What The...? Ch. 01

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Husband is shocked at wife's behaviour during company picnic.
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Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/16/2016
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It's difficult for me to write this down. It's difficult to put the events in any sort of order but I feel I have to do it. I need it to help me to understand, to make sense of it all. It's hard to know where to begin, so I apologise in advance if I ramble from time to time.

Actually, I know exactly where to begin. The whole story started at the company picnic but that doesn't really make for a good start. Perhaps some background first. Yes. That sounds right.

I worked at a prestigious law firm in the city where I was a junior partner. Sounds grand, I know, but it really made me little more than a glorified filing clerk. Ok, I am underplaying my role but you get the idea. Life was good and looking to get better. Work was going well, my wife and I had it made, as they say. Oh yes, my wife. Debbie was everything to me. I worshiped that wonderful woman and loved her with every ounce of my being. She was amazing. Not a classic beauty but adorable and cute and, well, just wonderful. Standing at only five feet and three inches, she was a delight. My little Tinkerbell, I called her. For all her lack of height, she was just beautifully proportioned and had an impish, mischievous smile that never failed to melt my heart. Debbie had accompanied me to several company functions and was always a big hit with the men there. They flirted with her constantly but she always managed to turn down their advances with good humour, often coming to my side if they got too insistent. Life was good. I was happy. Debbie was happy. I know I never shirked when it came to showing how much I loved her.

And that's what makes it so confusing for me. I mean, sure, if I had neglected her, if I had abused her, then what happened would make at least some sort of sense. I very definitely did not.

It was a company event, a picnic held in the park. A glorious, sunny day filled with chatter and laughter and a relaxed, happy atmosphere. Debbie looked stunning in a short but not indecently short, blue summer dress. It accentuated her delightful shape and her sunny personality. I was so proud of her. No. I was so proud to be with her. The wine was flowing into the obligatory paper cups and we mingled merrily. As usually happens, the men mingled with the men and the women mingled together. Whilst chatting with a group of associates, I noticed that on this occasion, however, Debbie was surrounded by a group of guys from the office. I wasn't worried. It was a familiar scene and one I knew she could easily handle. I was nearby in case she couldn't so I continued joking with the associates.

Some time later, one of the guys, a senior partner called Kevin, came over to me, asking if he could have a chat about a case we were both working on. He was the lead on the case so I said sure. He led me over to a picnic table set away from the group. I glanced over at Debbie, seeing her laughing at something and realised she was ok. So I went with Kevin who began to really grill me on details of the case. I was a little confused as we had a meeting just the day before where we went over everything in triplicate. Yet there he was, asking me pretty much the same questions over and over again.

I glanced over again at Debbie but I couldn't see her. I made to stand up but Kevin grabbed my arm and hissed "Sit down!"

I looked at his hand on my arm and looked up at him. "Whats going on here?" I demanded but he maintained the grip on my arm.

"Just sit down now" he said again. "Sit down and everything will be just fine."

I pulled his hand off my arm but I sat down. I looked again for my wife but she was nowhere to be seen. Nor were the guys she was speaking to. "What is going on here, Kevin?" I demanded again, looking seriously at him.

"You really don't want to know" he smirked. "You Just sit there, drink some wine. It's a nice day. Relax and enjoy the sunshine." I had a sick feeling growing in the pit of my stomach but I sat there. He was a senior partner after all.

"Has this got anything to do with my wife?" I demanded. An odd question but the alarm bells in my mind couldn't be ignored. He simply snorted in derision and I stood up again.

"Look" he said, rising with me. "It really is better for you if you just sit there and wait. She will be back soon enough." Again I demanded to know what was going on but he just shook his head, moving to stand in front of me. I made as if to sit back down and he stepped away, giving me just enough time to dart around him. I felt his hand brush over me as he reached out to grab me but I got away from that, heading over to where I had last seen my lovely wife. There was still no sign of her so I turned, scanning the crowd, just in time to see Kevin run behind one of the cabins beside the lake. I ran after him.

I turned the corner of the cabin and ran right into Kevin and one of the other senior partners, a man named Brad, who both blocked my path. "That's far enough" snarled Brad.

