What I Didn't Hear


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I sat there, not knowing what to say. Was she really worried? Why would I be mad? Wow, that was unbelievable. I kept repeating the last part over and over in my head.

"Please don't be mad. I'll get better, I promise." She repeated.

Her words kept running through my head. Why would she think that? That was the best blow job I have ever had in my life. But, of course, it was. It's the only one I've ever had, but she didn't know that.

"Yes, baby," I shot back finally, "you did great" I sounded a little too excited, but I didn't care. "You were amazing," I wanted to keep going, but I was still in shock and worried until her face slowly started to show life again and smile.

"Eeee," she chirped as she bounced her butt up and down on her heels, making her full breasts bounce and jiggle all over. Finally, the strings of cum that hung off her breast broke free and fell into the puddle between her thighs.

"I promise to get better. I just need more practice," she said with a smile and cum still dripping from her chin. "I'll be right back, don't go anywhere," she said as she rubbed the cum into her thighs and breast to keep it from falling on the floor as she stood up and rushed out of the room.

I didn't go anywhere; I just laid back on my bed, looking at the ceiling fan make a slow spin and trying to process what just happened. I had a feeling of guilt in my gut, but I couldn't deny the sense of the excitement in my chest. We really need to talk about this and see what we are looking to get out of this, I thought.

"Connor, are you awake," my mom's voice coming through the door. "Can I come in?"

"Just a sec, mom." I began to look around my room, trying to find Katie frantically. Seeing the clock read 7:15 am. Shit, I'm late, I thought. Wait, I don't have school. What the hell... I started to slowly remember summer school with Katie, who was thankfully not in my bed. "Yes, Mom, come in," I said, pulling the covers up over my chest.

"Are you feeling better?" She asked. "Katie said you were throwing up all over the place last night."

Was I? "Yes, yes I was," I said loudly with a little too much energy.

"Your dad is giving you the day off to feel better."

I knew damn well what that meant, my mom told dad to leave me alone, and I was not working today. "You probably got sun poisoning," She stated, so matter of fact. "So if there's anything I can do for you, please let me know."

"Thanks, Mom." I really wanted to thank Katie. She was the mastermind behind this.

"Would you like some soup and crackers?" she asked.

"Nah, I'm good, mom. Thanks though. I'm just going to rest if that's ok."

"As you wish," she said and closed my door.

I finally crawled out of bed around three o'clock in the afternoon. My kidneys now ready to explode, and about to piss myself. Still tired and wanting to get back in bed, I sat down on the toilet and started to piss immediately, the whole time thinking about Katie. I missed her and wanted to see her, but first, I need to get a shower and stop pissing. "Damn, man," I said out loud, looking at my dick. "I got shit to do." After a much-needed shower, I felt refreshed and looking like my old self. I headed downstairs in search of some food. I turned the corner into the kitchen, and I could see my mom making herself an afternoon snack.

"Connor," she exclaimed. "You're looking so much better. You've got color back in your face. Can I make you something to eat?"

"Thanks, Mom. I feel so much better. I guess I slept it off," looking out the window at the sun beating down on everything outside. "I would love a BLT if you don't mind making me one? Also, please don't tell Dad I feel better just yet, please."

"Coming right up," she said, smiling at me and saying, "your secret is safe with me."

I sat there in silence. I didn't want to make small talk, the guilt was growing inside me, and I didn't want to let on about what happened last night. So I just sat there listening to my mother hum a song that was playing quietly in the background.

"All done. Do you need anything else?" She asked as she placed my plate in front of me.

"No thanks, I'm good for now," I said, picking up my sandwich and took a huge bite of it.

"Oh my god, mom. That was so good. Have you seen Katie?" I asked, trying not to seem too eager.

"Oh shoot," she said. "I forgot to go get her from school."

This was nothing new. Mom was late half the time to pick us up. Katie didn't want to drive, didn't even want a car. She never even went to get her license. Saying, "It just makes me too nervous." I always told her she was crazy. How could she not want to be able to just go somewhere if she wanted and not always have to ask for a ride. She always said she didn't mind, and if she needed to go somewhere, she would just ask me to take her. Now I wondered if my sister just wanted to be close to me after last night's revelations.

"I can go get her if you want me to?" I asked.

"Oh, Connor, can you please do that for me? I need to finish getting the house cleaned up before your father gets home."

"Of course I can, "I shot back. I was excited and happy to go pick my sister up. I quickly grabbed my keys. "See ya in a bit," I said as I walked out the door to my truck.

"Don't be gone too long. Get back here before your dad gets home." I heard her say as the door closed.

