What He Wouldn't Give for Her


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I woke that next morning, still on the couch. She was gone. After cleaning up and drinking a cup of coffee I asked security if they saw her leave. She had left with her husband after about half an hour upstairs with me.

As a "captain of industry" I hated the thoughts of my failure to seduce Margaret. Thoughts of failure interfered with my business acumen. I needed to take action today in order to set my mind straight. I had Jeff's email from booking the band for the party so I sent him a request for a meeting with him and his wife.

The two of them showed up right on time. I had ordered lunch to be served in the penthouse for the three of us.

After we had a glass of wine and eaten our lunch I spoke.

"There are two reasons for this meeting. Firstly, thank you Jeff, your band was great last night. I know we agreed on a rate for the night but I have doubled it. Secondly, I want to apologize to both of you for my behaviour last night. At first I thought you were unattached Margaret. Jeff, I apologize to you for disrespecting you and your wife. I can become very single minded at these events. The more alcohol I drink, the more I think I can get away with. I am sorry for any harm I caused last night. "

"Norman, I should apologize to you." Margaret spoke.

"I have a problem with alcohol. Given enough booze my personality changes dramatically. Yes I need help and I am currently seeking help. I tried earlier in the evening to dissuade you from pursuing me. Once the personality change happens I pretty much lose control. I wanted what you wanted. I knew what awaited me here in this penthouse last night but I came anyway."

"What happened to put you into that hypnotic state?

"I don't know. I think it was the lights, the movement on the streets below, maybe the exhibitionism of standing naked before all who cared to look. My mind just felt disconnected. When I regained my presence of mind I left to find my husband."

"Jeff, do you have anything to say?"

"Yes, like you Norman I have two things to say. Firstly, thank you for your payment for the band. We thoroughly enjoyed playing for you and your crew. Secondly, keep away from my fucking wife."

"I hear you loud and clear. Now, I have an additional piece of business to discuss with you. Baxter Industries owns many business, including The Drake Club. We have been booking a number of bands piecemeal and it is labour intensive. I would like your band to consider becoming the house band. It would mean performing Wednesday to Sunday evenings. 8 pm to close at 1am. I would be willing to pay each band member $50k per year, paid monthly. With tips that could easily be enough for you to quit your day jobs."

"That is an incredible offer. Let me discuss it with Margaret and my band members. I should get back to you by the end of the week."

Margaret's story

Seeing Norman Baxter in the penthouse suite for lunch was surreal. Last time I was here he was feeling me up. Here he is now apologizing to me and Jeff.

Even stone, cold sober I still find this man attractive and I feel myself getting aroused. Jeff knows it too. It must drive him crazy.

The offer of steady band employment is very tempting for Jeff. It would be a dream come true. But it would tie him to Norman Baxter and that would be dangerous. Is Jeff willing to risk me for his career?

My biggest concern is the fugue state I entered last night. It probably saved me from fucking up my marriage but psychologically it had me worried.

It was the day after our meeting with Norman that I received a package. There was a note in an envelope addressed to me. It read...

"Dear Margaret, please accept this as a token of my appreciation and to replace that which was lost. - Norman"

Inside the box was the sexiest bra and panty set I have ever seen! Of course, he remembered that I had ditched my knickers in the bathroom. While I appreciated the sentiment, I also got the feeling that it was a not too subtle hint that he would like to see me wearing them. I hurriedly buried them deep in an underused drawer.

Jeff's story

The band members were ecstatic about the offer from Baxter Industries. They could finally quit delivering pizzas, driving Uber, or working part time somewhere and truly concentrate on music.

I advised Norman that we were a go to accept his offer. He was thrilled, Margaret surprisingly was not. She seemed to think I was making a deal with the devil. I was choosing the band and the full time gig over her well being. But she accepted it. She did say that she would likely not show up at manyof the shows. That upset me.

"Why babe? You know I love seeing you there, watching me play. You know I love to watch you dance."

"After the last time? Seriously you need me to explain it to you? I very nearly fucked Norman. Are you that anxious to have me debase myself with another man?"

"No, of course not. I just know that if you stay off the alcohol you'll be fine."

"You have more faith in me than I do."

I told him I would be there for the first show but warned him that he would be responsible if bad things happened.

