What Every Man Wants

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A story of what every man wishes you knew
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There are articles in abundance on what women want and need. There was even a movie recently, with Mel Gibson, about our secret feminine thoughts and desires, men spend hours trying to figure us out and what we need, but do we try to figure them out? You don’t see many about what men need and want, and they can be as mysterious to us, as we are to them. All women think they need to do is, rope ‘em, hog tie ‘em and throw ‘em in the barn…well men ain’t cattle girls, they know how to open that barn door even if we get them in there.

Usually all you read is bitter accounts by angry cold women, about why men aren’t worth much, and how to avoid the ones who may not be easy to catch, complete with titles and types and assessments of why you don’t want one like THAT… Well, ladies, I catch them…and if you want a good one, well, you better start figuring out what he wants or you aren’t going to get him, let alone keep him. My men are trying to figure out how to keep me, not escape me.

Every woman knows men are into chemistry, although what it is, is a bit unclear. What it is is sex appeal, it is, they want to appeal to us sexually, and for us to appeal to them sexually, is really all that is, it’s not looks or weight, or height or make up, it’s how we look at them and how we make them feel, if we make them feel like males, deep inside, they’re attracted to us. They’ll admit to that readily enough, but to get inside the mind of a man, to learn what it is that makes him choose to stay and commit? That’s the secret ladies, they have to want to commit to us. Most of us can all do enough to get them to stay for breakfast at any time. It’s keeping hold of them that’s tough. And to us, we want that commitment and they know it, but many of us want it because their paycheck comes with it. They want their money’s worth, and that is fair, girls, it is. They aren’t about to tell us this though, because they know we can be determined and devious. The line the bride sings walking down the aisle, of “Phew, I”ll never have to do THAT again!” Is a little too often true. They want truth and beauty, not to be a victim of some woman with a need for income. They believe in love more than we do at times.

Men hit about 35 and begin to wake up to a silent urging to procreate and nest, they reassess their life in the wild, and begin to consider settling down, they get as broody as any woman does. Or if they have procreated and nested, they begin to feel the urge to stretch their wings and fly, to seek out more, and feel the wonder again. Men aren’t one dimensional, is part of that, they need both, passion and comfort, home and freedom and sensuality, they’re really somewhat simple, they’ll give us everything if they can just be a star in their own lives. That’s really all it takes. That and they want an interesting life. Give them that, and they’ll line up to commit to who ever gives it to them.

You’ll hear wives lament and whine that he’s cheating on her, but what you don’t hear is why he is, and it’s not just some younger body, it’s… she’s interesting and the wife isn’t. The wife has become dull and boring, and to her, all life is about is vacuuming the house now, and she yells at him and whines at him, just like she does after he flies the coop! and he’s tired of sleeping with the maid whose got attitude, who’d want to sleep with a bad tempered tyrant!

Half of that is she berates him, it’s never enough, take out the garbage, fix the car, when are you going to mow the yard, she becomes this chore monger, another boss, so he has two jobs, not a home and a career. And she only lives to do chores, herself, he earns, he works, he takes second place in his own life, he is the gadget man, the vacuum cleaner with a mind, the guy who keeps life orderly for us, and not much else. The kids matter more, and Little League does, hey, girls, if they did that to US, we’d leave, in a second! And do. We’d never put up with working all day and handing over our check only to come home and get yelled at? And she wonders why he left?! Someone was nicer to him is why, and she wasn’t…You can’t keep cows in the barn if you leave the door open, ladies! Get a clue wifey, you weren’t what he needed, you were too busy making cupcakes to notice him, you said no fourteen times a week? And you didn’t keep your buns firm or your underwear sexy. You bored him into leaving and you berated him for not liking you that way. And you follow it up with insulting him after the fact that he’s shallow, and he has the problems! So were the cupcakes for the bake sale really THAT important? Cause you sure act like they are!