I raced towards the school; all I could think of was what happened last night and how nervous I was to see her again. Would it be awkward between us? Would she run and jump into my arms? That's stupid, Connor, I thought. People know she's your sister. Remember? My brain shot back. Locked up abroad? Oh yea, right, I answered myself—something I had been doing a lot lately.

Pulling in from the far end of the school lot, I could see her as she sat on the curb and waited for someone to get her. Head down, probably sad. The noise my tires made on the loose gravel as I got closer caused her to look up. Standing quickly and putting her hair into a ponytail, I could finally see her beautiful smile.

"Hi," she squealed. "I'm so happy to see you. Did you sleep well?" she asked, climbing into the truck.

"I did. I was a little confused when mom came in and told me that I had been throwing up all night and that I could have the day off to rest and feel better."

"Sorry," she said. "I knew you needed a break, and I just told mom that when I saw her first thing. It just kind of came out. I didn't want you to have to clean anymore or sit with me in this boring class, even though it would've been much better to have you there. I missed you all day," she said as she leaned over and gave me a long kiss on the lips."

"Katie," I jumped. "Somebody could see us."

"Nobody is going to see us. They all left an hour and ten minutes ago when school was out."

"Crap," I said. "I forgot summer school isn't all day. I'm sorry, baby." I really need to watch myself with the baby shit, I thought.

"It's not your fault. Mom was supposed to pick me up, and you're supposed to be at home in bed." She sassed back. "I wanted to come home and take care of my baby," she said in a naughty whisper.

"You know, I'm not feeling so well. I think I'll lay back down when I get home. I'm starting to feel a little sick."

"Oh no, are you ok? What's wrong?" She asked, sounding worried.

"No, baby, I was just..."

"Ooohhhhh, I get it, "... she said, cutting me off and laughing.

"Nothing gets by you." I shot back with a smile.

The rest of the ride home was uneventful, except for her reaching over to holding my hand as we drove home, like a new couple in love.

"We're home, mom," I called out, walking through the door. "Mom, I'm starting to feel a little sick. I'm going to head up to my room and lay back down."

"Oh no, she said. I'm sorry I made you go get Katie. If I had known I."

"It's ok, Mom," I said, cutting her off from the top of the stairs and walked into my room. I hit the bed and turned on the TV to just relax for a while.

"Connor, wake up." She whispered, pushing my arm.

"What time is it?"

"It's almost one in the morning. You can't sleep forever. I need to practice!" She demanded and was straight to the point.

I sat up on my elbows to looked at her and trying to wake up. I could feel my shorts being pulled down; she struggled, having not unbuttoned them. "Hold on a second," I said. "Let me unbutton them." As soon as the button was free, my shorts were off in an instant. She was like a fiend. My cock shot straight up, having been smashed between my stomach and the waistband of my shorts.

She grabbed my cock with a purpose, holding it and examining the entire length. Her focus was on it now and not me, as she was determined to figure out the task at hand. (no pun intended). I loved the look of her small hand wrapped around my shaft. It made my above-average-sized cock look huge. She took her time now as she now started to gain confidence. Taking her tongue and sliding it from the base to the tip, and wetting the underside of my shaft. I watched in awe as it was in her mouth before I knew it. With her new popsicle moves and her hand furiously stroking up and down my shaft, I knew it wouldn't be long. I could feel the sensation already churning in my balls. She started slightly changing her methods now. She used the inside of her cheeks to make them stretch out wide on each side as she pushed the head of my cock into the soft velvet skin of her cheeks. It felt wonderful, and I didn't want her to stop, but she wanted to try as many techniques as she could.

Drool started to leak out the sides of her mouth and down her chin as she sucked just the head of my cock. With her left hand busy stroking, her right hand fumbled with my balls. For someone who had no idea what to do when she started, she quickly began to get the hang of it. She continued to massage them in the palm of her tiny hand slowly. I could feel my balls starting to tighten again and the sensation of cum work its way up my shaft. She could also feel it come back and slowed her speed, steadily cupping my balls in her hand until she could feel the tension release from them. She was now in control of my orgasm. Something I didn't like when I started to get my senses back, I needed to take control. This was a new feeling, and it took over me completely. I grabbed both her wrist and pulled her up to me; we were now face to face. Her eyes wide, mouth still agape, she froze and went limp as she lowered onto my chest. Silence had now taken over the room.