He kissed me. Then kissed me again. Next thing I knew we were back in our unmade bed. He was sucking on my tit and rubbing my clit. His finger crept lower to my opening as his lips blazed a path to my clit. No one could match my husband's pussy eating skills, he had me firing off within minutes. While I love oral with him I really needed his cock up inside me. God damn it, all I could see in my minds eye was me standing naked in Norman's penthouse, naked to the world. It was as if Jeff's pounding my pussy was actually Norman. I had an intense orgasm as I felt Jeff cum deep within me.

Jeff's story

Margaret was on fire! I can't remember a time with her that had been so erotic. I am so happy she'll be coming to the opening show.

I warned her that it would be a special night for the band. I reminded her to drink alcohol free drinks as much as possible, we didn't want her alter ego showing up to ruin things.

The band had rehearsed hard and we were ready to rock. Our equipment was set up before hand and because this was a long term gig we didn't have to move it constantly.

Norman confirmed that he would be there tonight. I told him Margaret would be there as well. He admitted that he was massively attracted to Margaret and she seemed to reciprocate the feeling. He then asked a question that I wish he hadn't.

"How far can I go tonight?"

"What do you mean?"

"With Margaret, tonight, how far can I take things with Margaret?

"She is my wife. I should tell you to fuck off." I paused, waiting for him to reply but no reply came. "You could dance with her I guess."

"Slow dances?"

"I would prefer you kept it to fast dances."

"That goes without saying but I am asking you, may we slow dance together?"

"Fine, but no funny stuff."

"Trust me Jeff there won't be any laughs from either of us. Nothing humorous at all."

"Why do I get the feeling you intend to have her visit the penthouse again?

"Because you are a perceptive man. I know you hate the thought, but she is as attracted to me as I am her. I will promise you, I won't hurt her."

"No, but it will possibly kill me and my marriage. Norman, lay off her tonight."

Margaret's story

As I get ready for the opening show tonight I shower, shave my legs, apply makeup, and put on the lingerie that Norman sent me to replace the bra and panties I abandoned. They were just so sexy that I knew I had to wear them.

This was a big night for us.

Jeff read me the riot act about my drinking and avoid Norman.

"Look Margaret. I love you and I want to protect you. If you want to stay home tonight I won't complain. I shouldn't have have pressured you to come. Norman has pretty much told me he plans to gets you up to the penthouse again. He wants you very badly and even asked me to give him permission. Permission wasn't granted. Be nice to him but don't lead him on. Dance but don't dirty dance. If you fuck him tonight, and please don't pretend you wouldn't like to, it will kill our marriage. I know your being there tonight is putting you in harms way but I trust you to be strong tonight. Please babe, for me."

We arrived at the venue. It is a beautiful club, well appointed and the service is wonderful. The band makes last minute adjustments, tunes up and are nearly ready to go. I sit with my virgin Mary at the band table. There are many eyes turned my way as I entered, both men and women. My dress is different tonight, a tan buckskin miniskirt and a skin tight blue top and a buckskin jacket. My brown hair covers my shoulders and hangs down the back.

As the band begins the first tune. I spot Norman. He is holding court near the back of the club. He sees me and he smiles. I smile back. Jeff and the band are especially tight tonight, a testimony to their hard work and talent. I have gone through two virgin, non-alcoholic drinks so now it's time for a nice glass of wine.

Two gentlemen have asked me to dance and I accept. Both are awkward but earnest. At the end of each dance I give them a peck on the cheek and send them back to their table.

It wasn't till the second last set that Norman made his way to my table. He sat down beside me, leaned in and kissed my cheek. He placed a hand on my leg, just below the skirt. He slowly pulled the skirt up at the side till he can see my panties.

"Oh good, you wore them!"

"Yes, thank you they are beautiful."

"Don't lose them the way you did last time. If they are to come off outside of your boudoir then I hope I will be the one to remove them."

Well, I guess there was no misunderstanding his intentions tonight.

He asked me to dance and I agreed. I glanced at Jeff who grimaced. This was hard on him.

A slower song began and Norman and I embraced as we swayed to the music.

"What are you drinking tonight Margaret?"

"Virgin non-alcoholic drinks and one glass of wine."

"So I get the demure version of you tonight."