Men want fantasy, they want entertainment, they want the princess we are, they want the fairy sprite, the little girl in us who dreams, they want eternal youth from our INSIDES, but they also want the slut lurking within us all, they want excitement and to fly, and then land safely, they want to be our wings, our angels of destiny and if we deny them that part of us, if we refuse to go with them or let them take us on their flights of fancy, they lose, but so do we, all we are is housekeepers then, neither queen or whore, and not their partner in life either, we become grounded as the world moves on without us. We just exist to make dinner, when we could be going on exotic trips and living a life of dreams. We choose to be dull and boring, and then whine they don’t.

Classic sex symbols, from Mae West to Madonna, from Liz Taylor to Brittney Spears, are women men dream of, women of passion and fire, women who are playful and adventurous and have a natural sexuality. Men, dream of a nymphomaniac in their lives, or at least one who can be one at times? They want to be cherished, and adored and worshipped, and they should be! They want to be teased and pleased and played with. They want a playmate, a friend and a confidant. They want a woman who makes them proud, who their friends go WOW, where’d you find THAT one, you must be a stud huh? To keep HER! It’s a man thing, it’s pride, its competitiveness, it’s what makes them happy…its what makes them manly, ladies, if you want him to be more of a man, be more of a woman!

They want a princess to provide for, they want a woman who sparkles at them when they do things for her, and sighs and coos. They want her to be pleased, and surprised by their efforts to win her and appease her. They want to chase her and feel her give in to them. Ladies the guys want romance, not pink lace, real romance, the kind with feeling, the kind that has candlelight and soft music, and sighs, they want the longing glances and the deep involvement. And we sort of end up handing them Chef Boyardee and saying What’s your problem? Well, gosh, dinner from a can, might be some of it, the Dog eats dinner from a can, and we pet the darned dog at least? Or I pet mine, but maybe my dog lives better than your man does too? Consider that. That’s sort of sad isn’t it, for him.

They want her to be glamorous at times, slinky and sexy. They want her to be natural at times, and able to get ready in less than an hour, they want her in baseball caps and jeans, as they sit and fantasize about how hot she was last night, and watch her looking like a tomboy now. They want her to like their bodies, and revel in them, as males, to act like a greedy sexual creature who can’t get enough, at times, as well as listen to their thoughts, and try to make their dreams come true.

They want her to be all the women in the world at once, pure and innocent, devilish and dangerous, squirmy and high spirited, needy and soft, nurturing and comforting, and sexually awake and aware of sensual pleasures. They want the mother in us, the sister, and the slut, they want us to be as multi-dimensional as they are. They want the lady in the living room, the whore in the bedroom, and always have. Be that, and able to carry on a conversation about something other than yourself and your interests, and they will all eat from your hand, with pleasure.

And if we give them that, they really don’t care if we make dinner, or vacuum, they’ll do it, they’ll hire a maid, or they’ll take us out to dinner! Trust me on this, ladies, I don’t do housework! I do keep my passport handy just in case. It takes so long to go back for it, is why, we may miss the flight! I go places, I do things, I get taken out, and away, and I love that I do, they carry my bags, they open doors, and they buy me things to please me! And they call later! I love men, and it shows, and they love me right back!

They don’t want to hear, oooh, yuck, and no way, and you’re kidding, I’m not doing that! They want her to blush and go really? You want me to do that, for real, and try it…they want us to tell them that things feel good, and why, and how to touch us. They want to please us so we do go out of our minds with pleasure. They want to know what we think, but not about the sale at the grocery store, to them it doesn’t matter! It doesn’t! Who cares if lettuce is twenty cents less, like change matters? Now if you could do something sexual with that lettuce they’d want to know about that. They want to be pleased, surprised, seduced, coveted, treated with awe, and worshipped, that’s all! They want to be on a pedestal, just like they put us on one! And for that, they will give us everything they have, can find, can earn and look for more if it pleases us. We become their goddess, but only if we make them our gods…

I’m sexual, very…I like sex, I like a lot of it’s aspects, I enjoy exploring it, and adventuring in it. And there are men, who don’t like it as much as I do, that prefer quieter realms and softer ones, there are compatitble types, there are. But they still crave the sex, the affection and the bonding, and they have to have it ladies, it isn’t about they physically need, it’s how they express themselves to us, if we would only learn to listen! It’s their language, it’s primal, it’s instinctive and it holds them totally in its’ thrall, when we deny them that, they have to go looking, it’s male. They cannot survive without it, and neither can I.

