the front of my pants.

- "Ohh, fuck ..." she moaned, into my mouth.

She slid to her knees, dragging my breeches down as she went. Then she took my rock-hard cock into her mouth. I groaned aloud. Things were rapidly getting out of control.

A moment later, it seemed, Oshide was on her back, pulling me atop her. As I slipped inside her, she wrapped her legs around my hips.

- "Yess!" she hissed, as I penetrated her. She was amazingly wet, and took my full length easily. Her nipples were so hard, I felt them stabbing into my chest like tiny daggers.

We fucked on the floor. We mated, I should say. It was primal, urgent, and almost frighteningly intense. I shot my load deep inside her. Oshide cooed as she felt me coming.

Only then did I realize that Yehla was kneeling on the floor beside us. She'd been stroking my back and caressing my ass as I fucked her partner.

- "Oh, you are going to love this." said Oshide. I wasn't sure if she was talking to Yehla, or to me. She rolled me over, so that I was on my back.

Two hands were stroking and squeezing my cock; my erection hadn't subsided at all. Oshide took me in her mouth, to get me wet for her friend. Then she move aside to let Yehla climb aboard.

Oshide held my erection, and Yehla sank down on it. She was very wet, and very warm. But Yehla was very different. There was no mad frenzy, no rush to orgasm. Instead, she rocked gently back and forth, squeezing my rod with the walls of her pussy.

- "That's incredible." I whispered. Yehla just smiled and continued her gentle to and fro.

I couldn't resist: my hands rose to her massive breasts. She raised her hands, too, to support mine, and to encourage me to squeeze just a little bit harder.

Oshide couldn't stay completely out of it. I felt her hand cupping my balls.

It was a long, and surprisingly comfortable fuck. It felt amazing, but there was no pressure to come. Yehla smiled, and continued to ride me at her own pace.

Oshide couldn't bear the inactivity. She knelt beside us, and bent down to kiss me. This was my second threesome; I was reminded how incredible it was to be kissing one woman while another rode my cock.

But Oshide didn't stop there: she looked into my eyes, and seemed to read approval for what she did next. She lifted one leg over my chest, and straddled my face. I just ... did what came naturally.

I'd never performed oral sex on someone after coming inside her. Another first. The taste of our mingled juices was odd, but not repellent; to be honest, I couldn't tell where one left off and the other began.

Oshide came first, surprisingly. That sent Yehla on her way, and as her pussy clenched around my cock, I gushed inside her.

It seemed like only moments later that I was kneeling behind Oshide, whose face was planted on a cushion on the floor. Her pussy was positively gaping, at this point, as I rammed into her.

Yehla came to kneel beside me, and I got to repeat the experience of kissing one woman while I fucked another.

- "Harder!" grunted Oshide.

I took a firm grip on her bony hips, and slammed my cock into her. It was just a case of hammering as much cock into her as I could, as fast as possible. She was thrusting her ass back at me, keeping time with my lunges.

To my surprise, I ejaculated what felt like another massive load into her; I hadn't thought that there was much left in the tank.

Some time after that, I remember lying back, with Oshide in the crook of one arm, and Yehla on the other side, her big breast resting on my chest.

I awoke, later, to a gentle kiss on my lips. It was Tallia.

- "You need to eat something." she whispered.

- "He needs to drink, too." murmured Oshide. "Especially if he's going to keep shooting his juices into us."

- "Oh, yes." whispered Yehla - probably her first words of the night.

Oshide had some food, but mostly she watched me eat, with an expression in her eyes that I could only describe as ... predatory.

- "You heard everything Countess Langoret said to me, the other day." I said. "Was it accurate?"

- "Yes. I like her. She's ... straightforward. Honest."

- "I like her too."

- "Have you copulated with her?" asked Oshide.

I had to laugh. "You Westrons. It's all about the sex."

Oshide looked mildly offended. "We don't get to do it often enough - so we like to talk about it."

- "You do benefit, Cook." said Tallia. "I think you like it when we talk about sex."

- "Of course he does." said my dark-skinned bodyguard. "Finished eating? Because Yehla gets you first."


I lost count of my orgasms, and of theirs.

One experience stuck in my mind. Oshide had been riding me - hard - while Yehla took a turn sitting on my face. We'd come - I think - which led to a change of positions.

Yehla sat down on my cock, while Oshide lay down perpendicular to me. She was kissing me (and tasting Yehla on my lips), when she pulled back, and smiled. Actually, it was more of a feral grin.

- "I think you like us." she said.

- "What's not to like?" I responded, without thinking.

I know that, at one point, Oshide was on her back, with her ankles past her ears, as I plowed her furrow. I remember, too, Yehla leaning over my map table, as I thrust into her from behind. What I can't quite recall is how I survived their hemmers.


The whole regiment knew that I was ensconced in my tent, with two females in hemmer. Langoret's regiment knew it, too.

When I emerged from the tent, two days later, there were nearly 200 soldiers loitering or skylarking nearby.

- "Command conference." said Tallia. "Tomorrow."

- "Will you be able to stand?" asked Langoret.


General Vis wasn't thrilled. She had orders to give, instructions to impart. But 2/3 of her audience were more interested in looking at me. I'm sure that many were wondering how I was still ambulatory, after 48 hours in a tent with Oshide and Yehla.