"Exactly, I am here to support my husband in this new exciting venture."

"Not a thought for me tonight?"

"I am glad you have given my husband this opportunity. I'll you are looking for a repeat or continuation of our last encounter, then you will be disappointed."

"I could never find you disappointing Margaret. You are far too exquisite and exotic to be a disappointment. Mind you, if you ever gave me the opportunity to fuck you senseless then I would be at your disposal."

"I wish you would get off the fence and tell me how you really feel." I asked with dripping sarcasm.

He put his lips close to my ear.

"Let's cut to the nub of the matter. I want to fuck you. I know you are attracted to me. I will move heaven and earth to make that happen. There is no price I won't pay to have my cock firmly stuffed up inside you. I would pay you and your loving husband whatever you ask for the privilege to impregnating you. I want you that badly. I am willing to wait as long as it takes, but oh how I would love to take you back upstairs tonight."

My panties were soaked. When a man with that much power tells you he would do anything, pay any cost to have you in his bed...well there are few aphrodisiacs as powerful as that.

"Point taken. At the moment that isn't going to happen. I am flattered that you think of me that way, but Jeff is my husband, and the only man who gets to cum in my very fertile pussy, impregnating me. Him and him alone."

"Your fidelity is an inspiration. When we dance, can we hold each other close? Could we kiss on the lips like this?" He kisses me with a smouldering kiss that sets my nether regions aglow.

"I suppose that is innocent enough for us." I reply breathlessly.

"Could I feel your heart beating fast and strong beneath your breast?" His hand is now fastened to my tit and he is feeling my swollen nipple.

"When you put it so poetically how could I object."

"Could I run my hand down your muscular muscular back like this?" Now his hand moved down to my lower back, his long fingers touching my ass. My back was facing the stage. I was sure Jeff was watching. What would he be thinking as Norman had his hand on my ass?

"That does feel good Norman. I can tell that you are excited, I can feel it."

"Oh, you can feel that can you? Would you like to get that inside you? Can you imagine how it would feel on your lips, your mouth and in your throat? Can you imagine it gently breaching your inner vaginal lips, poking inside you, filling you, fulfilling you? Can you imagine feeling it releasing its seminal load deep inside your vagina?"

I was super heated. I kissed him hard and fast. Caution went out the door. Holy fuck!

Thank God the band took a break.

Jeff's story

It was a fantastic set, the band was really pumped.

I had to endure watching Norman trying his best to play a game of "hide the pickle" with Margaret. She was doing a great job of keeping him at bay until she started to flush. Her face got redder and I could see him whispering in her ear. His hand moved down her back till his fingers rested in her butt. Shit, the man is really pushing it tonight. Then the two spent a couple of minutes playing tonsil hockey. If she had been drinking tonight she would have been up in his penthouse by now.

When we stopped playing, Margaret rushed over to me and gave me a hug and a kiss. She pulled me into a quiet area and she kissed me harder.

"Is there a private area where we could go?" She asked.

"This way." I lead her into a small room where we kept instrument cases.

"Jeff, he isn't going to quit. He wants to fuck me. He intends to get me one way or another. He told me we could name our price if we allow allow him to inseminate me."

"Damn that man. Well this may be the shortest run we have ever had. We will give up the gig. I can't believe the nerve of that bastard."

"He is a man who is used to getting what he wants."

"What do you want? I love you but if you stick with me you will likely struggle for the rest of your life. Divorce me and go with him and you will want for nothing."

"Jeff, I couldn't leave you. How much time before the next set?"

"Ten minutes or so."

"Fuck me right now. A quickie, I need sexual release or I won't have the will to resist that pompous prick out there."

I dropped my pants and boxers and lifted her skirt, pulled the underwear to the side and buried my erection deep into her sopping cunt. She was stifling her noises to reduce the risk of discovery but the danger of discovery just enhanced the experience. This was truly going to be a quickie because I couldn't hold back much longer. She cried out as she orgasmed and I came right behind her. She quickly turned and knelt, taking me into her mouth and cleaning my cock. She lowered her skirt and opened the door.

Normans story

I didn't lie to Margaret. I want to impregnate her. Hell, if she left Jeff I might even marry her. Just thinking about her made me hard.