I like a lot of different flavors in life, from the spicy to the sweet, to the hot and ice cold, salt and vinergar to sublimely mild. I like tastes, I like feelings, I like emotional intercourse, which by definition is communication. When we bond together in physical unity we can’t hide from each other, we allow each other inside us, and to me, life without that is pretty boring.

Changing our approach is so easy, it really is. When we join that exercise class at the gym, instead of whining about the effort and expecting to be praised, all we have to do is strip down and show them our behinds daily and say, “What do you think, is it getting smaller, is it getting tighter?” And they love it, and smile, and go hmmm, some, come over here, let me check closer. Then it becomes, for him, we work out, and then they’re more than happy to share it…they’ll check our progress with glee…and insist we take more classes, if they get to be part of it like THAT?

If we make dinner, add candles, dress for him, cook in just an apron for heavens sake? Want him to take out the trash more? Stand there naked. Wear a thong…and say, Like this? Well, as soon as I take out the trash? If I’m still in this mood…the trash is gone, girls, never to be mentioned again…if he forgets? Wear that same outfit…he will learn fast…see thong, take out garbage, get some, it’s like electricity to men. They’ll move so fast and while they’re out there, they’ll put your car away and close the garage door, they do not want more interruptions! As in phew, got her mind on me finally…I got to keep remembering that trash, or yikes she’s gonna find someone who will! Men learn so much quicker than we do. It is just about motivation, use that, there is no You forgot the trash again, oh no, he won’t forget…every day for six years, he’ll remember the naked woman saying I’m gonna take out the trash now…like his own private pin up girl.

And kids? Oh right those anti-romance creatures, uh, feed them early, put them to bed, they’ve had you all day? Daddy’s turn. Get a sitter, trade with a neighbor down the street, you keep mine tonight, I”ll keep yours tomorrow night…just give that man, some of what he needs, he’ll be happy! He had the kids, he loves them, just once in a while, he wants to play with the grownups too. And it doesn’t hurt the kids to be told, Mommy and Daddy are going to play together tonight, it’s our turn. You guys are going to bed early so we can. Give you Dad kiss now, night night.

And if I hear one more woman tell me she’s tired, in this day of electric appliances and television, here’s my answer…you will be more tired if you work all day and come home and then take care of the kids and have no one to help. Take a nap, plan it, don’t wear your self out dusting once in awhile, schedule your man like he matters! Quit whining, once women made the soap, spun the cloth, plowed fields, baked bread, ground flour, knit the socks, and still had the energy to kiss him hello and wrap her arms around him when he walked in, so what is your excuse? The dishwasher door was so heavy to close you’re tired now? He worked all day, he’s tired too! And all he wants is a cuddle and a squeeze and a big smile to see him and to cop a feel, like that’s hard to give him? Uh, give it to him ladies, or know, someone else will.

Men need several things, acceptance of their masculinity, pride in their existence, self esteem, love, affection, sensual pleasures, credit for their contributions, titillation and warm welcome, and to be important in their own lives and for that, they will give you everything they can gather to honor you and please you, they’ll lay anything at your feet, if you just treat them with respect and admiration.

It’s our call girls, it is…and it’s ok with me, if you don’t want to wake up to it! Cause your husband takes me to Mexico while you’re busy at the PTA meeting, and I like going on trips to exotic destinations…and being treated like I’m important and wined and dined and catered to. You can do the PTA if you want? It’s ok with me!