"Tell me," I wailed. "What the fuck is going on here?" and once again was told that I really don't want to know. Kevin grinned and added "And believe me you definitely don't want to see!" which got a snigger from Brad.

And then another voice, a short distance away, simply gutted me on the spot.

"Oh God. That feels so good."

I was stunned. That was my wife's voice in a tone only I should recognize. I shook my head, wondering if I had imagined it. And then two words rung out loud and clear. "Fuck me!"

The two guys stood grinning at me, still blocking my path. I looked from one to the other, a quizzical expression on my face. This could not be happening. But that voice again. "Oh God YES! YES!"

I charged through them like a man possessed, leaving them behind as I ran around the next corner and stopped dead in my tracks. I don't think I even felt them grab my arms. I stood open mouthed, taking in the scene before me.

There, spread out, bent over a picnic table, was my wife, Debbie. Her summer dress was pushed up over her waist. Her pert, rounded bottom, the bottom I loved so much, raised in full view. And behind her, there was Peter, another senior partner, with his pants around his knees and his cock buried in my wife's exposed, open pussy.

"What the..." I gasped, unable to finish even that short sentence. Peter looked around, an angry look on his face. "Get him out of here!" he barked and the other two started dragging me away. My wife looked back over her shoulder, grinning widely.

"Oh, hi honey," she said cheerfully. "I am a little busy. I will come find you when I am done."

Those words cut me to the bone. She was not forced, she was not being raped here, far from it. I offered no resistance as I was led away, dumbly allowing them to do so. This was a nightmare, it had to be. They dragged me back to another picnic table around the corner and I was pushed down on to the seat. I could still hear my wife moaning, groaning, spitting out obscene encouragements for Peter to fuck her. I looked up at the two men, one stood close on either side of me, and I managed to speak. "She's my wife!"

"So fucking what?" Kevin sneered. "She is a hot piece of ass. You should be proud that others want her."

"No!" I cried. "That's not how it works. No!"

They just laughed at that and moved closer, ready to pin me down. I am not ashamed of this. I cried. I cried bitter, stinging tears, all along hearing my wife scream in pleasure. I cried and I cried and I cried until all went silent. I looked up, seeing Peter and my wife come around the corner. Her dress was still above her waist but he had at least pulled his pants up. They approached us and Peter held something out to me. I dumbly held out my hand and looked down. My wife's soaked panties, sticky against my hand.

"Sorry pal" laughed Peter. "Had to clean up with something." My wife just giggled.

"Can we go now?" I hissed looking up at my wife, tears still running down my face.

"Oh look at him!" Kevin laughed. "He looks like a puppy that's just been kicked." this got a round of laughter from everyone, including my wife and I simply sobbed.

"No" Peter answered me. "We can't go now. Debbie is a great fuck. It's Kevin's turn now."

I groaned a desperate groan, drawing another round of laughter. I looked up at my wife who simply grinned at me and held out her hand to Kevin, who took it and they walked off, Kevin's hand immediately falling on my wife's bare bottom.

"And when Kevin is done with her." said Peter. "It will be Brad's turn. And then maybe I will be ready for another go." He stopped, looked at Brad and grinned slyly. "Unless Brad wants to go now?"

Brad, who had remained mostly silent gave a grin of his own. "Double team the slut?" he asked. They both laughed and I watched in horror as Brad nodded and headed off towards my wife who was once again shouting encouragement, to Kevin this time.

Peter loomed over me. I breathed deeply, wishing I hadn't. I breathed in the scent of my wife's sex from this man, something that should NEVER happen. Peter looked down at me, a look of contempt on his face. "It's your fault, you know." he began. "You bring that hot little slut to these events and expect nobody to want to fuck her? Well that's never going to happen. And she is so up for it, as you can tell."

And he was right. The sounds of pleasure coming from my wife had raised a few notches. I could only imagine what was going on back there. I cried again. Peter kept looking over his shoulder and I noticed, to my horror, that he was getting aroused at the sounds. Finally, he turned back to me.

