What the Bad Man Did To My Wife

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I have to get this off my chest.
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Hi, I'm Zane. I'm writing here because I need to talk about what happened to me and my wife Sandy, and I didn't know who else I could tell but strangers. I know you all like to write stories to turn each other on, and this isn't like that at all, but I need to get it off my chest, so I hope you all will understand.

I was in a bad car accident two years ago -- my left femur was shattered and I fractured my skull. They even put me in a coma for seven days so the brain swelling would go down. For the most part I'm recovered now, but things are still fuzzy sometimes and I can tell I'm a little mentally slower than I used to be. I also have this limp, and I can't work for the time being, though insurance and compensation have helped a lot.

But Sandy has been so understanding. She still loves me just like before and she doesn't mind me not working because I can stay home and spend time with out son, who's six. Things are pretty normal between us, except our sex lives have kind of suffered because it's hard for me to be confident with everything I've been having to deal with, and I think that kind of translates into the bedroom. I shouldn't tell you guys this, but Sandy, even though she's kind of shy and reserved, used to be really fun in bed and would always get so turned on. I can tell when she's really turned on because the pale skin on her chest gets these light pink splotches, and her pussy gets really swollen and red. I guess that happens with most girls, but with Sandy it was always really obvious. And I have a harder time doing that to her now.

But things were getting a little better every day. We had enough money in our savings to hire a helper this summer, Jimmy, to do some landscaping for us and take care of things around the house that I have trouble with now. Jimmy's a 24-year-old kid, muscular with a lot of energy, and I used to think he was a really nice guy. I even saved his job for him; we were talking in the kitchen one time about some simple plumbing work I needed him to do and he said some things I didn't really understand; I was having one of my foggy days. Sandy could hear us and she started yelling at him, telling him not to make fun of me and that he was fired. But I didn't think he was making fun of me, and I talked her out of it. Since then, though, when Jimmy was around she would turn icy and sometimes glare at him.

When I had my accident we were about to start trying to have another kid, Sandy and me, but things obviously got delayed a bit. This year though, we started trying again. When summer got here and she still wasn't pregnant we went to the doctor and he said it was normal for people in their mid-thirties to sometimes take a bit longer but that we were fine and it would eventually happen. He gave Sandy a prescription for some fertility drugs, and we went back at it.

So now I want to tell you about what happened. It was at night and me and Sandy were in bed. Actually we were going to try to make a baby again that night; it was a good time for it because our boy was away for a couple weeks at camp. But we didn't make it that far when we heard something outside. And when we looked at the bedroom window, we could see Jimmy standing right there looking at us. My heart started racing and I went to go call the police. Sandy yelled at me and told me I should have let her fire him, and she was right. But before I could even get to the phone, I heard the front door open. I forgot I had given Jimmy a key! I had my cell phone in my hand, but he barged right into the room and grabbed it away and threw it at the wall, and it shattered. I tried to fight him, but he was too strong, and he pushed me against the wall too. Sandy ran up behind him and started beating on his back with her fists, but he turned around and smacked her across the face and she fell back on the bad. I was so mad when he did that, and I got ready to fight him again but he pulled out a knife and said if we didn't cooperate he was going to cut us both.

I asked Jimmy why he was doing this, but he wouldn't answer. Sandy was still sitting on the bed and she was crying. He reached in his back pocket and pulled out a pair of handcuffs and he handcuffed me and made me stand in the corner of the room. Then he made Sandy lie on the bed, and he pulled out another pair of handcuffs from his other back pocket and he handcuffed her wrists to the bars of the headstand. Then he did something I couldn't believe. He went in Sandy's closet and we could hear him ripping her clothes in there. I thought he must have gone completely crazy. When he came out he had two long strips of white fabric and I could tell it was from Sandy's wedding dress, the one she married me in. She started just sobbing then, and I started crying too.

He tied one end of a strip around her knee area and the other end to the headstand, and then he did the same to her other leg. When he was done, she was spread-eagled with her knees pulled all the way back near her sides. She had only been wearing her a slip, so her pussy was completely exposed, and I knew in that moment that Jimmy was going to rape my wife. I was so angry that I just lost it and started screaming at him, but he pulled out his knife again and stuck it in my face and told me to shut up. Then he did another terrible thing, which was to yank off my underwear, which was the only thing I was wearing, and he went back in Sandy's closet and came out with another one of her slips, and he put that on me. And then he yelled at Sandy and told her to look at me. She wouldn't, but then he told her she better look at me or he would cut me and then she looked. I knew I must have looked so bad, in her nighty and also I couldn't help but be crying some, and thinking about what she was seeing just made me want to cry more. He said, After this you can go right back to your sissy boy here, but tonight you're gonna find out what it's like to get fucked by a real man.