Doubt me? Ask any man.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Re << once women made the soap, spun the cloth, plowed fields, baked bread, ground flour, knit the socks, and still had the energy to kiss him hello and wrap her arms around him when he walked in >>

And you know this how?

TalkSexyToMe2029TalkSexyToMe2029over 2 years ago

Reading this in an era of feminazis and wokism is a special treat. As a het gal I find this essay very useful. And yes, a few advices make me unconfortable (those sad but true nuggets of wisdom that we ignore because they don't fit our inner fantasies or because they touch insecurities). All in all, men and women are much more alike than most people think. We are allies, not ennemies and we should invest time and effort to know each other better. Win win situation.

dahlingdolldahlingdollabout 10 years ago
Lies after lies after lies

Puh-leaze there are thousands and thousands of articles about what men want and need. If anything it seems women put more effort into trying to please men than vice versa.

Men spending hours trying to figure out women and what we need is a lie in my opinion as it seems men spend hours trying to figure how to fuck women.

It's another lie in my opinion that women would never put up with 'working all day and handing over our check only to come home and get yelled at'. Going by statistics most gals do put up with working all day and then come home to do some more work. It seems for many gals they then get 'yelled at' and whined at for sex.

"They want to know what we think, but not about the sale at the grocery store, to them it doesn’t matter!"

So in other words men only want to know what women think if it benefits them or they like it.

" It is just about motivation, use that, there is no You forgot the trash again, "

So in other words use sex as a transaction to get him to share in household duties.

It seems what every man wants is to be some idealized hero worshiped for every little thing he does, never corrected or shown his errors, and have sex used as an incentive to do anything that could make his partner's life easier.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Spot on

To the Author of this piece - Wow. I found myself wanting to marry you! You get it, fully and completely. Your article gives me hope.....maybe someday I will run into someone who understands! I've been married for 20 yrs. I think you were writing about my wife. I am nothing but a paycheck to her - a paycheck that still gets called lazy despite consistently working 70 hour weeks - for her. After all this time, have finally found myself "looking". I never wanted to stray but I I'm more alone in this marriage than if I was single. Thanks for taking the time to write this piece.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

You have certainly done your homework! Without a doubt, THE best analysis I've ever heard. It's taken me twenty-some-odd years to learn this stuff, and I'm a guy! Thank you.

- A divorced romantic man, who admits his short-comings and pushes on with hope.

bullusbullusover 12 years ago

To the person who said "men want everything, no help at all":

You completely missed the object of the article. Us men want to be appreciated. Just. Like. You.

In this day and age, its become too much about entitlement for women. Too mamy women think that men should have to bend over backwards for their attention, and "damn he better give me all I want or he gets nothing back".

What the author is trying to wake you up to is the fact that you need to make him feel appreciated and wanted. Its easy to make us guys feel 'needed', but most the time its needed for the wrong reasons.

Need us so you don't have to get a job, need us for physical labor, need us to give you free time. But then you call him lazy for watching a football game on his day off. Step back, take a look at yourself and get real.

Relationships are not 'what can/will they do for me', they should be 'what can I do for them' or 'what can we do for us'.

Re-read the part about working all day and coming home to bitching and yelling. First thing that crossed my mind as a husband was "do I come home and give her any reason to hate having me around?"

If your first thought was anything like "I don't care what kind of day he's had, he should be putting me first!", then sadly, its extremely obvious that you are the problem.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

As a male, I completely approve of this article. You have pretty much said everything that I've been feeling in my relationship, which has taken a downward turn. I'm going to show my fiance this article, and hopefully upon reading this she understands my point of view.