Berandot glared at me, too. I ignored her.

Vis had news for us.

- "We march the day after tomorrow." she said. Two days early. I heartily approved - especially if there were spies in our camp.

She then presented the order of march. I was surprised; it was quite innovative. In this era, lacking satellites or aircraft, we had to actually see our enemies. Lacking cavalry, our scouts went ahead on foot. They had to fight their way past the enemy's scouts, to locate the main body of the Crolian army.

After that, it was a question of concentrating our army faster than they could. Both sides relied on narrow, unpaved roads. Both sides also had long trains of ox-carts, carrying their supplies and ammunition, or pulling their artillery.

Vis' approach was to advance on five parallel roads, like the prongs of a pitchfork. If one of us found the enemy, we could all concentrate on that area.

On the extreme right, she placed Langoret and me. Our two regiments would proceed in an ENE direction (East-Northeast).

Just north of us was a brigade of three regiments, commanded by Colonel Berandot. I didn't like the sound of that from the get-go, but I had no real grounds for complaint.

General Vis would lead the central prong of the pitchfork, with 5 regiments and most of the free companies. She was ideally placed to support whoever first encountered the enemy.

Five more regiments would form the most northern wing of our advance. I liked her aggressiveness, the flexibility of her plan, and the scope for independent action she'd granted us. I just wasn't too keen about Berandot being the closest support we could call on.

I also didn't trust the speed of the four other prongs of our advance. Langoret and I could leave our ox-train behind, and cover 30 leagues in a day. I doubted that any of the other brigades could do better than 9 or 10.

Our troops were in good spirits, though; they liked the idea of advancing into Crolian territory (even if it had been Westron land no so long ago). The usual campaign tended to involve retreats and withdrawals; moving forward was a pleasant change.

The maps we'd been given weren't very good, though. We passed a road junction with a small hamlet that wasn't supposed to exist. Then a road connecting our advance to Berandot's, on the map, turned out to be illusory.

But the weather held, and we made good time. On the second day, I spotted several good locations for a brigade-sized battle, with very favorable ground, and pointed them out to Langoret.

- "You have a good eye." she said. "I wouldn't have considered that second site."

On the third day, in the afternoon, riflewomen came back to report. They were from the 1st Company, which was leading the way.

- "We made contact. Captain says it's a regiment."

- "Go forward and see." said Langoret. We'd agreed that it was unwise for both of us to go forward together. For one thing, it would leave the brigade temporarily leaderless; for another, we could both run into trouble, and be captured or killed at one blow.

We also agreed to halt the advance until I'd seen for myself what we were facing.

The riflewomen ran forward with me. 1st Company sharpshooters were spread out across a shallow ridge, to either side of the road. They were shooting, and calmly reloading.

When I came to the crest of the ridge, what I saw took my breath away.

A Crolian regiment, in three-deep line, was slowly advancing towards us. They were still 300 yards away - well out of musket range. But our rifles were cracking, and every now and then we could see an enemy stumble and fall. Most didn't get up again.

But the sight that staggered me was behind them. A second regiment, forming into line. Beyond them, the ground sloped away gently. Our slightly elevated position allowed me to see the mass of troops, artillery and ox-carts, stretching away for miles.

- "Looks like their whole army." said the Captain of the 1st.


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Comentarista82Comentarista82about 1 month ago

"Langoret bristled"....I would have loved to see her clean Berandot's clock! But Cook restrained her, then insulted the offensive commander by joking with his troops. Well done! I'd missed that little nugget from before. She's such a dedicated friend...why shouldn't someone offer a barrel of gold for Langoret? ;)

Richard1940Richard1940about 2 years ago

The whole army against a brigade - the shit's about to hit the fan

Comentarista82Comentarista82almost 5 years ago
Damn you...

...this is torture. The two bodyguards get it, then we go to the opposite extreme of the entire enemy army coming to fight?

Great intrigue with Langoret describing the factions. However, what a sad state of affairs! You detail it well, though.

lastman416lastman416almost 5 years ago

I’d love to see Cook and Talley have a heart-to-heart. They certainly have enough to talk about, what with the first of potentially two daughters being intimate with Cook, their shared “heritage” and the fact that Kanitz has figured out that Pylos is a front. It’s unusual that we’re not seeing them talk about any of this stuff.

I feel like your earlier stories had more male interaction with the main character.

All of the above is more commentary than criticism. I’m still excited about this story and seeing where it goes. I’m especially looking forward to the intrigue ramping up.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Too Short for Highest Ratings

I agree with the previous comment. Writing this good deserves longer chapters so we can have more to appreciate.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Great story can hardly wait for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Cracking yarn

Very well written, I am enjoying it immensely.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Spectacular story

Thank you very much AspernEssling! Your work is easily my favourite. Great storyline, love the level of detail you put in. Well written!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Love a good yarn!

Excellent job mixing the sex in with action. It's nice to see a real story instead of just wham bam sex & more sex. Just wish they were longer! It's over too quick!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
More please!

Love the story and the way you write. Would it help if we brought you meals so you didn't have to stop cranking out the next chapter???

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