I ran my fingers into her hair and pulled her lips up to mine. This wasn't the wild crazed kiss like last night. This was gentle and soft. Our tongues swirled each other's mouths, searching for our favorite places, our comfortable spots. Allowing me to take over, and she became even more submissive. This newfound power I had over her had exhilarated me, but I needed to relax and not scare her. I released my grip on her arm, and she started to kiss my chest softly. While she slid her soft, smooth large breast up and down my stomach with my cock wedged between them. In all the excitement, I hadn't realized that she had removed her shirt. I started to get restless again as she teased me with her soft lips and wet kisses on my chest and nipples. Before I knew it, she had taken back over. I wanted to be the one in control during all phases and keep it. I decided now was the time. In one not-so-smooth motion, I rolled her to her back, almost falling off the bed. She giggled in her small but adorable voice.

"You've done this before; I can tell," she smiled.

As she lay under me, her chest rising and falling faster by the second. Before I could do or say anything, her expression changed, and her smile disappeared. The tension in her body caused her to go almost rigid. I searched her eyes, now wide and extremely nervous. She had a look of panic and uncertainty on her face; she was in uncharted water now. The control she had just a short minute ago was now gone. I had taken it from her. Not that I knew what to do with my newfound power, I just lowered my face to her chest and started planting small kisses. Her breathing changed almost instantly, and her body began to relax. Her heavy breathing turned into small moans, and she started using her nails to trace to the muscles on my back. I began to flick the tip of my tongue up and down on her hard nipples. After building some confidence, I began to suck her nipples into my mouth and nibble at them with my teeth. I listened for any discomfort but heard none, just an increase in her moans. I had built up all the confidence I needed with no resistance from her and started planting wet kisses down her stomach. I was nervous, I'd never done this before, and my own panic had tried to creep back into my mind just as I reached the top of her shorts. She gasped loudly, and both of her hands grabbed my head to hold me still. The sting from my scalp had snapped me out of my confidence and brought back all the panic and uncertainty that worried me when I started to kiss down her stomach. I stayed there frozen, still and quiet, just hovering over her belly button. Then, after what seemed like hours, in reality, only a few seconds had passed, she loosened her grip on my hair, allowing me to continue to unbutton and pull her shorts down, still not fully letting go of my hair.

"I love you, Connor." She whispered. "Please don't hurt me, she asked as she fully released her grip from my hair."

"I love you too so much, Katie. I would never hurt you. Do you trust me?"

"With my whole heart, she spoke."

I could feel her slowly lift her hips to let me know I could remove her shorts now. I took my time as I worked them over her wide hips, revealing her bare sex. I didn't know what to expect; this was the first pussy I had seen up close. The smell of her sex was arousing. The urge to lick it was strong as it was only inches from my nose. I studied her. Her lips were swollen and red, except for the slit, which was wet with her juices. I had watched porn myself, so I had some idea what to do. Or so I thought. I spread her legs wide as if a cameraman needed to see what I was doing. Then, taking my thumb and pointer finger, I spread her swollen lips open, exposing her clit. The bathroom light was enough to make her sex glisten as I gazed at the soft light pink folds of her pussy. Keeping my head up and off to the side, I took the tip of my tongue and started flicking it up and down, having seen this many times. I hopped it would bring her as much pleasure as it brought the girls on the internet.

She started to whimper and move her hips when I changed my tactics and started to use my tongue to make circles on her clit. I would speed up and slow down, keeping the clips from the porn I had watched earlier in the back of my mind. I started to get more comfortable and took my tongue and laid it flat, opening her folds as I moved from the bottom of her sex to the top. Her hands left the top of my head for the back, and she pulled my face hard into her pussy. Her whimpering turned to moaning and was getting louder. With my head stuck between her thick thighs, her heels dug painfully into my back, and I couldn't move. She began to rock her hips up and down with my face smashed into her pussy. Her hands weaved through and pulled my hair, forcing my tongue deeper into her pussy as it had nowhere else to go. I was now unable to breathe as she arched her back, lifting her ass off the bed. Her heels dug even harder into my back as she started to cum and flood my mouth with her juices. I swallowed hard and often trying to keep up, just as she did, trying to swallow all my cum. I kept my hands firmly attached to her hips as she rode wave after wave. I didn't want this to end, but the need for air became priority number one. Releasing her hips, I started to pull at the tops of her thighs so that she would loosen her grip. Her orgasm held us both of us hostage, and the light at the end of the tunnel was getting closer. With nothing else working, I began to dig what little nails I had into her thighs. Finally, her grip loosened enough for me to free my face from her pussy. I began to gasp for air; I felt like I had just run a marathon. Taking long deep breaths and feeling the blood rush back into my head, I began to feel light-headed and dizzy. I needed to sit down but decided against it and just laid next to her on the bed. She laid there panting hard and trying to catch her breath. Her orgasm finally released its grip, leaving her body to shake and jerk uncontrollably. This was something I had never seen, and it was starting to freak me out.