TruebluegirlflTruebluegirlflalmost 13 years ago

In a committed relationship, this advice is pure gold! This really helped me....I've forgotten lately to show my fiancee I admire him and that I shouldn't nag so much! Thanks so much!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

so basicly men what everything....

well thats no help at all :(

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Are you going to expand this and publish it as a book? You should. I've never heard any description of what men (that aren't severely damaged in some way) want.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Interesting.....but I was his mistress 1st and foremost. I continued in the relationship to be all the things that were described. The man checked out on ME. I was his whore in the bedroom, I adored him, I gave him praise and let him treat me like a princess. I worked hard for our relationship, while he sat back and did not do a damn thing to keep things good. One day he just checked out....changed. I stayed the same and he changed.

It is an interesting theory....but definitely not true of all cheaters. It is easy to blame the woman for not being interesting, or sexy, or taking care of the kids. But, I can tell you after being with a man who complained about his wife to me....and ended up divorcing wife for me. Those things are just a symptom of what is truly going on in the marriage. Ask the WIVES about how good of a man he is to her. Of course every man wants to look like he puts his wife up in a tower and simply adores her.....but cold hard bitch she is, she doesn't appreciate it, and steps all over his poor romantic little heart. Poor fella, and stupid women, (like I used to be) just eat it up. And that is how an affair starts....poor guy, I am so much better and sexier....I should really save him from that horrible bitch!

Fast forward 5 years.....after cheating on me numerous times(he of course denied it!), me always adapting to his wants and needs. He finally truly got caught cheating. He did exactly what he did with his ex, when I was the OW. He slandered me to all and anyone who would listen. I never loved his kids, I would never go out. Those are just 2 things. Want the honest truth? I loved his kids wholeheartedly and still miss them to this day. I wanted to be there stepmom. I did so much for them, and spent a ton of money to make there living situation better. So we could be a family. He got mad because I would ask he discipline them from time to time. It was my house too, and he never understood that. Even our counselor said that. I would never go out.....I practically begged him to take me out again. We went out all the time at 1st. Then my man started to go out, and couldn't go out unless he was so trashed he would pass out on the sidewalk. Then, if he was not passed out and I tried to help.....I would get verbally abused by him. I stayed, but I tried to put my foot down a bit and ask him to scale back the drinking when I was around. He refused. SO the solution was to leave me at home.

As I said those are 2 things. He left me for one of the other women. Her and I exchanged a few emails a few months later. She found out he still came to me for a while after for sex. He lied to her about that. She also found out how he had said it was over between us when we were still together.....and he was telling me how much he loved me and wanted to make things work. I also sent her a few emails to back this up. I gave her a very good description of how he was, and how there relationship was probably going. Things he was saying or do to seduce her, convince her he had never been happier. And how being with me really dragged him down.

Wanna know what happened? She said I had it all down to a tee. I had been there. I had been her at one point. I knew the things he would say and do to make himself look good. How misunderstood he was. She even told me....."I thought you were some crazy controlling vindictive spiteful woman, I am so sorry for what happened. You are truly one of the nicest people I have met" Why did she say that. I told her what to watch for. I told her exactly what happened in our relationship, I told her the kind of man he really was. And I was able to back it up with proof. Her and I remain close friends to this day......and she still maintains I am a great woman. Why? I wish her well with him each and every time we talk. I applaud her for being there for him, and understanding the kind of man he really is. But, I worry for the day he will hurt her too. I understand now what my actions did to his wife. ANd I regret them horribly.

This is a bit rambling.....will I ever slip up and go for a married guy again. Probably. But I will do it with my eyes open....and see a guy who is making a very selfish move.....and probably has a lovely, caring wife in his life. Who is probably like I was lonely, and confused about where the man she fell in love wtih went to one day.

Good luck to you all, and thanks for letting me vent.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

My happy husband can attest to the truth of this article! I follow the old adage of a "Lady in public, whore in private" and in turn, he follows me around like a happy puppy. We both get what we want with little friction...well plenty of friction when it counts!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Story about me

Im a man, this is spot on.. if only more women got it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
So Very True

Take this from a real Man striving to find his place in the world.