"I am going back round there now." He said quietly. "She has three holes, after all. I suggest you stay here and don't interrupt. If I have to stop, I will beat the living shit out of you. So just sit there and wait." With that, he turned from me and walked around the corner, out of my sight.

"Woohooo" my wife's voice. "Now it's a party!"

I sat for what felt like ages, hearing the obvious sounds of my wife being fucked. I shook myself and stood up, not sure what to do. I had to know. I had to. I walked slowly to the corner, making as little noise as I could and peeked around. There was my wife, on the table now, Kevin underneath her, Brad above her, Peter in front of her. I looked again. She had Kevin's cock pumping furiously into her gaping, soaked pussy. She had Brad's cock hammering into her ass, something she would never allow me to do. And she was sucking greedily on Peter's cock as he fucked her willing mouth.

I turned, my hand over my mouth, I turned and I ran, not trying to be quiet. There was a brief pause in the sounds behind me but it resumed soon enough. I ran to a nearby bush and I was sick. I threw up and threw up until there was nothing left, yet still I wretched. I am not sure but I think I heard laughter. I looked out over the lake, saw a few of my colleagues there, innocently enjoying the day. What to do? What could I do. Three of them and Peter alone was formidable. He was build like a quarterback and he knew it. Why was Debbie doing this? I couldn't understand it. Whatever the reason, I knew with a heavy heart, my marriage was over. The woman I would have died for, the woman I loved totally, was no longer mine. What should I do? My first thought was to fight for her. But she was a willing participant in all of this. Would I win her if I did fight? I think not. I decided to leave.

I walked away, just in time to hear my wife scream a familiar scream. She was having a powerful orgasm and I walked, that scream ringing in my ears. I got to our car and sat for a moment, shaking, crying. Eventually, I turned the key and headed for home. I couldn't believe the fairytale was over for me. I couldn't understand how everything had just come crashing down around me. I couldn't believe anything. Somehow, I made it home. I don't remember the journey at all. All I knew was that I was in our driveway and in our home. I went to the bedroom, took out a suitcase and threw in whatever of my clothing came to hand. There was no method in this, no thought. The only thing in my head was to get away.

Finally packed, I came downstairs to the living room, looking around at the happy scene. There on the dresser was our wedding photo, the happiest day of my life. The tears burst from me again and I simply collapsed onto the sofa.

I looked up with a start. There was my wife stood in front of me, an angry look on her face. "Just what the hell were you thinking?" she yelled. I blinked in surprise, looking around blearily. It was dark. I was confused. I looked back up at Debbie and moaned.

She was a mess. Her hair was stuck to her face, thick with what I knew was cum. I looked down, her breasts were red, love bites scattered over the surface of what I could see. As I looked, I saw a trail down her inner thigh, dry but obvious, where someone's cum had leaked from her pantyless pussy. I looked up again to see her angry face.

"What the hell were you thinking just leaving me stranded there like that? Look at the mess I am in and you just left me there? I mean, what the fuck? Thank God Peter gave me a lift or I would have been stuck."

I was at a loss for words. Hadn't she just fucked three of my colleagues openly in front of me? And she was indignant? I was even more confused than ever. "I..I...but you....you fucked them!" I exclaimed.

"So fucking what?" she screamed at me. "It was a bit of harmless fun. You don't leave your wife stranded there like that!"

"Hold on" I sat up, getting angry myself now. "It's dark. Peter gave you a lift home. I left at about 2 in the afternoon. What time is it?"

"It's 11pm!" she replied, haughtily. "Thanks to you leaving me there like that!"

"But....but ...11pm.....what took so long?" I wished I hadn't asked. I mean, it was fairly obvious to me, looking at the state of her. She put a hand on her hip and rolled her eyes.

"Well Peter gave me a lift but since it was out of his way, I went with him and the others...oh and another guy, can't remember his name....back to his place. I mean, I couldn't just expect him to bring me straight home. So we fucked for a while and then he kindly brought me home. It's YOUR fault."

With that, she tossed her head and stormed away from me. Soon , I heard the sound of the shower. Once more, I sat and cried. And cried.