"Are you ok, baby?" I asked with worry in my voice.

"Yes, baby, I just need a couple of minutes," whispered from her lips. "What did you do to me?"

"I did what you did to me. Or at least I tried." I replied, feeling a little better now that she was talking.

"I've never felt something like that, and if I would've known it felt that good, I would have stopped playing with myself a long time ago." She said, still trying to catch her breath and sit up.

"I'm going to suck your dick so good, just lay back and let me take care of you."

I knew I wouldn't make it long; between the teasing, in the beginning, making her cum, and her dirty talk, I didn't stand a chance. After a short seven strokes on my shaft and her sucking my head, I erupted, shooting rope after rope into her wanting mouth. She knew the feeling in my balls and was ready for it; she swallowed as much as she could before the next shots of cum filled her mouth again. She only lost a little this time, mainly what escaped the corners of her mouth.

"That was amazing," I said, barely getting it out. My head was still spinning from the lack of oxygen and the orgasm. I almost passed out.

"That's my job, baby, to make you happy and to keep you satisfied." She shot back, using the tip of her finger to wipe my cum across her lips from the corners of her mouth.

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AnonymousAnonymous11 days ago

Not into golf & all the drama turned me off.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Pretty good so far, I'm invested. But damn if I don't find the brother a bit annoying. So much in his own head with all this guilt shit you see often in these types of stories. It's a rather annoying plot element and it is often used as a means of enabling the separation arc later in such a story. I personally dislike that kind of arc as it's often rather contrived and is very avoidable with proper handling, but the characters never seem to be able to use common sense to do so. As for Katie, wasn't she meant to be the smart one? She's behaving like a love-sick puppy, eager to please her master for affection. Don't get me wrong, being in love for years with someone she "isn't meant to" be in love with is one thing, but something just felt a little bit off with her behaviour, given that she's meant to be quite intelligent. Maybe I'm just overthinking it.

ScottishTexanScottishTexanabout 1 year ago

I really like the premise that baby sister has been crushing on her big brother for several years, but he's been totally clueless. However, I think that there was a better way to bring the siblings together than this. It's fine for a first time effort though.

I couldn't give you a five though because of how you created Katie. The story opens with Connor describing her as the smarter sibling out of the two of them. But actions speak louder than words and her actions are often quite naive. I don't think that you yourself have drawn a line between innocent and ignorant yet so you confuse them when applying them to Katie's actions. 4/5

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Sorry, I couldn't finish the second page. This kid is just too stupid. I know you can do better.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Im still at the beginning but tge very beginning makes me hate the vrother already. His sister is bawling her eyes out and when she tries to tell him about it he immediately stares at her tits and tunes her out. Hope he gets better

Riverman56Riverman56almost 2 years ago

Connor is one despicable person and Katie needs someone a whole lot better. His characterization ruined this story for me. My father makes his look like a saint, so the daddy issue doesn't fly. The writing structure is good and the storyline is okay.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanabout 2 years ago

Sisters are the best Lovers. Time to tell Dad off and ask why he is such a Bastard, unloving person. person, not a Man or Dad

GentleDaddyDuckyGentleDaddyDuckyabout 2 years ago

I don't know if you grew up with a father like this or not, but the way you write characters, broken and unsure, shows that you know how to get inside of the head of someone who has. Bravo on that.

I look forward to reading the saga of an unfolding love.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I read some incest stories because I enjoy the seduction that takes place between brother and sister. It also helps that most of them involve hot, young siblings such as yours and not 30-year olds. Aside from the grammar mistakes and punctuation it was a good start. The dialog felt a little bit stilted and plastic, but as a first go at it I"m sure that will all improve. Keep working at it; this is a good beginning!

OldUncleAlOldUncleAlover 2 years ago

nuts, not sure what happened to my comment. If it went, it was a partial, and my apologies to you and other readers. This is a favorite of mine , one of the few out of hundreds I have read over the years,

I do get angry reading it, though, and it’s no fault of the story or the author. My father was an asshole like their dad, and th story reminds me of the disfunctional jerk in so many ways.

If the writing wasn’t so GREAT it likea wouldn’t bother me. Buddy this guy is so good, even the bad stuff is right on the money!

Thank you again for sharing your talent with us!


bshell47bshell47almost 3 years ago

Damn I am so hard.

Great story.

Awesome description. Wish I was there.

Keep it up.

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