I read this and I knew deep down in my heart that it is at it's core, pure truth. I will gladly be your knight in shining armor, if you would praise me as such. I would fight the world, work till sore and bloody, toil till I passed out... If I could awake to see you above me "Well done, my most special person". It isn't about sex, I know a prostitute who will give head for 10 bucks who bothers me twice a week about it (and I refuse) if that was the case. Its about.... the emotion, the spirituality, the dream, the goals, the fantasy.

Take a look back and you will realize, in our child story books. Girls read of being princesses, What did boys read about? Saving the day, Braving Dangers, Making Sacrifices, WHY? because when it was all over and done with, there was that princess with the "happy ever after" WAITING and WANTING you.

Its about being wanted, being cherished, being caredfor. Feeling special. You do this and you find a guy who hasn't given up on women being able to do this... and you will never regret it.

You fail to do this with a guy who hasn't given up... and chances are he may. Then he will no longer look to you for those feelings or thoughts, he will get them from wherever he can.

This is coming from a man who has NEVER cheated on a relation. I'm starting to wonder if there are any real Princesses left in this world, perhaps some of us hopeless romantics were born a few decades late and all the women worth cherishing are long gone... too independent to "need a man" to "need a knight".

You call us dogs, yet you're too stupid to train us. If you pet your dog, he loves you, If you feed your dog, he doesn't look elsewhere for food. If you reward your dog for doing well, he does well so much better the next day. Is this not basic? If you're gonna lower us to the level of dogs.... AT LEAST MAKE IT FAIR. I'll continue. If you pet your dog, he pets you back (licks you). You want to be wined and dinned its not as hard as you make it seem. If you constantly yell at your dog, he will bark back or flee from you. If you starve your dog, he WILL find food elsewhere, if you hurt your dog, he will stray from you.

Anyways, I am an Real Man, who believes in family, sticking through rainy days. Being a Provider, Supporter, Comforter, Etc. I know the woman who claims my heart will never regret it, why? Because I will make SURE of it. But I will not accept one who cannot even make me feel special to her. It isn't a gift people.

Last but not least, I am so tired of people moaning "If only you knew how much I cared" at funerals, after someone has died, etc. What the hell stopped you from telling that person that day that you loved them? What stopped you from giving them those same flowers when they could smell them that you lay atop their cold body? If you love someone, let them know, throw them a party while they are alive instead of a wake once they are gone. Think about it...

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
People Need to Work on Their Reading Comprehension

The last paragraph, which paints the author as a seductive vixen who lures away married men, is meant in jest. She's being facetious. The same thing with all of the overly zealous feminist rants who clearly can't read. It said "he's tired too" not "he's been at work all day while you sat at home".

Do some men cheat because they are bad people? Yes. But I think that most don't, just like most women don't. Sometimes the fault in the relationship could arise from the cheater, sometimes with the other party, usually both. It's all about keeping the fire burning.

This isn't promoting or excusing infidelity, which is wrong. It's about combatting the complacency that incites it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Well written!

It was something I always knew... but over the years, had long forgotten. Thank you for the wake-up call.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
I guess feminism really is dead...

All this about the 'man coming home from a hard days work'...women have jobs now! I know, it's madness! What happens to all the gender stereotypes now? Should the lady of the house expect to come home to her husband doing the cooking in nothing but an apron and heels? Maybe she'll run off with a toyboy to Mexico if he doesn't hit the gym and look good in a thong?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