I woke up some time later. I must have passed out again. My wife was huddled up to me, my arm around her shoulders.

"I am sorry I got so mad" she smiled sweetly at me. "I guess I was just tired. You are a wonderful husband and I love you so very much. Thank you for not spoiling my fun today. I didn't think you would let me do that. You are such a darling. Let's go to bed."

I was beyond confused now. I was at a complete loss for....well, for anything. I followed her in a daze up to the bedroom, stripped and climbed into the bed where she instantly wrapped herself up in my arm, just like she did every night. She kissed me and I gagged at the taste of her lips and the cum on her breath.

"Goodnight, darling" she purred. "I love you."

She was asleep within minutes. I, on the other hand, did not sleep at all.

This was where it all started. This is not where it finished.

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49ers6949ers6919 days ago

I absolutely hate pussy cuck stories.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

So, I would DEFINITELY be suing the crap out of the company for hostile work environment. I would also sue for false imprisonment, when they grabbed him. I would be rich, divorced and never have to work again. End of Story.

sf_operative63sf_operative636 months ago

Go to tbe lae firm the next work day with shotgun and many shells...but not before testi g the gun on the wife...


Jonn22Jonn2211 months ago

Put a warning it was a cuckold story so I wouldn't have read it

deependerdeepender11 months ago

"O, where is my wife? O,O, you put your hand on me now so I can't do anything. I must sit here on my ass and wonder and worry. O, I wish I could do something, but I am only a junior partner. O,O,O...

MarkTwineMarkTwineover 1 year ago

One star weak ass cuckold story. It deserves less than one.

bobareenobobareenoover 1 year ago

Just a terrible rendition of the male character, weepy, weak and a putz. Yuck.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Omg nope not reading any more!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Nope. Not a story. Just some sentences.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Story of an idiot and a disgusting dumb cow.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
What an idiotic farce!!

The whole law firm will be sued in a heartbeat! And liker your idiotic farce you seem to be out of the regular way into your confusing fantasy ! Even its a fantasy it have to be believable otherwise its only laughable!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
What a friggin way to start a story

You cuckold him, make him a wimp, and you have him crying to boot.

kiteareskitearesover 5 years ago
Abandoned Story

Before you get too involved note that this series is incomplete and has not been touched since 2016

kiteareskitearesover 5 years ago

= wine bottles, one in each hand, break them on the head of the biggest and slice the 2 smallest. 1 crime of passion and even if she has chosen it, they know she's married and have disrespected that. If she's drugged then you have done the right thing and fought and protected her.

Maybe they used wine boxes, so with nothing to hand, you get beaten to a bloody pulp trying to defend her and with them double teaming 2 sets of balls are in a similar place.

If he had a backbone he could have removed that and hit them with it.

desertdog43desertdog43over 6 years ago
A park right ?

Should be a broken tree limb or tire iron somewhere ? Thump city---start with the biggest, work your way down from there.

They're engaged in making her airtight YOU have the advantage of surprise...

tazz317tazz317almost 7 years ago

and the milk-toast hubby,,,,,TK U MLJ LV NV

kdcee79kdcee79over 7 years ago

The Aussies make a beer called Castlemaine XXXX & it tastes like the kangaroo shit, well "mate" so's this story. What a wimp Debbie's husband is. Yuck. Pity there's no minus score. 1*

jshsalvjshsalvover 7 years ago
"S" rhymes with hit for brains!!!!

You have to be a total freaking idiot to think that anyone is actually going to believe this garbage is even plausible...Thanks for not having to make me waste more of my time by bringing it all out right in the beginning....Somebody should have kicked both of their heads in, especially the cry baby wuss!!!!!

Oldfart72Oldfart72over 7 years ago

Pussy more like it

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Waste of time

Worst story I have ever read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Slut wife

As she told him she was busy, he should have given her an ultimatum either come now or don't come at all go stay with your mum. As she didn't come he should have had divorce papers served, as she wasn't worth fighting for Pity he didn't use his phone camera, then he could have sent the results to the head of chambers.

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