Then he got on the bed and grabbed my wife's slip and yanked it so hard that it ripped right off of her. And he started playing with Sandy's breasts. God I hate him. I'm crying right now just trying to type this out, but I need to talk about it. But it was so bad. Sandy's always had kind of bigger than average breasts but they've started to sag a little bit and she's really self-conscious about it. She doesn't even like me to look at them anymore. And here was this jerk just squeezing them, sucking on them, pinching her nipples, doing whatever he damned well pleased. She just kept her eyes shut tight but I could tell she was still crying, and she had this terrible grimace on her face.

Then he got back off the bed, kneeled at the foot of it, and buried his face between my wife's legs. I wanted to scream at him to stop licking my wife's pussy, but I didn't want him to hurt us. But then I saw that he wasn't licking her pussy; he was actually licking her butthole. And he was just licking it and licking it, so fast. I felt so bad for Sandy, because she's always freaked out whenever I went anywhere near that area, but now there was nothing she could do about it. And she was crying out loud again. But I could see her chest was getting all splotchy again like it used to, and when he was done and stood back up, I saw that her pussy was all red and swollen too and it was so wet that I could even tell from across the room, and that made me mad because he never licked her pussy, which means her pussy must have gotten wet all on its own. But I remembered that it wasn't Sandy's fault. If anything it was my fault for not firing that guy and not being able to fight him off. And she wasn't enjoying it, she was crying. It was just a physical reaction thing.

Then he took off his shirt and I could see he was even more muscular than I had thought. It looked like he must have been powerlifting twice a day since high school and I thought he was probably on steroids too, which would have been good because I heard that that stuff gives you shrinkage and problems down there. But then he took off his pants and that wasn't true. The punk wasn't even wearing any underwear, and when he took them off, his penis just flipped right out, and it was so hard and big. I was scared that he would hurt Sandy with that thing. And his balls were really big, not like the "that guy has big balls" thing people say, but I mean they were actually really big. And he was just staring at Sandy like he owned her.

Then he got back on the bed, and it started. He put that whole big penis inside Sandy's pussy and I could hear my poor wife whimper. He was putting it in and out slow, and I thought at least he was being gentle with her, but then I was mad too because it was like he wanted to make love to her or something, and he had his face so close to hers and was breathing all over it. But I was wrong to think he would be gentle because then every once in a while, he would just ram it into her as fast and hard as he could, and the bed would slam against the wall, and Sandy would yelp a little, helplessly. Then gentle again, but then hard again, one, two, or three thrusts in a row. Pretty soon it was more rough than gentle and after a while it was only rough and the bed was ramming into the wall so hard that I started seeing cracks on it. And he had Sandy's head pulled back by her hair and he was licking her all up and down her neck as he just kept thrusting that big awful thing into her. And Sandy kept her eyes closed, and her face just kept pulling tighter and tighter.

Then he got up kneeling on the bed in front of her, his penis still in her, and he put his arms around her, and he picked her up about half a foot off the bed, which just made her look so helpless, with her wrists and legs still tied up like that. And he started actually pulling her on to him, really hard, and I could hear their bodies slapping against each other so loud, and the bed still just banging against the wall. And he was yelling such horrible things at her. WHO'S PUSSY IS THIS? He kept yelling, but Sandy wouldn't say anything, she just yelped sometimes when he thrust so hard. And he would spit in her face sometimes when she wouldn't answer, and I can't imagine what it was like for her, having that big penis ramming into her so fast and deep but then getting spit on at the same time. And whenever I thought he couldn't go any faster, he would, and her breasts were bouncing up and down so fast they were like a blur. And he started yelling CUM ON MY DICK! CUM ON IT! And I thought what a stupid jerk, like any woman getting raped would have an orgasm, let alone my Sandy.

But then I was the stupid one, because I looked at her face, and I could see that she was fighting something hard, her eyes closed so hard and her jaw clenched, and it looked to me like she was trying not to have an orgasm. And I was so angry and confused. I yelled out, Sandy, don't let the bad man make you cum! Which I know was stupid but I couldn't help it, and he just laughed at me evilly, still fucking her so hard, and he told her the longer she fought it the harder she would cum. He fucked her so hard one of the legs of the bed gave out, and she yelped out with fear, but he wasn't phased even one bit and he just kept fucking her the same way. And after that I think she realized he would never stop and she gave in, and he was right about what would happen if she held it back, because I couldn't believe the noise that came out of her. She has only sounded once like that before, and it was when she was giving birth to our son, but this cry seem to last even longer. And him yelling at her the whole time, telling her to cum on it. I wanted to die.