To make this clear, I am a man. I think the basis of this essay is right on point. Men simply do not want to be the only ones making the effort in a relationship. Now, I'll admit, some of this was kind of "ho-ey". However, notice how quick some of you are to call her a whore, a ho, a prostitute. Why? Because it's an automatic response to any woman who likes sex? Now, I know why women treat sex so much differently than men (9 months and a lifetime of responsibilties after), but to judge someone for liking something as fundamental as sex is absurd. Plus, you are missing the main point. Men don't want to be #2, just like everybody else. The author doesn't mean to say that PTA meetings are horrible for relationships or anything like that. Instead, what she is trying to say is don't let these meetings, your job, your daily housework, etc. take away from your relationship. In other words, what is more important to you, your love's interests or what is going to be sold at the bake sale on Friday? The thing is, women tend to care about their children and nothing else, including themselves. And although I don't have children, I do understand. However, although maybe more harder on women, you need to not make either your man or your children # 2. This is where so many relationships fail, when the other spouse gets pushed to the side. Rather, prioritize! Men love sex, but we don't need it all day everyday!!! However, kids do not need all the attention. What's more important, buying juiceboxes or making your relationship stronger? In other words, somethings really aren't as important as they seem. Men, for the most part, see through this because they have a different sense of loyalty. They only feel the strongest for friends, family (including children), and the one they love most. Other than that, they don't care! They don't feel the "need" to do this and do that. Neither should you! Sometimes you just need to put down the vaacum and walk away. Will there really be a group of people stopping by that will notice that the floor has only been vaacumed once this week? NOOOO! These irrationalities drive men insane!

On another note, I disagree with the whole part of experiment and sort of a "you have to love it" mentality by the author. However, some women need to experiment a little bit more. You don't have to do it again if you don't like it, you don't have to lie and say you did, but men just want to try new things every once in a while. And a little fucking help (pun intended) would be nice. Honestly, we are not going to yell at you or be mad if you tell us how you like it and how you want us to do it. In fact we like that!

99% of the time the guy with the choice will go with the slightly "ho-ey" girl rather than the conservative bitch because guess which one is going to be more fun? Guys are so easy. This goes out to all you shy girls too by the way, who never talk and never get dates and boyfriends. Look, guys don't want to do all the courting. I know you might be called a ho or might occasionally be rejected, but guess what? You could have a guy like you right now that you like but you'll never know because you were too shy to talk to him, and your "coldness" will make him not talk to you. Guys fear rejection too! And guess what, you make him do all the work. Look, just because your not the prettiest girl doesn't mean you can't get a decent guy. You see all the pretty girls get attention and you wish you could be llike that. Well you can. Talk! You don't have to be a 9 or a 10. Or an 8. or even a 4. or maybe even lower. Guys love girls that talk! However, to complete this epic post... an I am forgetting something, notice how many guys have refuted this essay all you outraged women. Instead of nit-picking this article to pieces, look at the damn big picture. And its there. It's like going to look at the Statue of Liberty, reading the poem, and never noticing that big hunk of green copper. I have no clue why i needed that added at the end.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
This explains so much.

This essay explains far more than just what it is written about. I think the person who wrote it truly understands the way men think. And not just in the sense of romantic relationships. Men do need self esteem, they need to feel like they matter. I have an older brother who is going through a very rough time in his life. For years he and I fought each other tooth and nail because we did not understand each other. Now that I am older, I am beginning to see things differently. I understand now that, when I was a child, I saw him in only the simplest way... as a mean older brother. It took years for me to see the vulnerability of him. The fear, the need for love, the desperation for acceptance. Now that I see these depths in him. I understand him more. I've stopped treating him as the "enemy". I listen to him. I treat him with more respect. This has helped us grow closer as brother and sister. We almost never fight anymore.

I think this essay is superb. I think every woman in the world should read it. And don't just think it's about nothing but sex. It's not. It's about men. How they think. What they need. It's about treating men like they are Men! A lot of women I know think men should do all the work in a relationship. They should be romantic and charming and give us everything we need. But men are human beings. They have needs too!

They need the same things we do. Only the most bitter and selfish women in the world would refuse to see that.

txblushtxblushabout 15 years ago

To those who've commented and to future commenters. Everyone and I mean, "everyone," wants the magic that happens in a relationship to continue. The question is do you want to work at it. If so, then this article provides some valuable tips. Work at your relationship is all this article is pointing out. Take it or leave it.

To the author I say, thanks for writing your article. Most of what you wrote I already knew, but it was good and very well written. Also, it helped to remind me of things I may have forgotten. ;-)

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