I searched for her during the band's break but they had disappeared. Just as the band came back on the stage I spotted her and she was walking towards me.

"Hey there gorgeous!" I called.

She said nothing but she grabbed my face and gave me a very wet kiss. Oh shit, what was that taste? It tasted a little like pussy but...Fuck! It's cum. I took my handkerchief from my pocket and spit into it.

"Why did you do that!? What the fuck Margaret?"

"Just a reminder of who gets to fuck me. I just fucked my husband during that last break. I just thought you should know how thoroughly and completely I am his. His alone. Hell, he might have made me pregnant tonight, I really hope so."

"You are a real bitch aren't you? Why don't you want me? I know we are attracted to each other."

"If we had met in another time and place we might have made a go of it, but I have given my heart to Jeff."

"I am not asking for your heart, I would settle for that sweet dripping cunt of yours. I bet you haven't had time to clean up yet have you? It might be fun getting sloppy ..."

At that point she slapped me. Damned hard too. Security came quickly but I waved them off.

"Tonight's a lost cause. I don't give up. I'll be seeing you."

Jeff and I won that skirmish but the battle was well and truly on.

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DickSnugfitDickSnugfit6 months ago

Too puke-inducing for me to be able to finish reading, -so IMHO it's one for the Discard Pile, -with indecent haste!

Ah well, I suppose that in any flowerbed full of attractive blooms, if you probe deep into the dark, damp, dank and fetid corners you'll find lurking the spore of most predatory pests, from leaching all-consuming aphids to parasitical choking weeds!

Fat_HomebodyFat_Homebody6 months ago

Let's face it. At some point in the past, a musician must have really screwed over this author. The musician's wife being a cheating slut has popped up more than once. So, true to form, the slutwife in this story will succumb to the billionare's advances, fuck up her marriage, then neg for hubbie's fogiveness. When in reality, the musician is likely to be more down to earth and a better person. The billionaire is probably a limp dicked pussy who overcompensates by seducing married women.

Can't wait to read the next predictable chapter in Loving Cuc... er, i mean, Loving Wives.

26thNC26thNC6 months ago

Norman needs a good ass kicking.

silentsoundsilentsound6 months ago

Someone's going to die. Guys who don't take no for an answer are talking to God soon en

ItlNYJewItlNYJew6 months ago

This stupid husband basically sold his wife to the big businessman. The story should've changed when Jeff went to the elevator and was told, bo. He should've said, he brings her back in 5 minutes or he, his company, those security people will all be sued and the press will get told. Then let's see how that business meeting goes.

nixroxnixrox6 months ago

1 star - I stopped reading when the SLUT decided to keep dancing with the ASSHOLE. The rest of the story and any additional chapters are a waste of time and effort.

In the real world, there are just too many predators out there, who feel that their money and power grants them the privilege to do whatever they want, to whomever they choose.

However, there are many more out here, who would make it their life's goal to rid the world of those kinds of predators, without a second thought. Why? Because people with professional military training, have the skill set to take care of ASSHOLES like these (at more than 2 miles away) and leave not one trace of evidence. There are millions of us out here right this moment - think about that for your next story.

Have a nice day.

Blueyes2022Blueyes20226 months ago

Some good comments like, don't bring your wife on the road, bandmates watch out for each other, except in this story, and put her in chastity. Entertainers would know better than to bring them unattended.

PrincessNutNutPrincessNutNut6 months ago

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!

WhackdoodleWhackdoodle6 months ago

Why do authors use alcohol as an excuse? Alcohol is liquid courage, it doesn’t make you do what you don’t want to do, it gives you courage to do what you really want: in this case to cheat.

so either stop going to the bar or stop drinking but quit using alcohol as an excuse.

She is a grown ass woman. She has loved and lost and she knows what is and is not acceptable and she crossed the line. And why are the other wives acting like 16 yr old schoolgirls at a high school dance? More than one of them would be looking out for her, not acting like virgins at prom.

All in all, this story was shit from start to finish. The characters were unlikeable, the plot was ridiculous, and the conversations were simply awful.

Freudzslip69Freudzslip696 months ago

I don’t like to give negative criticism, but I found this to be silly, pedestrian, and juvenile. It sort of reads like something a sophomore in high School wrote.

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