Then he got up and started untying her legs and taking off her handcuffs, and I thought maybe it would finally be over. Even if he killed us both, it would be better than this going on. But he was not even that merciful, and he made her turn over and kneel on the bed, with her head down at the foot of it and her butt up in the air. And he made me come over there and put my penis in her mouth. Then he got behind her and put his penis back into her pussy and started fucking her that way from behind. His thrusts were so strong that it kept driving her mouth all the way down my shaft and I got hard despite myself. And he kept giving me this look, like I own your wife or something. Then he did another thing I could barely believe, even though I should have been ready to believe anything by that point I guess. He said he would only keep fucking her for ten more minutes, and then he would leave and would never bother us again. All this he's telling me and Sandy as he keeps raping her, this asshole. But he says, If you cum again, meaning Sandy, I'm gone fill you up so full of my seed you'll have it dripping out of you for a month. If you cum on my dick one more time, he says, I'm gonna make you have my baby and your sissy boy here better raise him right.

And he just kept fucking her like that. But after some minutes had passed I could hear Sandy's muffled whimpering like she was trying to fight it again. And he reached over her and pushed me off of her mouth, and told me he wanted to hear my wife when she came for him again. I don't know why, but Sandy reached up then and took my penis in her hand and started masturbating me that way while he fucked her. I think she was so out of it she was just doing things without thinking. It seemed like almost ten minutes had passed but he was fucking her so hard, and I could tell she was definitely fighting it. And she was jerking me off so fast that I had to fight it too, and I'm ashamed to say I lost, and at the end of it I ended up cumming, and the semen shot out of my penis like it hasn't since before the accident and just covered her face. And that seemed to set something off in her, because then she clutched the bedspread tight with her other hand and cried out, "OH GOD, I'M CUMMING" really loud. I could tell from her scream that she wasn't crying out with dismay, but that she was actually cumming really hard and that it felt really good, and I don't know why she had to scream that so loud; it seems like she would at least be quiet about it so he might not cum inside her. And then she made another horrible noise just like the one before, and before she was even done the bad man said Me Too! and started groaning, and I could tell he was cumming in Sandy's pussy just like he said he would, and he was looking right at me too, like he was bragging about it.

I don't want to talk anymore about that night. He left like he said he would, and he left the handcuffs key on the floor and Sandy uncuffed me. I went to get her cell and call the cops, but she told me not to, that she was too ashamed, and she just wanted me to hold her, and I did. We got new locks on all the doors, and got a gun, but he never came back, thank God.

A couple weeks later we found out Sandy was pregnant. She said she was running out of time to have another kid, and that we should love the baby since it wasn't the baby's fault, and how sorry she was but she didn't want to have an abortion and she asked me to stay with her and I said I would. Then last month, with her two months in, she was showing a bit much for the first trimester and we went into the doctor and they did the ultrasound and it turns out, because of the fertility drugs, that she's going to have triplets. I hope they don't grow up to be bullies like the bad man, and I hope she doesn't love them more than she loves our boy.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

So fucking bad! Sorry but it’s a terrible story and a terrible story told badly

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Fucking faggot

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Wrong section, sometimes I'm sure writers post in wrong section on purpose, this is one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Maybe Jimmy could go by ZaneJs and fuck him in the ass.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

mentally challenged people attempt to write.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Nicely done

Mmmmm this was good.

lbentonlbentonover 4 years ago
great job

good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

....mind numbingly stupid!!!

user110user110about 6 years ago
the cuck sounds like a retard

that is all

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
The reason

He pretends that it's real is so he gets to hold the guys dick,fucking fag

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Interesting. Untrue but interesting.

This story is well-written and interesting, albeit a bit clched. But I'm intrigued - why do you pretend it's real? It's even more obviously fictitious than most of the stories on the site, so why bother pretending it has any connection with reality? That's not a criticism of the story itself, which is far better than most on the site. I'm just baffled why it has the little preamble at the beginning implying that the story is true. That's just silly.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I really think you need to make a part two where the 'bad man' has justice done upon him by both of them. Just saying

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

If he had done to my Wife what he did to yours I would have found some way to even things.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
You shouldn't write about topics you know nothing about.

Zane, get a sex life before you post stories on a sex site. This is just embarrassing for you.

impo_58impo_58about 10 years ago
Not this category

This is BDSM

PymGordon777PymGordon777about 10 years ago
Too much violence

Even if it is fiction , it has too much violence, to my taste. 2*

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
dead women tell no lies

sounds like she planned the whole thing and hes to damn stupid to do anything

HardFeltHardFeltalmost 11 years ago

Wimp needs to grow some.

You LIKE causing someone you love pain?

Sick, really sick. Your character needs therapy. Rape is NOT sexy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Hey congrats on the triplets....Hopefully, when they are older they will tie you up and gang rape your wife so she can relive the ectasy their father gave her. Maybe they will fuck your sissy ass too. I think you will like it.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 12 years ago
Wow - What The Fuck

Of course the whole thing was set up by Jimmy and the wife. They've been screwing the whole time Rape is not sexual. Rape is violence. If she got off on being raped its because they have done it before. Divorce the bitch, get DNA tests and move on with your life.

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